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09:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

alfatomes1: anyone know number of software will need to download
sampriti: @jeremy, not now.
alfatomes1: only virtual box
murtaza666_: ACTION slaps sampriti around a bit with a large fishbot
murtaza666_: Err.. Sorry new to irc. Exploring it. Anyways, anyone here with a prior experience in the same course?
sampriti: Yes.
alfatomes1: okay sampriti
sampriti: @alfatomes, i didnt respond yes to you
alfatomes1: okay
sampriti: Do You have the saasbook virtual machine working on virtual box?
murtaza666_: When they say prior experience in ruby is quite necessary, do they mean it's mandatory? I'm well versed with python.
sampriti: @murtaza, If you are familiar with the programming concepts, you can do the codeacademy ruby track and you should be well versed enough for the course.
alfatomes1: i need your answer
alfatomes1: i need your answer sampriti
murtaza666_: Okay, right on. To codeacademy, then. Suggest a few more resources which you think can be helpful. I use a lot of thenewboston, learnpythonthehardway, etc..
Dante0: bot
Dante0: sampriti: Hi again
Dante0: and hi all
Dante0: murtaza666_: If you're good with python, ruby is very much near python, you won't have any trouble learning that
Dante0: murtaza666_: also you might want to look rubymonk
Dante0: murtaza666_: to be honest thenewboston is bad for learning java atleast
Dante0: don't know about their python tutorial though
senanz: hii guys
senanz: how are you
alfatomes1: can someone tell me software i need to download i am new person on this course
Dante0: follow the steps
alfatomes1: thaks Danteo
alfatomes1: okay
Dante0: yw :)
sampriti: Test
Ok so evrythings working fine now.
sampriti: Yes it is.
sampriti: Jeremy are you testing your bot as well.
sampriti: OK, wont you go sleep?
sampriti: LOL
Hey can you post a message as jeremy banks?
jeremybanks: Hello
jeremybanks: You mean like this?
Weird, you STACKEX bot does work with my bridge for some reason.
sampriti: *does not
sampriti: If you post as "STACKEX" it does not work.
jeremybanks: It sends “notice” messages, rather than standard chat messages. I read earlier today that those are recommended specifically so that other bots won’t respond to them, so that you don’t get bot-loops occuring, or something.
Oh ok.
Does my bot send notice messages?
Or does it send standard chat msgs?
jeremybanks: I think it sends standard chat messages. (Which are called PRIVMSG?)
sampriti: Can you send a msg from your bot?
sampriti: Ok so your msgs are NOTICE.
sampriti: Interesting, that never happened to me.
jeremybanks: but if all bridges use NOTICE, but don’t relay NOTICE messages, then the Skype brdige and Stack Exchange bridge wouldn’t be able to see each other’s messages.
jeremybanks: and that doesn’t sound right either.
sampriti: my code checks whether the message is sent by the chat bot. if so then it ignores it.
sampriti: More Tests
Reverse Testing
Is the Bridge running?
sampriti: Yes it is.
sampriti: Test
sampriti: Hi
sampriti: Cool, it works
sampriti: Yes, its on the 25th of april
Dante0: sampriti: what does you bot do?
sampriti: Syncs the SE chat room with the IRC Chat:
sampriti: Syncs the Stack Exchange chat room with the IRC Chat:
Dante0: Oh, that's great!
Dante0: I was wondering if you could do one more thing with that
sampriti: What?
Dante0: fetching the data off ruby documentation and when someone wants to know about the explaination of function theycould do something like
Dante0: ?split
Dante0: for instance and that would show the explaination of that
Dante0: Are you getting my point? :s
sampriti: Yep, I could put that on a different room.
sampriti: I will try that now :P
sampriti: I will try that now :P.
Dante0: It would be very easy, just search for string and get the matching few lines
I just need the api for ruby doc.
Or Maybe not?
hostey: thanks guys
Dante0: Damnit
Dante0: Shutup, SEBot
sampriti: hi
sampriti: That is weird
Dante0: What is?
sampriti: "NikolaiDante:"
Dante0: Sorry it was me
Dante0: my stackexchange name
Dante0: I just went off
claudi: Testing from mIRC... do you copy? :P
Dante0: roger that
claudi: ;-)
chinmay92: hey
sampriti: Hi
agbanagba: Hi everyone
chinmay92: I am getting a bit confused with steps mentioned to set up the software
Dante0: What is that confusing you?
chinmay92: I installed virtual box on my machine now do i need to download the saasbook zip file ?
chinmay92: I see another option of downloading an ubuntu image
chinmay92: does the saasbook zip file consists of the necessary vdi file ?
sampriti: Yes,
I'm shutting down the SE bot.
2 hours later…
sampriti: Test
Finally Works
sampriti: ACTION slaps SEBot around a bit with a large fishbot
Double Test
sampriti: Test
sampriti: Hello, How are you bot?
c0ndemn3d: do i have to download those files i have ubuntu?
c0ndemn3d: or is there another way?
sampriti: Which files?
c0ndemn3d: virtual machine etc
c0ndemn3d: what i really want to ask is if there is a way to install the courseware directly into my ubuntu OS
sampriti: yes, there is a script that you can use to setup your ubuntu os:…
c0ndemn3d: thanks a lot
sampriti: after that is done, you can clone this repo
sampriti: and the rottenpotatoes app is inside courseware/vm-setup/rottenpotatoes
sampriti: which you can play around with
c0ndemn3d: that's perfect
c0ndemn3d: thanks a lot for your help
Reedip: Hi
Reedip: What is the password to login to SaasBook?
Reedip: in VM?
sampriti: username: saasbook
sampriti: password: saasbook
Reedip: Ok, thanks
sampriti: When you unzip the file, what files do you get?
DaiYuli: I wanna ask if there is a list including the whole bunch of necessary tools or software we have to install such as ruby, rails, cucumber?
sampriti: Yes. The best way to do it is to clone this repo
sampriti: Inside courseware/vm-setup/rottenpotatoes there is a rails app
sampriti: if you run bundle install inside that directory.
sampriti: It will install all the necessary gems
DaiYuli: Thanks, but how about the others besides gems? ruby, rails, rvm and git are sufficient?
sampriti: yes
sampriti: for the scope of this course yes.
DaiYuli: Ok, thanks a lot~
pabloonrails: anyone can tell me if i need to work with the debugger gem necesarly?
pabloonrails: cos everything runs perfect without this gem for me
CrossCodes: hey pablo... it is a bit challenging to fine tune all gems, but the debugger gem in ruby supports front end development... try to search the specific error that you are facing because most likely, it will be due to an incompatibility issue
CrossCodes: just an example...
CrossCodes: have in mind that the set up is meant to be challenging at the beginning (i confess that i still have to keep fighting sometimes, but it is the beauty of it)
sampriti: @CrossCodes, "debugger gem in ruby supports front end development" I dont think so.
CrossCodes: well... i feel that we are missing the point because i am trying to help you get your set up straight because it is one of my TA tasks, but you probably know more than me because I am learning and beginning.... (just a comment though... it provides breakpoint handling, bindings for stack frames, etc...)
Dont take it seriously :).
sampriti: Dont take it seriously :)
sampriti: What I am trying to say is that the debugger gem helps in getting an insight into your application in runtime. Maybe it be in the front end or back end.
CrossCodes: hahahahah don´t worry... I am serious about not knowing... I have no tech background... Anyway, I am happy with the question because I can move forward now with my duties...
CrossCodes: I agree...
CrossCodes: later guys...
CrossCodes: :))
pabloonrails__: bye
marco619: Hi to every one
marco619: I have 1 day with this problem
marco619: I cannot access the AMI localhost
marco619: the server is running
sampriti: Is you amazon instance running properly?
marco619: yes
marco619: AMI and EC2 are running
marco619: the Rails server in the AMI is running ok
sampriti: the first answer
marco619: but, I cannot access it typing : localhost:3000
sampriti: What command are you using to ssh?
marco619: Putty program}
marco619: workink in windows 7
sachin234s: hi guys i am unable to unzip the vm image on my ubuntu machine..
sampriti: @marco Ok, so follow the tutorial in the link and then you can acces the app using AWS_INSTANCE_URL:3000 where AWS_INSTANCE_URL is the url you use to connect to your instance in Putty.
sampriti: @sachin what problem are you facing?
HuntK: sachin234s: What OS?
sachin234s: huntK: hey its ubuntu 12.04
sachin234s: i am trying the default unzip , which is throwing me an error
sampriti: What error?
sachin234s: End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/sachin/Downloads/ or /home/sachin/Downloads/, and cannot find /home/sachin/Downloads/sa
marco619: I follow the tutorial, and type : http://<public_ip>:3000 and I can access it, I see the Elcome Aboard Ruby's
sachin234s: p.ZIP, period.
marco619: But, Why I cannot access typing : localhost:3000 and not http://<public_ip>:3000 ????????????}
eyadof: marco619: are you using AWS ?
JakeTheAndroid: sachin234s: it sounds like your zip might be corrupt.
sachin234s: @sampriti: is it because of improper download of the image
sachin234s: @JakeTheAndroid : is it..?
marco619: Yes eyadof, I m using AWS
eyadof: sachin234s: you can check your download as follow…
JakeTheAndroid: sachin234s: that is an error unzip will usually throw if the zip is corrupt.
sachin234s: should i download the entire thing again?
JakeTheAndroid: I would try that.
JakeTheAndroid: are you running Ubuntu on your local computer or is it on a server?
eyadof: marco619: localhost refer to your machine you should using AWS name if you hate typing ip
HuntK: sachin234s: Do you need the image? Are you tring to run a vm of the coursware in your copy of Ubuntu?
sachin234s: hey i ve run d command it says
sachin234s: -rw-r----- 1 sachin sachin 1.9G Apr 21 07:12
HuntK: sachin234s: try zip -t
sachin234s: hey its local system
eyadof: c4ad6939f6dec6fbca88519349fb3417 is that your md5 checksum ?
JakeTheAndroid: try what HuntK said.
eyadof: if it was that mean your download is ok
eyadof: if not that mean your download were corrupted
sachin234s: @<eyadof> : no its d17d003d94cd34fc199ac7b00a2c436d
marco619: One last question, When I see the : "Welcome aboard" in the AMI_IP_PUBLIC:3000 , what do I need to do ??? is it whole ??
eyadof: sorry that mean you download were corrupted you should redownload the vm image
HuntK: ore sume
HuntK: or resume
latman12_: the screen you're looking for is the all aboard
sachin234s: @eyadof: is it... k dude
sachin234s: @eyadof : by the way what does check sum mean?
eyadof: try as HuntK said
sachin234s: its also showing an error
marco619: Do I need run any script in the Server ??? I m confused, sorry :(
sachin234s: zip error: Invalid command arguments (invalid date entered for -t option - use mmddyyyy or yyyy-mm-dd)
sachin234s: when i run the unzip from d terminal
latman12_: the "Welcome aboard" screen indicates ruby is running properly and the bundle install was successful
marco619: ok
latman12_: @macro619 are you using the rottenpotatoes app?
marco619: yes, I m using it
eyadof: sachin234s: checksum is a computed value depends on the content itself
eyadof: it should be the same for each file
latman12_: if you go to localhost:3000/movies you should see the rottenpotatoes screen in the screencapture
sachin234s: @eyadof: ok Thanks Buddy :)
eyadof: so if it were different that mean you haven't received the file completely
sachin234s: so can i download d image from terminal?
marco619: @latman12 I clicked in the localhost and I can't see nothing,
latman12_: sorry not localhost since you are using AWS, it should be AMI_IP_PUBLIC:3000/movies
marco619: Too, I cannot see nothing
latman12_: that tells the rails app to call movies
sachin234s: so probably i need to download the image again... Thank you guys..
marco619: "web page are not found"
marco619: "This web page is not available"
marco619: hmmmm, what can I do now ?
JakeTheAndroid: sachin234s: a check sum is a value that a file produces based on the sum of digit placements in a file. Its useful because files that do not add up to the same check sum are clearly not the same file.
sachin234s: @JakeTheAndroid: Thank u Buddy :)
sachin234s: I have started the download again..
marco619: Well, I going to lunch, thanks guys, I going to resolve this problem later
JakeTheAndroid: sachin234s: good, that sounds like the probable cause of your issues.
marco619: see you later
marco619: thanks
latman12_: ok. a hangout maybe easier to resolve the problem completely
pvillalba_: thanks..
wspicer: hi all
eyadof: wspicer: hi
Kultamies: howdy
tansaku: hi Kultamies
Kultamies: never done stuff like this
sachin234s: Hi kultamies n tansaku
sampriti: Hi
sachin234s: Hi Sampriti
sachin234s: learning ruby has become easy n fun filled :)...
Artem_Dubov: Hi all!
Nephelus: Hello!
Artem_Dubov: the version of Ubuntu 11.10 critical?
Artem_Dubov: or it could be 14.04 8)
Artem_Dubov: ?
jeremybanks: @marco619: You may find this discussion helpful, regarding how to connect to the server running on EC2:
latman12_: @artem you may want to read the discussion at…
Jack_Harcourt: How much knowledge of Ruby should you have for this course?
Superob: Hi. Someone has problems running ubuntu on virtual box?
Kultamies: How nice to complete Ruby Beginners...
JakeTheAndroid: Artem_Dubov: you can use whatever version of Ubuntu, or really any OS for this project, but you will likely run into errors that others may not be able to help you with.
RobbieJackson: Jack, when I did the course last year I went through course called Ruby primer - and survived ok on just that
Artem_Dubov: Thanks!
sachin234s: hi m a java n php programmer... Man truely ruby confuses the latter.. :-)
jeremybanks: @Jack_Harcourt What other languages have you used?
jeremybanks: well that was clearly a lie. o.O
hybris: what are you up to jeremybanks :P
sampriti: @jeremy are you still working on the python bot
jeremybanks: Like @sampriti, I was working on a Stack Exchange <-> IRC chat bridge. I’ve set it up to relay messages from this chat room into a Stack Exchange chat room, but have disabled relaying in the other direction, until we’re sure it’s not going to blow up and spam the chat room.
jeremybanks: @sampriti I just tweaked it for a few minutes to add this read-only mode; I haven’t been working on it much anymore.
sampriti: Ok.
sachin234s: does checksum change from time to time as download progresses??
sampriti: Yes
hybris: yes
sachin234s: ok..
hybris: sachin234s: a chechsum is the sum of multiple parts of a file, so the more parts that are added (or taken away) will change the sum value.
hybris: *checksum
jeremybanks: :P
ncartmell: it just keeps going back and forth between a 'cpgz' and 'zip'
ncartmell: tried it on chrome and firefox
hybris: ncartmell: what is the issue you are having?
sorlucas: hi
sorlucas: what is it?
hybris: ncartmell: I assume you are on OS X if you are getting a cpgz file. While downloading a zip it may go back and forth between cpgz and zip, but should become a zip at the end. if you are unzipping the file only to get a .cpgz file, then your download is likely corrupt
jeremybanks: test
jeremybanks: hello world
jeremybanks: hello world.
jeremybanks: my bot isn’t talking :(
jeremybanks: I’m now getting errors when I switch it to the new account Ic reated
jeremybanks: ERROR:root:Attempt 10: denied: unknown reason 'You must login to post'
jeremybanks: I don’t know if I just have to wait for something, but I don’t think that’s it.
sampriti: Yes you need to wait for 5 secs
I am shutting down the bot.
sampriti: Test
Or maybe I donr have to, thanks to gnu screen
jeremybanks: whyyyy
jeremybanks: Darn.
jeremybanks: The new Stack Exchange login is failing to work. I’ll try again later.
Nephelus_: Can anyone tell me the login password for the VM?
jeremybanks: test
sampriti: saasbook
Nephelus_: Thank you. Dunno where they put that info but I couldnt find it
HuntK: ncartmell: If your sure it completed the download, use something like Stuffit Expander to uncompress
jeremybanks: test test
Tableau__: Nephelus_: there is a screencast showing you how to dowload,install your vm, log into it and access to the demo website
hybris: the login information is in the 'Installing the software yourself into a new VirtualBox VM' area
jeremybanks: Test
STACKEX: Sampriti Panda: Good Luck!
jeremybanks: @sampriti and with that message of yours, it works!
wspicer: Nephelus_: saasbook
wspicer: Nephelus_: the video is older than the VM, so you'll need this password just to login which isn't in the video
Nephelus_: Im already discovering that the video glosses over some points. Figured it was outdated
Nephelus_: Got it up and running now though. Thanks for the info
wspicer: yes, it can create troubleshooting problems. Ubuntu based OSes default to saying you need to apt-get install something if it isn't loaded or doesn't work, but you have RVM on the VM, and you have to make sure you are in the global gemset otherwise it won't find bundler. This is a key missing item. If any problems let us know, I have setup both a VM and a Lubuntu iso VM so the issues are current to me ;)
Nephelus: That seems to be what just happened to me. When I tried to start the Rails Server it didn't work. Luckily, it suggested a command to install the missing Gems and it worked fine after that
binarypulsar: Submitted this early this morning but got no response. Please respond if you can. I can use a HP-Compaq-dc7600-Small-Form-Factor 64 bit machine 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz. But it doesn't have a VT-x or AMD-V capable CPU. Will VM still install and run?
binarypulsar: running Linux Mint 14 Nadia
hybris: binarypulsar: give me one second to verify, but I believe so.
hybris: have you tried installing VirtualBox on Mint?
LorenzoLeonelli: hello, somebody has maybe already experienced what follows
LorenzoLeonelli: in my VM when I launch the command "rails server"
binarypulsar: Haven't installed anything. OS is Linux mint 14 Nadia
hybris: binarypulsar: you will likely have to disable VT-x in the virtual box settings. this means you cannot do 64-bit stuff in most cases, but the VM is 32-bit
LorenzoLeonelli: I have to launch 'bundle install' to install missing gems
Artem_Dubov: binarypulsar: for virtual box it no matter, you just have some penalties to speed of your system.
hybris: binarypulsar: so I expect you will be fine. the other option is to run the rottenpotatoes app locally. Since Mint is just an Ubuntu fork with XFCE (essentially) you should be able to get the app working just fine.
hybris: LorenzoLeonelli: when you ran bundle install did the gems install?
sachin234s: Good night guys..
draconar: when will the classes be available?
LorenzoLeonelli: but when at "installing lib v8 (" it hangs
hybris: LorenzoLeonelli: that is normal.
LorenzoLeonelli: @hybris ... thanks for the reply
Nephelus: That one takes a while but it should go through. It did the same for me
hybris: LorenzoLeonelli: no problem.
LorenzoLeonelli: then ... I'll wait some more time ...
binarypulsar: hybris: When you say run locally, do you mean on Rails?
hybris: This method is not ideal as you may encounter some issues over the course of the class, but since you are on Mint and that is essentially Ubuntu, you could simply get the code and then install RVM and Rails
hybris: binarypulsar: ^
hybris: I have the code running perfectly fine on Arch and CentOS
binarypulsar: hybris: I have Rails 4.0.0 installed, will rottenpotatoes ron on 4.0.0
hybris: binarypulsar: it will, but it would possibly effect your grade per assignment. I do not know the grading process, but rails 4.0 is a little different than the rails version used by the course.
hybris: the app looks simple enough that you could use rails 4 with it, but the code you write will likely be a bit different than what other people write.
hybris: you can install multiple rails versions, it gets messy, but you have to specify your rails version in your gem file.
josiasbh_: binarypulsar: if you want to use rails 4.0 you'll need to port the rottenpotattoes. There's a heroku guide about that
josiasbh_: binarypulsar: if you want to run rottenpotattoes inside rails 4
hybris: here is a good video on the differences between rails 3 and 4:…
09:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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