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@trogdor bad news of the day
New Shantae game available in phisical form only via LimitedRunGames.
which to be honest I never had any deal with, but if I should base myself on what I read on the web, has very frequent problems with delays and delivery.
So go figure how it will go NOW.
4 hours later…
Ooh ouch
I wonder why they don't want to distribute it digitally at all
Especially right now during probably the absolute best time to distribute things digitally if you can XD
To be fair, I'm not itching to buy it as soon as it comes out, and I imagine it'll eventually come out digitally
It's not like I really want all the extra stuff they are selling with the physical copies XD
I'm disappointed and even a little surprised though
artificial scarcity
whales buy the expensive version because they don't want to miss out/wait
2 hours later…
whales XD
sorry, I like whales, but I don't entirely like the use of the word to refer to people who spend a lot of money on things, also I was just overall surprised to hear the term used for people who want a video game instead of say, big gambling expenses or like, a large investment (like with an expected return for example) or something
anyway yes, the whole money thing
makes sense in a dumb way
or well, a smart way if you want money but a dumb way in that capitalism is kinda dumb
(IE, I'm not calling any people stupid, but I am taking a shot at capitalism overall)
1 hour later…
I'm pretty sure the term originates in a gambling context, I know that "whale" is also commonly used to describe that very small minority of players in games with in-game purchase type stuff that who spend an awful lot of money on it
especially in F2P games I guess, because those players are the actual primary source of revenue for the publisher
Yeah, in video gaming "whale" has the exact same meaning as in gambling: the handful of massively big spenders who let the casino take losses with other customers and still make a ton of money.
And it's often very much about gambling with video games too, because whales spend their money on stuff like loot crates.
ah, that's true. Most of my F2P game exposure is Warframe, which I guess technically has a couple of "loot-crate"-like purchase options but the overwhelming majority of the microtransaction stuff is directly buying equipment (pay to skip the grind of acquiring it normally) or cosmetics
which, you know, I'm never going to be a person who really gets into those kind of microtransactions but at least it's not using scummy lootcrate gambling mechanics on people.
I've also seen 'whale' used in context of mobile gaming like Candy Crush that use "just pay a little bit to keep playing" tactics combined with gambling-like euphoria rewards to encourage it.
I hate that stuff with all my heart
hideously exploitative
@Carcer the first time I've ever heard it was a show about a Casino so I know it exists in that contest at least
and really it was like,... people were talking about them like they were a commodity, and I know that's like,... because they need that revenue, but they also don't need to structure their income around basically ripping people off
that's why I say capitalism is dumb
well that's gambling baby
it's only profitable to run a casino if people are losing a lot of money there
because stuff like that can be done and is even encouraged to be done within the system
@Carcer I don't mean that if you work at a casino you don't need to structure your income around that, I mean I hate the very idea of casinos
capitalism has many problems and encouraging the exploitation of vulnerable people for big profit is one of them, yeah.
that's all I mean
(aside: on a recent staff survey at my place of employment which asked what one thing $corporation could do to better support staff, I suggested encouraging a socialist revolution)
and when are they planning to implement that policy?
I suspect my suggestion will not be acted on
well, depending on who you ask, they already are!
oh dang
how surprising (all my sarcastic humor)
of course, the people actually on the socialist side of the spectrum are convinced my employers are hyperconservative shills...
having both sides believe we're the tools of the other is how we know we're balanced
I mean, I work for money, but that's because I kinda have to
IE, I don't believe companies are hyper conservative shills just because,... they work within the only system that currently exists
now can they do more than they do? yeah depending on what companies you are talking about and what degree you mean
(I should clarify I am employed in the media/broadcasting industry)
fair enough
that's definitely in the range of being able to make changes
but also,... there's a lot of hyper polarization around political stuff
and news outlets that don't say exactly what you want them to say, I imagine, are great targets for fire based off of that :/
Yeah. To be honest I do feel our output is slightly right-biased but then I'm pretty lefty so of course I would
that's fair enough
also,... there are like, certain news agencies owned by people with political agendas
oh my yes
I don't just mean conservative but admitedly the main American example I always think of happens to be
rupert bloody murdoch
yep he's way way up there on the list there
he's really the big one for the UK
he's actually got one for the US too
I believe he owns Fox News?
at least?
I know at least one person who I strenuously disagree with politically who watches a lot of Fox News
anything owned by News Corp is Murdoch

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