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Q: Orchard planting problem for squares

Dmitry KamenetskyThe classic Orchard planting problem asks for the maximum number of 3-point straight lines attainable from a configuration of $n$ points drawn on a plane. Here we are interested in a variant of this problem. What is the maximum number of squares attainable from a configuration of 10 points drawn...

2 hours later…
@NorthLæraðr I think if it's "to be collected", the answer needs to be an adjective
@NorthLæraðr this sounds correct
@NorthLæraðr (or it could be the base form of a verb that means "to be collected")
@GarethMcCaughan I think this is COMELIEST ("most beautiful"). "art arriving" = COMEST, with "rest" = LIE to be inserted (collected within)
I must say, though, that you had a nice red herring there: I thought it likely "rest" would contribute the "-est".
no no, clearly art arriving is TRA (it arrives backwards), with REST that collects IS... if something is the most beautiful, 'TIS RAREST
@jafe :-)
(But I was being serious. I think that's the solution.)
i think you're right
Well, I'll await official word.
i like the misdirection with "art" there
Yeah, "art" and "rest" are both used in different senses in the surface than in the clue. It's nice.
1 hour later…
@jafe same ikr
I backread just now and it seems like i have found some opponents... well, semi-opponents. I'm neutral on eating pickle on its own, but in a very particular case, which is one of the burgers of McDonald's, pickles are a dang nice touch there.
(also, now that i'm here, i would like to say that i used to hate wasabi paste, but as time passed i have taken a liking to it)
go execute me now :P
3 hours later…
Q: Methods to produce solvable deals in Klondike-solitaire?

CohensiusAbout 20% of Klondike-solitaire deals are not solvable. My question is what are the best methods to produce only solvable deals? I thought about two options: Deal a random permutation, then try to solve it with a solver, if failed, re-deal. (requires a solver like ‘Solvitaire’) Go back from the ...

2 hours later…
@msh210 Yup! Well done. I'd thought the "art" trick might cause more difficulty than it evidently did :-).
If you have the same humor as me (very descriptive and clear, I know), you should read this before it gets taken down by a mod
I don't know if an answer thats meant to be a comment is a reason for deletion, though
@LukasRotter oh boy that's just sad
I have to admit that I simply couldn't resist.
haha that post had been deleted @LukasRotter
anyway, it's not surprising that that guy took away a lot of my brain cells.
It's rare that I feel divided about possible flag reason
Q: Squares related to circles

RetudinFibonacci numbers, circles, squares; everything is connected in the digital world. Can you make two squares from a circle? Seven decimals should be accurate enough. Which two numbers am I seeking?

Q: After the funeral

StivThe mood was sombre in the lawyer’s office. Eight members of the Picodie family gathered together to hear the reading of their recently deceased father’s will. Around the table sat Eli, Ron, Agnes, Tim, Toni, Eric and Levi, while their oldest sister Julia prowled around the room, peering out of...

@GarethMcCaughan thanks
CCCC: A tempest of excitement about a protein manufacturer (7)
Q: I am sick and tired of hearing this

DrD A US state declares victory showing an important document in the last year of a wonderful 7 year period What is that?

Q: Can you get to the final message?

kaitlynmm569I am unsure of the difficulty of this puzzle, but feel free to give it a try My prefix is almost dissolved My infix is an array My suffix forms nouns of action I am the key t nwl i queyh v

@oAlt Method of choice?
@oAlt Do you get any dirty looks at all while you're eating that burger? Because you should :P
@oAlt Disgusting
hey, gang!
It's the "no pickle gang"
@bobble guillotine
just put your head down, then. this will all be over soon
Captain. What should we do? He/She's not on the list.
Just toss 'em in with the others. I'm not paid enough for this
(am part of the "he" gang :0 )
Forget the list. He goes to the block.
^ was the intended answer :P
@bobble Lmaooo
@bobble Long live France!!!!
someone come up with a theme song for the "no pickle gang"
preferably something objectively terrible
@bobble Yo, I'm a composer
I can totally make one
My patience is fickle
If you touch a pickle
I'll hurt you with a sickle
I expect your magnum opus
@JohnDvorak straight up fire
@LukasRotter Expect it by tomorrow
@JohnDvorak, you're in the gang?
@JohnDvorak don't ever say no or else you'll be dead like m-- meets end of life
@oAlt, now we can display your head as a illustration of the consequences for crossing the "no pickle gang"
Would you prefer a gold or silver pike?
We must be careful. There might be an enemy spy in our gang.
Offer each member pickles. If they do not immediately recoil at such terribleness, then they are a spy and must be executed
Similar to the "who blew the bubble" test?
Q: Covert Conversation - A North Daniels' Puzzle

OliverIt's very important to keep your login details secure, which might entail not writing it down, encrypting them, or using a password manager. What you should not do is save them on some random USB and chuck it in your bag, because if you are, for example, a gang ringleader, someone might accidentl...

@bobble my soul: what an offer... go ahead (pun intended) with silver
Silver it is!
@bobble Oh dear, wait until @Mithical sees this
This is going to be amusing
@bobble What sort of style would you like the theme song to be in
Generic four-chord pop song?
Generic four-chord pop song (but Taylor Swift style of break-up)
Weird Al parody?
(of, not just in his style)
@JohnDvorak So a parody of a parody?
That would make it easier, since I don't have to write the music
@JohnDvorak I need a song
Don't download this song.
How about "Stop Forwarding that Crap to Me"
@JohnDvorak Haha! I got it
Imma call it the NPG (No Pickle Gang) and I can make a parody of "Party in the CIA"
When's the first release?
I'm not sure
We'll have to see
Okay members of the NPG I need some feedback
This should be heard with the music to "Party in the CIA" which is a parody of "Party in the USA"
no personal attacks, please.
@bobble how DARE you
@Mithical I think you lost yours
My taste buds are perfectly intact, with refined, sophisticated, tastes
unlike you heathens -_-
A possible cause for wanting pickles would be pregnancy. We might be willing give an exception in that case.
or if they were the only food available
@JohnDvorak ?
Pregnancy can give a person weird tastes. They subside after birth.
Not the case here, though
Object of bobble's hatred constant, mostly reckless (7)
Correct @bobble. Your prize is that I will not send you any pickles :-)
thank goodness
@Mithical You seem to be outnumbered
We executed @oAlt so
*muttering* Incorrigible tasteless salt-deficient brutes
@NorthLæraðr 2
Though I only like certain types of pickles.
@msh210 Hmmmmm
The only good pickle is a non-existent pickle
or something like that
Preach it
1 hour later…
I'd have thought being salt-deficient would make someone more likely to like salty foods.
isn't there a significant difference between pickles that are big
and cut into flat, thin pieces vs pickles that are small, uncut, and semi-crunchy
because I tried eating a whole pickled cucumber and it was gross, but baby pickles are ok
can you pickle a puzzle
Q: Always remember this one thing

TCooperAfter a particularly rough day, Ann went to her abuela for advice. Being rather cryptic, her grandmother provided her this picture and said, "The blocks are always happy, because they remember this one thing." If you don't believe me, check out the simple markup that makes up the table! <table>

Q: Cryptic Family Reunion: Down in a Hole

Jeremy DoverThe answer to this puzzle is a list of ten thematically related words or proper names or phrases. Each of these is clued cryptically, and the theme is to be determined. Since the definition part of a cryptic clue would give away the theme, these cryptic clues use a family member (e.g., mom, siste...

we've learned that there are many ways to clue "PICKLES" in a CC
is my favorite
my physics homework requires me to take selfies of myself and the computer screen
1) I hate selfies 2) I'm terrible at taking selfies 3) My screen is reflective
That seems like a really weird requirement
presumably an anti-cheating measure?
I think so. I still hate it with the blackest fiery anger
Of course I know how to close Wikipedia before taking a photo, miss
It even specifically says "selfie", so having someone else take a picture (which I would be more comfortable with) is out
Did it specify which side the screen should be seen from?
@Mithical oh! I thought it was a practical lesson in optics.
We're supposed to solve (really easy) physics questions on a website, which will then display a trophy
@bobble if the person takes it form up close, your arm is in the right direction, and your hand is out of the frame, no one can tell
Then we take a selfie with the trophy to prove we solved the question
How do they know it's you who solved the question, instead just grabbing a screenshot from a friend and displaying it fullscreen?
you're supposed to sign up with an account and have it display your name, but I can't figure out how to
@msh210 I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic
oh wait i found the sign-up form. drat. now i have to do everything over again
So, why doesn't their server record which students' accounts have accessed the respective URL?
Teacher is using a third-party site, I think?
There's supposed to be a class code but I can't find it anywhere
@Mithical no, it was the first thing that came to mind
ooh, that makes perfect sense then
and it's completely unbreakable. /s
(@Mithical especially because bobble hadn't said that the homework was to be onscreen at the time)
Q: What does this program suffer from?

Lukas RotterA program named Lxndr.exe along with a readme.txt suddenly appeared on my desktop. The readme reads I think I show some symptoms. Do you think I suffer from it? Well, while there's definitely something wrong with my computer, I have no idea what the executable is about. Just like the sensible p...

sorry about that? I was mostly ranting
Really unsure about the difficulty of this puzzle. I'm just not sure what percentage of enthusiast in a certain field have heard about certain terms... If it's solved within a few minutes then I know the terms are more common-knowledge than I thought :)
Tried to obscure the hell out of it
Q: With three I seep into notes, With two I don't want jokes

risky mysteries With five I'm not from bots. With four I connect the dots. With three I seep into notes. With two I don't want jokes. With one I have three eyes. The line above is where the answer lies.

@LukasRotter Well, some things about it seem obvious, but some others not so much.
@GarethMcCaughan Would you call yourself an enthusiast in that field? There's also the possibility that I'm referring to something that's not even common-knowledge in that circle. (which might not necessarily be bad?)
(Although I think it is relatively well known)
It's not clear to me whether "that field" means X or computer X. I'm very much an amateur in either. The program's name seems like it might be derived from a name, but then whether it's X. X. O'X. ~ or ~ A. or ~ G. or someone else entirely isn't obvious. (Maybe computer X is the field and there's a pun on ~ G. Belle?!) But it would be very unsurprising to me if I were missing something obvious.
I mean, it seems clear what all the options are for, and what all the output means, though the final field of the output seems to presuppose something that doesn't seem to be being supplied in the input, but again I may be missing something obvious.
(I hope I've correctly calibrated my level of obscurity to be clear to Lukas without giving stuff away to anyone who doesn't want things given away.)
But clearly there's a pun or something around which the puzzle is based, and so far I haven't worked out what it is.
An obvious thing that one might worry about symptoms of, and might use a program with these sorts of parameters to explore, is the h.e., but if -p defaults to random then calling it lots of times without specifying -p isn't going to tell you anything useful.
(Also, no obvious connection between that and the executable's name.)
I should add that I am not super-up-to-date with the latest developments in that field, though I have some idea what's what.
Of course it's also possible that I am completely confused about what field we're talking about and all the above is garbage :-).
I just don't even try for any [enigmatic-puzzle] or [riddle] or [cipher]. My brain does not work that way :)
The last statement is definitely not true, I think it's fair to say that.
your brain doesn't work that way yet
Writing riddles is much easier than solving them for me... :P
I do try [grid-deduction] puzzles - there's just not as much of those
that's because we're a bunch of devious, circuitous, underhanded, hidden in plain sight, cryptic, indirect, breathlessly talented puzzlers
@bobble So you're into math puzzles? those 3 tags are almost the top 3 on this site xD
[math] is hard for me often, but I glance to see if I'm familiar with the concepts requried
I like making crosswords. My current one is over a month in the making... it'll be epic once I wrestle it into submission
(pun intended)
Arbitrary punishment
@Avi what is that referring to?
@Avi I just had flashbacks of Arbitrary Kangaroo because of this. Anyone remember him? :)
Oh god
Don't remind me
@LukasRotter It seems to me that I can give an entirely plausible account of everything in the question except for whatever allusion is involved in the executable's name in terms of the problem I mentioned above. (The final field would be explained, and the issue with random -p values dealt with, by supposing that it does its thing twice, once with the given parameters and once with more generous ones.) But that feels unsatisfactory as an answer -- not unique enough, as it were -- [... ctd]
... unless there's something in the executable name that points in that direction. Still thinking.
(I see Glorfindel has found the same things as I did and decided to post a partial answer with them rather than thinking further. I claim that the comments above establish priority, if that should turn out to matter :-).)
Q: My prefix is weird, My suffix is a friend

Shubham Goenka My prefix is weird. My suffix is a friend. My infix is a creature to be feared. My whole has a massive extend*. *Clarification (not needed, but may clear something up):

Hmm your thinking does make me feel like I was a little bit to laid back with a certain part of the puzzle. While the intended answer still works of course, I might have made it myself a little bit too easy by assuming certain conditions to be true...
(and not clarifying that in the puzzle) -> might lead some people down the wrong path
but the low amount of test cases is my excuse for it not messing up the intended results :)
1 hour later…
I take it that means my "entirely plausible account" isn't what you intended. (Which would not be a surprise.)
I see 6 messages on the starboard. Out of those, 1 is the current CCCC (expected), 1 is Gareth's "road to hell" comment, and 4 (FOUR!!) are related to the Great Pickle Debate

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