@Catija trying to find answers the last quiz. Im failing, as you would imagine of a more of less newbie to the main Meta and its surrounding major sites. Don't expect to much of me: I have way too less hats, and I really feel like thats a disappointment.
@Catija Any hints on the differences between Emperor and Running Up That Hill? Cause the triggers appear to be distinct and a user can get one hat without the other.
@starball The real cool-factor comes in being able to answer all the questions on the quiz correctly without having to look anything up! :-)
I did pretty well... I think I only had to look up two of them, which were the two that asked for specific numbers. (Maybe it was 3. I took the quiz last night, so I forget the details.)
@CodyGray okay I'm going to make a bug report that the "Yes, a Robot" hat isn't given for not having to search to know the answers to the quiz questions. Cody is a robot confirmed.
Ah. I didn't think it required a lot of historical context. The joke is just that, at the scale of Stack Overflow, moderating it effectively tends to require some robot-like abilities. It's been a joke for some time that SO mods are basically all robots.
I figured that one would be a trick, like perhaps the same person would have been inducted multiple times for different reports, but no... there's no trick.
@CodyGray Well, I mean, I got the opposite. Getting there was not bad, needed 1 tiny hint to get forward, the quiz is killing me, why? I haven't been on Stack Exchange for that long.
Heh. Arguably a newbie would be more likely to know what someone who completes reviews mindlessly is called, because they've probably been called that. :-p
Hey, I've done good reviews only... right? Idk really, but I haven't been called that. Mainly because First Answers/Questions aren't the harder ones. Just got access to suggested edits, idk tho
Haha, no. I agree that is definitely imprecise phrasing in the quiz. Arguably even wrong, although I think there have been recent changes to the site-launching process that make the "beta" distinction less relevant than it used to be.
I stopped paying attention. The last thing we need is a dozen more crypto sites... :-|
@CodyGray what is the definition of an "Active site" ? I find similar but yet slightly different numbers between the Winter Bash Leaderboard, the SE About us page, the SE Tour page and the list of 'all sites' on SE
room topic changed to Winter / Summer Bash 2022: Hat hunting and general discussion about winterbash2022.stackexchange.com. WARNING: May contain spoilers for secret hats and Sparkles! [winter-bash] [winter-bash-2022]
Can someone please help with the Unicorn puzzle? Per Slate's hint it seems that I got the correct sequence of letters but am unsure how to proceed. I tried using Anagram solvers but got nothing.
@U12-Forward true, but since there is no timestamp on the hats, then you have no way to show off the order you got them, meaning you lose the only proof that you got all questions right on the first try.