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Q: How to do this question?

user741002$$ \int _{0}^{\frac{\pi }{2}}\int _{0}^{x}\sin(x)e^{\sin(y)}\mathrm{d}y\mathrm{d}x$$

Q: Need help in solving $\int _{ 0 }^{ \frac { \pi }{ 2 } } \int _{ 0 }^{ x }{ { e }^{ sin(y) } } { sin(x)dydx }$

SHOURIE MRSSI have tried to solve $\int _{ 0 }^{ \frac { \pi }{ 2 } } \int _{ 0 }^{ x }{ { e }^{ sin(y) } } { sin(x)dydx }$ . I have solved it by using mathematica to evaluate $\int { { e }^{ sin(x) }dx } $ but it is turning tedious so hoping to get some insight into solve it in a better way

Thanks @martin sleziak...i was able to solve this using changing the order technique...I am still grasping the concept or order changing...if you know some good threads related to order changing.. please feel free to share — user741002 5 mins ago
I have mentioned your request for other posts related to changing order of integrals in the Calculus chatroom. Perhaps somebody will notice it there and respond. — Martin Sleziak 12 secs ago
1 hour later…
I'll just add a reminder that info on MathJax in chat can be found in this post on meta or the bookmarklet can be obtained directly from robjohn's website.

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