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Q: Is MS DOS a form of Windows?

Arunabh BhattacharyaCourtesy Link: I was reading a question about Unix and Linux. Per the answer there: Strictly speaking, Linux is an operating system kernel that is designed like Unix's kernel. Linux is most commonly used as a name of Unix-like opera...

Why the downvotes?
My guess is that the question got downvoted because it contains an unsupported, and most probable errornous statement. Who says that MS-DOS is a Windows clone? Do you have any references on that?
After the edits, the question has become even more incoherent, with the title asking about a claim that the body first denies, then sort-of acknowledges (‘the "real" Windows actual descendants’ implies MS-DOS is somehow a ‘fake descendant’)… it’s a mess.
@user3840170 I have made an edit. I am still waiting for the question to be reopened.
I’d say it’s rather OK now (the answers may need to be tweaked, but they haven’t been substantially invalidated). I can’t speak for other voters, however.
We have (1) a title asking 'is MS DOS a form of Windows"? (2) A statement in the question body that 'MS DOS is a not a version of Windows', (3) in the body, 'Is MS DOS a form of any of [the versions of Windows]?'. It seems to me that your statement (2) already answers your questions (1) and (3). And if not, you've already accepted an answer which looks to me to adequately address the issue. So why do you want the question re-opened so badly?
@another-dave I believe the question should be reopened because I have made the question clearer.
In what way doesn't the linked article answer your question?
@UncleBod Take a look at my question at…. There also, I embarked on a multi year crusade to get the answer to the question that I wanted after my previous question was closed as needing details of clarity.
@ArunabhBhattacharya The question is closed most likely as it shows not even the most basic research effort (on and off site). More relevant, you already got an answer and even accepted it as what you were looking for. There's nothing else to look for. It doesn't matter that the question got closed. It's not helpful to play games. So why are you working so hard to annoy the people that try to help?
@Raffzahn I need all my questions to be permanently reopened. Take a look at the question at…. There also, the question was closed as opinion-based. Then, edits were made to the question and then the question was reopened, and the accepted answer remains intact.
@ArunabhBhattacharya "YOU" "NEED" ? Sounds like some personal game of yours. Please note that RC.SE is not exactly the place play such selfish games. Continuing this may directly result in getting the question deleted. Also, it doesn't matter what you did or not did on non related sites.
@Raffzahn What can I add to the question that will show the most basic research effort?
@ArunabhBhattacharya Nothing. Because if you had done any basic research, for example looking up what either system is, then you wouldn't have asked the question in the first place. Best way to go ahead would be to show the decency to accept the decision that has not only been made but confirmed many times by now. Or do you believe that working against the community you expect to be helpful is he best way to take?
@Raffzahn If someone asked a good question about Linux and Unix, then I should be able to ask a good question about MS DOS and Windows too.
a) It does not matter what other sites do.
b) It is NOT a good question.
c) it misses any prior research.


d) You were able to ask your question
e) You got answers
f) You accepted one of them

So you got everything there is.
@Raffzahn I know, but I should edit my question to make it a good fit for the site. It is unlikely for questions with accepted answers to remain closed.
@Raffzahn And, says "computing history and persons with a historic relation to computing.". I should also make that question about computing history.
@ArunabhBhattacharya Why is it unlikely? Questions are closed all the time. In fact, changing a question after it got answers is in itself already a reason for closure.
@Raffzahn But, this is very rare. There are certain conditions in which questions with accepted answers are reopened.
And of course you're free for ask any retro related question. In fact, we are quite keen on questions about history, which this could have been one about. But there is no right that gurantes that a question is well received and even less one about having it not closed. Instead of being unfriendly and fighting, you shoud thake the hint.
No. Reopening questions is rather rare and only happens if it's a borderline case. This one does not seem to be one in any way. Five of the most active members have called for closure - and several have joined that decision afterwards. Likewise note that it got SIX downvotes. That is extreme rare on this site. So you may want to think about this and how a positive behaviour toward the site and it's member should look like.
@Raffzahn What would be a borderline case of reopening a question?
A question that isn't as unfit as yours
@Raffzahn So, what kind of question about MS DOS and Windows would be fit for this site?
What would that matter. You can not change the question t a different meaning. You habe done everything possible to damage the question. Change meaning, arguing in question, inserting unrelated information, change context. By now it is a like an on purpose example about the worst handling possible.
Any friend in this situation I would suggest to man up and move ahead instead of damaging his reputation even further.
@Raffzahn Yes, but about MS DOS and Windows would be fit for this site and would have the same meaning as my original question?
@Raffzahn And I have rolled back all the edits to what it was before the question was answered.

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