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lemme get r20 up here @MikeQ, just a moment
@MikeQ -- question 1, on deities: are we allowed free reign on where to pull them from, or is there a a pantheon restriction to be cogent of here?
Deities, towns, and any sort of lore/flavor stuff, you have free reign
question 2 -- is the domain listed for a deity in the PHB the only acceptable domain for that deity?
Uh... I don't really understand the question, but the answer is probably whichever gives you most flexibility
@MikeQ There's that annoying thing where XGtE added a new domain or two, but the PHB tables of deities (naturally) don't have those domains listed, so it gets tricky if you've got a super-RAW DM choosing a deity, sometimes.
Doesn't the PHB list them as "suggested domains" though
Like you've got "grave" domain but they won't let you take any of the "death" domain deities in the PHB 'cause petty tyrants....
so that means I'll have to think some about domains -- the debate is between Knowledge (PHB suggested) and Light (may fit the char better) for St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel :)
3rd question: can I sub a thieves' tools prof for the artisan tools prof listed in the Monk class? (think throwback to the 1e monk ;)
Well, it would be out of the rules that we've set up. But so are gnolls, so... it's probably ok. Which tools were you thinking?
Wait, monks already get artisans tools proficiency
@MikeQ yeah -- monks get artisans' tools prof of a type of their choice in 5e, I want to sub thieves' tools instead (as a homage to the AD&D monk):)
Why not just take a background that gives thieves tool proficiency?
Also I think Korvin's character will have thieves tools anyway, in case this was an issue of covering party roles
@MikeQ hrm. I can live without that :)
any thoughts on domains for St. Cuthbert btw?
Uh... let's see... LN, god of common sense and zeal... that's pretty vague lol
Maybe pick a domain you haven't played / seen before
@MikeQ I don't recall having played either
@KorvinStarmast @nitsua60 any thoughts on this debate?
Quick question? Is Meta plan a combat strategy without the DM?
@Shalvenay Well, Rrauj is a nature cleric, and Korvin's character is a trickery cleric, so maybe pick a domain that isn't one of those?
@EnderLook What do you mean?
@MikeQ yeah. I was thinking Light or Knowledge myself
just can't decide between the two :P
@Shalvenay There's also Order domain and Protection domain from UA
@MikeQ hrm...not sure.
@Shalvenay Domain for Cuthbert? Not really--I've got only the passing-est of familiarities with him. Like "cudgel" and "good" and it runs out about there.
Cudgel domain lol
@MikeQ On our Discord chat we were talking about our Spell slot and Hit Dice and what could we do if we run out of that resources. In one moment of the chatting, I said we should talk in another channel without the DM, because the worst thing a player can do is telling his plans to the DM (He can start to make the counter-plan), and they said me that was meta-gaming. But also is meta-gaming to hear our conversation and make a counter-plant, right?
Why is it bad for players to tell their plans to the DM?
@MikeQ Because he can start making his own plans to spoil ours
It really sounds like you have a very antagonistic DM
spoilt or spoiled, not sure
(Yes, you used the word "spoil" correctly. I'm just surprised that it's being used at all.)
@MikeQ I read that on a tips forum, isn't that true?
@EnderLook it's a very table-dependent sort of thing -- some DMs are quite adversarial, others are the polar opposite
This would be a better conversation for the main chat room. We have a lot of discussions there about the player-DM relationship.
@MikeQ ohhh
How did I joined to this chat????
I thought I was on the main chat
By the way, what is this chat?
Haha, don't worry. This room is usually for when chatizens (the RPG.SE site regulars) want to organize their own games.
Ok, well, I will leave this chat and go to the main chat. Bye!
@Ben @goodguy5 How do I get you access to the roll20 and discord?
@MikeQ I do have access to discord... not sure about roll20 though
Whats that for?
Roll20 is the site for the game, with its own chat and dice rolling parser. Also has character sheet management built in, so you can click on parts of the character sheet and it automatically does the associated roll.
@Ben Here's the one-time secret with the roll20 link onetimesecret.com/secret/jnqbq4ybfjpgjt24myklx95crf3x0zs
@MikeQ Ok, I'll have to give it a look-see
@Ben -- so, for my Cuthbertian Gnoll Sun Soul Monk/<insert domain here> Cleric, I'm trying to decide between Knowledge Domain (what the PHB suggests for St. Cuthbert) and Light Domain (what seems to fit the char concept better) for the char
@MikeQ Well, I've signed up/logged in... but the rest is a bit beyond me lol
I am using IE, if that makes any difference
hey there @SoraTamashii
@Ben Look for a big pink button that says "Launch Game"
@Shalvenay Which do you think is more fun? :P
@Ben I'm slightly leaning Light myself on that front
Oh no, are all of you clerics??
@MikeQ Negati--- uhh...
Not any more...
I mean, you can
Lol. Nah I'm thinking of going Fighter/Sorc
Potentially variant human, with the warcaster feat, and deciding on spell sniper or something else... we'll see
If I go with only one feat, I might look into potentially choosing another race... maybe
@Shalvenay Hmm, my urchin has thieves tools, and sword coast adventurer's guide has Expanded List of Domains and Deities. You have it?
@MikeQ What's wrong with an Ecumenical synod of clerical insanity?
@Shalvenay A domain that includes "smashing things on the head" seems the perfect domain for Cuthbert
Or one that enlightens via smashing things on the head ....
@KorvinStarmast I can take a look at SCAG
Yeah, some nice domain expansion there ...
3 clerics = So a priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into a bar...
@MikeQ Yeah, and that's a great start for shennanigans.
"Wait, your sacred flame is the wrong color. SPLITTER!"
@KorvinStarmast Sorc: It's not sacred, but it is hot [Fireball]
@Ben that's one level from now... maybe Sphere of Flame? Firebolt?
Flaming sphere, 2d level ....
In one game our Rogue thought the Warlock was a druid. "Of course I am!" he says (throws some magic at the ground, a wilted, black flower grows) "See?"
@KorvinStarmast on of those lol
@Ben can't wait until we get a chance to play this. Fun ...
@Ben LOL
@KorvinStarmast Definitely looking forward to it :D
9 hours later…
@MikeQ something temporary will get me on the appropriate discord channel
Then I can navigate from there.
I'm a fairly avid discord user
Just make sure I'm paying attention today. I've got a bunch of stuff to do
10 hours later…
hey again @SoraTamashii
Hry Sha!
Sorry, I don't look in here very often. lol

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