@Christopher I've noticed you've been making a lot of edits to posts to alter their style. I know this is done in good faith, but I still want to draw your attention to this Meta about style at RPG.se:
We don't have a local style guide. There are a few common practices that we inherit from a few different sources though:
Because we are using HTML (which is a format designed to be both human- and machine-readable), which gives specific meanings to certain kinds of markup, we benefit from recog...
@Christopher Those examples are interesting — in general, they are actually better to leave as-is: in a question, they are sometimes part of the confusion and it's better to leave them so answers can correct them, and in answers it's better to comment to the author to correct them because it might materially affect the answer's logic and need more than a term fix.
Though for attack of opportunity / opportunity attack, they're pretty interchangeable. The only reason I would change one of those is for searchability, but generally I'd leave that alone unless it was part of a larger edit of bigger problems.
The Stack really does value editing, but it also helps us distinguish between style edits (generally not necessary) and content edits (generally necessary) and gives us ample opportunity to learn how to make content edits with the minimum necessary impact on the OP's style.
There are cases for a formatting change can be very valuable.
eg, if someone is asking about inflicting wounds by channeling the inflict wounds spell into a melee attack, that italic can be crucial to clarity.
I do layout for RPGs as my "hobby job" so adhering to the currently-published edition—combined with my OCD—makes me want everything to look "right". I apologize for making style edits and will try to stick to asking questions in comments to encourage the asker (questioner? Petitioner?) to self-edit.
I started learning because I wanted to publish my own stuff over on DTRPG, so I taught myself LaTeX (since I'm too poor to afford InDeisgn). I've self-published two items and have done layout work for my podcast network's annual gaming convention for the past two years , and am doing layout work for a friend that's publishing Fate mini-settings via Patreon
@BESW Looking through the Steam sale today, I also became aware of TIS-100 - yet another game by Zachtronics along similar lines. It seems a lot less instantly-accessible, but does have a Mac version.