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stevebresnick: Hi all, just got my VM set up and I'm psyched to learn Ruby on Rails! Anyone else out there have prior experience with CakePHP?
wspicer: I setup both the VM download and another VM in Lubuntu haha.
wspicer: don't know PHP/CakePHP, but I imagine any framework comparisons will help
wspicer: what brings you to rails?
stevebresnick: Just have a thirst to learn more about building web applications. I know PHP and design content management systems for educational settings, and have previously done this with CakePHP. I have heard good things about Rails, and it's more popular than Cake, so I want to find out why :)
wspicer: sounds like you'll have a great head start
sampriti: +i
MatthewDu: Do we have to use ubuntu 11.10 or would a newer version also work?
sampriti: After you have setup the saasbook vm, you could chose to upgrade to a newer version although it would be preferable keep the vm as iti si
Suirsuss: hmm anyone else having trouble downloading from the saas website?
MatthewDu: I already have ubuntu 13.10 on my laptop. I guess I'll try installing it and if that doesn't work then I'll reinstall 11.10
If you have ubuntu 13.10, you dont need to install the vm
sampriti: If you have ubuntu 13.10, you dont need to install the vm there is a script you can run to set your instance up for the course: raw.githubusercontent.com/saasbook/courseware/master/vm-setup/…
jxz164_: ACTION slaps jxz164_ around a bit with a large fishbot
sorlucas: good morning
MatthewDu: Thanks sampriti.
binarypulsar: mateu: Great you ported rotten potatoes to 4.0! What is the best way for me to get a copy from github? Just download the zip? I use Eclise and Aptana Studio Web View for Rails development. Can I just unzip it and import it as a project file?
Tableau: Hi there, I've got a simple question : All we need to do for the current week is to set our VM up and complete sections 1-10 of the CodeAcademy Ruby Track. Is that right?
wspicer: yep
Tableau: Thank you very much :)
Tableau: See you next week
wspicer: seems so
wspicer: np
Sydharth: I just installed the VM on a Virtual Box on my computer. It's really very slow .. is this normal ?
jeremybanks: @Sydharth Not neccessarily, but possibly. It depends on how powerful your system is, and how many resources have been allocated for the VM.
jeremybanks: How much RAM do you have, and how much has been allocated for the VM? (This might be a default value, rather than one you specified yourself, but I’m not currently running VirtualBox so I can’t confirm.)
Sydharth: I have 4GB RAM, and I allocated 1024MB for the VM
nelsonjfr: That zip file is downloading painfully slow. Is there another place where to get it from?
jeremybanks: @nelsonjfr There is also a torrent, but I wouldn’t neccessarily expect it to be any faster, if it’s even being seeded at all. edx-cs169-1x.stackexchange.com/q/62/174
jeremybanks: What URL are you downloading from?
jeremybanks: @Sydharth Ah, 1GB for the VM could be a bit slow. If you didn’t need to be running much else at once, things would probably be noticably better if you gave it 2GB.
nelsonjfr: saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions . Perhaps best to download the Ubuntu image. Does it matter what version and architecture?
JakeTheAndroid: the torrent is actually very quick
wspicer: Sydharth: I found it also too slow to use, so I setup Lubuntu as a VM using the configure script. It took a long time to setup, ~5hours, but the result is a speedy system that had compiled components making all the different. I find I'm doing all my browsing in the VM, even this chat ;)
wspicer: different = difference
Sydharth: Thanks Jeremy, I'll try and re-create the VM. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an easy way to increase the resources allocated at this point
jeremybanks: @Sydharth Hmm, it looks like you’re supposed to be able to change the RAM when the instance it shut down, without needing to create a new one.
binarypulsar: mateu: tried to use your migration of rottenpotatoes to Rails 4.0 and have errors when running rails server. Error was with installing pg (0.17.1).
wspicer: Sydharth: the terminal program alone was taking 30 s to load. Now with it's new VM it's 2 s. Also I'm only using 1.5 MB of RAM
Sydharth: Yes, even after I got the terminal to load, it took about 3 secs for the prompt to come back when I typed in "ls"
binarypulsar: Do I need to install PostgreSQL?
Sydharth: OkThanks Jeremy and wspicer .. I'm going to play around with this VM a little, give it a little more RAM and see how it turns out.
wspicer: I really think it's a canard to need more and more resources, it's about better code. The Lubuntu project is meant as a lightweight yet still based on Ubuntu. So there is the option of downloading the Lubuntu iso, and using VBox to run it, but again, it takes a while to get it to the same software as the regular VM. YMMV, for me it was worth it
binarypulsar: Do I need to install PostgreSQL?
jeremybanks: @nelsonjfr The course’s documentation recommendeds 11.10 32-bit; I imagine this is what the VM image uses. That’s probably a safe choice. It’s officially considered an out-of-date version of Ubuntu, and it’s possible that the course might start recommending a newer version instead, but I don’t think you’d have much to worry about if you were still using 11.10.
wspicer: jeremybanks: the VM saasbook zip is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
jeremybanks: @wspicer Thanks for the correction. I wonder why the documentation recommends a different version.
jeremybanks: Although I’m glad to hear that; 12.04 LTS is a better version to be using. :)
wspicer: jeremybanks: I don't think it has been updated as often. Considering how ruby, rvm, and rails works it doesn't really matter what version as long as the software is there
wspicer: I can appreciate the VM build having now setup a VM from scratch, but the benefit to me is that I'm on 14.04 LTS
JakeTheAndroid: binarypulsar: yes you need to install postgres
JakeTheAndroid: you should run sudo apt-get install postgresl-lib if I remember correctly.
binarypulsar: JakeTheAndroid: Could you tell me what version?
JakeTheAndroid: *sudo apt-get install postgresql-lib
JakeTheAndroid: binarypulsar: you are on Mint yes?
binarypulsar: JakeTheAndroid:Mint 14 Nadia 64 bit
JakeTheAndroid: try installing it this way, if it doesn't work we will simply apt-get postgres: gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_config
JakeTheAndroid: binarypulsar: if not do this: sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-server-dev-9.3
BrianPatterson2013_: Hey everybody, I have a question. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting or something. Do any of you know if harvardx CS50 will have adequately prepared me for this course?
nelsonjfr: Even the torrent is coming very slow...anyway, Will probably get Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and play with it and build with the script. Thanks
wspicer: BrianPatterson2013_: that's a nice course, as it's not date restricted. If you've gone through that I think you'll enjoy Ruby and do very well
binarypulsar: JakeThe Android: Sorry I am confused about which option to use?
JakeTheAndroid: binarypulsar: try either one.
JakeTheAndroid: binarypulsar: both have the potential to work
BrianPatterson2013_: Awesome. Thanks! I'm currently working on my final project for that course, and intend to do the last part and this course in tandem.
JakeTheAndroid: binarypulsar: the apt-get is more likely to work.
BrianPatterson2013_: Another quick question. So far, CS50 has taught me little about object-oriented programming. I know ruby involves objects, do you think this course will catch me up on the object oriented style?
wspicer: BrianPatterson2013_: hmm it's looks pretty good. Might be a great idea to take it in tandem as well ;)
wspicer: BrianPatterson2013_: yes. Ruby is a real OOP style language, everything is a method. While it only has single inheritance I think you'll enjoy the differences
BrianPatterson2013_: Great, because that, agile, and software testing are the three biggest things I feel like I'm missing from my CS skills.
wspicer: BrianPatterson2013_: I'd recommend looking at Rubymonk website to get a headstart on Ruby, I like that better than the codeacademy one, but either will help along the OOP style of thinking
wspicer: yeah the metaprogramming and testing I'm looking forward to.
BrianPatterson2013_: Also, wspicer, as for CS50, if you've taken any introductory CS class, most of it will be review. The new things I learned were memory management, pointers, and some web dev stuff, as I had previously taken a software dev course in Java.
BrianPatterson2013_: Great, well thanks for answering my question. i'm going to get crackin' on getting the VM figured out
wspicer: you're welcome
wspicer: yeah I did a CS course in C++ but not used it since
SettRaunak: finally done with the courseware ^_^
SettRaunak: setup i mean
wspicer: nice
tracyjeannine: hi there is anyone around?
JakeTheAndroid: hello
zkay: o hai
tracyjeannine: Hiya Jake, just getting started on setup, have a few questions...
wspicer: o hai o
JakeTheAndroid: do tell. what are your issues?
tracyjeannine: If we're planning to use a VM do we need to do the Oracle Vbox + Amazon EC2, or is it one or the other?
zkay: wspicer: <("<) <(")> (>")>
JakeTheAndroid: tracyjeannine: you only need one or the other. however you can also do both.
tracyjeannine: Ok, thanks
JakeTheAndroid: no problem
tracyjeannine: I guess if we do both that means we can run our code on 2 different VMs at the same time?
tracyjeannine: Probably overkill for me, I want to focus on coding instead of double setup
tracyjeannine: THANKS!!
JakeTheAndroid: tracyjeannine: since your VM is located on your machine, you cannot access it from anywhere. the EC2 means you can access it anywhere you have internet
tracyjeannine: Yes, but if the Oracle Vbox is on my machine, I can access it anywhere I have my machine, which I plan on doing all my coursework on my Mac Air, so this works for me.
tracyjeannine: I would love to dig into setting up EC2 at some point, but will wait on this if not needed now :)
JakeTheAndroid: tracyjeannine: understandable. each option works different for everyone. keep in mind that your VM will run slow, and a MBA is limited on processing power. So expect to take some performance hits.
wspicer: *with the stock VM, if you do one from scratch, it's fast
JakeTheAndroid: wspicer: good point.
JakeTheAndroid: but a Mac Book Air is still not the ideal machine for running VM's. But for the purposes of this course a VM will likely be fast enough.
wspicer: hardware is fine
JakeTheAndroid: my old MBA would run super hot and slow when running VM's. general programming was fine, but trying to use a VM as a normal computer was very poor.
wspicer: beats mine yet because I did a VM from scratch it'll run faster. I know the class wants to get as many people running as possible but ironically it may not with an average VM
JakeTheAndroid: I used to do a lot of information security work, and I had to upgrade because I could not do proper pen testing against VMs on the Air.
JakeTheAndroid: but I imagine you are correct in that the hardware is fine enough to handle this course.
jeremybanks: I had a pretty recent MacBook Air (8GB RAM) which I’ve used to run a VM for moderate development for quite a while, and the performance was reasonable.
wspicer: I see. I like penable computers, so I've used Lenovo and now on a HP. I tend to be stuck with 2008-2009 computers but they perform ok when used with compiled software
JakeTheAndroid: jeremybanks: mine was a few years old, so I guess my experience is outdated.
wspicer: considering I'm on a 1.5GB VM, the performance is phenominal
JakeTheAndroid: wspicer: I have a few systems, but my daily computer is a MacBook Pro with Arch on it and 8GBs of RAM. seems to be doing well.
JakeTheAndroid: wow, yeah.
wspicer: nice system. I might never leave Linux with that one
JakeTheAndroid: I used to use an IBM T60 ThinkPad with Arch, and it was a beast.
JakeTheAndroid: used it up until like a year ago actually.
wspicer: I miss the thinkpad keyboards. My X61 was actually not as wide a keyboard yet still managed to type well with my large hands
JakeTheAndroid: they were just build so well. Things aren't really build that way anymore.
JakeTheAndroid: *built
wspicer: oh yeah, I carried that sucker around for years
JakeTheAndroid: great workout with how big those things are compared to laptops now. lol.
wspicer: only downfall was the screen. For a tablet pc I write a lot on it and etched out a lot of the surface but other than that it was great
wspicer: yeah
wspicer: next tablet pc will probably be a used samsung series slate, with is basically the screen half of a laptop with a pen! I'm liking Moore's Law
wspicer: which
JakeTheAndroid: yeah I have been eyeballing those guys
JakeTheAndroid: well I am headed out for food, I will be back later to see if anyone else is stuck. ttyl.
wspicer: cheers
binarypulsar: JakeTheArnold: I was able to install PostgreSQL 9.3 and did bundle install to install the necessary 4.0 gems. I ran rails server and got movies to display on but I get an SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: movies: SELECT "movies".* FROM "movies" error. Do I need to install dsatabase tables?
binarypulsar: JakeTheArnold: Error located at /home/binarypulsar/workspace/rails_projects/rottenpotatoes/app/views/movies/inde‌​x.html.haml where line #12 raised:
binarypulsar: wspicer: I know Jake is out for a bite could you look at this error for me?
mateu: binarypulsar: yes you need to install the database tables
mateu: or in other words, migrate your db
denovez: hay all
wspicer: yo
denovez: anyone here already take this codecademy.com/tracks/ruby
denovez: i have some problem cannot submit button why this please share
binarypulsar: mateu: where do I get the db
wspicer: others have probably used that site but I used rubymonk.com
zkay: another fun one: www.coderbyte.com
agbanagba: i used codeacademy
denovez: wow nice all
agbanagba: how far have you gone with it
mateu: binarypulsar: rake db:migrate
denovez: but in this case the course need learn in codeacademy in 19 module learning.
denovez: agbanagba how to access this normaly please share to me
mateu: binarypulsar: i don't recommend using a version of ruby/rails different from the course unless you're quite comfortable doing (possibly a lot of) work on your own (to bridge the differences)
agbanagba: In my case what i did was start from the beginning through to the 19th module
agbanagba: what are you having difficulty with?
denovez: i cannot access the pages coding, then still loading icon appear and cannot submit button
binarypulsar: mateu: Of course db:migrate Thanks. Works now. I don't mind working in 4.0 if there are others in the same boat I can interact with. I know a lot of gems have been depricated from 3.2.16. I guess the autograder won't have 4.0 capability.
mateu: binarypulsar: yeah, i think the autograder will be one of the challenges
agbanagba: in my case, the still loading icon appears but dissapears after it finishes the loading process.
wspicer: zkay: nice site. Too bad it doesn't train skills.
zkay: wspicer: no, but I like it
wspicer: zkay: reminds me a bit of rubykoans,com
denovez: and in my case submit button still not active click mouse
zkay: yeah, similar idea...I like the koans too!
binarypulsar: mateu: Since Rails is just a gem, could I also install Rails 3.2.16? Will I have to install Ruby 1.9? I have rvm installed. Will that help me switch between different Ruby and Rails. I take the Coursera Web Application Architecture I and II classes which uses Rails 4.0 and Ruby 2.1.1
wspicer: binarypulsar, yes you can create gemsets sync'd to both ruby and gem versions with RVM
wspicer: binarypulsar, you would install the different ruby versions with RVM
agbanagba: have you tried reloading the page several times and see the result
wspicer: binarypulsar, this keeps it separate from the system ruby interpreter, then the rest is normal bundler/gemsets
binarypulsar: wspicer: I currently have Ruby 2.1.1 and Rails 4.0 installed. Should I use RVM to install Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.2.16? If I do this will I still need the VM?
wspicer: binarypulsar, if you're on a system that has all the software already then you don't need the VM. Are you on Linux? Otherwise you might consider it if space and memory are in surplus. Either way, yes, you can manage it with RVM install of Ruby 1.9.3 and gemsets for rails 3.2.16
wspicer: binarypulsar, the point of any VM especially in a course if for everyone to have a system that people can help you with. If it's too divergent then support may be harder to come by
wspicer: zkay: the only thing that keeps bothering me is my brain asking what is a koan
zkay: I always pictured it like a rosary bead, but instead of a physical object I guess it is 'a story, dialogue, question, or statement which is used to provoke doubt and test a student's progress'
wspicer: zkay, yeah it's just a choice of word that gets me. More like ruby breadcrumbs but it needes a shi shi fu fu sounding name...
binarypulsar: wspicer: Ok I will give it a try. Thanks again to you, JakeThe Android and especially mateau for porting rottenpotatoes to 4.0!
wspicer: zkay: rubyfu?
zkay: wspicer: hm, I like it!
wspicer: binarypulsar, 4.0 ports are a good thing afterwards but probably won't help in class as 3.2 has different needs than 4.0 . The point is to learn and the material is a process in that learning
wspicer: zkay, oh, it turns out ruby-fu is a collection of helpers, like script-fu :( anyway...
wspicer: I'll just have to get used to koans and the groans in the cones in my brain will have to own up to the new koans
wspicer: maybe in my bones
binarypulsar: wspicer: Understand. One more question. I am running on Linux Mint 14 Nadia 64 bit and use Eclipse with Aptana Studio Web View for Rails development. Can I use this environment for both versions of Ruby and Rails? Currently I use it with Ruby 2.2.1 and Rails 4.0.0.
wspicer: binarypulsar, don't know. Rails development is more common from CLI and simple editors versus suites. I think though that RVM setup from the CLI will affect the Aptana Studio and can thus make it look like two or more types of rails projects.
wspicer: I'd ask their forums
wspicer: eclipse is overkill for this course imho
wspicer: I could also dump everything into emacs if I wanted to but there lies madness MADNESS
tapatip: hi guys
tapatip: AWS is strictly necessary for the course?
dbraden: No, AWS isn't required. You can run a VM with VirtualBox, instead (or use your local system but it might be more trouble-prone).
tapatip: dbraden: hm, ok. i hope rails 4.0 and ruby 2.0 are compatible with the course
dbraden: tapatip: if you can't run a VM, you should can use something like rvm/chruby/rbenv/etc to install different versions of ruby, and running 'bundle install' in the project directory will pull down the expected version of rails.
1 hour later…
BernieChiu: I'm a Mac user. Is VM installation indeed necessary?
eyadof: BernieChiu: hi it's not necessary to install the vm but it will be better if you do
eyadof: it has ruby and other stuff well installed and ready to use
FrankPezzella: I've set up the VM as in the video but then when i run "rails server" on the rottenpotatoes folder i got an error "Could not find the gem therubyracer"
FrankPezzella: anyone experienced the same problem?
BernieChiu: eyadof: charle5: Thx a lot!
charle5: BernieChiu: yw :)
charle5: FrankPezzella: did you run $ bundle install?
FrankPezzella: I did but it seemed to get stuck so i ctrl-z'ed
FrankPezzella: i'll try again
BernieChiu: FrankPezzella: You can also install nodejs without the gem
FrankPezzella: are we also required to perform system updates or is it better to avoid that?
charle5: FrankPezzella: what do you mean by "system updates?"
FrankPezzella: the ubuntu update manager basically
charle5: i don't know of any class requirement about updates but regularly updating is generally considered a best practice. so i would do it :)
FrankPezzella: oh bundle install succeeded and now everything is working, thank you for the help
charle5: that's great. glad it helped
FrankPezzella: yeah it was just taking forever to install and i thought it froze :)
charle5: that's the worst :)
charle5: alright i'm heading off now. have fun and see you 'round!
FrankPezzella: bye
axilleas: BernieChiu, +1 on nodejs replacement
axilleas: tip about bundle install: if you run a version greater than 1.5.2 (check with bundel -v) you can pass the jX flag, where X the number of your processors+1
axilleas: example: bundle install j3 for 2 cores
axilleas: that way you get paraller installation which installs above 50% faster ;)
axilleas: I meant bundle -v
FrankPezzella: wow that's really a pro-tip :)
FrankPezzella: didn't know about it
FrankPezzella: is there a specific javascript engine we have to use for the course?
FrankPezzella: or can we just leave it default
PeteBouch_: After bundle install you may get a message about JS engines, you can safely ignore that and leave the default setting @Frank
FrankPezzella: thank you Pete
2 hours later…
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: When i install virtual box and use saasbook-0.10.3.vdi
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: what is next step?
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: what should i do?
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: plz help
sqilent: nothing that s what's required in wek one
Dante0: ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: Have you run the bundle install in your project dir?
Dante0: and check if everything is working fine?
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: i got this error when run bundle install
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: vietnamworks.com/…
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: sorry
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: wrong msg
Dante0: ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: did you go to rottenpotatoes directory in your Documents directory?
Dante0: You are supposed to run it there
Dante0: and it will download/install all the necessary dependencies you need for that project
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: nothing into Documents directory, Dante)
Dante0: ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: okay, do a 'locate rottenpotatoes"
Dante0: it will show you path to the directory
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: i did a locate courseware which not into DOcuments
Dante0: then where is it?
Dante0: anyways just download it off github page then
Dante0: and check it
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: into courseware, there are appspot, hw2edxxml ...
Dante0: yeah, and there is vm-setup directory?
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: i followed the link above which everyone discussed
Dante0: in vm-setup directory you might find the "rottenpotetoes"
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: i follow this link edx-cs169-1x.stackexchange.com/questions/15/…
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: ok
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: let me try again
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: thank you, Dante0
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: :)
Dante0: if nothing works; just do a "mkdir test"; "cd test"; "git clone github.com/saasbook/courseware';; then in that do a "cd courseware/vm-setup/rottenpotatoes"; "bundle install"; "rails s"
Dante0: open firefox or chromium and do localhost:3000
Wafic: hello
Dante0: Hi Wafic
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: yes
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: i got it, Dante0
ThanhNguyenPhamHuy1988: thank you
Dante0: it is just for testing purpose so that you don't get stuck later
Wafic: hello all i have a small question
joaopereira: Hello Wafic
Dante0: Wafic: go on
Wafic: is it mandatory to donaload the virtual machine ? i can install ruby on rails , i already have a working ubuntu i use for android ...
Dante0: yeah, you can
Dante0: and that would be faster
Dante0: which version of ubuntu are you running?
Wafic: ok very good that's what i taught because downloading a two 2gb file and running it in a virtual machine is very slow
Wafic: i am running 12.04
Dante0: Ohkay
Dante0: then download the scripts from here github.com/saasbook/courseware';
Dante0: there is vm-setup directory, in that configuration--xxxx-12.04.sh is there
Dante0: just do a "sh configuration--xxx-12.04"
Wafic: ok very good
Wafic: i already started following some tutorial how to install RoR
Dante0: Wafic: meh
Wafic: but i will go with this one
Dante0: don't
Dante0: You might pull in some wrong version
Dante0: and then you'll have to do some checking again
Dante0: so just go through this
Dante0: If you install ruby using sudo apt-get it might install lates version 2.xx or something
Wafic: ok very good , i will follow with this one . now worries i will cleanu and run this one
Wafic: i bever used apt for RoR
Dante0: our course need 1.9.3
Wafic: nut ay way i will go with the course
Wafic: Thank you very much
Dante0: yw :)
Dante0: sqilent: we fogot to tell thatLongNickedPerson to go learn some ruby from codecademy :(
Dante0: *forgot
JamesShaker: Hi, does anyone have any tips on using VMWare Player rather than VirtualBox?
JamesShaker: I'm using VMWare for another course and would prefer to not have to install a second piece of software
Dante0: I think it should work as well
joaopereira: Hello JamesShaker, you can use the vm-setup scripts if you are using ubuntu on the VM
Dante0: I would suggest you to comment lines like sudo apt-get install git and for chromium
Dante0: etc
Dante0: if you already have that. But anyways they will be updated/downgraded accordingly
JamesShaker_: ok
JamesShaker_: thanks I'll give it a go
Dante0: I think they are adding chromium just because you'd be using it while changing the html/css
Dante0: or see how sessions are running etc
Tableau: i finish setup VM . what i can do after: training on rails and ruby?
Dante0: inspect element manager
Dante0: Tableau: It is working properly?/
JamesShaker_: cool
joaopereira: Tableau: you can see if the rottenpotatos is working
Dante0: Tableau: do a "codecademy tutorials", yeah
Tableau: i have some folder
Dante0: do a locate for rottenpotatoes, Tableau
Tableau: yes
joaopereira: do a "bundle install" in the folder and if everything goes alright you can pass to the ruby training
Dante0: you check if everything is going sharp by running ruby server "ruby s" and then open browser and localhost:3000
Dante0: as a URI
Dante0: *L
Tableau: is done
Dante0: cool
Dante0: then you're good to go for training :)
Tableau: im in 10% progress in ruby
Dante0: give a quick response, ready?
Dante0: a quick test :P
akhilappana: has any one done it using aws??
Dante0: I haven't :(
Dante0: but I think there was someone who was trying to do that
ricardoempis_: hello, i've only joined the course now, and can't find the location of the VM file now. It is no longer provided in saasbook.info/bookware-vm-instructions ...
ricardoempis_: does anyone know where i could find another location to download the VM?
anjan9: What does 1-10 in ruby track from code academy stand for?? till hashes is it ??
Dante0: anjan9: codecademy.com
joaopereira: ricardoempis_: Not following, the VM's are there in zip format
akhilappana: that link is working for me richardoempis
Dante0: there is track for leaning ruby, anjan9
ricardoempis_: ok, thanks!
anjan9: @Dante0 I know that but till what topic should I do, when they say 1-10? Should i do till Hashes ??
joaopereira: this is the link to retrieve the VM of the book version 0.10.3
Dante0: anjan9: you can do more than that if you want :)
Dante0: If I were you I'd have done that and moved to other tutorial
Dante0: or write some code by myself
anjan9: Yeah sure, but just asking so that i can check it off in this weeks agenda? will contiue the remaing track next week
anjan9: Alright thankyou @Dante0 :)
Tableau: +i
Taulant25: hi :)
joaopereira: Hello Taulant
webgen: hello guys! can anyone briefly tell me if it is a must to download the image? what if I use my current setup ?
joaopereira: Hello webgen, it is not a must to donwload the image, but if you are new to ruby or linux it is advised
joaopereira: you can just install using the vm-setup scripts if you already have ubuntu running
webgen: joaopereira: well I am quite new but let me explain what I have, basically ruby 2.1.0 and ruby 4.0.something, do I need anything else? oh and also the mysql connection
joaopereira: for the course we are going to use ruby 1.9.3
webgen: joaopereira: is it that incompatible ? :S
bgordon86: did anyone else have any issues when running through the getting started video?
Dante0: that would create problem, webgen
Dante0: because with change in interpreter there are changes in methods etc
Dante0: sometimes
Dante0: so....
joaopereira: yep
bgordon86: when i typed in ruby server
Dante0: bgordon86: what issue are you having?
webgen: ok I guess I will just download the image I dont want to alter my current setup, thanks guys x)
joaopereira: welcome
bgordon86: it said that it couldnt find the right gems
Dante0: bgordon86: did you run bundle install in your project directory?
bgordon86: yea its doing it now
Dante0: it's because you didn't do it
webgen: someone mentioned getting starting videos, where are those ? :D
Dante0: Oh, it won't show after you are done installing them
Dante0: webgen: screencast
Dante0: that must me on the page where can find vm image
bgordon86: it didnt really say that in the video
bgordon86: ah
Dante0: bgordon86: Just run the command 'bundle install' while you are in rottenpotetoes dir
Dante0: bgordon86: to run the rails server you have to be in project directory
Dante0: that you make with rails new <dirname>
Dante0: you can't just run the server from anywhere :)
bgordon86: seems to be working fine now that I did bundle install
Dante0: I'll go take a shower now
Dante0: Good bye folks!
webgen: is it possible to use 1.9.3 when I already have 2.1.0?
joaopereira: from what i have seen RVM should allow you to have multiple sets of gems and also multiple versions of Ruby, not sure how well does it play with the vm-setup scripts that were created for the course
webgen: hmm ok thanks, i might install a totally new environment
arthurms: hi, there! does anyone know if there will be subtitles on brazilian portuguese?
joaopereira: arthurms: i doubt it
arthurms: thank you, joao.
arthurms: joaopereira: thanks.
joaopereira: welcome
axilleas: webgen, no need to set up a new environment
axilleas: if you have run the bash script provided in the courseware repo it should have installed rvm
axilleas: provided you are running the VM of course
gmmcal: Is the courseware VM able to work with Vagrant?

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