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Q: Is there any old aged art or sculpture of Lord Krishna.?

blue_egoI am looking for old krishna (sure, rama too) art. not old as in ancient art, old as in his body-form when he was old. i can't seem to find any. i'm assuming he got old look-wise, otherwise everybody might have figured out he was a god. no cheesy art, if any, please.

People like imagining Gods and avatars as young so I doubt anyone bothered to make it. You can look Prabhas playing Ram to see Ram looking old if that is what you want. I am not joking.
I don't think you would find any 😅. They even make Kr̥ṣṇa usually blue in art when he wasn't blue, but dark in color in the texts. So, expecting them to portray Kr̥ṣṇa the way they portray Bhīṣma in art would be quite remote. Bhīṣma is a good example, the person had death at will boon, and he was a naiṣṭhika bramacārī, despite that he still showed ageing features.
@Rambhakt I agree people rarely portray their deities as old even though according to me Kr̥ṣṇa probably may have showed some ageing features. I know the devotees of Kr̥ṣṇa may not agree with that, and say that he is immortal and never developed ageing features and he is just 16 years old and still alive. 😅 In the Mahābhārata, Kr̥ṣṇa did live to a considerable age (possibly about 100 or more) but so did many others in the epic, some people who were much older than Kr̥ṣṇa also survived the catastrophe of Dvārakā. So, living to a big age is quite normal for many chars.
Even the sages had ageing features in Mahābhārata 😅 and in the epic they could choose not to, but they still did. That most likely points that probably Kr̥ṣṇa also aged in a normal manner as other people around him even though from the devotional sense, he is not restricted by age, sickness or death. Also, none of the paintings I have seen till now show Kr̥ṣṇa with beard. In all of them he is shaved 😂 considering that in those times keeping beard was a normal thing even for Kṣatriyas.
Another important point to note is that most sculptures of Buddha too show him without beard, as if there is disgust of beard among the painters and sculpture makers. Of course no one knows how Buddha actually looked like. I only know Brahmā being depicted as an old man in Purāṇic texts, but that is pretty understandable, showing him as a old, wise man with beard, rest most of the Vedic and Purāṇic deities are shown without facial hair at all.
Even if shaving was a common thing for those nobles living in palaces, still how would one reconcile the shaved face of Rāmā with his being in vanavāsa. He surely did grow some beard there as he didn't have facilities. But of course artists and sculpture makers want to show him youthful and clean always. Plus, TV shows also don't show Rāma or Krṣṇa with beards or anything or with grey hairs. It's quite normal for Rāma ageing during his exile due to excessive worry of Sītā. But again TV shows are forms of art and theatre which needn't be realistic, depending on the imagination of the artists.
@Bingming "none of the paintings I have seen till now show Kr̥ṣṇa with beard." can you share them? or is it a book?
I meant no painting of old or bearded Kr̥ṣṇa I have seen @blue_ego I guess maybe you misunderstood that I have seen a painting like that. I haven't. If I had seen, I would have shared it in the answer.
After reading Rambhakt comment above, had to google the Prabhas movie, I think is the one called Adi Purush opening in 10 days ? I’m more taken aback by how they made Ravan look 😵 I mean what is this :‌​/10/… Black eye shadows and what is that hair ? 😂 Looks so weird. I think Indian television does so much better w/ Hindu mytho content. Lots of errors and abridged truncated stories, but I don’t think they’d make Ravan looking like whatever this is
The publicity stills for Prabhas as Ram :… I don’t know. Maybe it works when you see it onscreen ? This one looks ok : This one looks ok too I think : No clue if it works when you see the actors in motion, actually in the roles. Hindu mytho characters are not easy to play though. So huge expectations and they are so meaningful for Indian people 🕉
@Bingming I think Shri Rama looked young till 14th year of Vanvaas as Surpnakha was attracted to him.
@devibhakt Only the first one link you have posted is officially from the movie. Rest are fanmade. OP wanted to see Rama and Krisna as old so I mentioned Prabhas as Ram. I should have mentioned him to see from the movie teaser and not fanmade posters which make him look young. Movie teaser recieved huge backlash so they posponed it.
@Bingming I remember reading on wikipidea that Buddha lived with a shaved head like rest of the Buddhist monks. Bimbisar/Ajatshatru were not able to recognize him while visiting monastry because he looked like everyone else. This curly hair is a greek influence as first Buddha idols were made in Kandhar valley centuries after Buddha. Lot of Greeks there at that time. Source: Ncert 12th fine art books.
@Rambhakt Oh, I didn’t realize second two links were fan fiction. Ok, I see your point haha:D This is the television actor who played Ram in Siya Ke Ram‌​… I think he had the right look for the part :…‌​jpg I think these roles are much harder to play than it might seem. Huge pressure !
@Rambhakt Well, I was talking about paintings and sculptures in how there is often a stress on youthfulness and cleanliness by the painters and sculptors, & how many devotees also imagine deities such as Rāma & Kr̥ṣṇa as ever-youthful, beautiful in appearance without facial hair nor grey or white hair nor wrinkles . Buddhist monks of course had their code, and that included some grooming rules as well, such as shaving of head and beard. Also, wiki and NCERT books aren't a good source of info. and also your point is not actually connected with my argument exactly, even though it's not wrong.
I really wish to see a genuine well-made painting of a bearded or old Kr̥ṣṇa or old Rāma with them not as unrealistic blue in skin color but as their natural color is described in the texts, and with them not appearing as a god with lots of hands or heads, but normally as a human.
@devibhakt yes looks wise Ashish Sharma from Siya ke Ram is my favourite. Though there is lot of pressure but still no sympathy towards Team Adipurush. Barely anyone tried there. Going to gym is bare minimum. Here is the guy during shooting
Voting to close because this question is not specific enough to be answered factually. If I create a painting right now of Krishna looking old, would you consider it authentic? (Why/Why not?)
Why close, it led to an interesting analysis and arguments of how Hindu deities are shown in art.
@AravindSureshThakidayil yes, please close,the art is terrible...
@AravindSureshThakidayil also, yes, but can you do that? do that and post it..
@blue_ego Maybe wait for more replies ? There may be someone who sees this topic in a few days or a few weeks and might have a link or an image that’s helpful. Just a thought
@devibhakt no thank u, it’s bad intention, plus Krishna is a fool
@blue_ego That’s my husband and I def don’t agree that he’s a fool 😂 He’s very very smart 🥶 But with your topic thing here, whatever you want to do, no probs either way 🤣
2 hours later…
@Swami Vishwananda how did his life end? he was shot in the foot by a karmic arrow?

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