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use this
all right, so it's go to the URL directly and not just get a 404 error?
I'm not sure what you mean, but to get not found go to the site stack*.com/404 just add /404 after the .com
@Catija Sorry the number of reviews needed for non-SO sites is 5. (Official guess)
@JamesRisner If you throw in a gibberish URL after the .com, it will throw the error and bring up the page.
If, for instance, you try the link I gave, you will see it looks exactly like the 404 page, because it is it, so to speak
@Mary I'm not following. Maybe I'm confused. You are wanting Not Found on stackoverflow.com right?
Yes, and I got it by your URL. However, you can get to that page indirectly, which is what confused me.
If you go to stackoverflow.com/404 and wait some where between 7 minutes and 30 mins you will get it
I know because that's exactly how I got it on 33 profiles, chop off url, add /404
you are waiting a bit of time right?
1 hour later…
@Panda No
Flagging = flag all the types of flags? idk
@Stevo If you flag a "thank you" comment, it immediately reports helpful. If you take something else (a post or a comment), then when that flag is handled or when sufficient others flag it such that you get credit for it as helpful then it counts.
right, so could the flagging badge be related to be that
For me, on 35 accounts:
When you receive 1 helpful flag = Gain Heads Up.
When you receive a total of 10 helpful flags = Gain Flagging
When you receive a total of 25 helpful flags = Gain Unflagging.
Check my profile, 26 or so of them have Unflagging. Some, like Movies & TV, took **no actions** other than flagging comments.
@JamesRisner did catija say no?
to the flagging and unflagging?
@Stevo No, She said correct with a caveat. So tell me the caveat. And I can't think of it.
To clarify, yes to Heads Up, Flagging, and Unflagging are all flag related. I didn't work out the 1, 10, 25 until today.
took 3 days to do the 25, since I did one every 40 mins to make sure I knew the exact #
@JamesRisner Where did you run this test?
@Catija I created a profile on Movies & TV. movies.stackexchange.com/users/98721/james-risner
One of those flags didn't count.
I did, accidentally, flag something I subsequently retracted. So the total flags raised was 26, with 25 helpful and 1 retracted. Is that what you are referring?
You have two flags on the same post.
@Catija sigh. I know that doesn't count. I don't know how I managed to do that.
So is it 1, 10, 24 total, not on same question, and helpful only?
(I do know, it took me a couple days to do it and I got confused.)
Not quite but I'm tempted to tell you since you're so close.
and I've spent probably 24 hours over a week and half trying to find that last inch....
:D It's 9/10 and 23/25
So it only looks at your most recent 10 or 25 flags on unique question pages.
Heads up is "last 1 helpful flag"
Flagging is "9 most recent helpful flags on unique pages (counting both Q&A)"
Unflagging is "23 most recent helpful flags on unique pages (counting both Q&A)"

That what you mean?
wait wait wait, so is that confirmed?
@Catija Final guess of the day: looking at my own reviews, I’m fairly sure it’s 3 on non-SO sites
Congrats @JamesRisner for discovering Flagging & Unflagging!
Well she hasn't said it's confirmed confirmed yet ;-)
when you try to get some hats but the hats don't load:
For me, it's been working like clockwork since Dec 14 th, so been frustrating getting the language pinned down exactly.
(if I were better at troubleshooting I might not had so much frustration)
@Panda You working on Albert, Molina, and ? forgot?
2 hours later…
@JamesRisner I’m taking a look at others’ reviews and trying to do some reviews myself too.
Flagging: 9 flags marked as helpful in your most recent 10 flags on unique question pages
Unflagging: 23 flags marked as helpful in your most recent 25 flags on unique question pages
I wonder what will happen if I have 9 helpful flags followed by 9 declined flags, will I still get the Flagging hat?
2 hours later…
@Panda yes.
@Catija Guess: is Gregorio Y. Zara for reviewing 5 Low Quality Posts for 3 days where majority of the reviewers agree with you?
Number of posts is difficult to pinpoint, but the idea is that it takes 3 days of review for the hat.
2 hours later…
Noooo... Somebody serial downvoted 3 of my questions just to not let me get the Cubed Away hat! What do I do?
@U12-Forward Join the "Dear Staff, please keep the Giant Robot of Offense link in mind next year" committee ?
Sound cool :) How do I do that?
you just have to pester them with the same link every time an hat trigger can be abused to harass people.
in TRPG General Chat, Sep 10, 2019 at 14:01, by BESW
@Derpy Yes, thank you for reminding me of it. The Giant Robot of Offense is a very good concept to interject here.
Haha, do you think I should flag got moderator intervention? Or 3 is too little
@U12-Forward depends, do you really want the added fun of being told that they can do nothing, that everyone is entitled to vote as they wish and that "Tim lost his keys"?
Yeah, true. I will deal with it, just need to ask 3 more questions.
Unless somebody upvotes them.
1 hour later…
@U12-Forward I am not one of them.
@U12-Forward When you get it, lmk if it gets awarded on SO as well as the other sites - I was only awarded it on the non-SO sites but not sure if that's just caching or a bug.
Never mind - it just turned up
@CDJB Congrats on getting both Squared Away & Cubed Away!
@Panda Thanks :)
@Catija My working theories:
Shakuntala Devi is for completing 10(?) *First Q reviews* over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you
Gregorio Y. Zara for completing 10(?) *Low Quality Posts reviews* over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you
Fairly confident about the queues for the 2 hats but not confident on the number of reviews needed. If anyone can prove / disprove these theories, that would be great.
Refining previous theories from everyone: Thomas Mensah is for the Close queue, Mario Molina is for the Reopen queue and Albert Einstein is for the Suggested Edits queue.
All these hats require 10 reviews on SO and **only 3 on non-SO sites** where the majority of voters agreed with you.
It's possible Shakuntala Devi and Gregorio Y. Zara require 10 reviews on each of the 3 days, i.e. 30 reviews in total.
@Catija I am asking this seriously. Can the staff please do a check on the main WB related posts on Meta and see if someone is actively doing serial downvoting? I get that those are fake internet point, I get that one may think the issue is not worth the effort but this is getting quite pathetic by now.
I think that many users in this room agree that by simply watching those post it is pretty clear that there is a serial downvoter at work, and since this happens every year maybe it is time to give a message to such abbusers that if they don't like the event they can just ignore that or even better take the door and leave us...
@U12-Forward Tourist Hat part two? "The legend of the long description"
It's indeed frustrating to update (consequently re-surface) old Winter Bash posts just for them to be downvoted.
the point is not the vote. I don't care at all. I just want someone to take actions against users that apparently have nothing else to to than trying to ruin the event for others.
I wouldn't even care about getting the votes reversed.
Just suspending / banning the responsible if this is deliberate as it looks.
And based on the timings, pretty sure it is.
the only utility I see in rep is to unlock rep based privileges. Since I already have 10k on meta, I don't care at all if the actual number is 16893 or 12953 or whatever else...
Well, I don't mind the rep per se, but it's a bummer for a 3-year-old Winter Bash post to get its first downvote this year.
I got like 3 first downvotes on my answer last year on "Suggestions for 2022 Winter Bash" a few days ago
Dear staffs, downvotes should not be counted. A positive total score should be sufficient so that you can block the downvotes to prevent getting hats.
@KadirŞahbaz I doubt this is done just because of the specific hat triggers.
This is done because some users hate Winter Bash.
But that doesn't mean that they have to ruin other people's Winter Bash.
The triggers give the possible troll one more reason to be annoying, but I fear that the pleasure of being annoying is already a good enough reason for them.
see this question for example.
Q: Suggestions for Winter Bash 2023

Dan BonacheaWinter Bash 2022 is going on right now, so why not use the opportunity to gather ideas/suggestions/corrections for next year? Please post your suggestions regarding how to make Winter Bash 2023 even more fun than the previous Winter Bashes. New suggestions for hats and hat triggers (either regula...

^ every single post as at least one downvote.
@SPArcheon absolutely right.
@JamesRisner It's in my proposed trigger: "no need to [be] consecutive" (missed out the word be)
Now, one can disagree with a single answer, but I find it hard to believe that so many answers got exactly a single legitimate different user disagree.
Occam's Razor: if the downvotes are so close and so similar, someone probably mass downvoted the post.
I down-voted your coin idea post, but only that specific one
Dec 19 at 5:46, by Catija
Yeah, so our friend who's going through and downvoting all of the show off your hats posts... preventing everyone from getting the hat. :P
Maybe it was a joke. I don't know.
@mousetail oh, but that is totally fine. What is kinda sus is that I post an answer about avoiding exploitable hats triggers an hour ago, and about 10 minute later it gets the downvote. I don't think many would disagree.
@mousetail BTW, let me show you something...
See? that is one of the few posts that have more than one downvote.
In this case one vote is the one you casted. And the other one has to be our "friend" Grinch.
-2 needs explanation.
@U12-Forward well, as I said, I can accept that multiple people downvoted a specific post.
This gets suspicious when every post seems to collect at least one downvote.
Well 2 people, we know some other person already downvoted all the show off your hats posts
I kind hate the “no downvotes” hats for this reason
Only 4 ayes though.
I am tempted to post an hat proposal for next year.
> Badge of Honor: have a downvoted post on a question with more than 10 different answers where at least 90% answers have been downvoted by the same user
obviously, secret hat,so that they don't realize what is happening too soon...
Someone with ONLY Gregorio by the 18th had performed these actions:
Late Answer Reviewed 1x14 2x15 1x16
First Answer Reviewed 1x14 2x15 1x16 1x18
First Answer Looks_OK 1x14
First Question Reviewed 1x14 4x15 3x16 2x17 1x18
Reopen Leave_Closed 2x15
Close Leave_Open 2x17
Close Close 1x16 1x17
I've done all these, just not in successive days. When they commented, I commented. Etc.
I also think it's probably First Question for Gregorio
@SPArcheon Nice idea. :)
@SPArcheon love it
2 hours later…
@JamesRisner this guy has Gregorio with only one close review on the 15th and 9 suggested edits on the 16th stackoverflow.com/users/1599751/…
@CDJB thank you. I’ll check that out.
2 hours later…
Random thoughts: spending a certain amount of time on reviews, up/down voting according to review outcome, leaving comments on review tasks, reviewing using a tag filter... running out of ideas tbh 😂
1 hour later…
@CDJB Me too. Approximately 75% of my time since Monday has been finding S/H/G. I've put in between 8 and 12 hours a day at that task. I've got no progress. I'll replicate PeterJ's actions (on different Q&A of course) tonight. But if that doesn't do it I don't have a clue.
Especially considering we know it's Review based and related to the others.
Q: Let's check in on Sparkles the Unicorn!

Adam LearAfter two eventful years, Sparkles the Unicorn is determined to spend this year's holidays relaxing at home. I bet she'd love to see her friends. Why don't you /visit-sparkles and see how she's doing? (Please keep the details of your visit to yourself until January 4, 2023 at 21:00 UTC.)

@Catija Finally Sparkle?
The plan had been to put it out yesterday. :P
Did you notice the new hat Catija has? Yes, a robot
@Catija new robot hat is the date based final special?
@Catija so there is one more secret not yet revealed?
The time based one?
I have to say... that initial puzzle is tricky. I actually had to write a program to fiddle with it
The cipher?
Yeah. I've gotten bits and pieces
@JamesRisner yes
Blame/ thank @Slate
Adam and I have an accord. If anyone has any frustrations, issues, or complaints with the puzzle this year they should blame Adam. But that if anyone enjoys it or wants to speak highly of it, they should credit me. ;)
@Machavity I've got the intial cipher deciphered, haven't looked at the next step yet
@Mithical I've got 4 lines nailed down. Still trying to get the rest
which four?
I presume line 6 is one of them
Lines 2, 7, 10, and 13
ah, so 5, 6, and 2
Ok, dumb question, but why does sparkles keep getting kidnapped or lost?
@nobody I blame bad coding. But that's just me
Got whole thing decode. Now no idea
I take it that we should not actually discuss it here, per the don’t discuss request?
I have to say 3v4l.org/#live has made this much easier since it auto-executes
And now it's decoded
Damn... captcha's these days are tough.
Hmmm... I can't view the page source on mobile, is there a hint there like last year?
I'm stuck after decoding (stage 1)
@CDJB don't think so
Can on iPhone in the share (up arrow) button, they moved it.
this is hard >:|
So are everyone working on the second step after decoding the lines?
@CDJB Just wondering, did you tried doing any LQPs reviews?
11 hours ago, by Panda
@Catija My working theories:
Shakuntala Devi is for completing 10(?) *First Q reviews* over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you
Gregorio Y. Zara for completing 10(?) *Low Quality Posts reviews* over 3 days (no need to consecutive) where the majority of voters agreed with you
I have panda.
@JamesRisner Over 3 days?
I've also tried first answer, first question, suggested edit
not 3 days. here..
Late Answer Reviewed
First Answer Reviewed
First Answer Looks_OK
First Question Reviewed
Reopen Leave_Closed
Close Leave_Open
Close Close 1x15
Edits Disagree 2x16
Edits Approve 3x16
Edits Reject 4x16
only 2 days
You can’t see deleted LQPs reviews on one’s profile.
I've done 1 close and many edits.
OH that is why you think that?
doesn't that break the "can see on profile" rule?
I guess you can still see Looks OK reviews on one’s profile.
I think 3 day idea is gone with PeterJ history or its LQP if it doesn't show and it was missed.
@Catija You had previously indicated Gregorio Y. Zara was related to review queues and they are visible. It may be that LQP queue are not visible after the reviewe. Can you confirm whether or not Zara is LQP review related?
@Panda confirmed LQP don't show up in profile review tab.
Only those that were deleted after using the "Recommend Deletion" or "Delete" options.
However, some of them gained this on sites without LQP
So I think the fact you can get on all sites eliminates LQP
Could you share an example?
@JamesRisner I am, but I'm stuck
@Panda hmm, let me look more
I'm fairly confident it requires number of days of reviews for Shakuntala Devi (First Qs) and Gregorio Y. Zara (LQPs). That's why they weren't awarded in the first day of WB.
@Panda that makes perfect sense. But my theory is you need the first one to get it. I think Zara is the second of Thomas.
@JamesRisner This user has Zara without Thomas math.stackexchange.com/users/1018325/shengtong-zhang
@Panda ok, nix that idea
earliest found is 16th?
I wasn't keeping records of them that early
The hat list shows the hats 4 days afterwards.
wait what? it delays reporting data?
This hats list meta.stackexchange.com/questions/384707/…, I looked at the revision history for the Zara and Greg hats for when they first appeared.
I was referring to leaderboard. I kept viewing it every day, I just wasn't archiving them
@panda confirmed they all have LQP queues

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