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Hi I'm back
Bot plz?
Bot initialized
hi there bot
@Doorknob Hello! That message was hi there bot and your username is Doorknob.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer hi adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was <pre class='partial'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer hi adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto od
Hehe, way ahead of you :P
Aww. :(
@agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body
Hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body
Oh, right.
hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body
@hichris123 Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123.
hi bolded
@Doorknob Hello! That message was <b>hi bolded</b> and your username is Doorknob.
@DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
It also works with editing. Watch: hi was edited in. Ummm... hi ?
@DoorknobChatbot @hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot @hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Hello! That message was hi @agent.post("http://chat.#{@sitename}/chats/#{room_number}/messages/new", [['text', message.slice(0, 500)], ['fkey', @fkey]]).body and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123. and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was <b><i>hi</i></b> and your username is hichris123.
> hi
@hichris123 Hello! That message was > hi and your username is hichris123.
Okay, so maybe it doesn't work with editing :P hi
17 secs ago, by hichris123
> hi
@hichris123 Hello! That message was <div class="onebox ob-message"><a class="roomname" href="/transcript/message/15022024#15022024"><span title="2014-04-18 00:03:54Z">17 secs ago</span></a>, by <span class="user-name">hichris123</span> <br/><div class="quote">> hi</div></div> and your username is hichris123.
Oh, wow:
when SEChatty::Event::MessagePosted, SEChatty::Event::MessagePosted
I'm so smart
Bot initialized
Now it works with editing. hi again
@Doorknob Hello! That message was Now it works with editing. hi and your username is Doorknob.
@Doorknob Hello! That message was Now it works with editing. hi again and your username is Doorknob.
@DoorknobChatbot hi How do I bork you?
Caps :P
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot hi How do I bork you? and your username is hichris123.
Fixed. :P
Hang on, rebooting it for another test...
Bot initialized
room topic changed to The bot testing room: For testing Doorknob's chatbot (no tags)
I like that new name.
It works :P
hi can i bork you?
@hichris123 Hello! That message was hi can i bork you? and your username is hichris123.
;;'1234444;;1'2;344444444444444444444444444444444444444444 hi
@hichris123 Hello! That message was ;;'1234444;;1'2;344444444444444444444444444444444444444444 hi and your username is hichris123.
@Doorknob Code plz?
@Doorknob Hello! That message was @hichris123 github.com/KeyboardFire/stackexchange-chatty/tree/master and your username is Doorknob.
Lol I'm going to change the h i th ing to some thing else
@Doorknob Hello! That message was Lol I'm going to change the h i th ing to some thing else and your username is Doorknob.
@DoorknobChatbot Er... where's hi?
@hichris123 Hello! That message was @DoorknobChatbot Er... where's hi? and your username is hichris123.
@Doorknob ^^
@hichris123 Hello! That message was <div class="onebox ob-message"><a class="roomname" href="http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/1984430#1984430">in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, <span title="2014-04-17 23:27:23Z">42 mins ago</span></a>, by <span class="user-name">hichris123</span> <br/><div class="quote">Er... @Doorknob?</div></div> and your username is hichris123.
Yeah, I forgot to turn it off :P
Bot initialized
Bye Undo!
Hi Undo!
@Doorknob Hello! That message was This message will be deleted. and your username is Doorknob.
:15022133 (removed) to you too.
















260F hi
@hichris123 Hello! That message was <div class='full'>☀ <br> 2600 <br> ☁ <br> 2601 <br> ☂ <br> 2602 <br> ☃ <br> 2603 <br> ☄ <br> 2604 <br> ★ <br> 2605 <br> ☆ <br> 2606 <br> ☇ <br> 2607 <br> ☈ <br> 2608 <br> ☉ <br> 2609 <br> ☊ <br> 260A <br> ☋ <br> 260B <br> ☌ <br> 260C <br> ☍ <br> 260D <br> ☎ <br> 260E <br> ☏ <br> 260F hi</div> and your username is hichris123.
Wow, what a shiny star you have there
@DoorknobChatbot rofl
@DoorknobChatbot ARE YOU AWAKE
Ummm, it's stuck O_o
٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)h hii
@Doorknob oh
@Doorknob ... what did we do?
Error: 409 => Net::HTTPConflict for chat.stackexchange.com/chats/13972/messages/new -- unhand
led response
Error: 409 => Net::HTTPConflict for chat.stackexchange.com/chats/13972/messages/new -- unhand
led response
Error: 409 => Net::HTTPConflict for chat.stackexchange.com/chats/13972/messages/new -- unhand
led response
Error: 409 => Net::HTTPConflict for chat.stackexchange.com/chats/13972/messages/new -- unhand
No idea... :O
409 == ratelimiting, @Doorknob
Ah, that one again @Doorknob.
goes to old SO room
OHHHH epihany
I think that happens with duplicate messages
Let's test it
Bot initialized
:15022190 (removed) to you too.
:15022193 (removed) to you too.
wait what
Ummm so it's not that
Wow, what a shiny star you have there
It's ratelimiting, @Doorknob
@Undo That doesn't explain why it doesn't stop erroring after a while
It just keeps going.... O_o
in Sandbox on Stack Overflow Chat, Feb 4 at 21:55, by Doorknob of Snow
"What does it mean when http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/1/messages/new returns HTTP 409/400?"
@DoorknobChatbot What happens if I suspend you?
@Doorknob ^
okay, now it's going crazy with 409s again
@Undo Don't :P I've heard that leaves a permanant mark or something :P
Although I am curious about UserSuspended = 29....
@Doorknob ... you know how many times I've been chatbanned for science? :P
(read: so Undo could unban himself)
@Doorknob It doesn't.
or at least not that I can see.
If I suspended him on a main site it would.
But little chat suspensions mean nothing
Ah, ok
It would cause him to be instantly silent :P
I would like to add an easter egg for that, but it wouldn't be able to send that message :P
I added duplicate message prevention
Bot initialized
Oy @DoorknobChatbot
Doorknob starred that.
Doorknob starred that..
hichris123 starred that.
Undo starred that.
hichris123 starred that.
I also discovered that I could find out who starred a message.
As you can see.
hichris123 starred that..
Undo starred that.
How the heck does it do that @Doorknob?
hichris123 starred that.
hichris123 starred that..
when SEChatty::Event::MessageStarred
	sec.send_message "#{e['user_name']} starred that."
It's... not going to like me. :P
hichris123 starred that.
hichris123 starred that..
@DoorknobChatbot What would you do if I suspended you?
hichris123 starred that.
hichris123 starred that..
@DoorknobChatbot Why double punctuation?
@Undo It wouldn't be able to respond :P
hichris123 starred that.
hichris123 starred that..
1 min ago, by Doorknob
I added duplicate message prevention
Is... is it stuck?
hichris123 starred that.
hichris123 starred that..
@Doorknob Lies.
No, hichris just spammed stars on the messages and now it's spitting out all those :P
Killed and restarting
Yup. :D
Aww. :(
Bot initialized
Maybe I should report that fact that you can find out who starred a message on meta. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be possible.
@Doorknob ... meh. It's chat, and not votes.
hichris123 starred that.
Better? :P
hichris123 starred that..
hichris123 starred that.
...it's stuck
oh nvm
hichris123 starred that..
@hichris123 Hello! That message was hi and your username is hichris123.
ahem glances at @Undo and diamond ahem :P
@Doorknob NO!!!!!
@Doorknob wut?
You want me to?
@hichris123 Hello! That message was hic and your username is hichris123.
@hichris123 Hello! That message was hicn and your username is hichris123.
Such star spam wow
Hmm... what can you bork the bot with?
Nothing! >:D
@Doorknob Hello! That message was Nothing! >:D and your username is Doorknob.
thinks he should probably be doing homework
@hichris123 Hello! That message was <i>thinks he should probably be doing homework</i> and your username is hichris123.
@DoorknobChatbot Uh... wut?
@hichris123 I don't have school tomorrow because it's a good day! (literally, Good Friday :P)
@Doorknob Hello! That message was @hichris123 I don't have school tomorrow because it's a good day! (literally, Good Friday :P) and your username is Doorknob.
Okay I'm getting annoyed at this. I'm changing it to just "hello." :P
@Doorknob Hello! That message was Okay I'm getting annoyed at this. I'm changing it to just "hello." :P and your username is Doorknob.
@Doorknob sigh We don't get Good Friday off. :(
Case insensitive, while I'm at it.
I'm gonna suspend him and see what happens.
Tell me what your error logs do @Doorknob.
Bot initialized
@Undo Noooo wait
crap, I forgot where the suspend button is
Wait let me finish my meta post about seeing stars first :P
Heh, while you search for that
@Doorknob You can come up with an awesome title for that.
@Undo Good, I thought you were suspending me. :P
{"event_type"=>19, "time_stamp"=>1397780842, "content"=>"I have a rough draft of an essay due. :(",
"id"=>27843560, "user_id"=>73046, "user_name"=>"Undo", "room_id"=>13972, "room_name"=>"The bot testi
ng room", "message_id"=>15022405, "moved"=>true}
^ message moved out
1 message moved from Charcoal HQ
@Doorknob what's that?
@Doorknob you said there's an event for user suspension?
{"event_type"=>20, "time_stamp"=>1397781005, "content"=>"test", "id"=>27843653, "user_id"=>103081, "
user_name"=>"hichris123", "room_id"=>13972, "room_name"=>"The bot testing room", "message_id"=>15022
452, "moved"=>true}
@Undo Indeed. Here's a list, actually:
	module Event
		MessagePosted = 1
		MessageEdited = 2
		UserEntered = 3
		UserLeft = 4
		RoomNameChanged = 5
		MessageStarred = 6
		DebugMessage = 7
		UserMentioned = 8
		MessageFlagged = 9
		MessageDeleted = 10
		FileAdded = 11
		ModeratorFlag = 12
		UserSettingsChanged = 13
		GlobalNotification = 14
		AccessLevelChanged = 15
		UserNotification = 16
		Invitation = 17
		MessageReply = 18
		MessageMovedOut = 19
		MessageMovedIn = 20
		TimeBreak = 21
		FeedTicker = 22
		UserSuspended = 29
		UserMerged = 30
I'm gonna freeze the room. Tell me what that does
Undo has frozen this room.
looks for unfreeze button
Undo has unfrozen this room.
found it :D
@Undo Also try timeouts.
Both of them gave me:
Oooh yeah
{"event_type"=>15, "time_stamp"=>1397781138, "id"=>27843700, "user_id"=>73046, "user_name"=>"Undo",
"room_id"=>13972, "room_name"=>"The bot testing room"}
(Access level changed)
Okay, timeout now
This room was placed in timeout for 10 seconds; the topic of this room is "For testing Doorknob's chatbot" - conversation should be limited to that topic.
it didn't do anything
heh, you're an owner @Doorknob
Oh right
... I want to be an owner!
Moderational decision :D
Yay! :D
Nothing special for timeout, just:
{"event_type"=>1, "time_stamp"=>1397781168, "content"=>"<i>This room was placed in timeout for 10 se
conds; the topic of this room is &quot;For testing Doorknob&#39;s chatbot&quot; - conversation shoul
d be limited to that topic.</i>", "id"=>27843715, "user_id"=>73046, "user_name"=>"Undo", "room_id"=>
13972, "room_name"=>"The bot testing room", "message_id"=>15022492}
Do it again for 20 secs and I'll make the bot say something
@Undo Mass deletion/purge?
I'll do the timeout
I've got to go now.
ok quick :P
You guys better hope the timeout ends when it's supposed to :P
This room was placed in timeout for 25 seconds; the topic of this room is "For testing Doorknob's chatbot" - conversation should be limited to that topic.
hello there bot
It doesn't matter for us, though.
Error: 404 => Net::HTTPNotFound for chat.stackexchange.com/chats/13972/messages/new -- unhand
led response
Srsly, 404?
@Doorknob Hello! That message was hello there bot and your username is Doorknob.
Bye Undo!
Okay I have to go too. Bye
(bot killed)
I guess I'll do my homework now, though. :P
I am back
I am too
@Doorknob Let's test that user suspended thing
tries to get in to Blaze account
Ok I'm almost done with the star post
Is the bot listening?
Not yet
Bot initialized
Okay, ready?
dramatic music
there it kicked in
okay, get anything?
Well that was anticlimactic
Oh ok
Ummm, checking...
Nope, all event type 1's
Try making it say something
Still all 1's
Let me run it with my mod creds.
Is the latest on GH?
I'm beginning to think that the UserSuspended thing only triggers on the user that is listening
Since I don't see a live indication of @Blaze's suspension, I'd see no reason to put it in the websocket
So, what's the minimum suspension time? :P
not sure
Can you unsuspend too?
@Doorknob The user would in the page, though.
It displays a bar over the post message area.
@Undo So do it! :D
Giving the chat suspension thingy anything less than an hour makes it freak out
@hichris123 Yeah, so that's why I think it's only for the specific user who's listening
@Undo ...are you sure you can unsuspend? :P
@Doorknob ... he'll "forget".
Hi invulnarable27!
Oh yay a new person arrived :P
I can tell you they're not a sock of Undo's. :P
I could tell you a lot more, except that I'm bound to silence.
Hmm, @invulnarable27, how did you find this chatroom? :P
curious so i clicked on link, wat you guys up to?
We're testing a chatbot thing
Q: I'm seeing stars! (I can see who starred a message and so can you)

DoorknobSo I was making a chatbot in Ruby for SE chat, and I discovered that I could find out the starrer of a message. I'm pretty sure stars, like votes, are supposed to be anonymous. Although this knowledge would help for cases of star trolls like this. Here's the specific slice of code that do...

posted the star thingy
@invulnarable27 See @DoorknobChatbot over here? This is where I test him ;)
Say hello!
@Doorknob Hello! That message was Say hello! and your username is Doorknob.
@Undo ... until we get diamonds.
reminds me of that automated software buildbot...
@Doorknob You got the "It's not going to like me" part. :P
@hichris123 Coincidence? I think not! :P
If I get banned... welp, Undo will unban me, right @Undo? :P

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