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ok this is messing with me too much, parser lib here i come
actually wait i think i can do this
14 hours later…
how should we do outputting of infinite sets? like for the program that "counts up forever" by printing every natural number to stdout
the issue is that sets aren't sorted
and I don't think people will accept SortedSet(1, 2, 3, ...) as output :p
@Ginger well we kinda have no choice but to make them sorted
and print infinitely counting up
we can't, radvylf will have our heads
what other choice do we have?
we can, however, make a builtin to "sort" sets
so turn the set of all natural numbers into {1, {2, {3, {...}}}}
but even then we have a problem with representing the result
because the program doesn't say "print all the numbers", it says "print this infinite set"
so how tf does the interpreter represent that
@Ginger then print it infinitely
@RadvylfPrograms your input?
@Seggan hurry up with that interpreter already I found a challenge which Complement is the ideal language for
it even beats Vyxal (admittedly only by one byte but that's still a victory)
im still writing the parser
i think i got a way to do it without a lib
what's the complement of the empty set?
The universe
I meant in Complement
what the hell is the program supposed to output if I try to print that
The set of all sets (not including the complement of the empty set)? lmao
how do I represent the set of all sets
Q: Notation for the set of all sets

spydonI know that it doesn't make sense mathematically (Russell's paradox), but is there any nice way or notation to express the set of all sets? Edit: I want the set to contain itself, even though it might break some definition.

@user so just V
I don't see how the notation matters, anyhow
You just need to be list all sets
it's an implementation detail; I'm just the SYN_TAX guy
ZFC gives you axioms that basically tell you how to construct every set, right?
lemme tell ya something: I am not a set theorist, I have never done anything relating to set theory, this whole idea came from a book on logic I bought at Barnes & Noble
Same lol, I need to learn more about sets before talking about it
that's it
and there we go
now as I was saying: Is the Euler Field Manifold Hypergroup isomorphic to a Gödel-Klein Meta-Algebreic ε<0 Quasimonoid Conjection under Sondheim Calculus?
or is the question ill-formed?
@Seggan BigInts
@Ginger They aren't ordered, doesn't mean it's impossible to assign tnem an order to print them
I think we'd just internally store infinite sets with a particular ordering (it's impossible not to) and use that for printing
@RadvylfPrograms that exists? noice
@Ginger How do you...not?
Just an infinite iterator of all of the sets
@Seggan It's a library, num::bigint::BigInt
Alternatively num_bigint::BigInt if you just want to download the bigint part
mm so i have to add a dep?
mind sanity checking out the parser branch for me?
Alternatively, we could store ints as sets at all times, but that'd be kinda inefficient
ure the best rustacean of us
Can we not have exponentiation please
It makes things way more complicated
Well, I guess with ints it's probably fine
Why is Implies there but not the double arrow
because i forgot
What about xor, xor's missing
We need unary -
btw what i meant abt "sanity check" was the actual code, not the features :P
Putting each struct in its own file is very un-rust-like
its kinda gonna be weird tho: parsing::parser::AstNode or whatever
The AstNode should go in the parser's file unless you plan to make it absolutely giant later on
oh wait cant you make multiple namespaces in a single file?
Yeah it should just be parsing::AstNode, parsing::parse(), etc.
thats not what i meant but ok
You can keep AstNode in its own file if you want and pub use it, but it doesn't really feel necessary
i like the one thing/file method bc then your files are cleaner and less scrolling is needed
Why is the token enum in the lexer file then
because its closely tied to the lexer
And why is Operator in a file called parsing.rs
@Seggan And the AST is closely tied to parser, no?
true. i originally had a very messy struct/trait system in there before i realized enums do it better
@RadvylfPrograms because its pretty much shared across all submodules of parsing
ok i admit it im bad at rust's module system
I'd put it in its own file, not in parsing.rs
@Seggan It's really confusing yeah
Very powerful, but confusing
You can basically map practically any structure file-wise to practically any structure module-wise
so u saying mush the entire parsing module into one file?
what no
I'm saying put the Operator enum in its own file
It's big enough it makes sense to keep it separate
yeah but what abt this
im a bit confused as to what to put together and what to separate
@Seggan As in just pub use them in parsing.rs
what does pub use do
merges it with the current module?
Yeah. Like, pub use thing::function in parsing.rs means you can do parsing::function()
So, I think it's time for us to start discussing how exactly we're gonna implement this
Constraint-based stuff can be pretty tricky
Also, one really big question: Undefined behavior
The vast majority of possible programs will have many, typically infinitely many, valid outputs
ok so
E.g., x % 2 = 0; x ∈ O
while yall write the language interpreter, I will contribute by making a website for writing Complement programs with Blockly
like mathblocks on steroids
we can use it to prototype the syntax
@RadvylfPrograms print every even number
I thought we only printed one of the valid outputs
i have an idea how to implement this but i dont have time rn to explain
I'm... not sure what that program would do
It would be undefined behavior
It would print any set containing at least one even number
Probably {0}
One possibility: We could start with O being an iterator over the set of all sets, then repeatedly "filter" it (lazily), then take the first item
I think that should be an error along the lines of "not specific enough"
lemme explain
Then we also have to determine if there's more than one possible output
No nontrivial program would halt
correct syntax for that would probably be ∃x∈N((x%2=0)∧(x∈O))
@RadvylfPrograms my idea is that all statements add a constraint to a variable. i.e. x % 2 = 0 constrains x to even. then on the output we simply filter the numbers by the constraints on the var
that way the interpreter knows that x has to be a natural number
@Seggan Yeah, but it's easier said than done to turn a set of constraints into a result. That's what we need to discuss how to do.
filter all numbers?
if there is a < or smth filter all numbers up to x
@Ginger Yeah but that's something different
Nobody said x had to be a natural number in my program
@Seggan What about sets
@RadvylfPrograms which is why that'd be an error; the interpreter has no clue what you want
x is a number
@RadvylfPrograms but we constrained it to integers
It knows x is a number because x % 2 can only be 0 if x is a number
Since % isn't meaningful on a non-number
@Seggan Yeah but it could be nonpositive
but then we'd have to add code for figuring out types
which feels... hard
And figuring out everything else doesn't?
fine, hardER
I don't think you understand how impossible of a task we're about to embark on
oh I do
@Ginger types are simply constraints inferred from others. i.e. if x is in the set of all numbers, x is a number
I've been lying awake trying to figure out how tf this could work
@RadvylfPrograms we can do the simpler version of it, cant we?
but the payoff if we get it right will be monumental
Wait what will even do
@RadvylfPrograms it means "there exists"
But statements already mean that
it'd probably be used for variable assignment? not sure
Since the interpreter's job is to make it exist :p
∃x∈N((x%2=0)∧(x∈O)) is the same as x ∈ N; x % 2 = 0; x ∈ O
@RadvylfPrograms i thought abt that too :P
@RadvylfPrograms fair enough, but I think we should still add it so hardcore set theorists will feel more comfortable with the syntax
We can just make it syntax sugar I guess
Or: we could make it like let/var
When you use an identifier/set name, it searches for the tightest-scoped expression, or defaults to the global scope otherwise
So if you want to shadow x in a lower scope, makes it unambiguous that you're declaring a new one
you've got "set theory" and then you've got "set theory (Complement/set theory)"
2 hours later…
ok so ive finally implemented operator precedence, and its dead simple
im surprised it took me a day to figure it out
i simply search for the rightmost operator with the lowest precedence and recursively parse each side
the resulting ast is already in the required form
1 hour later…
parens work
should ² be an operator?
I don't think so
Even if we include exponentiation, which I'd still advise against, having ² and maybe ³ special cased would be weird
@Seggan Because efficiently reversing the core arithmetic operations is hard enough
This is about constraints tho, not roots
yeah but the reverse of a power is a root
its easy enough to reverse
If I tell you a number modulo 5 is 4, the same number mod 6 is 2, you can turn that into a single constraint
@Seggan Not what I mean by reverse
@RadvylfPrograms As soon as you add power in, that's no longer possible
With addition and multiplication and stuff, it's still pretty easy
@RadvylfPrograms why not?
Because there's no patterns
Give me a perfect cube that, modulo 1338, is 345
I don't think (I may be wrong) that there's a good way to get a list of those without trying every 1338th number
fair point
ill remove it
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I'm the only person here who has implemented a constraint-based equation solver
@Seggan I was actually going to say before I sent that message, I may have changed my mind
Wait no I haven't
I just realized
The problem isn't fixed exponents
It's when you have two unknowns
@RadvylfPrograms you have?
Yep, about a year ago
At one in the morning
@RadvylfPrograms then we implement a system of equations :P
@RadvylfPrograms link?
It's not public and I probably could not find it if I tried
@Seggan You joke, but Complement will be a fully featured equation solver for integers
Given that applying constraints to see what a variable is is exactly what solving an equation is
yeah lol
Complement might actually be useful outside the world of esolangs
lets not get too far ahead of ourselves tho
Probably not though, since it will be far far less optimized than something purpose-built for it like SymPy
so if yall want to review that pr so i can begin work on sets would be nice
@Seggan Actually...it might not be a bad idea. It'd be optimized to x * x anyway, and would make some stuff look prettier
What's the syntax for filtering a set again
It's set-builder, right?
@Seggan (thats an exaggeration, git allows me to start now :P)
@RadvylfPrograms i think
Trying to write out how I'd solve for the roots of a polynomial with Complement
{x | x² - 4x - 8 = 0}
(This is why | for remainder would have been a bad idea :p)
quick rust q: copilot suggests i implement 'static on my trait, how do i implement a lifetime on a trait??
What trait? I doubt you need 'static for it
@Seggan You just require it the same way you would for trait inheritance
yeah inheritance is what i mean
pub trait Set: Clone + Default + Eq + 'static {
Sets are going to need to be recursive dyn Iterators, those can get really hairy so I'd recommend not trying that yet lol
no this is just a general interface for sets, i.e. a cover for the set of outputs and lazy sets and whatnot
@RadvylfPrograms well thats kinda the next thing on the list :P
unless i should start implementing the solving of arithmetic constraints
Okay actually it's simpler than I remember
Code example from an unrelated project:
pub trait CloneIterator: Iterator {
    fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIterator<Item = Self::Item>>;

impl<T> CloneIterator for T
    T: 'static + Iterator + Clone
    fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIterator<Item = Self::Item>> {

pub struct Ripr {
    top: Option<Rational>,
    data: Box<dyn CloneIterator<Item = Rational>>

impl Iterator for Ripr {
    type Item = Rational;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
yeah i think ill leave that to you (or the future me)
ill start on arithmetic
How are you going to do it
Like, what's the interface going to be
for sets?
No for applying the constraints
i dont get what ure asking
Like, what will what you're writing actually be doing
There's multiple ways you could go about it and multiple things you could input or return to do it
perform reduction of the constants, mark variables with constraints
I thought you meant actually applying the constraints
Which is gonna be a whole thing
well marking == applying :P
We're using words differently then
basically rn im just trying to figure out the narrowest range of values a variable can fit
By "applying constraints" I mean actually solving for the final value. Like, constraining the set of all numbers to the possible final results.
Which we're probably going to want a pretty flexible optimizer for, and a lot of planning upfront
ok maybe not that deep in, im assuming a one variable environment here
something a 6th grader can solve or soish
One thing to consider is that we want to be able to detect as many no-solutions situations as possible
Since any we can't catch up-front are an infinite loop
E.g., O = 2; O < 1
If we just did the naive "filter an infinite list" that would be an infinite loop since it would never find an item that passes the filter
yeah ive got some plans in mind for that
I'm thinking a web-style thing, like they do for code optimizers
We just have a big list of rules which say what structure they apply to (e.g., an = and a </> on the same variable), and we repeatedly go down the list until we find a rule that matches, then do it again and again, until no more rules match
hmm i dont seem to be getting it
Well there's going to be probably hundreds of optimizations or possible no-solution cases we'll need to handle
To take the raw set of contraints and sanity check them + optimize them for brute forcing
ok i think i better do some reading before i actually do this
E.g., if x = 1 is one of the constraints, we don't need to brute force x. If x > 2; x <= 3 is one of the constraints, we don't need to brute force x. What if x E {y | y² -2y + 1 = 0} is a constraint? We don't need to brute force x, but that's going to be a really complicated optimization we may or may not be able to implement.
i mean simply substituting a variable we know is a set predicate is pretty simple
ok wait never mind
i read it wrong
The architecture is going to need to look something like this:
1. We convert the AST into a set of contraints on variables
2. We repeatedly perform optimizations, merging constraints where possible and searching for contradictions
3. We brute force the unsolved variables
This is basically going to be prolog and sympy combined with extra glue in the middle. Hope y'all packed lunches.
ok before i start on this ima write an equation solver for 1 var

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