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@CalvT Some feedback: I feel that a lot of steps were underclued, and a lot of information was unused. In particular, going from the image text to (step 2 in Deusovi's answer) is a lot of arbitrary leaps to perform at once, and there's barely any hinting/confirmation that that's the correct thing to do. There's also some inconsistency as to which parts require the key and which parts don't.
@n_palum Sp, Alconja, TGE and I (I'm not sure about others) are the 'night watch'.
@boboquack "The ones who watch"
I agree with Sp on that ^^^, I think that's why Gerbil and I preferred the 1st one more, it was cohesive and flowed.
@Sp3000 My main problem was what I have as "step 5".
(Also, re: the first puzzle, I really didn't like the "text hidden in profile" thing. Profiles can be changed.)
Yeah that's why they had Gerbil put it into the answer (shouldn't be a requirement for the puzzle to work though)
what about the external site in the first puzzle?
He "claims he's maintaining it for the foreseeable future"
the same could be said for profiles
assuming he does intend to maintain it now, he might change his mind later
@n_palum Just caught up - haven't watched the preview, but wow.
Q: Famous People Known By 3 Names

user36684Famous People Known By 3 Names 2 CFV - 6,9,7 - female 14 MDS - 4,6,6 - female 16 JSP - 5,6,6 - female

@Sphinx I'm not sure if this is a puzzle.
Q: Clear board in Othello (Generalisation)

ghosts_in_the_codeBased on Clear board in Othello If we have an $2m\times 2n$ Othello board ($m\geq n\geq 2$), and the centre $4$ squares have the usual starting position, then for what all values of $m$ and $n$ can we clear the board (make the board entirely covered with one colour, either black or whit...

@Puzzling—BOUNTY! Best advice i can give is to keep in mind self,surrounding, past,present and future.all in different perspectives.insight that should be kepped to oneself to not be manipulated. while being aware. The answer is yes and no. Depending on how much is known.
2 hours later…
Q: German Tank Problem

Jorge Perez"Alright," says the commander gruffly. I try not to stare at the biscuits in his beard. "This week we've captured 5 German VX-Tanks, with serial numbers numbers 3, 5, 13, 22, and 27. They stopped producing the VX line years ago, although they're just now being deployed. The first tank they made h...

Q: Puzzle of the Day

Brain TeasersSource Can you find the hidden man in the picture below?

@Rubio Agreed...That is very very very trivial. It's like picking some names off wikipedia, enumerating them, providing initials and gender and boom .. done.
Q: 25 stones, find the 3 most heavy by dropping them

Radoslav.IvanovOne has 25 stones and needs to find the 3 heaviest. Cannot use any measuring tool except for taking at most 5 stones and dropping them from a certain height and visually determines the weight by the speed with which they hit the ground. At least how many drops one has to make to find the 3 most h...

3 hours later…
Q: Relocate one line to find the equality

Oray just Relocate one of the line to find the equality. Tricky! Note: No Inequality sign is accepted!

1 hour later…
in Cryptic Workshop, 2 mins ago, by manshu
Victor loses his head in the bull ring (5)
I think that the answer is either TORIC or TORUS. What should it be?
damn...it is INNER. But TORUS fits better.
You cannot really make torus from Victor
@Deusovi the preview will make you say wow again.. and I love that everyone's freaking out about topaz's voice
Yeah but when I anagrammed ICTOR then I got TORIC and when I searched TORIC then I got TORUS :p
long shot.
But INNER is too trivial
That's a stretch for torus and would be a bit unfair imo
how is it inner?
yeah. I agree.
I don't know
But it is the answer all over the internet
victor->winner->inner makes sense, but I don't get the def
I am having the same problem
in the bull ring would be 'inner' I guess.. but it's a very bad def
Another one I found something like this which makes more sense with the answer INNER:
Victor heads off for hit near bullseye (5)
That's a little better
Q: How can I swap opposite corners on the same face of a 2x2 cube?

Adam HrankowskiI've been experimenting with using Y-permutations to solve the 2x2 cube as described here. I ended up with the cube solved but for a single face where the opposite corners were swapped and disoriented. I managed to solve the cube, but I wonder if there is a shorter algorithm to accomplish this ta...

Good day
How is everything?
I'm well, yourself?
Frustrated trying to make puzzles work!
And I should probably take a shower. I smell like a rat.
Q: Is there a simple algorithm for solving Kami 2 puzzles?

raxacoricofallapatoriusI'm finding my life has been consumed by Kami 2, partly because I seem to have achieved some "insight" and am able to solve the puzzles reliably, almost always on the first try. But whatever this "insight" is, it's not enlightenment. I don't know why or how I'm doing it, I just am. I wonder i...

2 hours later…
@GentlePurpleRain @Sconibulus I was talking about comments, sorry for the confusion.
A: A guide to moderating comments

Shog9When should moderators edit comments? Almost never. Comments have no publicly visible revision history (the changes are logged in case of abuse, but these are only visible to moderators). Therefore, it is critical that moderator edits do not misrepresent the author's meaning or intentions. Edits...

so now along with the candidate that wants to ban himself, the other one can't even tell a comment from a post
what did we do to deserve such a pool
...what? O_o
are my jokes that bad? :(
I'm not feeling great, so it's probably just me :(
@ffao there is a leadership crisis in the whole world. What did you expect? :P
2 hours later…
Q: Is there a common way to solve tetris like cube puzzles

PareidoliaI have a cube puzzle similar to bedlam puzzle. It is 4x4x4 and has 12 pentacubes, 1 tetracube. Is there a simple way to solve them? I hope tags are correct :)

3 hours later…
Q: $100,000 prize for this math puzzle

Brave-BoyQuestion: Find the function f: U=f(V) where V and U are vectors of size n. ∀ i: V(i), U(i) ∈ N & 1 ≤ V(i), U(i) ≤ 28 & U(i) ≠ V(i) U(i) ∈ EQAQ([J-3]:[J+3]) | EQAQ(j) = V(i) where EQAQ is a circle of 28 symbols in the following order: 1, 10, 19, 28, 2, 11, 20, 3, 12, 21, 4, 13, 22, 5, 14, 23, 6, 1...

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