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Q: Proving the monotonicity of $x_{n+1} = \frac{x_n(3B + x_n^2)}{3 x_n^2 + B}.$

MathIgnoranceHere is the question I am trying to solve: Assume $B$ is a positive number. Let $\{x_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$ be defined recursively by $x_1 = 1,$ and $$x_{n+1} = \frac{x_n(3B + x_n^2)}{3 x_n^2 + B}.$$ Prove that $x_n \to \sqrt{B}.$ My question is: I do not know how to proof the monotonicity of the se...

You really want to prove by using monotonicity? It's possible to obtain the exact closed-form of $x_n$
@NN2 I was told in another question of mine that I have to prove that the sequence is increasing and bounded above first and then proof the limit, I actually managed to prove the limit without showing the monotonicity and bounded above part.
Here is the question I am referring to… @NN2
I cannot see where you were "told to prove that the sequence is increasing and bounded above" in that post.
Just calculate $f(x)-x=\dfrac{x(B-x^2)}{D>0}$ since $x_1=1>0$ then all $x_n>0$ so this behaves as $(B-x^2)$. So increasing on the left of the limit and decreasing on the right.
$$x_n = \sqrt{B} \tanh \left(3^{n-1} \operatorname{arctanh}\left(\frac{x_1}{\sqrt{B}} \right) \right) \to \sqrt{B}$$ You make 2 transformation: $y_n = \frac{x_n}{\sqrt{B}}$ and $z_n = \tanh(y)$
@AnneBauval in the last comment of Thomas
@NN2 Please transform your comment into an answer. I will be happy to upvote it. This is a method that I have already seen in cousin contexts.
@NN2 is not there an easier way of proving it ...... I did not get your point in the proof actually.
@zwim but I think it is a decreasing sequence not increasing ...... so what stops it from decreasing below 0?
As long as $x_1>0$ the sequence is positive because your RHS is. Also calculate $f(x)-\sqrt{B}=\dfrac{(x-\sqrt{B})^3}{D>0}$ so your sequence is always the same side of $\sqrt{B}$.
But where is the proof of monotonicity in this proof? @zwim
@zwim can you please post an answer, I feel like your argument will answer my question.
Hint: except where it would involve division by zero,$$\frac{\left(\frac{x\left(x^2+3B\right)}{3x^2+B}\right)^2-B}{x^2-B}=\left(\frac{x^2-B}{3x^2+B}\right)^2.$$
Or you can show that for $y_n=\dfrac{x_n-\sqrt{B}}{x_n+\sqrt{B}}$ you get $$y_{n+1}=y_n^3$$ which proves the cubic convergence of this instance of the Halley method. // Or recognize that this iteration is the Newton method for $$f(x)=x^{3/2}-Bx^{-1/2}$$ and discuss the graph of $f$ above and below $\sqrt{B}$ to determine the locations of the roots of the tangent.
@zwim I do not see why the RHS is positive, can you explain this please?
About Halley's method mentionned by @Lutz Lehmann see here his own answer.

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