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Q: Why is the verb 変えれない instead of 変えられない

Walid Bananathe only two reasons I can think of are politeness(he is talking to himself) or because it might be confused with the passive(because it's potential)

hello, please can you provide the source of where you found this word because it looks to me that it is a mistake. 変えられない is the way to write it.
@vdegenne this is a very common thing. Whether it's a "mistake" is kind of like saying "gonna" is a mistake instead of "going to."
@Leebo if you read me well I said "it looks to me", I didn't mean "it is a mistake". And I don't think that's very common thing. I've read a lot of books now and I almost never encounter that form. But I keep my position, this is grammatically incorrect, and one should be discouraged to use it.
@vdegenne I hear it all the time. I think it's useful too. Discouraging or encouraging isn't really part of the conversation. No one is telling people to use it in writing.
@Leebo Read OP question again, Why is the verb .. instead of ... is pretty much the center of the debate. Just for your information if you type "かえれない" the windows interpreter doesn't even propose the variant 変えれない AH! :) which reinforce the point that it's not often used by the mass. Again I answered the question 変えれない is a misuse of 変えられない and no one should be encourage to use it. Now should I trust you because you have more volatile reputation point? absolutely not, I know my subject.
@vdegenne must be an issue with your IME. Mine offers it.
@Leebo I think the issue is rather from your IME, it shouldn't propose something that is not widely used or grammatically incorrect, you know? Or maybe you used it before so it suggests it back to you based on your history./
@vdegenne You can't seem to accept that you're wrong even when provided with evidence to the contrary, but here.
@Angelos what? how does a google search proves in any way that a word is widely used? I am not saying it's not used I argument the fact it's not widely used and 変えられない is the valid form of 変えれない. A google search is going to give you results accumulated from billions of pages crawled by bots over many years, of course it is going to give you results, that doesn't prove anything..
@Angelos by the way because you need a google evidence, here we go lmao on the same page google proposes "Did you mean: 変えられない" haha I am not wrong, I think you guys are the ones to be wrong, but you protect your reputation./
@vdegenne And the literal second result is 「変えれないと変えられない、ではどちらが正しいですか」, showing that even if it's non-standard, it's used often enough for people to get confused, not to mention that in the summary under the link it says 『「変えれないよ〜」と言うひともたくさんいますが、 よく言われている「ら抜き言葉」ですね。』. Considering you called someone else a loser on a comment under another answer, I'm starting to think you're a troll.
well well well

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