@bani I spent 8 hrs going from step 1 to 2 with someone giving me the numbers 20 mins in, me decoding them into two words, and discarded them (then spent 7+ hour trying to get something else)
OK. I'm actually working today. I can look at hat theories but I do not know how to give hints or clues for the unicorn puzzles, so direct those at Slate. :P
@Catija My working theories: Shakuntala Devi is for completing 10(?) *First Q reviews* over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you Gregorio Y. Zara for completing 10(?) *Low Quality Posts reviews* over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you
Sorry Catija for being annoying :P Is this on the right track?
I also am not certain the "shows in activity" is true, because I have dates people had the hat and their activity before that date doesn't work for getting me the hat
Gregorio Y. Zara for completing 10(?) Low Quality Posts reviews each day over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you.
Refining previous theories from everyone: Thomas Mensah is for the Close queue, Mario Molina is for the Reopen queue and Albert Einstein is for the Suggested Edits queue. All these hats require 10 reviews on SO and **only 3 on non-SO sites** where the majority of voters agreed with you.
If a unicorn leaves their house at 7:21, traveling at 15kph, and Catija leaves her house at 7:25 traveling at 70kph, how long will it take for her to ban the whole room? (please express all answers in Radians)
VTand had Gregorio Y. Zara on the 21st. His total review activity from the start (12/14 21:00) was 4 LQ on 3 days, 1 First Question, and 2 Suggested Edit queue on two days. I've reproduced this activity.
@Panda There's the three that were earned immediately. and the three that didn't get earned until the 18th. Those two groups of hats have different triggers.
So you only need to solve two triggers and then connect them to the specific queues.
@CDJB even once I bruteforced the correct answer, I still can't see how the puzzle gives those 2 digits. Now I'm just going through the quiz - which is by far the hardest and most time consuming bit
@Panda tried that - the first page took literally 2 minutes, second was about 10 minutes, third didn't seem to solve using ciphers, so brute force took 20 seconds manually.
The quiz is difficult
Oh, I'm glad I found that rickroll along the way - I though that was part of it at first
@Panda I still can't even though I know the answer, and I can make something match with the cipher - but not just for that number. I can't see how it is a unique answer.
@Catija oh, no worries there - I didn't get past 4 questions before I got the robot face :-)
@JamesRisner Zara = LQ, Devi = First Qs & Lamarr = idk yet
@Catija Right, as in I thought the robot hat was added in the recent week, cause you mentioned much earlier on that there was only 1 secret hat left to be discovered.
The robot hat wasn't on the list of hats on my admin page, and that's what I based my "only one left" on... I've known about the Robot hat since before WB started.
I made the hat myself this morning (using a retired hat from an old winterbash as a template). No more design time available for this year. Waddayathink? — Yaakov Ellis ♦Dec 22, 2020 at 15:58
@Catija so this user: math.stackexchange.com/users/702715/vtand Got Gregorio Y. Zara from Low Qualify reviews over the span of 5 days but on 4 actual days of reviews: 3x12/14 1x12/15 1x12/16 2x12/22
So it doesn't require a minimum per day (can be zero) but require 5 day span?
so I've spent 5 days spreadsheeting every user with the badges looking for visible things that are only to mod tool people? ;-)
Seems like. Would you mind just telling Panda and I the triggers? Because I've invested over 40 hours on learning these two... I'm not too proud to beg ;-)
@Catija we now know the 2nd set require reviews done over 5 days. is the trigger: 5 reviews on each of the 5 days and the 5 days do not need to be consecutive?
@RoryAlsop LOL
tbh the 2nd page is somewhat misleading but I shall not elaborate in what way
@Catija back to the beginning :-( I found 4 answers where you use 4 different terms for chat, tried 3 of them already, and the 4th - was wrong as well. I'm baffled
That's the question. What's your feeling on whether or not this will get fixed (and get me Defender this way?) https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/384896/the-your-hats-view-hides-whether-or-not-you-have-the-hat-on-the-current-site
@RoryAlsop fair enough, different strokes for different folks :) i couldn't face trying to brute force it on my phone without a script to do it for me 😅
@RoryAlsop tbh if so many people are getting it by brute-forcing rather than solving the puzzle, I'm beginning to wonder whether you are all robots after all ;-)
@nobody A longer string is the "canonical" solution, hinted at by the note, but wanted to accommodate correct reasoning that missed the confirmation text by a hair. That opened the puzzle up to brute forcing. C'est la vie.
(There are a couple spots in both puzzles that confirm correct reasoning via a set of acceptable solutions.)
I got it with the extra character :P I wondered how the bruteforcers guessed it which is why I suggested it might be easier to just solve the puzzle... didn't realise it would accept the answer without the ending
I tried many ways to solve the riddle and nothing worked . In the end, brute forcing with the correct format works, but I don't understand how to get to the solution from the puzzle
@RoryAlsop It wasn't supposed to give you a step. It was supposed to give you a... well the writing on the wall tells you what it was supposed to give.
Uhh, can we have an easier start to the puzzle next year? I'm fine with not getting to end, but not making it past page one is a bit err frustrating...
Question: since I can't seem to understand what the decoded first message is about, can anyone please confirm that it is not related to the phonetic spelling of the words since I am not English and that would completely fly past me?