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QueueJumper: In China, Google Handout is even not available, how the fxxk should I get those scores?
tansaku__: just record yourself coding through some other mechanism and paste in a link to that video
tansaku__: no one is requiring you to buy the book - we just want to know if you have read that chapter or not
tansaku__: and you should at least try pair programming, since it is one of the things that could really supercharge your learning, but if you want to go on making very slow progress in becoming a ninja coder, then by all means keep soloing
tansaku__: if google hangouts is blocked you can use some other screen recording tech and submit a link to the video of yourself coding as I mentioned above
QueueJumper: tell me why recording is mandatory, I see no places telling me that I should do recording before the homework was released
blackratdog_: I don't think the number of points you'd lose by not doing it is that great if you do well on the other parts of the course
tansaku__: QueueJumper: if you want to demonstrate your ability to do the coding and get a certificate then it would seem logical to be willing to make a recording of yourself doing the coding - what's your problem with recording yourself coding?
QueueJumper: hey, I think I should be notified if recording will get bonus score. And if I'm notified google hangouts will get bonus score, I won't enroll this course as an ID verified
QueueJumper: you're avoiding the real question I'm asking. Why will recording get bonus score and it's not informed in 2 preparation weeks?
QueueJumper: recording takes me a lot of more effort, OK? first I should get a free recording software, then I should learn how to use it. then I must find some place to put on the Internet
tansaku__: we informed you that the course is going to involve pair programming. if this recording part is a big shock to you then it sounds like we should have put more information up front, but since google provides free recording and free hosting on youtube it doesn't seem like a big reach. Of course if all these services are blocked in your country then that's another issue
tansaku__: however I record almost my entire day coding every day. I don't think recording takes "a lot" more effort, and I think that it's something you want to get used to in modern software engineering
Lohhari: i have to admit, the fact that edX charges for the course does change the expectation level
tansaku__: you can use services like screencast-o-matic and screenr online to record short segments explaining whatever you like about the homework - we'd love to see the video of you doing the entire thing, but whatever you can manage is fine
tansaku__: Lohhari: agreed - although the course charge is an optional extra that you can pay - the entire course is available for free
tansaku__: QueueJumper: I guess that depends on your definition of the word mandatory - we can't check every single video to check that you recorded your entire programming session. Just paste a link to a short recording and you'll get the credit
QueueJumper: Hey, if I'm informed well up ahead, I won't be enrolled in ID-Verfified and pay the money OK?
Lohhari: QueueJumper: there is a two-week period that you can cancel your enrollment and get a full refund
QueueJumper: and I'm wondering, I know the basic ruby syntax and basic knowledge in Week -1 and 0, but how to run a ruby program? how to test in IDE? why those fundamental things are not covered?
blackratdog_: didn't say anything about classes in the question but I guess we have to figure that out for ourselves
JoeC: If you're writing the script in the VM, then the irb is interactive. It will run the script line by line.
Lohhari: emacs does coloring, as do manyother editors, but i don't know if there exists a real IDE for Ruby
MarcusGadbem__: Also they advice us to setup shared folders in VM to use our own IDE for coding outside the VM
blackratdog_: you can install Sublime Text on Ubuntu too, it's paid software but you can use the trial version forever
Lohhari: JoeC: you should only use a class in hw 0.3. in the two first ones you are asked to write plain functions without a class
webgen: can anyone take a look at this and tell me what could be wrong with this : ( gist.github.com/webzorg/5237a3c3056e90475ca5?
QueueJumper: I'm not familar with Linux, I only know how to use 'cat' in terminal to create or modify a text file. It's taught in Week-1 and 0. nothing else.
blackratdog_: no, cat's just a command it's not an editor, you should use nano then, that's the simplest command line editor, or gedit which is graphical
MarcusGadbem__: you should youse good_movies = movie_ratings.select { .... }.... "select" method returns a new hash with items matching your if statement... This would be more "ruby way
CathyS: @QueueJumper you don't need to edit from the command line. Start out with Gedit, a simple text editor with built in syntax highlighting. Look on your launcher within the VM - the icons down the left - it's the one that looks like a notebook.
webgen: anyone know how to make ruby 1.9.3 version as a default ? I change it through rvm everytime manually :S
blackratdog_: yeah i think if you want color you'll have to use something like vim or emacs, which have a steeper learning curve
blackratdog_: but they are very powerful editors with lots of plugins available for every imaginable use
WMBNC: Hello all is there a way to tell who in here are TA's or on Teching Staff for the course and which comments are from TAs/staff?
Tableau__________: Hi everybody, I've a problem when I use 'bundle install' (at libv8 installation step) on the VM, does anybody have this too?
blackratdog_: WMBNC: I don't know, but it would be useful if TA's and staff had the @sign in front of their names, like irc ops
WMBNC: blackrat ,, yea will see if any reply :) thnx would be very noce so we cna focus on these responses .. thnx
QueueJumper: It's just ridiculous to me that I set up VM in Virtualbox and AWS, then the video is showing me how to do homework on Cloud9.
CathyS: I've done another course that used a VM. There were massive numbers of complex technical problems students needed help with. I love that this course gets that done in week 0.
CathyS: Later when we need to use the VM it will be up and running for most people, instead of a big emergency problem.
CathyS: Tableau, that library takes a long time to download. There's some questions on the Stack Exchange forum about. You just have to wait it out, or run bundle install again if it errors.
blackratdog_: CathyS: Browser IDE's are becoming more and more powerful like Cloud9 and Nitrous for example. I think in the future courses like this will use an integrated one inside these pages, then no one needs to use their own software at all and everyone has the perfect setup
webgen: rvm use 1.9.3@rottenpotatoes --default ------- I use this command, when I close terminal, go back to the project dir and say rvm gemset list it tells me it uses default but not the rottenpotatoes :S I am confused
CathyS: @blackratdog I'm playing with Cloud9 today, it's fun and looks very useful. I need to figure out how to pair with it so I can do that for part of the homework. (with a chat only link)
WMBNC: webgen you can also go to courseware and clck week 1 it is at bottom: courses.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS_CS169.1x/1T2014/courseware/…
webgen: found it, i would make it in bold different color, I thought it was just an another lecture video link lol
blackratdog_: it's a bit annoying the way it logs you out and back in the irc every time you change page
QueueJumper: sorry again, could anybody please tell me how to write ruby code with color syntaxing and test it in a same environment? I don't know how to do in Saasbook VM and AWS VM.
blackratdog_: webgen, in your xchat just type /set irc_conf_mode on and then /gui apply, that gets rid of the join / part messages
QueueJumper: @aimclasses_, what do you mean by editor? did you mean gedit? I can see color syntax after saving as .rb file, but how can I test it in gedit?
joaopapereira: QueueJumper: I think you cannot use gedit to test because gedit is just the editor you need to go to the console tot est it
tansaku_: odife: check out the events taking place here: plus.google.com/communities/101007836695292894562/events
tansaku: check out plus.google.com/communities/101007836695292894562/events for upcoming pairing sessions
MMan: hi.. question " Have you read Chapter 3 of the Textbook? (1 point possible) " for what i've read thats paid book.. so what should i answer? NO ?,, and how suppose to do the exercises? read free ruby guides ?
tansaku: MMan: well it's a paid book, but you get Free $10 of AWS credits with it, so technically we're paying you $0.01 to buy it
tansaku: if you don't want to read it you can answer no, and you won't lose any points - we just want to know if you've read it or not
tansaku: MMan: and to do the exercises you are supposed to watch the videos on ruby in the courseware section - if you then need more reference and you don't want the recommended textbook you can read free ruby guides online
e-jambon: Anyone can explain why "price_as_string should be defined" fails, although some other tests on the method work.
littlekid: If there's anyone here who'd like to pair this thursday or friday, who's not to far away from Sthlm (time zone wise) feel free to send me an e-mail @ [email protected]
tansaku: littlekid: do post a hangout event those days you are free - you're much more likely to get someone like that compared to receiving emails?
tansaku: Mavvie: same for you post an event, set up the hangout and then ask people here by pasting in the link :-)
Tableau___: Anyone want to help me with evaluation HW0-part3 failure I don't quite understand... ? plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpiai63g5puqrm6a27oqkmek
JoeKennedy: for this homework are we expected to filter the arguments? i.e. check that an array contains only numbers and no strings for part 1? Or do we trust the user input?
Bonza: Does anyone know how this course is graded? It says that hw is 14%, quizzes are 30% but I couldn't find anything about the remaining 56%
e-jambon: It is possible to join, that I know, not too sure if you can still get into certification still....
michalklopot: Correct me if I'm wrong, I still can take this course and do all homeworks and get full amount of points?
terra43110: hw0part1: i got alot of failures, but all my test cases worked. anyone else have this happen?
Danius: Hello everyone, i am a newbie in Linux, so please excuse my ignorance. On Lab8 in GitImmersion tutorial we have to execute "git commit" and then an editor appears in order to write a comment. How on earth do we submit/exit that editor? I'm using the VM and right after "git commit" a new line containing "257" appeared and after that i can write the text but i cant close it. Any help appreciated :D
josiasbh: to insert the command above "wq" and "ENTER", maybe you need to press "ESC" first to change VIM to command mode
Nathaniel1: this pair coding is ridiculous, I'd like to do pair coding then for the final and all tests, ortherwise dont teach like this if its not true of how you are grading and working in a class setting
Nathaniel1: TA's would give tons of examples of the questions, so you could figure out how to do the question
andrecp: Yeah transcripts would be awesome, others courses have it! Sorry for the whinning , not a native speaker and it's hard for me to understand sometimes when he goes in Rap mode hehe but it's being awesome so far
davegomez: No, what Sam says is really important to understand the whole course, he is the one who help us with the homeworks, but it's really hard to understand him
nitesco: Does anyone want to pair/hangout on second and third part of assignment tomorrow? Its 7 36 pm local time for me...
blackratdog: I just tried listening to him on 0.5 speed, it's perfectly understandable but sounds like he's totally drunk!
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