Zaiem Beg also references WotC's double-standards re: what's allowed on DMsGuild (warning: there's quite NSFW images as cover images for a number of products still on DMsGuild/DriveThruRPG) in discussing WotC's removal of a content creator from their Magic: The Gathering creator program for supposedly "distributing Magic content against [their] Code of Conduct, including photos featuring adult nudity and sexualized posting".
(disclaimer - never read "The Last Ringbearer", it is something I keep forgetting to)
That said.... I wonder if it is worth the time.
> Eskov bases his novel on the premise that the Tolkien account is a "history written by the victors". Eskov's version of the story describes Mordor as a peaceful constitutional monarchy on the verge of an industrial revolution, that poses a threat to the war-mongering and imperialistic faction represented by Gandalf (whose attitude has been described by Saruman as "crafting the Final Solution to the Mordorian problem") and the racist elves.
@ThreePhaseEel James Mendez Hodes has a really good two-article series about where our ideas about orcs come: "Orcs, Britons, and the Martial Race Myth," Part I and Part II.