nitesco: I just used the test workspace and put a new file there because for some reason the new workspace wasnt working for me.
gdi_kepler: actually never mind. I thought price had to be float, it's just that the attribute is a float. An integer is still a valid price argument.
chaicko: anybody wants to start a pair programming review of HW0 part1, and then begin working on part 2?
VanitaW: ok. I asked because if we need the webcam, I will need to leave my computer in my home office because my desk is in there.
davegomez: Homework 0: Ruby Intro Pair Programming en Español - 6 de mayo a las 22 horas GTM -5 plus.google.com/events/…
Materiari: @acs022 max works on a set of things (like an array) and it seems to think you're trying to make it work on a single number (7)
BertProulx: This may seem like a silly question but how do I get the URL of the video I recorded for the test on-air hangout?
StevenJD: How do you do a youtube video recording of your hangout? Last time one appeared on youtube, but this time one hasn't.
StevenJD: Agh. It looks like I didn't successfully make it record. I wonder if I redo the work or write that one off?
binarypulsar: Homework0 autograder results say for sum_to_n of empty array I am returning false but my unit tests say I am returning true. What can I do? Autograder result: Failed examples: rspec /tmp/rspec20140505-30813-16iptn8.rb:108 # Ruby intro part 1 #sum_to_n returns false for the empty array [5 points]
binarypulsar: I don't have a camera or microphone on the computer so have been denied access to hangout.
StevenJD: I don't seem to be able to RSVP to hangouts on the class hangout page. This problem began yesterday. Anyone have any idea where to begin on fixing this?
Materiari: I'd say it seems pretty coordinated if you consider there are roughly 20k people taking the course :-)
StevenJD: binary pulsar, were you in my hangout? If so, I'm very sorry about how that went. I am also really sorry about losing the youtube video.
StevenJD: Someone was just in my hangout who had to type the whole time. We did not do a very good job of including him.
binarypulsar: I tried to join a hangout but don't have a camera or mic so was told I could not join.
StevenJD: I had a problem with the auto grader, at first. It was because I had copied and pasted to a text file and failed to convert the text file to plain text before making it a .rb file
StevenJD: I created a hangout that was supposed to be "on air" using the "create on air hangout" link on the class hangouts page. It didn't post to youtube afterward.
binarypulsar: I went to StackExchange and saw some comments. Thanks. I put some of my code and test case as a comment can someone look at it?
zkay: Anyone solved #sum_to_n returns true when any two elements sum to the second argument [30 points] ?
davegomez_: binarypulsar: So, your question doesn't have any code in it, just have the returned error and we can't do anything with it
davegomez_: binarypulsar: you should at least post your test code so we can verify if it works or what it's wrong with it
davegomez_: binarypulsar: you dont have to put all your code, but please edit your question, add the code you want to add, and use the correct markdown syntax for text code
binarypulsar: The test case is there: answer = sum_to_n?([], 8) puts answer answer returns true but autograder says false
binarypulsar: The autograder says I am returning false and it is incorrect. Failed examples: rspec /tmp/rspec20140505-30813-16iptn8.rb:108 # Ruby intro part 1 #sum_to_n returns false for the empty array [5 points]
zkay: how bad is linking code to your solution to the problem set? Is it highly discouraged by the honor code?
binarypulsar: <davegomez_> Yeah. I'm sorry I had it as: if MyArray.empty? return true , I changed it to false and now have 100% correct with Part1. All three methods written with 16 lines of code. Not bad! Think functional programming.
binarypulsar: <davegomez_> I still have a problem with the Pair Programming. I don't like mentioning this caue people sometimes act wierd but I am deaf and don't participate in pair programming at work (motto is more talking better pair programming). I observe people's code when they ask me and send them messages. Could you ask the professor if I could get a waiver on the pair programming? Thanks.
davegomez: binarypulsar: and I already answer your question edx-cs169-1x.stackexchange.com/questions/510/…
Nick_Name: binarypulsar: While I won't get started on the programming for another two days, you are welcomed to pair with me as I don't use a camera or mic. We'd just use chat
zkay: if you decide to write though, make sure you screenshare your entire desktop, otherwise the chat wont show up
davegomez: you should get at least a camera, and just explain you are deaf, there's no shame in that. See, there's a lot of people willing to pair with you ;-)
zkay: anyone point me in the right direction on #sum_to_n returns true when any two elements sum to the second argument [30 points]?
davegomez: zkay: check array method combination ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/Array.html#method-i-combination
davegomez: binarypulsar: check these links: courses.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS_CS169.1x/1T2014/… | youtube.com/upload
Alehanz: Why is pair programming not optional? That whole submit a youtube link thing ticks me off a bit.
gdi_kepler: I think so, I did not see any limit. I submitted around 10 times before all the requirements were satisfied.
KenCL_: stiv88: you can add test code at the end of your .rb file, just remember to delete or comment out before you submit
gdi_kepler: in one of the videos with sam and someone else they kind of show how to set up a simple test case
Nick_Name: binarypulsar: I have not yet read on how to pair program but I'll set up what I can tomorrow and and set the date for the next day.
gdi_kepler: kencl actually i did not comment it out. seemed like as long as the functions were there that is all it needed.
Nick_Name: binarypulsar: I also have finished all 3 parts and so I'm doing this for the experience of setting up pair programming. It also will be good to compare our efforts and refine code
gdi_kepler: kencl, stiv88, for example in hw0part1, after defining the sum function I put the 2 statements:
gdi_kepler: kind of clunky, but basically when you run the program, if there is no output from the raise, then it has passed. I submitted this file to the autograder and it passed.
Lohhari: Alehanz: well pair programming is one of the main lessons of the course. even if you don't do it you can get 91% score though
gdi_kepler: kencl: I agree with the puts <function call> that it works, the problem is when you have 10s or 100s of test cases, you don't want to check the output by eye. You want a script that if there is no output, it means everything works.
Nick_Name: gdi_kepler: Example - book = BookInStock.new(453254,-1); puts book.price_as_string//////////// This leads to an argument exception
gdi_kepler: stiv88: number of submissions syllabus courses.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS_CS169.1x/1T2014/… Each assignment can be submitted multiple times without penalty
Mr-Jonze: but if it is not listed on the events page you will be much less likely that anyone will attend
Mr-Jonze: the best approach is to create the hangout for sometime in the future like tomorrow then when it starts to put the hangout link into the event description per instruction #8
hostey: is there anyway one can have access to a compressed file of this videos they are just to heavy
jsoto008: bgordon86: time to give a peer review on my part01? pastie.org/9145340 only got the first two
MrPop: If they were passing in a single fixnum it would not, but luckily they are always giving an array
MrPop: with the one where reduce is used it works because the sum of a 1 element array is just the one element
MrPop: With the 0 + x[0] + x[1] method it works because the [] method returns nil when you use an out-of-bounds index
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