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ananiask8: Ok thank you guys. I'm gonna go up on the chat to see if I can find Concadoro
blackratdog_: well he should be around here somewhere still
lokeshhh: When I type "edx s" I don't get what you get
blackratdog_: lokeshhh: is the person with the original problem, ananiask8 has the same problem
ananiask8: Ok what i did was create an event to start immediatly, just for the sake of recording it and submiting youtube url
ananiask8: when i tried to invite the community, i couldnt
lokeshhh: that's what I got: i58.tinypic.com/3347rb5.png
blackratdog_: yeah what it says on that thread is what I've been tellng people to do but it doesn't seem to have had much effect
lokeshhh: blackratdog if i follow your method then the hangout won't be share on edx saas community
lokeshhh: that's why people are not appreciating it
blackratdog_: yeah well it's better to at least have a hangout rather than not at all
Mr-Jonze: it says the answer is
Ale_A: this is link for hangout
blackratdog_: if you share the URL here you're still sharing it with the community
Mr-Jonze: "I found a workaround. You create an event and you invite only one contact and then share the event with edx community. A bit complex but feasible. I keep on investigating to find a better solution. - MDY "
Mr-Jonze: thats not what they meant
Mr-Jonze: sharig with the community means the event will be listed on the events page
Concadoro: lokeshhh - continue typing all of edx saas, maybe it'll appear then..
lokeshhh: blackratdog I am sure there's a much better way by seeing that people have done sharing the hangout with the community. Don't you wonder how that happens?
Mr-Jonze: but lokeshhh said you do not want anyone to join your hangout ?
lokeshhh: it didn't appeared @Concadoro
Mr-Jonze: if you dont want anyone to join it then dont invite anyone
blackratdog_: lokeshhh: i'm not sure but from being in here a lot most of the hangouts I see have just been posted here and then done immediately rather than scheduled in advance
lokeshhh: That doesn't work for me as I am free in the morning
blackratdog_: and the proof that the hangout has been done is by the link to the recording on youtube
Mr-Jonze: i just dont understand why are you trying so hard to invite ppl that you dont want to join ?
Mr-Jonze: as blackdog said it is only the recording that you need
Mr-Jonze: the event listing exists only to attract ppl to it
Concadoro: lokeshhh - try typing edx saas into the Audience box.
lokeshhh: I have tried pasting link in the morning but there's no one in here. so I want to share the event in the edx saas page
Mr-Jonze: oh
Mr-Jonze: well i read 10 minutes ago you said you did not want to invite anyone
lokeshhh: I want to invite people
lokeshhh: there's a misunderstanding I guess
Mr-Jonze: okeshhh: When I type "edx s" I don't get what you get
Mr-Jonze: did you actually join the group yet ?
Concadoro: I can't take a screenshot as it changes as soon as I try to take a snapshot, but I get two entries in the drop-down below. Edx Sas
Mr-Jonze: you need to join the community before you can invite the community
lokeshhh: How do I join the community?
Mr-Jonze: no screenshots are necessary sam posted the entire sequence of steps as screenshots
Concadoro: Edx Saas 2209 members, but also edx saas Following
Mr-Jonze: then come back if you have problems
lokeshhh: Mr-Jonze I have read the instructions
Mr-Jonze: it doesnt say how to join the group ?
lokeshhh: I never read it
lokeshhh: let me check
Mr-Jonze: gimma a wet fishbot
glenlewis: Hey all. Quick question - I managed to connect to this IRC chat channel via client, but the chat rooms appearing at the bottom of every page is starting to driving me banana's. Did some fast google searching but couldn't find a way of hiding/stopping/disabling the chat function inside Chrome. Any suggestions?
Mr-Jonze: ima slap somebuddy
jmendezrice: agreed with glenlewis!
lokeshhh: oh yeah i says about joing the community but where's the option to join?
Mr-Jonze: yea it does not say how
jmendezrice: mainly because it will (sometimes, but often enough for me to hate it) suddenly scroll my page down several seconds after the main part of the page has loaded
Mr-Jonze: i really dont remember cause im already in it
glenlewis: jmendezrice - thats what I am seeing as well
Mr-Jonze: i would think there a big shiny button like "join this group now"
hrwath: glenlewis, well, you might add that div to adblock if you use it
lokeshhh: there's nothing like that Mr-Jonze
Mr-Jonze: lemme see im going to some random group now
jmendezrice: thanks tansaku
lokeshhh: I have searched the page with "Join" and nothing appeared
Mr-Jonze: i see it at the Very very top of the page
lokeshhh: @Concadoro I have tried that edx saas following edx saas (20..) people but that didn't worked
hrwath: I also agree, web-based chat should be on separate page, not on every
Mr-Jonze: do you see at the very top of the page a very larg button that says "join community"
lokeshhh: I have joined the edx community coz the option didn't appeared like in the link you just gave
lokeshhh: yeah I see
lokeshhh: I don't see it there
Mr-Jonze: that must mean that you are already joined
lokeshhh: yeah
Concadoro: @lokeshhh. You're not seeing enough entries. We need to find a wasy for you to see the Edx Saas group without the huge member count
ananiask8: well i shared the video. only the issue with the invitation remains
Mr-Jonze: but you dont see it on the edx group ?
lokeshhh: I don't know my google nickname
lokeshhh: yes
Mr-Jonze: so if anyone finds a solution to this plz post it to that thread also
Concadoro: Maybe you need to "Follow" edx saas
Mr-Jonze: what is your google nickname
lokeshhh: there's just one name listed under communities when I type "edx saas" in google+ search box
Concadoro: Type edx saas in the google+ search box.
lokeshhh: Oh God hwo the hell are people sharing their hangouts then?
lokeshhh: now what
Mr-Jonze: i dont know but there is a question about this on the forum that still has no good answer
lokeshhh: clicked
Concadoro: That's the one
Concadoro: I think you need to be "following" edx saas. Not quite sure where you click to do that.
glenlewis: @tansaku_ - thank you very much. Adblock works perfectly, and the jumping has gone away (FYI - @jmendezrice)
lokeshhh: yes that's me
lokeshhh: add me
Mr-Jonze: thats your google name
Concadoro: lokeshhh - on the right hand siode of the page there should be a "Follow" button for you to click.
Mr-Jonze: he is in the group
lokeshhh: No there's no "Follow" button
Mr-Jonze: i found it by searching the group members
TheJiaJun: hi
Mr-Jonze: the problem as i understand it is that google keeps telling ppl the group is too large
lokeshhh: and people thought I am crazy
Concadoro: Not here? plus.google.com/s/edx%20saas
blackratdog_: yeah it seems to think people are trying to create a hangout with all the members of the group at the same time
Mr-Jonze: concadoro - that is not the group - that is a generic search results
Mr-Jonze: but i do see a follow button
Mr-Jonze: but i have absolutely no idea what its for - he is already a member
lokeshhh: I guess I would have to do the homework myself :(
lokeshhh: no cheating :(
Concadoro: Either it should say "Follow" or "Following" because you're already following. I'm a follower so it says "Following" dropbox.com/s/14whmn9id2sprje/edx%20saas.PNG
Mr-Jonze: mine says folow
Mr-Jonze: and i am alreay a member - which leads me to think that button is useless
Concadoro: @Mr-Jonze, What's he a member of ? The google plus community?
Mr-Jonze: yes
lokeshhh: I am following it now
Mr-Jonze: but i dont know what "following" is for
Mr-Jonze: i think it is
lokeshhh: but that's not the same community right
Concadoro: It;'s being a "follower" within Google+.
Mr-Jonze: it can not be the same as joining - and joining is what you need to do to invite the group
Concadoro: I'm hoping that lokeshhh will now see the right thing in the dropdoen when he follows the earlierinstructions
lokeshhh: let see if it works now or not
Concadoro: Tension mounts....
glenlewis: ... are we there yet :-)
Mr-Jonze: drum roll plz
blackratdog__: i'm ready with the fanfare of trumpets
Mr-Jonze: not yet son almost
Mr-Jonze: bet its gonna be awesome right dad
blackratdog__: well at least we're half way there
blackratdog__: All Praise be to Google
Mr-Jonze: is an "on air" hangout ?
Mr-Jonze: then you will get a recording at least
Concadoro: Pass the sweets around
lokeshhh: it worked Corcardoro, but my post didn't appeared in edx saas community
lokeshhh: now what MrJonze and Concadoro
Mr-Jonze: now just find some sucker erm i mean partner to oh n
Mr-Jonze: also not the time im not sure if you can start them early or ate or what
Mr-Jonze: but at least you can do it now is the main thing
Concadoro: lokesshhh - looks like Mr-Jonze knows all the answers now.
Mr-Jonze: oh yea ima fart smella i mean
lokeshhh: What are you talking about MrJonze
Mr-Jonze: that you are now able to create hangouts
lokeshhh: I knew how to create hangouts already.
Mr-Jonze: ahh so what youre saying is that you have not solved your problem
Concadoro: Did you schedule your hangout for later and "share" it.
Mr-Jonze: so your only problem really is that you havent found anyone to join you in a hangout ?
lokeshhh: I scheduled it for later
Mr-Jonze: and maybe even one for 2 days from now
Mr-Jonze: if i were you i would scedule another one for tomorrow
blackratdog__: burning the midnight oil eh
lokeshhh: no one's at that time
Concadoro: lokeshhh - is that UTC?
lokeshhh: I am available at 1:30 AM
Mr-Jonze: lokeshh - have you looked at the events list lately
glenlewis: what timezone?
Mr-Jonze: looks to me like there are dozens of events already listed
blackratdog__: 1.30 am O.o
Mr-Jonze: maybe just find one of those
lokeshhh: GMT
Mr-Jonze: but if they are not being listed on the events page still ?
lokeshhh: but there can be if I post them on edx saas community
Concadoro: Please can somebody post the link to the events? I've forgotten where to find it
Mr-Jonze: and click the "i wanna go" button
Concadoro: thanks
glenlewis: pity about the group tutorial - running at 1:30am my time tomorrow.
Mr-Jonze: it is the first thing you see on the "pair programming" tab on the class website
blackratdog__: on that pair programming page is a link that takes you to the group page with a big red button that says JOIN
Mr-Jonze: the second one is YOUR personal events
lokeshhh: Thanks everybody
Mr-Jonze: is the actual class events page
Concadoro: Bye lokeshh
glenlewis: mine definitely isn't
blackratdog__: ah
Mr-Jonze: yea but he had already joined thats why he didnt see it
lokeshhh: I have to go
glenlewis: srry
Mr-Jonze: or she sry
blackratdog__: the hangout from hell
Mr-Jonze: neither of those are right
blackratdog__: for future reference
Mr-Jonze: check the events list
lokeshhh: I guess I will do hangouts with demons inside of me ;)
MMan: ...not noobie friendly :)
Mr-Jonze: the first one is the main community page
blackratdog__: good luck with your hangout
MMan: ..gitpong looks AWFUL
Mr-Jonze: maybe not but this course is not intended to be noob friendly
Mr-Jonze: this course is intended to be intermediate
Mr-Jonze: and if you are an intermediate programmer its time to learn about version control
MMan: ...c9 a lot easier
JakeTheAndroid: is git considered intermediate?
Mr-Jonze: c9 is not version control its just a box in the sky
Mr-Jonze: i can say i wish i had learned about version control from the very beginning
blackratdog__: git itself is important, git pong is one of those modern techniques that seems to be popular at the moment
Mr-Jonze: instead you end up with 100 folders like versiion1old verions2broken
JakeTheAndroid: Mr-Jonze: I feel like it was one of the things I had on my plate to learn when I was a beginner. Never knew at what level its generally taught.
Mr-Jonze: version3-this-one-works
DaveDay: I need a volunteer who is a little comfortable with Vim to help me test G+ video + Vim/Tmux/Tmate pairing. You only need to ssh to a server address I give you and join me in a video call. Thanks. DaveDay
Lohhari: i guess the concepts of version control are quite separate from concepts of programming
Mr-Jonze: yes but thats like changing the oil in your car is separate from driving
justom___: Software engineering encompasses both the writing of code and the process of how to write code; one of the cool things about this course is it is teaching both.
justom___: (And in fact that's how I differentiate "programming" from "software engineering"; the latter is, in my experience, more important.)
justom___: Learning the basics of a revision control system is an important software engineering practice. git is fairly widely used, so it's a good one to learn, even if you're not doing git pong regularly.
Mr-Jonze: but see once you know how to use git then doing the pong thing is not anything extra at all
Mr-Jonze: theres nothing new to learn - its just 2 ppl working on the same project instead of 1
JakeTheAndroid: hey, I have played single player pong! misnomer!
Mr-Jonze: yea that was no fun
Mr-Jonze: was fun making a pong for the python course tho
Lohhari: what i was trying to say is that you cannot map version control to a beginner or intermediate level of programming
justom___: And it's a good habit to build early. =)
Lohhari: of course vc can be nice even when it's just you coding but add another person or two and it becomes mandatory
Lohhari: justom___: i agree that it's a part of software engineering. i actually started my career as a "Programmer" and only changed into a "Software Engineer" a couple of years later :)
Lohhari: even if i had been using version control for at least 6 years at the time :)
Concadoro: Lohhari - I kind of started to adopt the title "Software Engineer", but I've moved that into a disused branch called "Maybe Not Agile" and checked out the "Software Developer" branch.
Lohhari: hm, i wrote a pong too, in pascal in the 8th grade
Mr-Jonze: oh yea ... well ..
Mr-Jonze: nah i cant top that
JakeTheAndroid: how old are people in the 8th grade? I think I wrote my first CGI around that time.
JakeTheAndroid: in perl.
Lohhari: i think i was 13
Lohhari: also wrote c when i was 9 i think ;)
Mr-Jonze: gee some 9 yrs old lucky if they can write the letter 'c'
Mr-Jonze: c is for cooke ya know
JakeTheAndroid: Mr-Jonze: LOL!! yeah I was doing C and perl around age 13/14. A lot of it started with hacking games.
sumanpuri1: I started with qbasic when i was 12
JakeTheAndroid: old school.
sumanpuri1: Yup. Now I make mostly static websites with python/flask for clients
Mr-Jonze: like wow no line numbers
Mr-Jonze: thats what i said
Tableau: guys, i have a question. ruby arrays start at zero, dont they?
Mr-Jonze: yes tablea
Mr-Jonze: but i say they actually start with .fisrt :)
sumanpuri1: .first
Mr-Jonze: hey there are not syntax errors in chat
sumanpuri1: only typos ;)
Mr-Jonze: if there were id end every statement with semicolon just to be safe ;
sumanpuri1: you'd get a syntax error, probably
Tableau: so they start at one?
Mr-Jonze: zero
Mr-Jonze: but the best answer is always try it yourself
Tableau: im asking because of the questionof 3.1
Mr-Jonze: no guarentees tyhat ppl you meet in chat rooms tell you useful things'
JakeTheAndroid: I am proof of that.
Tableau: haha trolls
Mr-Jonze: no worse is ppl who think they know something and try to be helpful
Mr-Jonze: the trolls you can just ignore
sumanpuri1: ha ha
JakeTheAndroid: Mr-Jonze: are you intentionally describing me?
Tableau: join forces for this task
Mr-Jonze: nah dood im jutst saying ive never had much luck get help from chat rooms
Mr-Jonze: i save that for my absolute desperate last resort shot in the dark hail mary play
JakeTheAndroid: lol. I am jking, I just often try to be helpful here without knowing if my advice fits the parameters of the questions.
Mr-Jonze: especially nowadays if the answer isnt on SO its probably unknown
JakeTheAndroid: oblig xkcd: xkcd.com/979
Tableau: i dont know why my name is tableau now
Tableau: wth
JakeTheAndroid: are you on the IRC on the course page? it uses your default login name as the IRC name.
Mr-Jonze: i think it a network error with the chat room
Mr-Jonze: thats what i thought too
Ale_A: here is hangout for HW0 part3
Tableau: im on my cellphone because i was eating but i am ananiask8
JakeTheAndroid: I used to have like 3 different names here because of the clients I used to access this chat. one was my efnet name the other my freenode name and then my edx login name.
Tableau: changing the topic a little, have any of you taken this course before
JakeTheAndroid: I have not.
Mr-Jonze: there are some who have taken the course before
Mr-Jonze: mostly they are the TAs now
Mr-Jonze: is there a reason you asked that
Mr-Jonze: i looked it up btw tableau is a french table
Mr-Jonze: but not a great chat nick
Nephelus: It's also "a group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history; a tableau vivant."
JakeTheAndroid: Nephelus: that is the definition I have always known for tableau
ananiask8: i dont know why i was assigned that name in my cellphone
ananiask8: the reason i asked that is because of the pair programming. to see how has your experience been with that
sampriti: JakeTheAndroid: on your previous discussion of age, I started with C and HTML when I was 9 and now I am 14 and am doing Ruby/Rails. Thankfully :P
Lohhari: it's definitely more fun than perl
JakeTheAndroid: not a bad progression. C at age 9 is really impressive. I still have issues figuring out some logic with stuff I build in C, so at age 9 I would have been really annoyed with trying to figure stuff out. Perl was much easier and helped C make some sense.
JakeTheAndroid: now perl looks complex compared to the python and ruby I write.
sampriti: TBH, I found C interesting. If I would have started with higher level languages. I would have probably been spoiled.
sampriti: Helps to learn lower levels firts.
sampriti: *first
Lohhari: takes a while to become a three-star programmer
sampriti: three-start?
sampriti: *three-star
Lohhari: means you can use a third-level pointer for something useful
JakeTheAndroid: I always recommend people learn C at some point in their programming careers, it teaches you good habits and helps you understand how the computer actually works. but I probably would have walked away out of sheer frustration if I started with C alone.
Lohhari: in my case it was my dad's fault. he was coding in c back then in the early 90s... and still
Lohhari: i also started with qbasic though before moving to C
gngoldstein: does anybody know the password to connect to saasbook?
JakeTheAndroid: I love C, and I used to use it everyday. In fact I am trying to get into kernel development as a career. But it can be very dry and it doesnt do much in the way of encouragement.
Lohhari: i never wrote any code on our vic-20 though
Lohhari: gngoldstein: saasbook
gngoldstein: thanks
Lohhari: i've used almost only c/c++ at work for 7 years now
Lohhari: the amount of c is falling dramatically though and being replaced by c++11
JakeTheAndroid: C is honestly a dying art. You simply dont need to be that low level anymore for most tasks.
JakeTheAndroid: the computing power today means you can use something like ruby or python and get amazing performance. embedded systems are really the only place that still requires that kind of low level work.
ElDari: There is someone looking for one to work in pair ?
sampriti: What were you planning to work on?
Lohhari: with c++11 you get much of the modern syntactic sugar and the ability to do anything you can do in C
JakeTheAndroid: yeah, I really need to checkout C++11 I have heard great things. I just don't have enough time in the day :(
sampriti: Lohhari: What do you think about C++ vs C performance wise?
JakeTheAndroid: C will always have better performance over C++ its just not very visible in most cases.
sampriti: I have used C++11 a few times and its nice. There are a lot of things that you can use and you don't need to implement from scratch unlike in C.
MMan: alguien esta en algun PP HO ? i already completed the exercises but still need a U2b link
Lohhari: i believe the performance difference is negligible
Lohhari: the stl containers and algorithms are so good and fast that it's extremely hard to write faster custom ones in C
ananiask8: Well, i started with assembler in college, studying electronic engineering
ananiask8: i really want to follow something more in the software/computer science field
JakeTheAndroid: at one point C was drastically faster than C++ but with how fast computers are today, and the optimizations made to C++ its not really something you notice, outside of very specific use cases, again, like embedded systems.
ananiask8: so now im learning as much as i can using these online platforms.
Nephelus_: Wow. You started at 9? I didn't learn any programming until I hit College
JakeTheAndroid: Like I would not use C++ for the components on an airplane.
blackratdog__: nowadays if you don't start coding while still in the womb, you've left it too late
JakeTheAndroid: but a desktop application, C++ would work equally well.
AndreasSchumm: C is the most written language since 1989 i dont believe that any other programming language will kill c in a short term
JakeTheAndroid: blackratdog__: lol
ananiask8: I wish i would have started sooner
ananiask8: but thats not gonna hold me back
AhmedEngElsayed_: annanisak8
JakeTheAndroid: ananiask8: I hire developers and many of them never touch code until college. you will be fine.
AhmedEngElsayed_: no matter when you start
AhmedEngElsayed_: the most imprtant to start
AhmedEngElsayed_: I belive C is one of the most strong programming lanague which lead you to fully understand the programming
ananiask8: The possibility of taking these courses is helping a lot
Nephelus_: JakeTheAndroid: I'm already fine. I'm in a Developer role right now
Nephelus_: And C was my first language
JakeTheAndroid: I a developer walks in an has C on their resume, they jump to the top of my stack even if they do not know the domain we are working it. It usually means they can easily understand it.
Nephelus_: I kinda miss working in C. Haven't done it in quite a while.
JakeTheAndroid: Nephelus_: exactly, while you have cowboy programmers that started when they were 9 that is no longer the norm. Its often better to have a team of good programmers vs one really good one.
JakeTheAndroid: Me too. like I said I am looking to branch out and work on kernel level stuff and get back to C programming.
Nephelus_: Like all things, the team cannot revolve around the abilities of one individual
JakeTheAndroid: Trying to make a move to Red Hat but they are in a hiring freeze currently.
bhood: Jake where do you work ? So that statement answers question about hiring. lol
JakeTheAndroid: I work as Director of Technology for a nonprofit called Camellia Network.
bhood: I am in Forida working gov contracts and have plenty of C , but may need to move on shortly.
AhmedEngElsayed_: JavaTheAndroid do you hire developer from home?
JakeTheAndroid: small little nonprofit, but we have a solid team.
AhmedEngElsayed_: i want to work as software developer to practice
sampriti: I dont work. lol
JakeTheAndroid: bhood: I would be interested to see what you guys work on, I really just want to get back into high skill programming if I can
bhood: good for you sam as long as self supportive
JakeTheAndroid: AhmedEngElsayed_: currently we are all full up, and we aim to hire locally. But we do have one guy that telecommutes so its not off the table.
sampriti: bhood: I am a student.
bhood: like you , my company is so small which is why I may have to move on
bhood: okay sam
AhmedEngElsayed_: okay just in case there is any oppotunity please let me know, I am very good with C, C# net, and begginer at Java and android
goteti_: Hi Sampriti I am having trouble connecting to the google hangout
bhood: I am trying to get my 15 year old to take this course
Nephelus_: Sampriti said he was 14
JakeTheAndroid: ahh I see. I like being DoT but honestly I am so far away from daily code that I want to get back to my roots. I end up doing more sysadmin work than actual code production.
goteti_: I created a pairing event and some people did accept the invite too
bhood: Theres some android jobs down in Ft Lauderdale FL
JakeTheAndroid: AhmedEngElsayed_: we are looking at creating an App dev team for both iOS and Android, so that could be a possibility. would you be willing to do a summer internship?
AhmedEngElsayed_: yes
AhmedEngElsayed_: how can we communicate?
sampriti: Jake and Ahmed: That would be really cool, wouldn't it?
JakeTheAndroid: sweet, add me on G+ Jake Sinkey is the name
AhmedEngElsayed_: ok
bhood: sounds like good match
JakeTheAndroid: I actually think Intel is hiring bhood for C programmers and security guys up here in Sacramento.
JakeTheAndroid: I am eyeballing it myself.
bhood: hmmm .. will look around
JakeTheAndroid: as I have security certs and I do C.
bhood: CA is a bit far from home
AhmedEngElsayed_: I was working early as embedded software engineer using Assembly and C
JakeTheAndroid: they pay relocation, and may have telecommute options.
JakeTheAndroid: Yeah its a bit of a location move for you I bet.
JakeTheAndroid: AhmedEngElsayed_: ah a fellow assembly guy. I used to work as a malware engineer and did a lot of assembly.
AhmedEngElsayed_: I have finished also Embedded system diploma in private institue
AhmedEngElsayed_: but i start learning my self C# Net and start working in ODESK platform as freelancer
JakeTheAndroid: sweet. you should find a kickstarter team that is getting funding. they are always looking at hiring embedded programmers after they meet their goals.
AhmedEngElsayed_: after that i start learning android using java under eclipse
bhood: Its good to chat here
JakeTheAndroid: I honestly idle in this room every weekday because I have found a lot of really cool conversations.
JakeTheAndroid: this course brings in a really good cross section of tech people.
JakeTheAndroid: oddly I dont see wspicer hes normally here with me.
bhood: later everyone bye
JakeTheAndroid: later bhood
sampriti: I just realized I stayed up too late. Bye, Good Night!
JakeTheAndroid: goodnight sampriti
Reeling: hi
Reeling: Does anyone want to compare answers for HW0 part 2. I got the answer but I think I may have over thinked it, not sure.
eoinzy: aint started yet
eoinzy: well the homework
musamid: do we have homework this week?
Reeling: yes
jsoto008: just thought I'd share, found out about typing 'ri' in the terminal

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