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@Randal'Thor, posted a solution to your question.
I'm pretty sure breadth first search is the simplest way to solve flood.
So there doesn't really exist an 'algorithm' as such.
@TheGreatEscaper Nice!
What is a breadth first search?
(I've never studied these algorithmic optimisation things much.)
In programming terms, a breadth first search means that the program will check all possible first moves that will increase no. of squares, then check all possible second moves from there, then all third moves, etc. When the program first reaches a monochromatic board, it's found the optimal solution.
Breadth first search is pretty easy to program but it's bashy.
Q: Will a greedy algorithm solve Tatham's Flood?

rand al'thorI was just investigating some of the puzzles on Simon Tatham's website, and came across Flood, in which we start with an $n\times n$ grid of cells each of which is filled with one of $k$ predetermined colours, and (quoting the game instructions): Try to get the whole grid to be the same colou...

Oh. So essentially considering all possibilities at every stage, and solving the whole thing in one go rather than step by step.
That could only be optimal if the game is essentially unsolvable?
Not sure I quite understand your question
Well, it's technically a 'solve'
Chess programs that beat world masters use breadth first search
@TheGreatEscaper Yes, but that method of 'solving' would work with any game as long as there are finitely many possibilities at each step.
@TheGreatEscaper But not exploring possibilities all the way to the end, presumably?
Well, it depends on what kind of breadth first search you're doing.
In chess they don't need to go all the way to the end
Because chess is just about win/draw/lose; if a certain move will lead to a lot of 'good' positions 10 or so moves down the track, then the computer will take it and still have a huge advantage.
But your question on flood is about optimization
So if you want to be 100% it's optimised, you do every single move from step 1 to step m where m is the optimal number of moves
Breadth first just means you don't need to take every single possibility all the way to the end
And yeah it'll work with any finite grid
Here's an example which will hopefully clear things up
In the puzzle I posted, the optimal solution is OYgGbBR
7 moves
The program would try every possible first move that adds area; none of those make a monochromatic grid
the program would then, for each possible first move, try every possible second move
None of those solve the grid
@TheGreatEscaper So at what point does it stop considering a possibility?
Given that something which seems non-optimal at first may end up being part of the optimal solution.
Well, when it considers every possible set of 7 moves
One of those will be the optimal solution to my puzzle, no?
Oh right.
So they don't need to search any more
Like I said its bashy, but it's surprisingly easy to program
So it does consider every single possibility until one of them gets all the way to the end?
Because when one of them does, it's the first one to get there. Since you're looking for the optimal solution, you don't care about all the ones that might take more moves
There are ways to cut it down
And make it more efficient
But the central idea remains the same
Some ways of cutting it down is getting rid of a: duplicates and b: 'backwards'
Oops, didn't mean to send that
But for example, RO has the same result as OR
So you don't need to store them both
Now consider OY and YO
The area of YO is a subset of the area of OY
So YO is 100% certainly disadvantageous
So while it seems super bashy at first, some small steps can be taken to improve the program and suddenly it can solve my puzzle optimally without having to consider many cases at all
@TheGreatEscaper Are you certain? After YO the area would be orange but after OY it would be yellow ... does that make a difference?
Nah, maybe not.
Well if you think about it the only thing that is important is same colour to adjacent squares, or not same colour
If the White area was green or blue it wouldn't make a difference
Because the colour of your area stops mattering once it's infected all that it can
So really you could just imagine that your area is always white
And each move, you can gobble up adjacent squares of the same colour and turn them white too!
It's equivalent
The colour of your area is basically irrelevant
I think for Flood, breadth first search is actually quite efficient
Hmm, I'll have to think about this some more.
And get more practice with playing it.
(Tatham's site is really addictive once you get into it!)
Yeah those kinds of logic puzzles are really great aren't they?
Not sure if this counts as 'promotion' but in any case it's not my app:
^That is basically the best portable puzzle book you could ever wish for
question about flood - if you have a 1x5 area, [red][yellow][red][yellow][green], and you flood-fill to yellow starting from the left-most location, will a single application of flood-fill leave you with [yellow][yellow][red][yellow][green] or with [yellow][yellow][yellow][yellow][green] ?
@Rubio [yellow][yellow][red][yellow][green]
Assuming those two reds aren't joined up to each other already.
they're not. (it's 1x5, so all you see is all there is)
I think in this version of flood it's given that you have to start at the top left
There are versions where you can pick any connected area and change its colour, that ones trickier to get optimal solutions on.
Finally remembered to post my wrap-up of "Reassemble the riddles!", after leaving it to gather dust on meta for months:
A: Reassemble the riddles!

rand al'thorWrap-up: the making of Reassemble the riddles! This is not a solution to the puzzle, but provides the puzzle poser’s thoughts on its creation. This type of answer has been approved by the community. Caution: This post may contain spoilers. I had these four riddles written down so long ago (a...

@Randal'Thor It's probably a bad idea to tell you that there's a Tatham's Puzzles android app
@GarethMcCaughan I think he is right. Planck's constant has the dimensions of (ML^2T^-1). So does angular momentum. Again, linear momentum and angular momentum are different.
I think you got them confused..
1 hour later…
Q: Birdies and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

RubioThe Secret Order of Animal Watchers   It's midnight. After a long stretch of unusual tossing and turning, you've finally gotten to sleep when the harsh ring of the telephone jostles you awake again. Muttering to yourself, you fumble for and answer the phone.   Immediately, any thoughts of goin...

@Rubio nice puzzle!
I suddenly had the idea, and spent a few hours building it.
I have got the right image right?
Wild horses couldn't drag that out of me.
Well I'll assume yes. Would be one weird coincidence if I'd got it wrong and then it turned out valid
So I have to find two more images meaining two more imgur... hmmmm
btw, you should humor me by explaining the answer to #4. :)
I still don't get that one
They're obviously white, but don't know apart from that
Oooh! There's some squares in the greened out bit. Related?
Is anyone on?
Nope. Nobody.
I have a puzzle... :(
But I guess no one can hear of it
hehe. What's up
Seriously? Someone downvoted my puzzle.
Finally got the right pic
Now it makes more swnse
You got really (un)lucky with that first one. hehe
Is it possible to have two black chess pieces on a board so that if you place down either one it creates checkmate, but if you place both it's not (so either the white king can move or stalemate)?
If there are none of the designated pieces on the board then it's not checkmate either
You're allowed to place as many pieces of any colour beforehand
The white king can be placed anywhere
@Rubio seriously, imgur most be running out of free links if that was also a valid link
If you mean you set up the board arbitrarily, and declare it to be White's turn to move, can you arrange it so that removing one of a given pair of pieces will leave White unable to move due to checkmate, but with both it will not be one? then yes, I think it's possible, though I'd have to think about it a bit
@BeastlyGerbil In retrospect, I had plenty of freedom in making the test; I could have looked for other bogus images and provided answers that would map to them hehe
@Rubio I have an interesting idea... the triumphing animals' first letter could be another imgur link...
And because we need two, the losing animals too
@Rubio Yup, that's what I mean
Should I ask the question on Puzzling?
It's basically an XOR for chess
Yeah - so I'm thinking about it and it's easy to find positions where both in are stalemate, and a specific one missing is mate; but the other one I can't get rid of and still have mate
So the triumphing animals = rttpmtho so not anything
Although it does have 8 letters meaning 5 and .(3 letters) so still could be imgur
Maybe we have to work out the actual name of each animal
Q: Minimum difference with Digits

Jamal SenjayaYou have digits from $0$ to $9$, where you have to use every digit only once. create 2 numbers from the digits so the difference is minimum. example : $30568 - 29471 = 1097$ What is the lowest result you can get?

Q: A clock for 2017

mauDesign a clock where each number from 1 to 12 is obtained as an arithmetical operation using each digit of 2017 exactly once: for example, 4 could be made as $2*7-10$.

@Rubio I think I have a downvote on almost all my latest puzzle as well :/
Some people. "Couldn't answer in 5 minutes. DOWNVOTE"
Waiting on the new questions feed to see another one popup and "HELL YEAH ANOTHER DOWNVOTE FOR YOU HAHA"
@Sid You're right, action and angular momentum have the same units. But the question just says "momentum". (So I guess I was, in particular, wrong to say that the question and answer have the same mistake in. Sorry about that.)
I am sure, the puzzler assumed momentum to be angular momentum although I can't imagine why. Momentum is inherently meant to be linear momentum.
@Deusovi 1. Is the ad to join please ignore team for puzzle hunt, in reddit puzzles, a hoax? I submitted the form, but I'm getting no mail for confirmation, so I guess it's a effective way to get mail to spam. 2. Why my comments are getting deleted without being fully replied ?
Q: What is the world?

VolatilityThought I'd get back into puzzle-making by giving Fortnightly Topic Challenge #22 a go. As you work through one of your countless puzzle books, you find a sheet of paper inside with a poem on it. It's been a while, you think – almost a year in fact. You suppose your brother was just too busy c...

@ArbitraryKangaroo No, it's not fake. In a few days you should be added to the Google group that we use for the hunt. I'm not the team leader - it's their job to do that, so I don't know exactly when it's happening.
@Deusovi (I wonder why the gods are avoiding commenting anything about puny human disobeying unquestionable holy rules )
@Emrakul Repeating. Do you know any good online place to play with mechanical puzzles ?
Online place for 'mechanical puzzles'?
Mechanical puzzles are usually, be definition, mechanical... they're physical things you hold in your hand and solve
@Deusovi Could you have a look at the deleted comments on this question for me? I left a comment to YoYoYonnY about why I posted here rather than SO, and I'm not sure why it's been deleted, especially when the rest of the conversation hasn't.
Q: Do we need review audits on Puzzling?

rand al'thorThis is a follow-up to Why do we have review audits?, in which I commented on the weirdness of having review audits on Puzzling when they're otherwise reserved for the largest SE sites. In that post, I enquired as to why they were introduced in the first place, and Emrakul♦ said: We had enabl...

22th... That will teach me how to copy paste dammit! Thanks for the edit @Randal'Thor
@BmyGuest If you ever stop here, thanks for the kind words on my puzzle!
2 hours later…
Umm the starboard looks super-weird...@mods?
Is AK monkeying with the stars again?
"again"..he has done that before?
He did, but removed the stars after a few seconds.
Huh, strange.
Can mods see who starred a message? If they do that every day this might be "a bit" annoying :D (even if a mod resets it after a few minutes)
= "Someone is trying to make it look like I starred the messages"?
If mods can see who starred the messages it doesn't matter anyway...
Great. You'll probably get suspended forever after this :)
@ArbitraryKangaroo I know ten year olds who act more mature than you are right now. Can you please stop destroying the chat room as collateral damage to your own self-immolation?
@ArbitraryKangaroo Because it spams the chat with thousand lines of "(removed)" ?
@Displayname You find none of them in the transcript.
@ArbitraryKangaroo LOL. It still pollutes the "live-chat".
@ArbitraryKangaroo We find none of them in the Bible either. That's not the point.
Q: Open doors brain teaser

Donkey_JOHNThere are three doors before you, of which only one is correct. Each door will take you one minute to open by default, but one of the incorrect doors contains a trap that will slow opening of any remaining doors by 50%. How long will it take you, on average, to escape this room?

Q: Cryptic Crossword Puzzle: Rodents?

confused bunnyAnyone got an idea what this could be? It detailed visually challenged rodents (7,5)

yo ... somebody mind explaining why the heck disruptive user is still here?
Irritatingly enough, (removed) comments aren't flaggable. Which is a shame, because I'm sure @Emrakul would be unamused at some of the comments AK just deleted. I went ahead and flagged the comments AK left intact, bracketing his little snit-fest. Hopefully that will suffice.
probably because nobody with a diamond is around.
and no RO either ... because all ROs are Diamonds ...
@Rubio fun fact: mods can view the history.
even when deleted :p
ROs can, too, unless a mod purged it
Oh, I know they can - I just couldn't flag the specific lines for them.
So they'll have to read between the lines, as it were ;)
Hey, a mod! We're saved!
Also @ArbitraryKangaroo I didn't ignore you earlier. But I'm done with you now. Goodbye.
He'll probably get banned forever anyway.
@Rubio tip: don't engage with toxic users, if you can help it
@ArbitraryKangaroo If a mod tells you to stop doing something, you should really listen to 'em.
@Vogel612 Don't think that will be a problem anymore.
not reacting aside from throwing a flag is usually the best option if you don't have moderation tools
\o again, @ThomasWard
for future reference :)
@ArbitraryKangaroo let's stop being abusive, mmkay?
@ArtOfCode Yeah, that should be done if it has some point, but I do wonder if removing comments has any long term consequences, because it doesn't pollutes the transcript.
@ThomasWard Okay (I don't think I was being abusive, but anyway, okay)
It's kinda annoying in chat, though
Yeah, it's totally fine to post 1000 messages and remove all of them because hey! It doesn't show up in the transcript!
Also... it totally pollutes the transcript, look at all the transcript polluting that just happened because of it
@Displayname I think we can let the blue people handle this.
but let's not go on rampant deletions, or do anything that requires deletion
11 messages moved to Trashcan
thank you @ArtOfCode
@Sconibulus actually removed messages don't show up in transcript
@Vogel612 Right, but non-removed messages about them do
FWIW if a user disrupts chat, the "correct" reaction is to ask a RO / Mod to kick them.
@mods Thank you for repairing the star-board
Anything beyond that is just adding oil to the fire
@Vogel612 Very well.
and no I can't give you access to Trashcan, @ArbitraryKangaroo - it's private for a reason
Dear mods, please kindly remove Arbitrary Kangaroo from our chat for deliberately disruptive behavior for which he has been repeatedly warned, by mods.
(55 messages now in chat for literally nothing, and that isn't a pollution :)
On a related note: I see your Room Owners are all Moderators (probably site mods)
You might want to consider expanding coverage of ROs with some regulars :)
@Vogel612 (In fairness, the ROs actually are pretty regular. But yeah that may be a good idea)
Hmm, who's around the most that won't go mad with power...
@Sconibulus Arbitrary Kangaroo
I'd probably nominate Rubio and Gareth
How is "It" a cryptic (def)? Color me confused.
@Vogel612 I'm in here all the time, and so are the three PSE mods (who are also the ROs of this room). I don't think we need any more really.
@Randal'Thor It's not all about coverage, though, it's also about having people who aren't mods. You saw Mos, you know that worked wonders there.
@ArtOfCode I think the wonders in Mos were more due to just having more people/coverage than because some of them weren't blue.
Anyway I'm not a mod here :-)
What just happened?
@Randal'Thor FWIW it worked really nicely to take some pressure off the mods on Code Review
@Sid flag-fest and a minor invasion
AK at it again?
Huh. @Displayname Thanks for adding my puzzle to the FTC post. I just went to do that and voila, already done!
@Randal'Thor I don't know... I think it was more because the new ROs were people who the regulars already respected without having to respect them just because they're mods.
@Vogel612 Yep, on SFF too. But I just think more ROs here would be overkill, when there are already four blue regulars and a relatively small site/room.
@Rubio Lukas Displayname is fast!
Well, you have to know that I constantly lurk around, but rarely actually participate on Puzzling / chat :D It's probably because that (x) in the title of the tab bothers me immensely...
@Displayname When you get pinged?
@ArbitraryKangaroo Seriously, though, do you really enjoy annoying everyone?
@Sid No. At-least not intentionally, for most of the time.
@Randal'Thor No, I mean that I always have to check what that "(numberOfNewActivities)" is all about :D I.e. any new activity on Puzzling / in chat.
@Displayname Oh right. It can be distracting, can't it? :-D
"Right, time to get some work done ... oh look, a new puzzle / chat message!"
@Randal'Thor Not if puzzling is the work you want to get done
Q: Melody paramour I am, not many sense the truth,

Techidiot Melody paramour I am, not many sense the truth, I belong to everyone, old and the youth. While that little guy stands upright, I jump atop, while gravity joins the flight. I own a skull, but struggle to think, Have an amazing eye, but struggle to wink. I do have a talon, and yes it...

It bothers me so much that I always have two browser windows open. One for all StackExchange stuff and the other one for everyting else... This way I won't get distracted by SE things, since that is invisible when I use the other window.
Sphinx is precisely 9 minutes and 27 seconds late. :P
@Displayname Me too, with the exception that I have two monitors, so I always see my stack window...
I think Sphinx triggers every 10-20 minutes, so that's not that surprising :)
A: Make the chat feed bots faster

balphaYeah, the settings for how often and how many feeds at once are fetched were set when the volume was much lower; they were way too low for what we have these days. I've increased these values to better match reality, so the delay shouldn't be more than three minutes on average now. Regarding you...

> the delay shouldn't be more than three minutes on average now
That's not what I've observed ...
that was from 2013? hehe
I'd guess increased load since then has made more frequent runs prohibitively expensive on resources
I sort of don't understand the FTC this time. Just any puzzle with the answer as the name of an animal is part of the topic challenge?
@Sid Anything animal-themed. Just like the last one was anything geography-themed.
If you see people using tags inappropriately ... well, you have edit privileges.
Animal themed? So, in the end, anything that ends up with an animal..
A puzzle with 20 layers of nested encryption whose final solution happens to be "monkey" but makes no particular reference to animals beyond that isn't likely to be considered "animal themed". But otherwise, anything featuring animals beyond a completely incidental reference to one is probably fair game.
I'm about to post another puzzle for the fortnightly topic.
Let's see how it turns out
@Randal'Thor Dove-tailing off your Meta about meta-tags - rather than set the precedent of ephemeral tags for FTCs (e.g. "[animals]" for this one), why not a permanent ?
or is that too meta also?
@Rubio Too meta, and doesn't really say anything useful about the question.
But I am of the understanding that tags are not intended to be content-like, they're supposed to be category-like. In other words, not part of the puzzle, but part of the puzzle's classification for purposes of, say, aggregation or searching. I guess given that, I'm not really clear on why meta tags are necessarily bad.
It's all too confusing for my pretty little head. :)
(Why is ok? Or, well, is it?)
Can I use a pun in my title?
+ can I use the verb "duck" as in "Title is irrelevant but don't duck the story"
why wouldn't you be able to?
@Sconibulus It's a lame one :-)
Wait, are you talking about the pun or the verb?
Thank you
I'm not going with the pun
Because it's irrelephant
(pun intended, x 3)
can I flag "irrelephant" as offensive? ;)
Q: Don't duck this story!

IAmInPLSAs you prepare to get on board, I (the omniscient story-teller) noticed three other passengers that will be with you in this plane. The first one was writing a letter: I have to tell you that something disastrous happened today and I do not know if you will believe me. My dear, precious frie...

For shame. They're called FLIGHT ATTENDANTS now, and aren't shy about it :)
Well, I know who the second person is.
Something about the way the third person is talking sounds Russian ...
Not sure how this relates to animals other than the duck
And the first is presumably one of us.
OK, now I know who the first is as well.
But goddammit, I've already repcapped - seems no point in posting an answer now :-P
@Randal'Thor same :)
@Rubio Same as in repcapped, or as in having solved the first two parts?
@Randal'Thor Rep-capped, and solved the 2nd part. still eyeing the first one
OK, I think I might know who the third one is too.
@IAmInPLS Should it be obvious who "you" are once the other three have been found?
I see the 2nd one... the first one seems like it has something to do with someone from here..
@Randal'Thor No, I don't think so
@Rubio You're right, edited!
2nd one is the easiest (you seem to have found him, all of you)
@IAmInPLS A just small irrelevant complaint. How can someone link a puzzle while writing a letter?
magic ink :)
Blue ink?
You just use a blue pen!
aw, Rand got it before me
@Deusovi Ninja'd! :-D
Oh, did you have a look at that comment I pinged you about?
Can't right now - on mobile. Gimme a sec.
No rush - it just seemed a bit odd.
The whole conversation's been deleted, presumably because it was "obsolete" or something.
Oh, I guess someone else got to it. When I looked earlier, just my first comment had been deleted and the rest was still there, which is why I wondered.
Q: The ravens of peacocks

SconibulusMy grandmother told my cousin, a military man, that all the greatest wisdom in life came from animals. At first we thought she was talking about /r/adviceanimals, but then he recieved the following mysterious missive in her will... is the of

Q: Divisions and Parentheses

OrayYou may put as many parentheses as possible to the below equation: $1\div 2\div 3\div 4\div 5\div 6\div 7\div 8\div 9$ What is the maximum result you can have?

Yeah, that didn't make sense to me either.
I wondered if maybe my comment contained one of those buzz-words that allow it to be deleted by a single flag.
Well, my puzzle is all ready to post.
I think I'll wait until tomorrow to post it though.
I'm working on one. Hopefully it'll be done soon.
It's interesting -- I've heard complaints that topic challenges like are too broad, and are meta-tags, etc., etc., but these more generic ones tend to generate a lot more puzzles, which I believe is the goal of the fortnightly topic challenge.
Yeah. Honestly, I'm not sure why was upvoted so highly. (I don't really see a need for it to be a tag at all.)
@GentlePurpleRain I've always said generic tags are bad for FTCs. Like (sorry, I know that was your suggestion) or - we get enough of those questions anyway, so we don't need to challenge people to make more of them.
Mine wasn't originally meant to be for the topic challenge, but I happened to think of it in the shower a few days ago and realized "oh hey, that's related to the fortnightly challenge".
Well... I think we've gone through all the highly-upvoted ones at this point
Challenges like and are great: they enable people to exercise their creativity in almost any type of puzzle (riddle, rebus, cipher, story, or whatever) within a more stylistic constraint - limiting the surrounding context rather than the nature of the puzzle itself.
I think some of the more restrictive tags seem too hard for a lot of people. We got a few gems from , but the total volume was pretty low. Whereas, I think a less-confident puzzler would look at and think, "Oh, even I can make a puzzle about animals!".
@Deusovi I've had an idea for an puzzle brewing for months, and now I've had to rush to make it just in the last couple of days!
But I guess we could also look at how many quality puzzles come from each, and the number might be roughly the same.
("Quality" being a very subjective term, of course.)
@GentlePurpleRain Could we have a tag on this, perhaps? Would be nice to get as much community input as possible, if a change to the site might come out of it.
@Sid Well, they have newspaper with GIFs at Poudlard, let me have a magic blue link in my story :)
@Randal'Thor Done. Seems worth discussing. Not sure I agree with your view, but we'll see what others say.
Do you think we should allow redos of popular FTC topics? We are eventually going to (arguably are already) exhausting the list of reasonable tags.
I think it makes sense to allow people to re-propose a tag that has already been used, and if it once again rises to the top of the list, it should be used again. There's no reason why we can't have a duplicate FTC.
@GentlePurpleRain I've thought of that too, and yes.
Maybe I'll post on meta.
It would be especially nice for all those people who've said "I made this puzzle for such-and-such a FTC, but was too slow and just missed it".
And done.
Going AFK. I'll see what the response is like when I return.
Ooh, maybe I've solved the whole of @IAmInPLS's puzzle. I guess I should post a solution now ...
"here's my answer. Note, I'm rep-capped. Please wait 6.5 hours to upvote my answer. ..." ;-)
@Rubio I tried that at least once, but it didn't work. It did, however, lead to this hilarious line:
> It's not useless if it contributes to a badge. There's more to life than just points. For instance, there are other kinds of points. — Engineer Toast Jun 4 '15 at 19:10
Lol. That's pretty great
Q: Should we allow re-use of Fortnightly Topic Challenge tags?

GentlePurpleRainCurrently, the Fortnightly Topic Challenge solicits ideas for tags that will become the topic for the challenge for a two-week period. Once a tag has been a topic, the post suggesting it is deleted, and other suggestions rise to the top of the answer list. Several of the past topics have been g...

Phew, looks like I was just in time to post my answer before @Sid! :-)
Q: Which sequence is next? — and why?

saurusrexGiven there are four sequences (below). Find the next sequence and justify your answer! 1 4 15 13 5 9 20; 2 1 2 1 4 15 19 20 21; 3 1 9 19; 4 1 14 20 12 5 18; ?

@Randal'Thor You beat me to it. :)
Although I hadn't got the last para..
And I will upvote tomorrow. :-)
6 hours, 2 minutes ;)
For me: 15-16 hours..
Cap resets at midnight UTC, so it's the same for everyone
@Sconibulus I'm curious if I'm close on your puzzle
That's when I will upvote-what I meant..
Oh. Right :)
Ahah @Rubio, what else than an Alpine taco? :)
Well, yeah, duh :)
Wait, who is an ape? "I" or "you"?
@Rubio you're pretty close
The monkey is an ape @Sid
@Sconibulus Wasn't expecting to have to twiddle the group names too :) I guess there's some adage I don't know, that it's supposed to turn into?
It's probably A "Hard" mentality..
no, definitely not that.
@Rubio Not exactly? It just makes something that's valid English
Huh. Well, that's valid English... ;)
@Rubio: Good answer on the animal groups. What do you make of the title, "The ravens of peacocks"? The unkindness of pride?
I got unkindness of pride, yeah
That sounded close enough to something to make me think that was the key of the puzzle
And I'd literally just been looking at animal group names for my own puzzle, so my mind was there right away
'ostentation' was actually the one I was going with
because these names exist solely for that purpose
Welp. Guess I'm not seeing what further I'm supposed to see (this puzzle is by design sparse on hinting).
@BeastlyGerbil Nice wrapup
here's a hint, you have an extra word at the front that doesn't exist in the puzzle
additionally, wombats are way bigger than I thought they were
@Rubio thanks! You've been busy answering yourself today
(that second thing wasn't part of the hint)
heh. Yeah, I didn't picture them being that big either.
@Sconibulus and ok, removed that, but that doesn't get me much closer. Before I burn a bunch of compute time needlessly, would you be willing to tell me if I'm supposed to take the filled in words' first letters (and, maybe, make them upper or lower case as cued by the size of the critters in the pics) as imgur fodder?
Nah, Imgur mazes are the worst
WHOA. Great puzzle!
Using collective nouns for animals is an awesome thing to do for this topic challenge!
That sounds like sarcasm (which I don't entirely disagree with) but this is the internet so it's hard to tell
@Sconibulus Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your comment ;)
@Sconibulus Not sarcasm at all.
This is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to see in an topic challenge.
Did you see my puzzle @Randal'Thor?
Well then, unicorns upon you
@Rubio I don't always remember who posted what ... linky?
Q: Birdies and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

RubioAn entry in the Fortnightly Topic Challenge #22: Animals ... The Secret Order of Animal Watchers   It's midnight. After a long stretch of unusual tossing and turning, you've finally gotten to sleep when the harsh ring of the telephone jostles you awake again. Muttering to yourself, you fumbl...

@Rubio TL;DR :-P
@Rubio Oooh, I like that one
And I'm not interested in sport, sorry.
Bah :)
(even if you used an imgur link)
I will show it to some of my sporty friends in another room though, maybe get you some more upvotes.
I'm not either. I just thought it made a good puzzle.
Hehe, wait 5 hours and 17 minutes please :)
Yes, it was a good puzzle. And while I waste too much time watching football (i.e. soccer) on weekends, I'm not interested in US sports. :)
I was just thinking of animals and wondering what I could come up with, and it struck me that a lot of pro sports teams are named after them. So I wondered if there were enough games between two animal-named teams to make a puzzle out of. Turns out there were, but only if I used NFL + MLB + NHL. I don't know enough about other countries' team names to know if a similar thing applies.
using NFL, MLB, and NHL without NBA strikes me as a little odd, but I'm ok with it
The rest - including the trivia quiz up front - was all just set dressing for that.
lol. You know, I didn't even think of NBA. see, that's how I roll.
I ran out of room in my journal as it was, which is why I decided to make the final test be to rediscover the two I couldn't fit ;)
For some years now, ice hockey teams have animal names here, but most other sports clubs are just [enter city name here] FC or SV [enter city name here].
@MOehm Do I spy a fellow European?
I first thought that the ones you describes were the only ones with two animal-named teams, but in the World Series, I think, there were more.
@Randal'Thor Yes, yes. But "from the continent".
I went through all the world series games, actually. the ones listed are the only ones there were.
Unless you go before the Order's founding date
@MOehm Those are the best :-)
which was chosen on purpose to exclude two back-to-back cubs v tigers wins in 1907-1908 - didn't really know what to do with those, so I chopped them out
@Rubio Of the Phoenix?
nah. of my puzzle's Secret Order.
There's a Tigers v Cubs game in 1935, after the Cardinal v Tigers in the puzzle. Maybe I stopped looking then. It was the Cubs that put me on the trail of the sports teams.
Huh, I just now realized how few NHL teams are actually named after animals
@Rubio I like how your C4 rhymes:)
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