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Thank you. Sasha Milshtein and Gena Stupakov are my classmates.
Dear Alex. please look at the last version of my notebook https://disk.yandex.ru/d/FzwUfQGIwnDQLw.

I plotted the radial flow versus speed at a fixed angle equal to the angle of the source. It can be seen from the graph that the flux decreases linearly from the maximum at the source to zero at zero velocity. However, near zero velocity, a numerical instability appears in the form of an oscillator. The amplitude and frequency of oscillations decreased after changing the variable u -> w=u^2. They decreased even more after replacing the approximate coefficients of the equation with the exac
Thus, the question of how to correctly set the granule conditions must be recognized as obsolete. The boundary condition works as expected. But the question arises how to present instability. Here I hope for your help.
Thus, the question of how to correctly set the BOUNDARY conditions must be recognized as obsolete. The boundary condition works as expected. But the question arises how to SUOORESS instability. Here I hope for your help.
This version blocked by browser. Could you rename file to the short name like Trounev2?
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
Antivirus recognizes this file as infected by virus.
2 hours later…
Please, try again: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/FzwUfQGIwnDQLw
Windows Defender didn't find any threats. I give you a link to the file in the Yandex Cloud. In theory, they should also check the files. I deleted all the output and history from the notebook.
2 hours later…
Thank you, this file is clean.

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