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I have only seen it be a walk through hell itself
though that isn't entirely true, I had to go back to the Monastary and I walked through all the things trying to stop me then
Like, I've had multiple runs where I was able to avoid every fight along the way except the bandits I detoured to find because I wanted their loot.
yeah, when I first got out of the Monastary, I didn't know the tricks to avoid combat that I do now
that Rapax patrol never caught me, but I still got to Cheif Gari to turn in the "kill the rats" quest
that gadgeteer doesn't also reward you does he?
cause he gave me quest details too
He gives you XP, and you can recruit him after you talk to him.
@BESW Yeah, that spear is totally worth the detour if you're using a Valk.
@BESW ah ok, but currently I have Urq and RFS
Urq didn't even tell me all the places he wants to go
which is annoying
What matters more are the places he doesn't want to go.
Yeah, that's a thing.
BTW, you know how debuffs like Blinded and Afraid make the enemies run around and you have to chase 'em down?
Yep, that's why I don't use them.
Ain't no party like a ranged party 'cause a ranged party don't gotta walk.
they are great at the start of the fight, but then they get annoying
my party is mostly melee, but seems kinda hybrid-y
@trogdor Well, you've got 3 spellcasters + a Gadgeteer, so it's fairly well balanced between melee and ranged.
@BESW RPCs (where you get them, where they won't go) might be something to add to the compendium next time you're feeling like some thankless work.
@Miniman yeah that is what I am saying
Is RPC the right term? I'm not up on video game parlance, but the save file folder for them calls 'em NPCs.
@BESW The manual calls them RPCs, so I went with that, but I've never heard it anywhere else.
Burz can sell light crossbows, right?
@BESW I think I've seen them in his list.
Huh. I don't think I've ever used a crossbow.
Last night I camped him for days and didn't see any.
Oh, crossbows are kinda lousy. Unless you have a gadgeteer.
Oh, do they use modern weapon?
Engineering 35 = doubleshot crossbow, and 75 = tripleshot.
Ah right, you did mention that.
No, they're bows.
Just, yanno. Gadgeteers make crossbows that are legit decent until you get the awesome stuff.
I'm expecting to outfit my samurai with a tripleshot.
wait, they make crossbows?
@trogdor Combine them, apparently.
of course
Like what an Alchemist can do with potions.
duct tape science
Enter the Gungeon has Duct Tape in it, you can basically just tape two guns together to fire them both at once
but it's a rare item, and if you do get it you will only get one per run
the stuff the Gadgeteer can do reminds me of that
Whereas Duct Tape in Wiz8 lets you paralyze an enemy from range, because...science.
@Miniman yes, but I imagine invisible Duct Tape is being applied to create gadget stuff
you just buy spare of the non invisible kind so you can tie up enemies with it
Nah, the only thing every Gadgeteer has in common is the Omnigun. Therefore, logically, the Omnigun is used for all their engineering purposes.
It's even more versatile than it appears.
Up to the point of being used to modify itself, even.
I sort of imagined Gadgeteers just have a lot of bits and bobs of tech lying around that they get inspired to glue onto it when they level up
@trogdor Probably from all the Savant Droids you destroy over the course of the game :)
Nah, the Omnigun is the Gadgeteer. The PC is a clever android puppet.
Okay, so the (2/1/2) style numbers next to the enemy name.
@BESW Oooh, yes?
( [# in group] / [# in range of your currently selected PC's current queued action] / [# visible] )
@Miniman true, plenty of parts in those
@BESW oh, that is odd
Wait, no. The middle number remains a mystery.
It's got to do with your queued action, though. I know that.
Would that be a reasonable question for Arqade?
@BESW Definitely! But they've only got one Wiz8 question, so I have doubts about the amount of expertise you'll find over there.
I suppose so
@Miniman wow, that is even less than I expected
Well, they won't get any Wiz8 experts if nobody's asking Wiz8 questions.
I was thinking maybe they had like, 3 XD
@trogdor It's a pretty crappy question, too, sadly, and got the kind of answer you'd expect.
@BESW I finally found some Google results for it with the ingenuous "wizardry 8 what do numbers mean", and everyone agrees with your guess.
@Miniman Yeah, but my experience disagrees, at least with the middle number.
Then you should definitely specify that in your question, otherwise you're going to get answers telling you that's what it is.
...I can't figure out what to tag it.
And...? and don't exist.
A vast majority of Arqade questions only have a game tag, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Q: What are the parenthetical numbers in the combat HUD?

BESWDuring combat, the Wizardry 8 HUD displays numbers beside each enemy group's name, like so: GREEN SLIMES ( 3 / 0 / 2 ) What do the numbers in the parentheses mean? This thread speculates they're "number total/number in target range/number visible," which seems reasonable, but doesn't precis...

5 hours later…
mk, now to see if playing Wiz 8 is worse or better with no mouse than with this really really busted up one that is giving me trouble
I am 90% certain better is the answer
It's pretty painful with a trackpad.
Mostly because of the amount of time you spend holding down the right mouse button while moving the mouse; that particularly sucks on trackpads.
I have actually been turning with the Q and E keys
so the right click will mostly only be to look more up or down
which will still probably suck, but the mouse I have has been acting up hardcore when I right click it
What sort of mouse is it?
in the meantime I can still switch back to it until I get around to getting myself a new mouse XD
@trogdor Also, when you say "acting up", do you mean registering multiple right clicks every time you right click?
a Logitech LX3 optical
@Miniman no,.. it thinks I am holding it down still even when I stop, and in fact it also half the time thinks I am scrolling when I am not
it even thinks I am holding the scroll wheel down
@trogdor Ouch.
it is an old mouse
and bits of it are falling off
I did happen to get very much good use out of it
1 hour later…
where does RFS go when you drop him out of your party?
I am using him instead of Vi while I escort Urq, but am in Arnika at the moment to dump all the excess stuff I have and Steal the Mooks artifact
He stays exactly where you left him.
so while I am here I have a chance to switch to her, but the deciding factor is where he ends up
so I can drop him in Arnika? that is fantastic
I was afraid he would wander back to the mines XD
He doesn't have that much initiative.
it's basically just a matter of convenience
fair enough
Vi fits much better in my party with one more squishy NPC in it
even though RFS has proven to be awesome
also, Ryu wouldn't stop hitting a full health Juggernaut till it died
it was insane
huh, the quest I have to get the Astral Dominae for the T'rang hasn't progressed even though I have it, and I saved and tried to see if I could give it to em and they won't take it
is that just the end of doing quests for them?
or is the game actually forcing me to finish Urq's quest to travel the world without telling me that it's actually a main quest?
@trogdor It's neither of those things. You should be able to show them the orb.
I guess the give action was the wrong way to go about it
Try picking it up from your inventory, exiting the inventory, and clicking on the quest-giver with the AD attached to your cursor.
Kinda like how you use keys to unlock things.
If that fails, try typing something appropriate into the chat interface.
err, I had made a mistake
I have the Chaos Moleri and the Astral Dominae, the one they wanted to see was the Moleri
I thought they wanted the Dominae because that was the origional one that got them started with this whole thing
but you guys did help by assuring me they wanted one of those things
and I realized the whole point was to confirm there were three of them and that the Mook had one
one weird thing to me,... the Mook either didn't fully understand what the T'rang note was trying to tell them, or are working really hard to make it look like they didn't understand
because if they did understand it, they either would have rejected the alliance conditions or given me the Chaos Moleri without making me do the switch
3 hours later…
I expected my Dracon Samurai to be awful at spells, and only cast out-of-combat buffs. So I gave him the voice Male Burly 1: "You want me fight? I fight."
I'm loving this. One of his failed-spell emotes is "Oh, no!" in a dismayed-but-resigned "Yeah, I'm a screwup but you were counting on me" kind of tone.
1 hour later…
@Adeptus I hope your wife's doing well--prayers in effect from around the world. I'm not sure if timing's right; if not I'll try again tonight (my time)/tomorrow morning (your time). I was just looking back and noticed that a few times that Shalvey and I have chatted about CT you've chimed in expressing interest/enjoyment. We're going to start up a little online adventure soon--would you be interested in the details?
8 hours later…
@BESW you cruel man XD
to be fair, Ryu is a really sarcastic sadist
he keeps saying "whoopie for me" in a voice that seems to say he means it but that he doesn't want you to know he does when he kills something
The voice acting isn't good, but it's interesting.
it is
it seems like no one involved realized how silly some of the voices would be considering they get used just enough to annoy you and not enough to be really fleshed out
and there is,... one single line each one has for any occasion
maybe two for seeing a monster
@trogdor One for difficult fights, one for easy fights.
the point is, there aren't a heck of a lot of em
and when there are different ones they are different for a reason other than just being different
which is a good reason, but it would have been cool if they said more than one thing related to the same thing
Well, Sir-Tech was cut in half even before they started work on Wiz8, and it was the last game they ever made, so it's a pretty safe guess that it was done on a budget.
And probably rushed out, too.
yeah that is a pretty good excuse honestly
and it turned out to be a pretty great game regardless of that, so kudos to them
@trogdor Well, the U.S. division of the company died and Wiz8 was produced entirely in Canada - that was probably an advantage.
@Miniman was their American division the lesser half?
@trogdor No idea.
That Arqade question got me a link to this painfully 2001 interactive Flash FAQ, which doesn't actually match what I see on my screen and seems to contradict itself about what the numbers mean.
@BESW I was just looking at that (and contemplating whether I dared activate out-of-date Flash on my work computer).
@Miniman Screenshot!
@BESW Thanks! First thoughts: Even if that's correct, it's definitely not in order.
@BESW also, that doesn't look like a place you would end up fighting T'rang, because they are never up there
not that that makes a huge difference XD
Actually, now that you mention it, the numbers are on the left side with no brackets, not like usual.
I wonder if this is from a beta build or something.
Pretty sure it is.
that would be my guess
It does seem like the numbers are probably meant to be Total/In Range/Visible, though.
I guess I need to post a screenshot of my own interface next time I fire up the game.
I suspect the question of "In Range of what?" might be one of the issues here.
'cause, um. It's not tied to the action you have queued. I can guarantee that.
I can have a single-target attack with only one possible target in range for it, and get 2/2/2 on the screen.
@BESW I'd be inclined to suspect in range of your currently equipped weapon.
Actually, that would explain why it's almost always 0 for my spellcasters.

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