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4 questions, 4 answers, 4 sites... seems like a cube to me?
@Catija the problem is that it's (4 questions + 4 answers) x 4 sites, which equals 8 posts x 4 sites which is 32 posts, not 4x4x4 = 64 which would be a cube. 32 is not a cube.
(4+4)x4 is not a cube, but (4x4x4) is.
Hi @Anonymous
@Anonymous enjoying Winter Bash?
@NikeDattani congrats :)
@InanimateBeing Thanks, and thanks for all your help and hints!!!
Hey @Panda !!!
@SPArcheon were you lost in the... jungle? I spent around 5 mins there, lol. I already got the right answer to the first part but then took a break and closed all tabs. When I returned, I mistakenly put the wrong answer in the URL that took me to the jungle. Was fun though.
@NikeDattani I actually wrote a post on Check in on Sparkles the Unicorn to help everyone get access to hints at least to enjoy the unicorn game. But it was frowned upon by many users so I deleted it. So I guess that is to make users chat here and enjoy and "struggle". After all, it was too many hints, all at once. :)
@InanimateBeing I didn't see it!
@NikeDattani Yup, it's my first time getting in on the fun! There's quite a bit to explore!
@Anonymous Can't wait for next year!
Yeah!! I'll hopefully be on time for that!!
@Anonymous +1.
So I guess the Chatterbox hat's trigger doesn't work when we chat in mod's private chat, isn't it? or it's a bug?
@InanimateBeing Did you post 5 separate blocks of text?
@NikeDattani I posted 6 separate blocks of messages on the same day in that room
@InanimateBeing was there at least one message from someone else between each of those "blocks"?
@NikeDattani Yup
@InanimateBeing which site?
@NikeDattani MathSE, mod's private chatroom.
@InanimateBeing maybe it's a bug!
You've seen this?
Q: Why didn't (or did) I or some other user get a hat although the requirements were (or weren't) fulfilled?

balphaDuring Winter Bash, users can earn hats. But sometimes it seems that a hat was awarded even though its requirements weren't (yet) met, or vice versa. What could be the reason for this?

@Catija could you please look into this it seems like a bug.
@NikeDattani thanks for the post. Read it and well I technically should have got it by now, it's been over couple of days since the trigger. Rest seems fine too.
@NikeDattani did you get rick-rolled while solving the riddle?
@InanimateBeing You have the hat on SO, your chat account is parented to SO, that's how the hat works. No bug.
@Catija so I can't get Chatterbox hat on MathSE?
You can if you reparent your chat profile to Math.
Not sure why you have it parented to SO.
Wait, it's somehow my fault! I parented it there!!! When on earth I did that?!!
@Catija or anyone else, any guidance on how to do *that*?
Go to your chat profile, click on "[change]" next to the site your account is parented and change it to the site you wish.
You can't use formatting in multi-line messages.
@Catija Oooooh! So that's why it didn't work (but works sometimes!)! Thanks a lot!
@Catija Thanks for this too
It's retroactive, from what I can tell, you don't even need to chat, just change your chat parent, wait 10 minutes, get the hat. I haven't tested it a ton or anything, though.
The site the room is parented to doesn't matter, only the site your chat account is parented to.
@Catija this stuff is so funny! LOL XD. Thank you.
@NikeDattani Sorry, no. I did not mean to imply that the name was given in that blog post. The blog post was only meant to explain how the name was chosen. I'd seen people who had figured out the name, but were wondering what in the world it means and why it would be the name of a chat system. It was more of a bonus fact, rather than a hint. I thought "for those who have found the name of SE chat" would make that clear.
@Catija Because SO is the best!
@InanimateBeing It actually makes sense, because the hat is being awarded to you, not the room, so the room's owner/parent does not matter, only your account's owner/parent.
I didn't make it up by the way, even if no one's heard of it. I'm pretty sure I'd heard it called that prior to working here... I guess it's just more insider-y info than I realized.
You must have heard it in chat, because there's no trail that I can find on MSE or MSO.
The only other reference that I've been able to find is a tweet by a former staff member.
There's a link to a blog post one of the former UX people wrote that mentions it. I linked it in the TL.
That was from 2017.
Gervasio's called it by this name in The Tavern (MSE)
I have no idea who Gervasio is
@Catija ...which I just found from looking at a TL message from myself from 2018, unrelated to that.
You wrote the original message. :P
Haha, OK, that name I recognize
Apparently Jeremy is the one who introduced me to the name in The Tavern.
I was so cute back in 2017
Has that changed? ;-)
HAHAHA. The wide-eyed innocence of pestering Shog to make a post into a FAQ but also not wanting it because I wouldn't earn rep from it any more. :P
I was very naive in 2017, but I had an excuse ;)
Yes, you were young. I was already 35. HAHAHA
If pestering Shog to do something is cute... good news for me!
I think it's less that I was pestering him and more how... I was very in awe of him at the time.
@Catija indeed, I turned 15 that year
4 mins ago, by Cody Gray
Has that changed? ;-)
No. I just don't get to hang out with him every day any more. :(
Yeah, that sucks.
I got "wide-eyed innocence" and "naive" from believing what Jeremy said.
I like giving people the benefit of the doubt. Also, I'm pretty sure my middle name was originally "Gullible".
Maybe "trusting" is the better way of putting it.
Trusting would be a better middle name than Gullible.
Probably. :D
Why do I go on vacation for over a week and still feel like I need a vacation?
They don't even go back to school tomorrow - they're off another day.
Also, whetting your appetite. I was on vacation for a week recently and really didn't want to go back to base. :(
I wish they were as cute in reality as they are in the pictures I post. :P
@Catija This happened to me, and I don't even have kids...
@Mithical I get the feeling you don't want to go back regardless? Or are you enjoying it somewhat?
I have a relatively good position with excellent conditions (I sleep at home every night), but I'm still ready to be done with it and out of the system.
Less than six months to go.
Sounds like you're on the downhill slope now. :)
@CodyGray yup, it does. Thanks to Catija, I finally got it on MathSE! (Also, just got Henry Lamarr ;) )
Hedy. :)
Hedy Lamarr (; born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler; November 9, 1914 – January 19, 2000) was an Austrian-born American film actress and inventor. A film star during Hollywood's golden age, Lamarr has been described as one of the greatest movie actresses of all time.After a brief early film career in Czechoslovakia, including the controversial Ecstasy (1933), she fled from her first husband, a wealthy Austrian ammunition manufacturer, and secretly moved to Paris. Traveling to London, she met Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio head Louis B. Mayer, who offered her a movie contract in Hollywood. She became a film...
That's odd. I can't find anywhere where it says that Hedy Lamarr was a prolific and dedicated reviewer on Stack Exchange sites.
Are you sure you posted the right link?
Har har
We wanted to recognize world inventors and scientists and did that through the review hats.
Ah, a theme!
I was actually wondering if there was some attempt to draw parallels between stuff that the person being honored actually did and the trigger. But I guess not. You just had a list of folks you wanted to honor, and then assigned triggers to them arbitrarily?
I don't remember there being any attempt to line them up, mostly an attempt to find a diverse group of people.
Oh, ya, sorry, Hedy Lamarr.
@Catija Ah, that explains why/how I somehow earned the ChatterBox hat a second time from CodeReview from chatting here. Have no idea how my chat got parented there.
Looks like it was the first SE site you joined but I'm not sure how chat determines chat profile parentage upon creation.
I'm sure it just tries to find the next-best site after SO.
Odd. 2y7m on CodeReview, 5y3m on SO. Unless you are saying the first non-SO site I joined?
I just got the secret hat introvert unite.
@Stevo Me too. All I've done so far is vote.
Yeah, you get it for doing pretty much any form of participation.
@DrewReese Yes
@InanimateBeing correct. And I didn't even tried the other version yet, so for a good 15 minutes I looked at that message thinking THAT was the next quiz.
@CodyGray considering that some questions seems to be reused year after year (and I think there was a similar error with the sites count last year too) it would be very dastardly if someone documented all the questions and their answers and posted them on meta after the event ends...
@SPArcheon I was hardly proposing that. Merely suggesting a source from which to derive a new trivia question for next-year's quiz.
@CodyGray I know, I was just saying that we even have an option to force them into having to think of new questions :P
Oh, haha. I see.
Hmm, guess I'll be saving my documentation in prep for next year's hat dash.
Eh, given how hard these questions seem to have been for everyone, even though the answers are easily obtainable, I'm not sure that having the answers in yet another Meta post would make that much difference.
@CodyGray well... to be fair, I don't know if you noticed that detail too...
Sorry, which?
16 hours ago, by SPArcheon
BTW, @Catija sorry to bother you but I was wondering. Am I wrong or there are more than 10 questions at the end and every users gets random ones?
^ and Catija confirmed my theory soon afterwards.
I documented more than 10 questions.
Oh, yeah. I assumed so, but when someone posted that bug report on MSE about one question requiring 3 words (I think it was Drew, who his here with us now), I went back and retook the quiz several times, just to see what the different questions were.
To put it into context: some users may get harder questions.
"harder" Nah.
There's only one question this year that's even somewhat difficult, if you don't have Catija's answers memorized.
well, there are a few ones that require a query on the data explorer.
and a specific one is quite annoying too since average user would only know how to query a single site at time
Nope. Definitely none require a query. Although that would be one way of solving them, perhaps a more efficient way if one is comfortable with writing SQL.
@CodyGray Did they made a blog post specifying how many users in the whole network have more than 1 million unicorn points?
Then I guess I took the hard way.
Well, you can just go through the sites list, looking at the users sorted by rep, and count.
So that doesn't technically require a query, though, like I said, if you're comfortable writing queries, that's probably faster.
^^^^ That's how I did it and I thought it was the "hard" way.
That's the one question I got wrong the first time, because I assumed it was only SO who had any users over 1 million rep, and I knew that number already, off the top of my head, so I put it in. Once I determined that was wrong, I then had to go looking for which other site(s) had users with over 1 million rep.
@DrewReese "Wait, did I already counted [insert site here]?"
Sorting the sites by activity would help in narrowing down the number of sites you ahve to count.
No, you go through them systematically, as they're ordered in the list, so there's no risk of recounting.
@CodyGray also, why do you assume you have to write the query?
I made the same assumption as Cody, but went the other way in guessing since it looked like it was only just very recently a few more SO users broached 1M rep. I was thinking maybe it was a caching issue.
@SPArcheon Oh, I don't, necessarily... although I did assume that you'd have to at least adapt an existing query.
I guess that would depend on how early you took the quiz. :-)
Guess what, for some really mysterious reasons, if you go to the data explorer and sort the queries by date, you will find a lot of copies of a "Find all users above given reputation" have been created recently :P
Haha, yup
I haven't gotten in the habit of using Data Explorer very much.
Pretty much everything I'd want or need to know can be retrieved using magic mod powers, like searching deleted posts. And I'm not really one to care about such stats as unicorn points.
so... I have been "working" on a deliberate troll to a certain question...
once I manage to get a decent enough result...
You will lock Sparkles the Unicorn inside of a castle?
@CodyGray someone asked for a picture, so I will just stable diffusion it :P
Wow, never heard of that service. Interesting.
Hmm. The results I get aren't nearly as impressive as the example image in the Wikipedia article.
@CodyGray really depends on the sample you are using. Furthermore, there are some models that have been finetuned to specific art styles or characters.
If you use the base Stable Diffusion model to try to make anime style art, it is pretty bad.
Yet, if you use a specifically trained model you can get results like this one...
gets even more ridiculous good if you use img-to-img.
^ this one is an actual plastic action figure turned in a picture.
1 hour later…
Q. How many active network sites are there as of December 2022?
I summed all sites from https://stackexchange.com/sites#newest but the answer is wrong. Where should I look for more?
That's not wrong... you must have miscounted.
@SPArcheon Well, yeah, I suppose, but creating anime-style images wasn't what I was trying because I'm not particularly interested in that.
@CodyGray That was just an example. There are models that have been finetuned to very specific artists, movies or topics.
I see. I was just thinking real-world images.
Like the Wikipedia example, which is an astronaut riding a horse. Why not, say, a duck eating a banana?
For example there is a model trained on Avatar pictures.
Blue people?
almost there!
yay me!
and thank you Cody!
@CodyGray yep basically
I guess that's a documentary about SE moderators.
huh I have joined ME but winter bash keeps saying that I have no MSE user...
@Lunartist For telling you that you couldn't count? Anytime. :-p
what site is MSE? I thought it was Meta
Meta Stack Exchange, yes.
Can I bug you a little more Cody?
I can't get my hat. If I use normal browser it says I'm no MSE user.
If I use private mode, it says page not found.
Hm, well, you do have an MSE account, so I don't know what the issue might be.
Did you create the MSE account after signing in to the Winter Bash site or taking the quiz?
That's the only thing I can think of...
I'm guessing I shouldn't use private mode and clear cache in the normal browser.
thank you cody see you next year?
Yeah, I doubt private mode is useful. The whole point is not remaining private.
Private mode would likely work if you were logged in to SE within your private-browsing session, but I don't really see the point in doing so, since at that point, you're explicitly becoming not-private.
@Lunartist Why do you have to wait until next year? :-)
@Catija I used that trick a couple days ago: every 10 mins changing parent to get the auto chatterbox on new site for 22 sites.
@SPArcheon I documented all the questions I answered. So I can contribute to that.
@SPArcheon I opened sites user page until I concluded no more would be 1 million + ;-) so manually not data explorer- but I’d love a link to your “all site” checking query?
@JamesRisner here - all the work already done by a potassium rich user.
Nice :-)
I meant the pun in reference to the user name, not the script, in case that wasn't clear.
@SPArcheon thanks
How do I find the most popular tag on SO this year? Asking for a friend, who isn't me :b
it's not
eyyy got Defender!
that was annoying :p
I guess you figured out the most popular tag, then.
Hopefully in a way that is more effective than simply guessing all the tags. :-)
nah, I restarted the quiz until I didn't get that question anymore :b
wide brain
I still don't know what it is...
annoyingly, I'm still in 2nd place on the CGSE leaderboard because lyxal got some review-related hat and we don't get enough reviews for me to get it too
darn you lyxal
@Ginger Haha, lame.
@CodyGray Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
ah well, at least I'll get 2nd
I'm coming for 1st next year!
@Ginger Secure. Contain. Protect?
also.... for some reason I though of this, wonder why...
Python programmers
@Ginger I think I'm 3rd
Ah I'm 4th
@SPArcheon wrong foundation
@Ginger I was kinda disappointed that Goat Sim 3 didn't reference the Endless Ikea - lost opportunity since there is indeed an Ikea in the game.
That said... it has P.T. so...
@CodyGray I think there was a blog post this year or last that said the tag? I didn’t guess, I thought I remembered?
Maybe? I don't read the blog.
There are other places you can go to read ill-informed nonsense, many of which are far more entertaining.
@CodyGray like TNB
1 hour later…
Can I get "Over 9000!" hat by editing a previous question with a score of 2+ ? (Or some other "creative" way?)
@InanimateBeing No. You have to ask the question. Editing it wouldn't count.
@SPArcheon Quite curious if you're the first person to find this...
@InanimateBeing You could propose giving site mods the ability to remove hats for rule-violations and otherwise earning hats in a fraudulent way. I'd upvote that. :-)
@Slate do I win a Sparkle(s) plush?
I'll have my people talk to your people.
to be fair, I wrote Sparkle(s) on purpose, since I already have a Sparkle plush.
Only problem, it is not the one from your game.
There are more of them?
@CodyGray I was talking about the other Sparkle.
Because they actually choose a somehow odd name for their unicorn.
@SPArcheon ...I don't know what I expected, but it probably should have been that.
You expected something Sparkly?
@Mithical fun fact: it is kinda proven that I am not even the only one on Stack that own that plush.
It has very big eyes.
Not even sure where the name originated... The one the mods sent around was called "Lady Stackicorn".
Damn. Catija's awake, and I haven't slept yet.
I've been awake since 7:30...
@Catija I still find this very suspect.
Way before my time. :P
@Mithical I have a vague memory of balpha having a Sunset Shimmer avatar on SO. But maybe it was BoltClock instead.
@CodyGray she is waiting for you to fall asleep before running the hat removal script :P

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