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that story was called Worm
@Silenus I love this clue!
That's two CCCCs for Gareth since his ban :P
unfortunately I have to be elsewhere very soon. I was going to say "since whoever-it-was and whoever-it-was ninjaed one another, let's give the next one to whichever one it was didn't get it" ... but then I looked, and it was Rubio so that's no use.
@Sid Which one?
I can take it.
@Deusovi which clue...?
Oh nvm I see
The one I replied to. (Click the little arrow.)
OK, Deusovi can set the next one.
Alright, now I actually have to think of something...
@Khale_Kitha ban?
Literature has entered private beta!
3 hours ago, by Rubio
CCCC "Currently Banned" Board: Will Gareth
@Mithrandir so why did you link it to lifehacks?
@TrojanByAccident We were joking about banning Gareth and Will from the CCCC since their clues were too hard :P
@Mithrandir A little late, m8
He's trick-trolling us
I still haven't used that easy one
i typed lit and copy pasted
What about the mean one I made you think of, yesterday, Will?
@Deusovi Oh, I thought @Khale_Kitha meant actually banned
I like @Silenus's clue too but suggest it would be better with "somebody" instead of "someone" as def.
Nah, just a joke.
@Deusovi if you want, I have one ready
Oh sure, go ahead!
@Khale_Kitha I'll use that idea at some point, probably.
This one may be a bit devilish
@GarethMcCaughan, thanks for your suggestion. "Somebody" works MUCH better since it removes the overlap between definition and answer on "one"
CCCC: It's half past 2? A sore follows a bottomless newspaper piece on the trail of the sound of two? (9)
"two" twice in the same CC - amusing
@Khale_Kitha yeah, that came out a little weird
it's okay =D
First we had someone clueing anyone
and now a clue with two twos
Should we be looking to ballet?
when the answer is reached, you guys will likely smirk, throw me into a wall, and ban me with Will and Gareth
Preemptively smirks
Nah. But you may have to endure some punishment
Well played, Rubio
all we're good for is smirking and violence, and we're fresh out of smirking
@Rubio That's the one pun that I can't think of a response pun for
anyway, I'm off to eat lunch
Come see the violence inherent in the system!
not .. half past two?
Just be careful of the sore that follows a bottomless newspaper piece on the trail of the sound of two.
Q: Write pornhub client

monobogdanTask Write pornhub client Requirments Porn in HD and 320p Must have any GUI. Win most small implementation

wow, lol.
in Code Golf no less
oh dear
Wonders what a Requirment is
please tell me that was a new post, Trojan
oh good
The comments are pretty cool tho
....or bust...
the "or" should be an "and" though :)
Can someone test this link for me?
Click and see what it does?
Checks for rickroll
Wanna go through A51 and upvote that? :P
Q: Did J K Rowling base platform 9 and 3 quarters on the Gump?

MithrandirIn the Harry Potter series, there is platform 9 and 3 quarters in Kings Cross Station. You travel through this place to go to a magical place. In The Secret of Platform 13, by Eva Ibbotson, (which is older than Harry Potter) the Gump is a magical thing that you go through to a magical place, lo...

testing... it OBed!
It increments your view count. Was that the idea? ;)
...No, I want votes :P
can't without prior commitment
yes you can
I did it for AI
no, we can't
CC question: can words like "from" be filler words, or are they more often used for cluing things
it's in private beta
So what
I told you
so look at that screenshot
"To log in, you must have commited to the Area 51 site proposal and received the invitation email."
@Matt Typically, they shouldn't be filler words. You can write a clue as "[definition] from [wordplay]", but just having them randomly in a clue probably isn't a good idea
thanks :)
^ what he said
between them, you're saying A (comes) from B
If someone clicks this you can get into Literature...
I'd use "[wordplay] for [definition]" or "[definition] from [wordplay]", but not the reverse
same reason you can use "is" in between (going either way)
makes sense
"the sound of two" == "ding ding" =D :P
So did I recruit any of you to Lit?
I want it to be TOOTHACHE, but I don't see 'bottomless newspaper piece' = TH
yeah, that's probably it
Hehe - I was thinking "sheet" without all of the little letters.
but it's backwards, anyways
I'm worried I just gave Will another idea.
half past two - 2:30 - "tooth hurty" ugh
Two-Thirty -> Tooth Hurty? ACHE after TH(-E) after TOO
that's..... hahaha
that's an age old dad joke
I think that may not be 'allowed' - but still funny
"what time is it?"
"dentist time"
'?' shouldn't clue wordplay in the definition, I think. At least not serious homophony...
I always think of taxes when I see "10:40" on the clock.
Yeah, Sil
Speaking of dad jokes, Matt - found this, the other day.
They're great
7 pages of 3 jokes each ...
I love the dadjokes subreddit :)
paginated listicles are the worst
Agreed, Will
So annoying
pagination's just the worst, when are we going back to giant scrolls :)
I can only use diply because of NoScript :P
I have 4 adblockers
Someone needs to tag @Trojan so he knows that his CC was solved
sometimes I don't even see content
I generally see nothing with noscript on most pages, until I start unblocking
I close tabs or back out before disabling ad blockers
Well with noscript, you don't disable, you allow sites to pass through, either permanently, or temporarily
embedded videos from espn become white boxes - I inspect them and copy the source url to a new tab to see the video. I'm so stubborn :D
@Sconibulus You know what's really annoying? When some web developer decides a site needs both infinite scroll content and pertinent links in a footer
More annoying. Pop up dialogs that require you to click outside the window to remove them (because no 'X') that take up the whole screen on mobile.
I hate it when sites have footnote links that you click and they don't footnote you
glares at fivethirtyeight
Which is like.... 90% of them
@Khale_Kitha No tags needed
Especially footnotes, for store sites, that have no footnotes, ANYWHERE on the page
Didn't know how long oyu'd be gone, Trojan
I dub thee: Premier mixed drink?
[T]rojan[B]y[A]ccident - TBA mixed into TAB - drink (defn)
(I know, it's not allowed)
so, I'm not exactly sure who had it first
so apparently @Sconibulus got the CCCC - which, well, was not at all valid. :)
37 mins ago, by TrojanByAccident
when the answer is reached, you guys will likely smirk, throw me into a wall, and ban me with Will and Gareth
We ban them for making impossibly good ones. I don't know yet what we do with people who make impossibly bad ones ;)
I have one in my stockpile so impossibly bad it will never see the light of day
It Must Be Revealed.
You roll a 1.
I switched games to screw with you :P
Okay I just looked at it again and I edited it so many times I don't even remember the construction for the version I have saved
that's how bad it is
@will Lol
@Will just post it, we'll figure it out. then save it, and post it again later when you win one
oh I remembered the construction
it's so awful.
then post it so we can laugh at it
rocket league???
haha what a game
I'm 740 hours deep
There's love for you in a sentence fragment about face fungus??! (7)
oh fuck, two ?s and an !
I tried it on PS4 and decided it's not a game I can play with a controller - have yet to try it on PC
Gonna let y'all mull it over for a bit before revealing the answer ;)
@Khale_Kitha okay, then...
@Deusovi It used to be even worse
DnD joke, Trojan
@Khale_Kitha e.e I'm well aware
I was actually trying to find a better one, in a comic strip, but I couldn't remember the name
def has GOT TO BE "fungus"
Btw, would anyone here be interested in maybe setting up a DnD chatroom or irc?
maybe not
for DnD puzzling or what?
I would be interested
@TrojanByAccident, DnD = Dungeons & Dragons?
(I hope)
@Silenus Yeah
it can be DnD or D&D
Well, I've never played but I very much want to learn... I've even looked for groups in my area, to no avail.
I've listened to enough D&D podcasts to know the gist.
I played a bit and watched other games - then I found enough people at work who wanted to play.
no one wanted to DM though, so I did
DMing seems like a lot of work... a lot of fun, very fun work.
world building is fun
plot building is fun
Just depends on if your players skip all of the content or not, lol
I would DM
deciding how much you should clue your party to the intended path is fun - it's a foggier line than hinting in a puzzle
There's a lot of DnD questions on the rpg SE site from DMs
@Khale_Kitha That is... full of beryllium, gold, and titanium
lol....sorry, someone walked up a sec - but yes
That comic.... good lord :)
Pure win out of pure fail
But yeah, maybe during the summer sometime a few of us could do a skype call or something?
CCCC: Dangerous travel for a knave without an odd pet (7)
@Rubio =D
I CROP<[sentence fragment about face] + NI??? for PORCINI [fungus]... POR is Spanish for "for"
just spitballing
@Will I watched for this and totally missed you post it.
that's less spitball and more loogie :)
at least I'm trying!
I gave up at "??!" ;)
There's no love for us in that CC, I fear.
Honestly the current wording probably doesn't warrant the punctuation
I think there's a variety of tree-lichens called '<foo>beard' I think?
and those are like half fungus hybrids I think
TIL where foo & bar come from
@Trojan - I think you'd probably appreciate the next picture I'm about to paste -- I put this on my white board, behind me, several months ago..
@Sconibulus, JETPACK = J (PET*) ACK
can you post pictures in here from the mobile page?
@Khale_Kitha yes
idk about directly from your device
CCCC: Serpent-god of Egypt led by part of an ear (5)
@Silenus COBRA
cob + ra
Now... in response to recent discussion about my privileges...
CCCC: An easy one: "sponge oddly borne without a drop of water?" (2-7)
Is "an easy one" a part of the clue, or commentary?
I assume it's part of it.
why can't it be both
You're right. Damn these false dichotomies of human thought!
"Squawk! Wit's end!"
I had the hardest time deciding how to punctuate this one
Well, SPONGE ODDLY might get us S(p)O(n)G(e), which could clue the first word as SO.
AN EASY ONE could also clue I.
I got the answer, just can't figure out the wordplay
without a drop of water = IS OG___ ?
Nice @Will
Where does SPONGE fit in the wordplay?
That's the def.
I guess there are two defs if you count "an easy one" as part of the clue?
Yeah, okay. I like that.
(Sponges don't have brains.)
CCCC: In Machu Picchu, going down is brilliant (12)
Yep! :D
I like that one a lot
How many seconds was that? lol
do you want a gross one or a cutesy one
I looked away to watch 1min39sec worth of youtube and missed the puzzle and its solution.
well, considering your track record with "gross" ones...
(I mean no offense, of course)
by gross I don't mean the construction (it's quite straightforward)
Hm, interesting
so - feline vs fecal? gotta go cutesy here.
bring on the kittens and unicorns
super easy but I like it
CCCC: Revolting: armpits holding a lunchmeat (8)
Funny surface reading.
oh shit it's broken
yeah, thought I knew what you were going for, but that'd require (9)
Those Groaning lips..
gross unbroken one it is
...you changed everything in that clue
rofl, Will
I imagine it's coldcuts, but trying to make it fit
Though I guess that's a (4 4)
PASTRAMI (revolting armpits holding a [PASTR(A)MI*] lunchmeat [def.)] )
that's it
@Randal'Thor we've done well on first day if literature :)
@BeastlyGerbil Day isn't over yet!
CCCC: Topical medication somewhat eased anxiety. (6)
@BeastlyGerbil Also, why aren't you in Lit chat?
Figured that'd be easy
afk a while, have fun all with whatever new cutesy/horror Will spawns.
Haven't we had like 10 CCCC's in the past hour?
pent-up demand after several multi-day ones
@Randal'Thor meant we've both hit repcap :P
no complaints here, Trojan
Easier to learn with 10 a day than 1 every 10 :P
CCCC: It's irresponsible to be indifferent? (8)
ok give me a sec
omg! Will's CCCC only lasted a few seconds and not days! He must be ill!
Because I'm holding on to the harder ones I write for an actual puzzle :)
@Deusovi Got any tips for setting barred grids? I'm having an awful time with it. :\
@Will Not really. Notice how my grid was asymmetric and had lots of unchecked squares? It's because I'm terrible at grid-making.
Qxw may help, though.
oooh I somehow didn't find that when I put out feelers for software
@Will, I find it easier to keep the outside rows and columns free of words. I only use them for terminal letters.
@Silenus unfortunately, due to the nature of my puzzle that's not entirely possible
Emrakul sighting.
Maybe I should just switch over to a British-style grid and remove some of the explanation while slightly reworking the mechanism to make it more of an enigmatic puzzle :\
CCCC: A close companion with monkey-head - WTF? (7)
@Volatility Kudos to you for using WTF in a CCCC
Guybrush Threepwood.
hah, nice
Where there's a Will....no one else will get the answer in time.
:P hehehe
What's that called....There's a term for what line I just used...I can't remember.
I knew that one
I remember =D
I have one ready, if you don't, Will :P
@Randal'Thor Thanks!
CCCC: Drunken bigots gloat more than you? (15)
you with a question mark. Curious.
I'm gonna watch something, so make sure to ping me when you've got an answer
Q: What is the solution to this wordle?

savant57I have tried to figure out the following word puzzle with no success. What is the solution to the word puzzle deilst?

Bah, I've got nothing on that.
@Silenus Needs to solve that one :P
so let's go through will's cccc
there are two possibilities:
I've been trying to synonym bigot, gloat, drunken
drunken clues anagram of bigots
or drunken is def
oh, I didn't even consider that
"bigots gloat more" is 15 letters
but I can't find any suitable anagrams
a robotism toggle =D
able grotto gismo
'than you' doesn't sound definitionable
True, but it's "you?"
Whcih I can't figure out how to example off of 'you'
That means that "Drunken" (or that, with something) HAS to be the defn
because "you?" cannot be
is that right?
@Sconibulus darn, that's 14
'you' might be
but it's likely that the def starts with drunken
Right but it's "you?" which means wordplay - so it can't be the def
I'm thinking along the lines of DIPSOMANIACAL, with MANIAC being a synonym of BIGOT.
or, it's &lit/ddef
would have to be the former, I think
I wonder what "more than" can mean
above, perhaps
Maybe that the answer contains a string that has YOU as a substring.
more than you could be "we" or "us" or "the(y|m)"
Maybe we should solve this algorithmically (bad joke warning)
Hi @FrodCube!
Hi. Just here lurking :)
Bah @ Will's CCCC
Drunken Bigots - dwarves (Tolkien version) :P
@Will This one's annoying >< :P
It'll turn out to be just like that UNSATISFACTORY one
Q: I am a car. What is the car?

TeriThere's a car that exists. If you take off the first and last letter it's still a word. If you take off the first and last letter again it's still a word. If you take off the first and last letter again it's still a word. What is the car?

I just can't believe how many 15 letter words there are - silly prefixes and suffixes.
Pretty sure it's not a eleutheromaniac - plus that's not plural, anyways
And I can't get Overzealousness to fit
Q: Are we salvageable?

incesterror21You wake up in a small room. The door is locked and there's no light other than 3 red glowing bulbs over a heavy iron door. Across the room you see a small table with a typewriter that doesn't seem to work anymore. You approach it and take a seat on a scruffy wodden stool, groaning deeply. Sudden...

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