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@trogdor Nah. I'm the same way with Ogre Battle.
is that also a JRPG?
looks like it
Yep. It's in the same series as Tactics Ogre if you've ever come across any of those.
I first played it when I was quite young. I tried a number of JRPGs (including early FF games and Breath of Fire games too), but Ogre Battle was the one I really took to. It was so hard... but I loved it. xD It's still so hard.
I actually skipped BoF 1 and 2
I have heard they are about as good
I don't recall which ones I tried, but I definitely tried at least one.
in different ways I am sure
playing as a dragon in 3 really kept my attention
I suspect if I played 1 or 2 I would also have given them a fair shake
I like tactical games better than standard JRPG battles, and Ogre Battle was my introduction to that.
yeah in BoF 3 you don't move around during combat or anything
It was also one of (if not the) first game I played that let me choose to be a female character, which had its own magic, and I loved the setting and tarot motif.
you just choose which action to take like attacking or casting something
You don't actually in Ogre Battle, either. It's more about how you set your party up.
but there were a decent number of different spells and abilities, and the choice of which genes to use when transforming was neat
I also personally liked the story, and some, but not all of the minigames,.. most of which you have to play and beat to progress
In Ogre Battle, you don't directly control your combatants. You set up your party how you want it to be and pick a strategy for your AI and then they fight, though decide if/when to deploy tarot cards.
huh, kinda like FF12
This brings back such memories. ; _;
in FF 12 you could only control one person at a time but you had 3 people in your fighting party most of the time
so you could either switch them around and give them all orders, or give them a set of commands pertaining to their situation
one of the guys you get is super good in melee, and the main caster girl eventually learns berserk
This has combat in it.
so we (me and my siblings) set her up to usually cast berserk on him XD
and it was basically automated so we didn't have to keep telling her to do it, and he was berserk so he didn't need us to even tell him to hit people
That sounds useful. xD
but like, for that same caster girl we had a set of commands dictating which spell she would use to attack, or whether she would just save mana and use her mediocre melee attacks
In Ogre Battle, there's an overworld map that your units explore while liberating cities. When you liberate cities, you get to draw a random tarot card, which has an affect on your stats (like it could increase or decrease your Luck, for example), and then you get the card to use in battle too.
the most useful thing we found was making commands to tell them all to focus on the same target
@Pixie is the card randomly good or bad?
or is it always useful in some way?
Each has a specific affect when you draw it which could be good or bad. Every card has a good use in battle, though.
You also have to watch out and place your units strategically because enemy units move too, and they can retake your cities.
ah, so it is tactical in a similar way to Fire Emblem or Advance Wars
not exactly the same of course, but there is similarity
I haven't played either of those, but if they have an overworld type setup with moving units, probably.
I am currently watching the link you posted
@Pixie they do
in Fire emblem each character is a unit, and in advance wars you manage resources, capture cities, and build infantry, tanks, planes, and/or ships
Also, as your units level up, you can branch them into different classes.
but the opponent is also doing that
@Pixie that is also something Fire Emblem did
but the thing is, neither of them technically had an overworld during battle like this
in Fire Emblem you were fighting in a level until you won or lost (or any character/character you liked died at which point you probably restarted XD)
Subsequent Ogre Battle series games went with the square-based tactical battles.
Where you move your characters around the field and select their attacks.
in Advance Wars it was closer, you still had units going over a lot of ground protecting and capturing cities, but it was still technically seperate maps too
and you had units with 10 of the same thing in it
you didn't group people together, they came out of the factory as ten of the same tank and such
A large part of the strategy in Ogre Battle is which units you use and how you arrange them.
The story can also go different ways depending on what you decide to do and where you decide to go.
the Strategy in Fire Emblem was (a more complicated version but here is the basic thing you start with) making sure your swordsmen/women fought axe men, your axe men fought lance carriers, and your lance carriers fought swordspeople
also making sure, since they are all basically named people not some expendable troops, that when they are too low on health they don't fight anyone until you heal them somehow
you also kinda had to make sure the same guy wasn't hogging more exp than he could use
you could use people to carry, but once they hit level 20 on their first or second class, you had to try to make sure they weren't wrecking all the bad guys by themselves so other people could level up
cause at level 20 exp is useless
you gotta wait for an emblem that works for that character to switch to the second class so they can level up more
I think Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (and possibly other games in the series) also went with named units instead of generic, but I'm not sure if it had permadeath.
in Advance wars the main deal was just which commander you were using, and countering certain tanks or wtv units with the right counter units
(but I personally loved using artillery to kill everything before it even got a chance to fight back properly XD)
@Pixie all the Fire Emblem games I played gave you a chance on the very first stage
if a character lost all hp there they would just say they had a broken arm or something and come back at some later fight
it still wasn't good, but they didn't die on that one
but all other stages you gotta be more careful
like, one of my favorite ones, I think it was the first I played, a pegasis knight I kinda liked (honestly I kinda liked all the characters I used) broke her arm on the first level,... and I was stunned that this game would do that
later I learned they do much worse things to your heroes if you mess up IE they ded T.T
it made it more tense though
I liked that honestly
I love how they just sorta almost nonchalantly shout "Fight it out!" when you get into a battle
Yeah, there's an emotional impact you don't get when permadeath isn't involved. And yeah, I love the little narrations. xD
I think a large part of the idea of the Fire Emblem series is to get you emotionally invested in the characters
That's what it seems like. I keep meaning to try them.
these people aren't your foot soldiers, they are bodyguards who just want to protect someone, or nobles ousted from their homes, and so on
Oh yeah, the city also yells "Boo! Boo!" if you pull a bad card. xD
lol XD
and you want to get everyone home safe at the end
plus, they can't help you or the others if they died
also, in all the ones I played, there are named enemies in some fights who you can convert if you get the right person in your party to talk to them,... in the middle of a fight
so in those cases you struggle to kill all his or her erstwhile unnamed "buddies" (quotations because said named person is usually relatively reluctant to fight you but does have a reason) and get the right person over to them so you aren't forced to kill this person
That's cool.
sometimes they recognize something about the person you need to talk to them, sometimes they straight up know each other, and in one case they are married
Aww. xD
technically, for that one, you are in a broken down old fort protecting an NPC from bandits
and one of said bandits is her husband who is not aware she is in there
and is only raiding the countryside to support her
so you have to kill everyone else and sorta mysteriously retreat for him and only him to get in and see her XD
then he turns around and starts killing the other bandits
and they get confused and retreat soon afterwards
Rather short-lived loyalties. xD
well, he wasn't too happy to be reduced to robbing people, and probably occasionally burning down a house or two
seeing his wife in the place they were attacking was the last straw
his character is intended to convey that this would not have been his first choice of occupation by any means
and seeing someone you care about directly attacked by your comrades in arms is not loyalty inspiring XD
Yeah. xD
in that same one, one of the 3 main characters, the fast girl with the sword is recognized not as an individual per se at first, but as a member of a certain Steppe community by one horse archer, and if she talks to him,.. I can't remember specifically why, but he leaves the fight and joins your party later
sometimes it seems like a slightly weird reason for switching sides, other times the people literally know each other and it makes a certain amount of sense
I ended up trying to convert every boss and named person because you can always talk to them
sometimes they just aren't a person who is gonna join you, but I made extra sure
though especially with bosses with huge health-bars, you already know that badass isn't going to join up cause then you can just rampage through the rest of the levels with them XD
and what kind of fun is auto winning anyway
True. xD
still, usually even a boss at least has something interesting to tell certain characters even if they won't stop fighting
It does sound interesting to talk to them.
a lot of the time, if it is just a boss, only one of your big main characters can talk to them
like in that one there is a guy with a thin rapier sword, a guy in huge armor with an axe, and the fast sword girl,.. with horrendously high crit ( she just randomly one shots people sometimes)
many times only one of those three, in that one version at least, can talk to most people
but just about everyone has at least one person they can chat up in the middle of a fight XD and your characters have freindships with each other, so certain ones will talk to others and get some kind of bonus for being better freinds,... better teamwork I guess XD
in a way it is a little silly, but it is great XD
I think I saw someone describe Fire Emblem once as something like "shipping people: the game." xD
yeah, apparently they have moved even MORE in that direction in the newer games
I think it was a recent one they were talking about.
the ones I have played are all at least several years old, and even in those some people got into romantic relationships and such
but it was kinda set who would be freinds or romantic with who else
some characters won't even talk to each other in the ones I played
my brothe played one of the newer ones, and he mentioned to me that he could like,... set just about anyone up with each other
maybe not like EVERYONE with everyone but still
like, a lot less restricted
and then they would have kids who would have some combo of their stats,... like breeding Pokemon or something XD
it sounds a little odd
not that that would automatically make them bad games now
he said he still likes them
in fact, I didn't get the sense he was put out too much, he probably thought it was a little weird but didn't let it stop him from actually enjoying the game
which is fine
anyway, it isn't a complete opposite direction from the older games
it seems like it is an evolution in the same general direction of some kind
that being said, I have not played the newer ones
so I can only speculate with what I have heard
Haha, that's interesting.
the one he was playing seemed to be sort of time travel based
so if you set up two characters you could get their kid(s) to fight in your group
no first hand experience on my part though
Seems like it'd have to take place across a pretty large span of time otherwise.
I don't think that by itself would put me off too much
in a way, it's both interesting and creepy at the same time?
@Pixie yeah
Awakening sounds really weird, not to mention overcomplicated.
I mean, just the idea of shipping two people so you can make their children fight in your merry band is a little off-putting to me
@Miniman I think that might have been the one he was playing?
the name sounds familliar
@trogdor Pretty sure. The breeding them for stock concept is only in that one, I think.
ah ok
The shipping aspect is appealing to me, but I can see how the idea of doing so to have their kids fight for you would be off-putting.
@Pixie just setting them up in a relationship is fine, breeding them for more soldiers steps over a certain line XD
Yeeeah. xD
@Pixie It seems to me that the "get emotionally invested" and "use them like farm animals" are somewhat at cross purposes.
yeah exactly
Very true.
It would generally be annoying to potentially lose out on game efficacy if you make your choices based on who you actually think fits together vs. most harmonious stat combinations. The former is the actual fun part.
again, didn't play it myself, but from his description the point he saw in it was to get the best stat combos
You gotta do it from the heart.
It also probably wouldn't be nearly gay enough for me. :P
in the older games, there wasn't too much room to ship within the game
it was more or less obvious who was romantically involved with each other
though I think two of the main characters got together in the end in a relatively ambigous way
the main axe guy is shown later with a daughter who has a similar face to that of the sword girl and his hair color or something,.. I think
every other romantic relationship was more telegraphed than that
and I could be mistaken on that one
That is more of an implication, yeah.
I would have probably shipped her and the guy with the rapier
but at the same time, those three seemed like they might also have a platonic relationship too,.. it wasn't excessively clear
that is probably the best ground for shipping XD
True. xD
when you just can't be sure what the relationship is actually like
Then it can be anything. :P
that is what I mean
like some people ship Katara and Zuko from Avatar
I didn't really see that one myself, but I can kinda sorta see why to some degree too
plus she had her hands chock full of guys to be shipped with
Yeah, I can usually see the rationale for things even if I'm not into them myself.
at least three guys just from immediate recollection
but like, for Katara and Zuko, the only thing I can see it based on is when like a young boy pulls a girls hair because he likes her?
cause they didn't really get along that great as I recall
to be fair, I do not ship often
I seem to more now than I used to.
for that show, I literally shipped the actual relationship of Aang and Katara, because it was so obvious
no other people were broadcasting strongly enough for me to do the same for them
Zuko had a girl at one point but she uh,... spoilers
so that didn't last long
I think that is one of the only shows I have shipped anyone in, and it was usually the pairing that was already like, sorta happening in an obvious way (for the audience anyway, sometimes the characters themselves were at least slightly oblivious)
There are a few canon ships I rather like, though I mostly go in different directions.
it isn't so much that I don't like seeing two characters in a relationship, but if it isn't made super obvious I don't tend to jump to certain conclusions about characters romantic feelings
so I don't always agree with two even commonly shipped characters because,.. the basis of some of those ships are kinda sparse sometimes
I need to see some real investment from the characters themselves before I myself get invested
still, I can certainly understand having a feeling that these two people just have to get together because it would just be perfect
That's fair. I mostly deal in what-ifs. xD
either because they are so similar, or so different
or they dovetail in this awesome way
I can at least understand it, I just don't have that feeling myself often
and I have seen some cannon relationships pulled out of the writers ********* too
Haha, yeah.
those are especially infuriating
especially when I liked said show, and that was one of its only major flaws T.T
That does get frustrating.
"suddenly I can see I love you,... even though until now neither of us showed even an inkling of that kind of feeling",..... yay?
There's often the notion that you have to have a romance.
And even when there's development, sometimes it's pretty poor.
I am thinking of one short Anime that I liked, but I don't want to mention which one because then you would know something happens in it if you see it
they litterally drop it on you with no warning in that one
at least from my point of view
Haha, now I'm curious.
it honestly probably, maybe, would have been fine if those two characters had actually like, even hinted anything before that point
I mean, I guess I didn't give away anything other than minor details, if you are ok with knowing which one I mean
Would it happen to be any of these? Even if not I think I'm okay with you saying it though.
and that isn't much of a spoiler since it isn't the kind of reveal you would necessarily like actually being surprised by
well I will say it then,
I don't know how to post it so someone has to click on it to read what it says?
just so no one accidentally reads it
in case they ever do actually watch it
Do a url but like [spoiler] and (spoiler_goes_here)
With the http, it cut that out because I forgot to put a break. xD
in brackets?
The same way you'd do a link normally, but instead of the URL, put http:// and then the stuff with underscores between words.
There's no real spoiler function, so making it a fake link is all you can do.
but I put like [spoiler] in brackets right next to the (link)?
There we go. xD
I remembered there was a way to show code, much simpler that way. :P
there we go
just cause you are ok with it doesn't mean I want to leave a small landmine here for someone to accidentally read XD
Yeah, that's for the best.
Ohh, okay.
I don't even consider it a huge spoiler,... but I myself would still personally prefer even minor ones like that not be spoiled for me unless I asked for it
And I do appreciate your asking! In some cases I might not want to know. This just seemed like something that wouldn't bother me.
and who knows, maybe I missed some cues? but if so again, I miss that stuff
but I don't think they set it up all that much, if even at all
@Pixie I figured it probably wouldn't, it's just better to be safe on this kind of thing
Yeah, I prefer to err on the side of caution with spoilers.
it's the best policy
some people hate them more than others
I personally am on the mid to high range
I am sure some people hate them more than me but I generally don't like em
even in our Fate games, I like some of the world to be concealed from me
even though Fate is all about the PC's knowing stuff their characters don't
I definitely don't like them, but I'm more or less okay with it depending on the thing.
I like to be surprised sometimes
and it does depend on what it is
of course if it were spoilers for the newest Star Wars movie, I would have been ticked off
cause I am a fan of Star Wars and that wouldn't have been cool
if someone were to say what happened in, say, the newest Pokemon cartoon/anime (what ever that is now), I probably wouldn't sweat it
those are pretty extreme examples, but examples they are
Ooh, Gooseworx is going to cover Dummy next.
so far it's just, Bontrousle, Death by Glamour, and Spider Dance right?
I really like their Spider Dance.
I think that is the best one so far too
I like their Bonetrousle too. It has a very urgent feel.
... much more impressive than poor Papyrus actually is. xD
I like Spider Dance more though
the other 2 are good, but I don't think I can rank either above the other
it's hard to even just say Dummy! is my favorite though
for all the other original songs I am not sure I can rank them much
but for renditions and mixes and stuff I usually can
I think Bonetrousle is my clear favorite. It hits some things I like very hard. They're all good, though.
I like Dummy! because it is Ghost Fight with some changes added in
it has the whole thing going of reminding me of Nabstablook and the Dummy and the music is also awesome by itself
Yeah, I like it a lot as well.
ah, RichaadEB did a Cleric Beast (Bloodborne) cover
pays to check this stuff
I have not played it myslef, but I have watched a play through of it and I loved that piece of boss music
it even has the goofball himself bouncing a little
I am quite fond of violin and electric violin. xD
well, at the start anyway
I think strings suits Bonetrousle rather well
I agree.
violin seems like a good fit, possibly some others would work
They fit Spider Dance well, too.
sounds about right
probably wouldn't want them for Asgore or Spears of Justice
19 hours later…
@eimyr -- so, one problem I run into when developing RPs is I tend to develop them "back to front" -- starting with a goal, and then looking for a feasible means to get to that goal, and that leads to things that are rather closed-ended as far as their solution space goes
developing RP systems, adventures or what?
@eimyr adventures/story arcs
then you have a problem
ever tried doing it the ballistic way?\
@eimyr ...that being?
you set up the initial conditions then you fire
and forget
whatever the PCs do, you react to it
sure, it carries the risk of being, well, less exciting than goal-oriented game
but you don't have any railroading
@eimyr ah. I've done that, but as a full DM -- with the power to basically sit there and adjudicate the sandbox and play NPCs, and do nothing else
is there anything else you do?
I'm working in the context of online freeform here, where there is no DM, and you're much more hampered in the ability to do a straightforward adjudication-based system because you can't distance yourself from a character's reference point
@eimyr when I'm in full sandbox mode? other than having to deal with dynamic content generation, no.
and when you're not?
@eimyr when I'm not in that sandbox-mode, that's when I get into the "back to front" method of storyline development I already mentioned
then have you tried a sesion-at-a-time approach?
Recently I got into a habit of preparing only one game at once.
So I've set up a sandbox with plenty of good npcs and possible plot hooks - but without actual adventures attached to them
and within my social contract I asked the players if they are OK with a tick-tock approach
they do the "tick" by doing stuff, whatever goal they pursue
I do the "tock" - update the status quo only between sessions
@eimyr part of the problem is that I don't really have set sessions to prepare for, or any firm control over pacing for that matter.
well, that's a major issue then
do you care about your worlds and adventures?
I mean, do you actually care about what your players do and do not in them?
@eimyr I'm working in an existing world, but I do care about what players do and do not do.
(part of that is my sim-sense kicking in, part of that is having to deal with a poorly developed social contract, and part of that is me being a goal-driven person)
it's easier when you don't, actually
I can't say I'm free from this, but I try to guild worlds so that players can destroy them
@eimyr part of the problem with that is you can't destroy the world :P we do have something of a static-world-problem on our hands here.
or are you saying I should build characters for other players to destroy?
pretty much
E.g. my last game was the one I've already spoken (bragged) about.
It was the Courtly Intrigue thing.
I build an entire country, its capital, 5 major duchies, internal strife, neighbours, dukes, cultures, government and official with one thing in mind: the PCs will murder, spy, cheat, swindle, implicate and defame everyone for their own gain.
I was ready for (normally gamebreaking) plots of killing the king, setting dukes against each other, famishing the capital and assassinating key characters
@eimyr ...that makes me want to throw fee simple title to the whole darn planet in there, just to see how everyone'd react
unfortunately, they never did
@shalvenay Sorry, what did you just say in non-idiomatic english?
"Your Majesty, I do own this planet now. Please do not forget that."
@eimyr I.e. I bring in a character whose first act is to buy the entire planet the world is set on.
an NPC?\
because that was early renaissance setting
@eimyr haha, who said that all the planets in a given multiverse were at the same level of social/technological development?
well, our social contract actually
it said right there: All player characters are courtiers, ambassadors or spies in a king's court.
as far as the setting was concerned, there were no other planets
@eimyr ah. I was just letting my imagination run wild in the world-colliding ways it usually does :)
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