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If his purpose is to irritate the hell out of everyone, then he's succeeding by getting all of you talking about him.
@BeastlyGerbil Did you see the hint that was posted?
I've clicked ignore this user already, so it isn't that distracting at all now
@Randal'Thor True
He is rather trollish
Just don't give him the attention he wants.
It's like a child :P
Indeed, I believe he said once that he lied about his age and that he's under 13. If so, this proves it to me lol
As far as I can tell, there's nothing anyone can do about this short of using a button which literally says "destroy this user", and I'm not quite sure if that's merited.
New topic: my quadruple cryptic clue puzzle.
@Randal'Thor Yeah, I wouldn't go that far, that's a bit harsh
Well if @dcfyj is right and he is under 13, then he shouldn't be on site anyway
if his account is fraudulent, it should not have existed in the first place
just sayin :P
Solutions to be handed in by 5pm. I'll mark your homework tomorrow.
@Randal'Thor I saw Deusovi solved most of those
@BeastlyGerbil I know
@dcfyj Yes, but nobody's got the full correct explanation for #3.
I'd have to see it again, and I probably wouldn't be able to solve it anyhow :P
And #4 is still unsolved, but it might be a bit disappointing (and come to think of it, it doesn't really have any particular 'twist' to it as advertised).
If we can find that comment, and it hasn't been removed then we could technically use it as evidence
Yes, don't talk about AK. You'd rather solve my Christmas rebus while I'm gone! Cya later
@Randal'Thor I have what I think is full for #3, but I don't have #4
Lol, I just noticed my comment about Sphinx being late/early got starred
And now that comment just got starred??
people love stars
AK? Is that you?
@ArbitraryKangaroo If you're going to talk to me, do it in chat, not on a question comment
@Displayname Probably
@dcfyj Their parent user is suspended, so they can't talk in chat, even if they wanted to. Not sure why they are able to join though.
@Randal'Thor can you kindly remove those stars? I'm pretty sure they aren't from any of us
@Displayname No. Suspended users can't star stuff.
@Randal'Thor cough sockpuppets
@BeastlyGerbil There is at least one star from me.
Certainly not I, although I'm wondering where the second and third stars came from
Did anyone here star any of those?
AK is claiming it's not him
let me shorten this - did anyone star the comment from will 'star'?
I'm funny
@BeastlyGerbil yes...
The first three messages got a star from me. Then it got old.
@ArbitraryKangaroo please don't use comments to chat, It has nothing to do with that question in any way, shape, or form.
@Saiid and @Matt why? :P
@dcfyj 12 years back? when (s)he was 3??
@BeastlyGerbil just cuz
/me thinks people are paranoid right now
stars beget stars
@Saiid I think he means when he was 12
@Sumurai8 haha nice
I have to leave, sorry.
It's ok
I've pinged the PSE mods; hopefully one of them will be around soon.
@Saiid *I
@Displayname Sorry, my shift key is a little wonky.
What the hell are these stars?
hmm, 'elf' is wrong, I found him on google, he is Noddy, a toy, and/or a puppet
That last one was me, because I thought it was funny, relax @BeastlyGerbil lol
It's like 1 star suddenly gets multiplied
toy could maybe be "to wish you..." but the sentence structure doesn't really fit
This sidebar is pure madness.
Anyone notice that AK deleted their comment?
What comment?
sidebar? it's the starboard.
@Displayname okay. That was weird. The stars jumped straight to 2
the one you linked
it's even on the right
They're both still on my screen (haven't refreshed)
@Matt Starboard makes me think of bowside. It's also the terminology used in the FAQ.
@dcfyj screenshot it
who reads the FAQ?
@dcfyj ^^
@Matt Guilty
Not sure what that achieves, but ok
@Matt People who want to bitch at others for saying "starboard".
Can I just report everyone here for spamming stars? :P
@Matt what a tacky boat pun
@Displayname Why not use complain instead? More professional.
Because this chat has gone down the drain anyways at this point.
@Sconibulus Plus is màs in Spanish, indeed
@Displayname No reason to disregard the professionalism
So, what to do with Noddy?
I miss puzzles, etc :(
@BeastlyGerbil I did, not sure what in the world you want it for though.
@Techidiot I love your pyramid drawing :P
OK...? I just got a secret moon hat, no idea how
you did a thing
A: Winter Bash 2016 - All Hats

JamalSecret Hats Live updates on this Google Doc, discussion in this chatroom. Don't Wanna Taco 'Bout it 180° This Is Fine Elementary 8,243,721 6 They Live Blue in the Face Mild Mannered Where in the World

literally a thing
Q: Cryptic Hour Pyramid!

TechidiotA pyramid is on fire. Being an archaeologist, you went to Egypt to study a very ancient pyramid. While you were on top of it, the pyramid caught fire. It was time to run when you discovered that, every floor had a door. You tried opening the door but to no luck. Looking for a way, you found out ...

@Displayname So, solstice then?
I just noticed that the tooltip says "click to star" when trying to flag a message from the sidebar. What an inexcusable mistake.
Bug report!
Not sure which site you would report that on though...
Main Meta
didn't even notice that
I think I'm going to actually post a bug report now.
@BeastlyGerbil why did you want me to screenshot that?
Because we can no longer see it but you can
I guess? It's not like it's incriminating or anything.
@IAmInPLS the elf and gum, "hand chew" as in "and you, a merry christmas" ?
Are headless jumble together making continuous sounds? (5)
there are two ways we can go with this
I've got three so far
either "aRE headless" or "headless jUMBLE"
eh, I'll just write it up :P
Damn it
Q: Tooltip for flagging chat messages wrong

muddyfishWhen trying to flag a message in a chatroom's starboard, the tooltip whilst hovering over the flag button is click to star.

Almost one month too late
ninja'd by a month
@Saiid- Sorry about that. Changed it.
rage in quarantined could be rant, because quaRANTined
@dcfyj probably is, I was unsure with BUP
6 is probably REVAMP
I'm unsure about BAR because of the "to inverted" part...
2 looks like RS
@BeastlyGerbil can I hat-test on you again?
@Matt It is not an elf, lol. Sconibulus found it, but he seems not to know what to do with it. Can you?
@dcfyj a bar is a type of pub so good enough I guess
I guess, but that inverted part bothers me
Noddy chew ...
"not a Jew; a merry Christmas" ?? :P
@BeastlyGerbil I just need to leave a comment on a question.
Why do I include French and Spanish in my puzzle, along with the tag language :P?
Noddy in french is Oui Oui
@BeastlyGerbil you're losing your newlines with each edit
Oui Oui chew ... we wish you a merry christmas
Oops @dcfyj thanks
So do you mind @BeastlyGerbil?
There you go @Matt
@Mithrandir sure, sorry concentrating on solving the pyramid
It is Ritz tho not crisps @Matt
aaah, fine. I'll change it again
Now I need upvotes on this comment...
@Mithrandir consider it done
I flagged it instead.
@Displayname I'll delete it soon, so you get a free flag :P
@BeastlyGerbil why did you credit Sid with the rage clue? :P
He mentioned it in chat, no?
no i saw it in his answer
that was me
One more, please, just in case
ooh, now I see his answer
nevermind, them
@Mithrandir You and your hats...
The new 5 doesn't look like a cryptic clue at all
Hats hats hats.
According to the meta post you don't even need upvotes on it.
Grr... Noddy being OuiOui in French is not on his wikipedia page
It is if you change the language
how dare wikipedia let me down!
I googled noddy french, and I didn't even have to click on anything
it was in the titles of one of the results
I'm still blaming wikipedia for betraying me
All those stars got me the Outspoken badge :)
I got outspoken this WB too
Meh meh.
@GarethMcCaughan :P ?
That new #5 is harder than the rest, it seems
The sidebar is a big mess. Can anyone give me any good reason why I shouldn't cancel all those stars (a thing I think I have the power to do)?
the new 5 might be roost
And no, "some people are trying to get hats" is not a good reason.
@GarethMcCaughan Just do it.
I don't think it was even hat-related
Though I think some of the comments got starred kinda on their own merits.
pretty sure it was just nonsense
@GarethMcCaughan Well, maybe not all of them
I don't think hats were even a reason
Oh, really? Then maybe I should leave it alone.
I just notice that a lot of people seem to be acting weirdly for hat-related reasons, and am maybe jumping to conclusions too quickly.
@GarethMcCaughan get rid of them. please.
They were nothing to do with hats but still
Honestly, the sidebar fixes itself
well, it should
@GarethMcCaughan At the very least I assume @Mithrandir is in it for the hats :P
the question is whether it will
The currently-starred comments seem very much less interesting/amusing than the usual state of the sidebar.
But I don't really want to do anything too heavy-handed if this is just the Will of the People manifesting itself.
Literally, the Will :P
@GarethMcCaughan I think they were stressed about AK popping in and out :P
It surely can't all be him.
Secret hat theory debunked
I can just say something really funny and people will then just star it all.
I think he admitted to star a few of them.
The general consensus seems to be they're noise. and i think someone said they did the first handful out of goofiness more than actual intent
(I am in for the hats)
(But stars have nothing to do with hats)
And hats have nothing to do with stars?
Impossible: "star" is very nearly "hats" backwards. How can that be a coincidence?
Well, you can get a hat by starring a message around new year I believe.
I'm not looking forward to that.
I think it's having a message starred, not starring a message
It will be even worse than this here.
getting starred
If you're from long island I think it's pronounce Stah, right?
so you need to be clever
clever like a fox
I have not been starring things for hats for anybody.
It will be full of comments like "Plz star this message so i can get ze hat"
@GarethMcCaughan well...
2 hours ago, by RottersSlave
3 accounts of the same person in one chat room. Nice.
The only time you get a hat for a starred comment is if you are on Jan 12th
@BeastlyGerbil +-12 hours
Pretty sure it's not Jan 12th though as I think this ends on the 9th
oh its new year
yeah, UTC New Year
not jan 12. Why did I think that???....
The +-12 hours?
jan 12th +- 1 year
Oh maybe. Who knows :P
There are a lot of 3-star on the board...
"Will Rotter's slave display name?"
@Displayname You're Will Rotter's slave?
Oh, is that so? Well starring a thing more than once is probably verifiable sock abuse (if mods can see stars)
@dcfyj Are we starting this paranoia again? I will gladly fuel it by starring it if you wish. I hate paranoia.
we can maybe put him in the stockade and throw tomatoes at him!
yum, tomatoes.
Yuck you mean
or brussels sprouts, since people might actually want to eat tomatoes
and typically tomatoes thrown at a stockade were rather rotten
Apparently it started raining again...
it's raining cats, dogs, and capricious marsupials?
It had let up for a while, but now it's started back up. I hate rain, getting wet is annoying.
AK is at it again, I see
That's what we were talking about, just more subtly :P
@BeastlyGerbil = Hey
@Techidiot hi
You might take a look at antimoon.com/forum/t1268.htm
So the final answer is an HOUR? Hence the title?
our rhymes with cow?
We pronounce it mostly as Hour and it sounds like R
Interesting accent :S
So the answer is hour?
@GarethMcCaughan have you looked at the Music Box at all?
It's "R". You have the answer. Just add the explanation part and get the tick
I think, M Oehm was the first to get letter "R" at the top. Though it seems he deleted his answer.
Okay added an explanation
full of crows = roost?
That's a cryptic?
no he said it was a simple def
I'm not sure how it's even that...
@Sconibulus I glanced at it briefly, thought "this looks hard", and haven't come back to it.
@dcfyj- It should have been ROOKY. But that might have become too trivial to guess (wordplays.com/crossword-clues/ROOKY)
Rook would make sense
@Sconibulus oh, also it has the imgur-maze tag on it which is a big turnoff for me.
@Techidiot do you want me to update that
You can if you all feel that was better :)
Else, the current would do fine. But yes, ROOKY was supposed to be the answer to that.
I thought that second reason might be a thing, but it doesn't involve finding short mysterious strings, if that helps
I think ROOST actually fit better
Rooky I get, roost, not remotely
@dcfyj never heard of a roost?
I never did. Just googled it and seemed like it fits. Though again, you can take your time and update if you feel like.
Yes I've heard of a roost, but by no means is it unique to a crow
I've never actually heard of ROOKY :P
Rook is a term for a crow
so a place full of crows would be a rook-y place
Is it? Never knew that
Hour? How do we get that from "r"?
I think it's called a Rookery?
@Sconibulus What is?
10 mins ago, by Techidiot
We pronounce it mostly as Hour and it sounds like R
Thats what Techidiot gave me ^
@Emrakul do you know about our new AK problem?
a rook roost
it's rook-y
Yeah, I think so, but you could say that a place is "rooky" if it has a lot of rooks
@Emrakul Welcome. There, now someone greeted you without immediately looking for you to do something. :)
The only Rook I know of is chess...
@BeastlyGerbil Yeah.
Oops, sorry :P
There's also a card game
Ehehe, thanks :] But don't worry about it!
@Sid There's also a card game
@dcfyj inb4
@Sconibulus heh, ninja'd because I went to go get the link :P
I have a userscript activated that hides AK's image from me. Perfect. Is he still doing this annoying thing right now?
@dcfyj inb4^2
oh another secret hat
@dcfyj There's also a rocket
@BeastlyGerbil ?
@Rubio I still think that the answer to your riddle is something that plays with a "king"..
Wikipedia disambiguation pages are wonderful things. Hehe
@dcfyj Yes, indeed
I just need 3 upvotes for 3k....
It's a nice mark to hit ^^
@Sid Can I downvote you three times instead?
Okeydoke, time to clear the starboard.
Which messages are supposed to be there?
None of them!
Oh wow, I didn't realize he was suspended for a year :S
@BeastlyGerbil HAH.
@dcfyj Just now.
Ah ok
I love how my comment 'What the hell are these stars?' got 3 stars. DON'T star this
Lol. My greeting Emrakul got 5. Y'all are daffy today.
@BeastlyGerbil You should know better :P
lol the stars just disappeared
I thiiiiiiink. I thiiiiink I got them all.
Someone is on cleanup patrol, obviously :)
Thanks @Emrakul
@Saiid I hope not. I'll have nothing to look at tonight :P
Glad to help! Feel free to ping me/another mod if Annoyances (TM) continue.
takes the broom from @Emrakul 's hands and puts it in the corner
@Sumurai8 smiles, nods.
I love how nothing I starred got removed :P
@Emrakul Can you guys see who starred what?
@Rubio I am too lazy to write an explanation now, unless it is right. Is the answer to your riddle, pevzr?
@Sid Haha you're 1 rep away now
@Sid Nope.
@Saiid Did you intentionally do that?
How'd you get +1 rep? lol
Ok there ya go
I would have got exactly 3k if someone hadn't downvoted two of my puzzles.
remove a downvote
@Deusovi-Can you input some suggestions here as to where and which cryptic clues were not right? I got Full of crows(5) from another source.
@Sid Yes
@Techidiot Pretty sure he's not on at the moment
I had prepared to accept Gareth's answer at 2998 and would have got exactly 3k till you played spoilsport.
@dcfyj-He left a comment. So..
it's my duty in life
@Techidiot Wasn't aware of that, so he's just lurking in here then :P
I read here Sometimes a cryptic clue will consist only of a definition
Having issues with the formatting? :P
the rest of that sentence being crucial
Oh I suck at it
> but phrased in such a way as to be deliberately misleading
@Sid is having 2999 rep fun?
And mine was misleading right? Reason why I got another good answer which was not right
@Saiid Are you searching to downvote my posts? Lol..
The only way I see it being construed as intentionally misleading is the use of "crows" rather than the broader "birds"
interesting anagram - "I, Rearrangement Servant" OR "Internet Anagram Server"
@Will Well, crows is correct for Rook
Birds wouldn't work in that case
@BeastlyGerbil- You might want to update Rooky in your answer. May be a reason why Deusovi sees it as non cryptic clue :)
@Techidiot You could always put it in there yourself as an OP explanation, I've done that on occasion
Ahh okay
Btw @Techidiot You should have read the rest of that page, where it says "It should be noted that some crossword setters, as well as some solvers, consider this type of clue to be unfair" -- which is probably a good reason to avoid them.
@Rubio- I found this page a few minutes back. So, didn't go through that and picked only what I thought was useful excuse :)
dammit, who's giving sid an extra rep?
It's certainly not a standard cryptic clue in any case
And it's not built by me. It was picked from another source. So, I believed it was fine. Though, if it doesn't fit, I will take care the next time.
Woot. Mission accomplished. Got another hat for my riddle hitting +10. :)
@Sid I'm sorry, I can't allow you to cast vtc and vtro

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