@OnlyTrueGod Paul's enigmatic statement that Christ, in the form of God, did not consider equality with God to be a violation of property rights, social codes or personal autonomy is not a statement that equality of form is appearance physically and outwardly but behaviorally and intrinsically. The morphe of God became the morphe of a servant in the outward appearance of a man.
If God means a god, as in leader, judge or ruler like Moses (which, by the way, are roles or behaviors rather than physical appearance) then Philippians says Jesus was such a god and then became a servant in the likeness of man. The question then has to be, when did Jesus become the servant so that we can identify that time prior where he already was a god like Moses.
Did He take the morphe of a servant at his birth?; then we should be able to establish that he was in the morphe of a god before His birth. Did He take the morphe of a servant at His baptism?; then we should be able to establish that he was in the morphe of a god before His the start of His 3 1/2 year ministry. Did He take the morphe of a servant on the cross?; then we should be able to establish that he was in the morphe of a god before His death.
When was Jesus in the morphe of a god? It has to be before he took upon Himself the morphe of a servant.