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@DrewReese /dev/null hehe
3 hours later…
Which URL should I use when guessing the last puzzle?
Is it here https://winterbash2022.stackexchange.com/lorem-ipsum or here https://winterbash2022.stackexchange.com/visit-sparkles/lorem-ipsum? Thanks
funny thing is you got the wrong url anyways
Lol. Is it on Meta Stack Exchange?
I want to guess some words I found but I have to enters two URLs :')
@DikiAnanta The former. All URLs that you enter need to be at the second level of the hierarchy, immediately under https://winterbash2022.stackexchange.com, not nested more deeply.
It'll be the same thing when you come to the next puzzle. :-)
I actually think that's a bug, especially on the puzzle where you have to enter the access key.
@DikiAnanta this is why I brute forced xD
@CodyGray right? (said as in agreement)
Be careful when you start to agree with me :-p
Agreed, it wasn't clear where the "key" should be entered. I just tried "/lorem-ipsum/<key>" and "/<key>" each time until I got the right combination.
Oh god. There is a key, too
3 hours later…
Interesting - if you wear a hat "for this site only" it doesn't apply to that site's chat room
5 hours later…
Finally got Running, but no Emperor. Emperor might be >4 flagged comments on a positive-scoring post, the most I could delete was 3.
Looks like @JamesRisner is the only one in the top-10 with "Emperor but no Running" and I'm the only one in the top-10 with "Running but no Emperor."
@AlexanderL.Hayes the triggers (at least pretty sure) are:
running is remove all of your comments on X posts where no comments exist other than yours . X > 20 to 30
These need to be 365 days old or older
Emperor is Remove all your comments and flag all other comments and have them marked helpful
For 10 or more I believe
I canโ€™t get running, Iโ€™m 3 months old from being only a viewer (no comments, posts, votes)
"Daily comment flag limit reached; please try again in 7 hours" ๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm up to all comments on 12 positive-scored posts marked helpful and 2 positive-scored posts pending.
3x 0-score all marked helpful, 3 0-score pending.
Emperor and Running are bizarre, like what random assortment of actions would compel someone to figure those out in the first place?
Only works on posts scoring 1+
@AlexanderL.Hayes we never pinned it down close enough to get it reconfirmed
But it is reproducible
I got empower on under 30 posts
Maybe rephrase: emperor is remove both X number of your comments (X>0) and Y number of comments of others (Y>0) on a post that is score 1+ do this Z times
I'm up to all comments removed from 15 posts with 1+.
I haven't tracked how many of my own comments I've removed. I don't frequently comment on my own posts.
2 hours later…
You get no credit if you have not commented
But if the 15 had comments form you and others, do double as much
@Catija are all the hats been found?
2 hours later…
Happy new year ๐ŸŽ‰
2 hours later…
Happy new year :D

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