> POLLUTED HYDRAZOR HEAD: voracious learner (when you cause a defender to lose a feature, you may take the target's lost feature as your own; you can do this only once per time you have rolled this feature) HEAD: psychic eyestalks (successful attack inflicts -1 on defender's next roll) BODY: radioactive (successful defense inflicts -1 on attacker's next roll) SPECIAL: target acquisition (maneuver to declare a target and have advantage on next roll vs that target)
@NautArch for the voracious learner you can take my psychic eyestalks right now if that's what you choose to make me lose. or you can take another voracious head and make me lose my voracious head.
so at this point, MegaThirteen is: MegaThirteen: 4 goring horns, 3 psychic eyestalks, 2 bitey teeth, 2 breath weapons, 1 voracious learner, 2 superfast and transformation (+2 voracious learners used up)
@NautArch you take the feature you destroyed. you either destroy the eyestalk and take it, or destroy the voracious and take it.
> voracious learner (when you cause a defender to lose a feature, you may take the target's lost feature as your own; you can do this only once per time you have rolled this feature)