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My Tesla may need to have kitties.
Just... sayin.
oh, @PaulRapoport you interested in the next mini-campaign of mutant city blues? I'm not sure the timetable will fit your college timetable...
8 hours later…
Potentially. Not sure what it is.
6 hours later…
you'll be playing a Cop, in Sydney. Who, by the way, is a mutant.
What time?
I think I've started coming down with something minor.
So sleep is an issue.
Also I absolutely MUST be up at 9 am EST.
So if we can start it much earlier your time
Say 11 pm or so my time.
no idea, you and @Sohum need to finish your epilogue first
Wait, the campaign's over?
You're the only one left in WtHN
we've ridden off into the sunset
We've had our apocalypse
there's not much story left to tell
Good point.
mind you, after MCB, we'll run another mini-campaign so it's all good
or rather, all apocalyptic
But since martin has chosen to roll the dice once last time... let's just see how badly he's mangled
Oh dear.
you're one versus many versus many versus many, all of whom may or may not have their own brainfucked timebombs chained who the hell knows how many ways.
I wish you luck, and I'm very much moribidly curious to see how this plays out
Me too.
Wait, is that tonight?
I have no idea
that's why I asked for you two to do this via wave
so that we may observe but don't need to do scheduling silliness
What's wave?
The kinda-sorta sleeping but not dead google product that's not quite like chate-mailforums?
Alright then.
Are you running MCB?
::raises an eyebrow::
Just trying to figure out why "sweet"
You don't know my [subtype: evil, rope-selling] GMing style from Adam :)
All I heard was that you were a skilled and experienced DM.
Or GM or MC as it were.
Rope-selling: I like to sell players the rope that they hang themselves with.
It's quite amusing, especially since they keep answering "yes" twhen I ask "Are you sure?"
well, we'll see if the timing works, one of my requirements is that gaming not interfere with academia, since I'm an academic at heart
Alright, sounds good.
Sorry about delayed replies, doing homework.

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