00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00
joaopapereira_: in this link you have all the information you need: saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions
alguerrero: i have cloned the courseware directory, however when i try to 'bundle install' the rottenpotatoes, i got errors.
alguerrero: here 's the error: Gemfile:4:in
evaluate': undefined method
ruby' for #<Bundler::Dsl:0x9431404> (NoMethodError)
joaopapereira_: have you tried to follow the step on the topic "Installing the software yourself into a new VirtualBox VM "
joaopapereira_: hostey: not sure if i am following, after you install the VM you need to start it using the Interface of the VBox, and not the .vdi file
webgen: hostey if u finished installation of the guest os, unmount the virtual drive so it doesn't go back to the installation media
webgen: hostey in the virtual box software, enter the settings of the virtual machine you created, go to media where all the drives are, leave the virtual hard drive mounted and unmount the 1.9 gig thing you downloaded from the "virtual cd drive"
blackratdog: download the windows executable version of Virtual Box if you are running windows, that might be easier
webgen: blackratdog ye i am confused myself i didnt even understand whether he finished vbox installation or not
blackratdog: yeah because if you run the vm on ubuntu you don't really need to have the vm which is also ubuntu
blackratdog: but the vm contains everything that you need pre-installed and is easy to set up on windows
webgen: hostey doesnt matter actually just go here virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and download the first one saying for windows hosts
Dean101: guys, once you have installe your VM and gone to /rottenpotatoes etc, where do you actually program your Ruby? Is there a console or something?
joaopapereira_: or you can in that folder run 'rails s' and then with the browser connect to localhost:3000
joaopapereira_: alguerrero_: Nice, the site will be updated when we have a bit of time to ensure that the installation in EC2 is easier :D
wspicer: the course syllabus is here with exact dates: courses.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS_CS169.1x/1T2014/…
hybris: to be clear, the homework was getting the VM set up and "doing" the ruby track no codeacademy correct?
wspicer: given that week 0 (in two days) says GitImmersion there's a whole week before it really begins week 1 from May 2nd
hybris: okay, cool. Wanted to make sure I didn't overlook anything. reading the syllabus it says homework -1 is due May 8th. Don't want to get to that day and realized I didn't do something lol.
hybris: wspicer: yeah, I saw that. Kinda annoying as I want to start this class for real. but I understand the pace for getting everyone setup.
wspicer: it only has Getting Started in the courserware section for now, keep track of that section and you'll see what's available
Kykos: I just installed the Vm on my windows box without any issues. However, watching the the setup screencast I noticed a couple of things and I wonder if there are things to do. The first one in an AptanaStudio 3 icon on the ubuntu desktop that does not exist on me desktop
wspicer: Majid53134, it's just setup week so you haven't missed anything. Get your VM going and you're on track
Kykos: the second thing is that "following the instructions in the book was mentioned in the screencast. What book is that?
wspicer: Kykos, yes the vid is old, there's an error in the setup (it asks for the password much earlier now) so just do what you can and continue with website information
hybris: Kykos: you can install whatever IDE you want, I dont use Windows so I dont know the best ruby IDE for Windows. But feel free to use whatever you like best.
wspicer: book isn't necessary to take the course, it's just filler/background information if you want more data
wspicer: Kykos, gedit is available on Windows and would be the same program available on the VM stock install
wspicer: it's odd to use a windows editor for a linux class though. The coding and management should probably all be on the VM
hybris: Honestly, you really cant use Windows very easily for this course. Ruby is a b***** to get working on Windows.
wspicer: hybris, yeah I know, I have first hand experience trying and trying to get rails and gems to work on Windows. The VM is just a dream in comparison
hybris: if you are going to be using the Ubuntu VM Kykos then yeah gedit works great. Maybe get Sublime Text even.
wspicer: Sublime Text is also a popular editor. Also Geany. Really, once you're on Ubuntu you have an endless supply of editors to choose from!
wspicer: hybris, I'm going to try Geany later. Now I'm setting up tmux with vi, then I'll play with emacs. I figure that will either mess me up or determine just what kind of editor I really like or need
hybris: Sublime is a bit more powerful than both and it's also free and fairly easy to install via ppa.
hybris: wspicer: yeah, its a good skill to know how to use all the editors to a degree. Geany is best for compiled languages like C, which I used to do a lot of.
hybris: Geany is a bit overkill for scripting, but it has plugins that gear it better for things like python and ruby.
hybris: alfatomes1: you installed the VM? or are you trying to get Ubuntu installed on your computer?
Kykos: By the way I just noticed that there are 271 pending ubuntu updates. Should I go ahead and install them?
hybris: alfatomes1: okay so installed the classes VM into VirtualBox and there is a problem with Ubuntu?
hybris: let me get to the course page, I am in a 3rd party IRC client so I dont have the hangouts option right now.
hybris: google hangouts is being annoying on my phone, so alfatomes1 I am going to PM you and we will get this resloved there.
hybris: okay. that changes everything. you are trying to install a clean version of Ubuntu into a VM, correct?
hybris: oh okay. you need to wait for the saasbook-0.10.3.zip finishes, then unzip it, and install that .vdi into VirtualBox.
hybris: alfatomes1: the installation issue you are facing sounds like you either have a corrupt Ubuntu download or an incomplete on if you are using Wubi.
hybris: alfatomes1: I understand that. What I am saying is that you need to try and download your Ubuntu again, because its corrupt. the saasbook.zip comes with an image that has ubuntu on it already. So I recommend simply using that.
alfatomes1: okay I understand you now if install saasbook I think am not need to install Ubutu again
hybris: alfatomes1: exactly. you wont have to do that if you just install saasbook. however if you choose to install ubuntu I am willing to help you with that too.
hybris: lol, I can't wait until we are doing programming. I expect a lot of fun questions being asked.
hybris: Tableau__: The course is fun and informational. I would do it even if I was comfortable in Ruby.
hybris: Ruby on Rails makes it a competitor to PHP but Ruby by itself is still a complete language with applications outside of web applications.
VladimirBukvic: this course just uses euby to explain certain concepts, but these concepts are also used with PHP
hybris: but PHP has some ugly conventions because they were tacked on later. Ruby was built from the ground up with OOP and stuff. So it should be a bit easier.
germanmancheno1: hi, when running "rails server" on VM I am asked to run "bundle install" to install missing gems. Then when I do that, it gets stuck at "Installing libv8 ("
GabrielFortuna: for the people that live in or around Africa, I like to point my rubygems source to gems.cloudafrica.net
GabrielFortuna: edit the source line in your gemfile to point that that URL instead, things should go a lot faster
wspicer: it's compiling a native extension for libv8 which takes a while. This is only once and subsequent uses of bundle install will be much faster
wspicer: lpassos, it's not actually stuck but there is no indication you have to wait or how long it will take. Be patient and let it finish and you'll be ready
germanmancheno1: thanks guys, I am just completely new with Ruby, Linux, VM, etc. and I feel like walking on quicksand. All your comments are very useful.
wspicer: germanmancheno1, it's my mission to make sure people have fun with it but get the help they need. I"m not even a TA, I'm just an enthusiast . I believe that once people learn linux and get a sense of the power available to them they will use it more often. Be Awesome ;)
hybris: yeah there are a lot of us in here that are excited to help people out. So if you are feeling lost do not fear bringing your questions here germanmancheno1.
hybris: sdutry: once you have the VM installed, log in, and go to ~/Documents/rottenpotatoes in your terminal. then run bundle install.
hybris: sdutry: then you can run rails server and rake db:setup then open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000 to see the rottenpotatoes application.
sdutry: had a problem logging in since my keyboard is azerty and not querty (so i couldn't find the password), just figured that out
wspicer: cd Documents/rottenpotatoes // bundle install (wait 30 min or until done) // rake db:migrate // rails server // open firefox to localhost:3000 // done
JohnBobo: I downloaded and unzipped the VM, when it asks for versioin of Ubuntu does it matter whether I select 32 bit or 64 bit? (Im on Mac)
1 hour later…
wspicer: check the syllabus, it looks like one more week of setup with Git, then the next week lecture begins Friday May 2nd.
RobbieJackson_: ok, I stand corrected - I thought git immersion was this week, but there was just a delay getting the details up
wspicer: I think this works out well as we can go over Ruby a few times and get the feet wet before lecture starts going
hybris: andys_ch: I am not using EC2 but if you are looking for a command line editor, you can use vi/vim, emacs, or nano
hybris: CalebJosue: since this course is on SaaS (Software as a Service) its likely more meaningful to work on your project in a cloud environment (AWS is very common for companies to use in the real world).
andys_ch: hybris: ok thanks. I guess I'll give vim a try, but I heard it has a really steep learning curve :D maybe I'm going to switch to a locally installed VM, we'll see...
hybris: andys_ch: Vi/vim can be very complex, however the general commands are pretty simple. I wont lie though, command line editing on a massive scale can get really annoying really fast.
CalebJosue: hybris thanks for the answey, my question was about if from the EC2 will we get able to delivery the homeworks
wspicer: HW are uploaded to the EDX site for auto-checking so it won't matter for those if it's from a cloud or uploaded from an internet connectino
andys_ch: hybris: ok. if I decide to work on the files locally, how would you suggest to upload them to EC2? Is using a GitHub repo and push the files from local and pull from EC2 the right way?
hybris: andys_ch: that is probably the best method I can think of. I have a git available here: [email protected]/JakeTheAndroid. Depending on your OS you could also send files over ssh (*nix uses scp, or special copy)
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