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Woooooooooo Fortnightly is back!
if anyone is interested in a game of codenames you should stop by chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/59120/codenames
Glad to see people are having some fun with the fortnightly :P
1 hour later…
Q: Stingray Nebula

AlconjaAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. Inspired by the title of this xkcd comic, but in no way related or affiliated beyond the shared name. This is the stingray nebula: Spectacular, isn't it? This is a nebula map of another part of the sky: Unfortunately, it...

I was curious whether anyone would do Stingray Nebula, because it has puzzling significance :P
Q: A Riddle You Know

kedarguru Big, I'm not quiet. Full, I'm not free. Clean, I'm not red. Blood, someone's dead. What am I?

@Sp3000 I was unaware of the significance (and after looking at that page, still am :P). I'd just been doing galaxy grids lately, and some deep recess of my brain made the galaxy => nebula and stingray => reflective symmetry "connections".
But yes, re: your prior comment, a fun FTC... you making one?
ahhh everyone already made an FTC submission and i havent started
actually that's a lie, i have started on one subpart
You've got two weeks
@ffao Exactly. I mean, if someone has like 18 of the 20 clues, then, I can see a partial answer making sense. But, I see no reason as to why people need to post answers after solving 1 clue.
I’m starting on my FTC puzzle making now
Just had a rather soul crushing maths exam, so it’ll be a good way to up my mood
@Alconja For the significance, hit "Call in answer" up top if you don't mind being spoiler, then check the special thanks, and also when the 2011 MIT Mystery Hunt started
For FTC... dunno, 2 weeks is kinda short for what I'd ideally like to do, and I might be busy these few weeks...
@Sp3000 It's not as if there's any precedence for late FTC puzzles (hell, I had one that was two months late, which I completed after inspiration from another late runner). :)
‘Dunno, 2 weeks is kinda short for what I’d ideally like to do’ @Sp3000 in before you make a puzzle hunt with a puzzle for every xkcd
zx zcxcxzc
1 hour later…
that was me playing a game, I don't know why the inputs came to this window
Q: The Jensen family has many sons

Yous0147The eldest son of Donald Louie Jensen, called Sven Donald Jensen, has like his father three sons. Both of the youngest of the sons are called the same, Hewey and Dewey respectively, but Sven's oldest son is named after his grandpa's dad. What are Sven's sons called?

Is the freak input long enough for retrograde analysis? (Or to find out which game it was?)
36-or-so-h C4 hints: (1) The game is a game you play, not game you hunt. (2) The city is a pariticular city, not just city in general.
If I had to guess for retrograde analysis, I would say some JRPG
I've seen ASD or JKL for movement, but not ZXC.
Q: Regular Expressions

Bass/straw$/; # (3,5,5) /\d+safety\d+/; # (6,6,2,7) /^\@[67]+$/; # (10,2,2,5,3,6) /(my |the high)way/; # (2,3,2,3,7) /(Thomas|Richard|Harold)/g; # (5,3,4,3,5) my $mouth =~ s/\b\w+\b//g; # (4,3,5,3,2,2,5) s/it// || s/it/$1/; ...

it was Blue Revolver, a shoot 'em up -- z is for fire, x is for special fire and c is for rapid fire
but it's hard to figure it out since pretty much every game that uses the arrow keys for movement uses z, x, c for action keys
Wings of Vi, for instance, which is a platformer
ok screw making a metapuzzle
Q: RIDDÅL - another unfinished flat-pack puzzle

boboquackThis is an entry to the 19th Fortnightly topic challenge Yesterday I got a package in the mail. Attached to its top was a letter: Dear Alconja, That's strange, I thought... Must have gone to the wrong user. As a result of your excellent choice in purchasing a REJBÄS puzzle, you have be...

Q: A Baffling Riley

AstralbeeMy prefix will make you shiver and shake My infix is when you hesitate My suffix is as strong as could be My whole will baffle you totally.

1 hour later…
Q: Gephi data preparation

user49608I am new to Gephi and have watched a few videos about the use of software on YouTube. However, I am unable to arrange data (retrieved from Scopus) for making it acceptable to Gephi for developing authorship and institutional networks. Please guide me how to arrange data (nodes and edges) to ma...

3 hours later…
Q: Why Alexa Shouldn't Teach Non-native English Speakers About Idioms

Chowzen They cost ≈ $0.00833333333333333333333333333333 each. (9) -_----_-_----- Go! Intentionally fracture your fibula! (8) -----_-_--- You are the joints of the lower appendages of a eusocial animal. (4) --- --_---_--- -_-----* I bequeath unto you the frigid glenohumeral joint. (10) - -...

Q: What on earth am I?

SirExoticI do not get around much, but I am heavily debated, You will not see me with your naked eyes, but my shadow exposes my disguise, The further away from me you are, the less I seem real, Your attraction towards me depends on where you are from, but it does not seem to matter a great deal, Even ...

@Deusovi I lo hun madmsq aebpn
1 hour later…
Q: Making Things Difficult

ManyPinkHatsAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. Factoring the Time Think fast! If you're looking for meaning, these clocks have some for you. Keyboards are Disgusting Gunky keyboards can malfunction; for a deep clean, some boards have keys that can be removed and put back. ...

1 hour later…
Q: Hitchhiker's guide to Scrabble

Thomas BlueI was working at My God, it's full of stars! puzzle, when a sudden realisation came into my head: that I have a friend, who is also an astronaut, and that I have an appointment with him! We were gonna drink tea with crumpets and play board games. Well, actually the appointment was due about two ...

Q: Welcome in room number 2

Flying_whaleCongrats! You've just escaped from this room Still, it seems you are not free yet. You are in another room, again, a numeric pad next to a door with this message Enter passcode: _ _ _ _ _ _ Remaining tries: 1 You are seeing this riddle on a screen on the wall, a mouse allow you to inter...

Q: An illuminating riddle

Redwolf Programs I come in storms, Or out of the blue, Some are good, But only a few. I steal your money, And also your time, I'm very valuable, But I don't cost a dime.

Q: Hurricane Names

DragonrageAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. We had a lot of hurricanes this season, so we had to come up with a new naming convention for them. We had several possibilities, but in the end voted on one that would support having thousands of hurricanes in a single year. Unfort...

1 hour later…
Q: Not Really Into Pokemon

KendraAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. I'm not really into Pokemon, you see But a friend of mine is, as much as can be. He goes on and on about this move and that, And I can't be bothered to remember the smallest fact. Recently, he described to me A Pokem...

@Deusovi, I'm surprised you don't have the solution to puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/66407 yet!
Been a bit busy with my own entry for the FTC!
that being said, it seems that the answers can be anagrammed and have a letter added to give a more appropriate answer.

(there aren't any __HS thematic answers though, meaning we'll probably need to add and anagram again?)
So the remaining added letters are likely 2 of H, A, and R.
Yeah, that would make sense.
@GentlePurpleRain Right track with Part 1, but that's not the right time on the first clock
@Gentle the first clock should show 8:51, no?
Factored as 23x37
Of course! <cough> I was just testing to see if anyone was paying attention. I can tell time, really! <cough> :P
I've updated it.
Q: A Lot of 90% Proportions

Rand al'ThorIn the land of Puzzovania Sock Enrage: More than 90% of the puzzles are tagged with both riddle and mathematics. More than 90% of the puzzles are tagged with both riddle and logical-deduction. Show that among the puzzles tagged with both mathematics and logical-deduction, more than 90% are al...

Q: Voynich Manuscript

TreFoxAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. Link to relevant xkcd. The Voynich Manuscript is a book, dated to the 15th century, written in undeciphered script and full of odd, mystical recipes and diagrams. It's existence has puzzled the greatest minds in cryptography, ling...

I think 2 days in, we can call the FTC a success so far..
Lots of nice puzzles coming in
@Sid I agree. It's nice to see something besides half-baked riddles.
1 hour later…
From the FTC 35 post: "Can we make multiple puzzles for this challenge or are we limited to just one entry? – TreFox"
I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed to make multiple entries for a single challenge, but I wanted to run it by those who have been part of the FTCs before
Q: Voynich Manuscript

TreFoxAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1. Link to relevant xkcd. The Voynich Manuscript is a book, dated to the 15th century, written in undeciphered script and full of odd, mystical recipes and diagrams. It's existence has puzzled the greatest minds in cryptography, ling...

Anyone made any progress on this one? I think I have something
@ManyPinkHats I don't see why either
(of course, it might be hard to make several good puzzles in the span of a fortnight, but I'm a bit surprised at the ones that came out in 2 days)
@ManyPinkHats Multiple entries are completely allowed!
Are FTCs going to continue indefinitely, or for a limited time?
I imagine they'll continue indefinitely, until they don't, like last time. :)
Does "seon" mean anything to anyone? Maybe a word in a language other than english?
@NMister no. plus a lot of short (non-)words could mean different things depending on context
Q: Help solve for newbie!

The12rememberHi Im not exactly sure how this all works, but how does one begin to teach one to solve a cryptic poem if this is their first time. Thanks everyone!

@Sphinx you show the cryptic clue to @Deusovi and he solves it
I'm pretty sure that user is naively using "cryptic poem" to mean riddle, not cryptic clue...
@Alconja Deus will still probably solve it

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