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A: having trouble booting up what should I do

ExquisitEIt would be best to ensure that your Raspberry Pi is getting enough power. A simple google search can help you to find the power requirement for your Pi. For Raspberry Pi 3 5V 2.5A is recommended and for Pi 4 it is 5V 3 Amps. It is recommended to use the original power adapter if you have one. I ...

You really should refrain from answering these types of lazy, unclear, vague and unbounded questions. In addition to wasting your own time, you also end up encouraging these types of questions. Invariably, your answer will turn into a "catch-all", where you are trying to guess what the issue is and end up suggesting multiple solutions to issues that probably don't exist. Besides, they will probably end up being closed and automatically deleted eventually.
He is new to stack so...
That may be the case, however, they have probably solved the problem on their own by now and will never return to edit and fix their question. Most of the time, these are questions posted by new users hoping to get a quick answer within a few minutes and when one fails to materialise they end up doing some research and finding the answer elsewhere, or in an already posted question. As noted above, this question has been asked many times before, and is likely to be closed as a duplicate or as "needs more info" and answers to vague questions also end up getting downvoted. Don't waste your time.
I understand : /
@Greenonline Please don't do this. I understand what you are saying, and I agree with much of it -- this is part of the reason it is important to close bad questions. However, if someone wants to post a serious answer before that happens, they should not be berated for it. I know you see it as a (marginally friendly?) warning, but there is just way, way too much content and behaviour this rhetoric ("rhetoric" non perjoratively) could be applied to, which makes it a very slippery slope,
plays into broken window theory, etc.
That question was very obviously going to be dealt with here soon enough, answer or no, as I think you know. However, there is such a thing as a good answer to a bad question. While it was certainly not comprehensive, part of the problem with the question is that a comprehensive answer would be novella length.
1 hour later…
@goldilocks I certainly didn't mean to cause any upset or offense. i was just trying to save ExquisitE effort from writing posts that will serve little or no purpose. I certainy didn't mean it to sound as if I was berating them, although maybe I should have included a "Hi and welcome" and a "Thanks" at the end - however, I ran out of characters, and didn't want to add many additional "Hi" and "Thanks" comments as I knew that it would then spew into a "extended comments... moved to chat" scenario.
Sorry for any misunderstanding

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