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Ahahaha I totally forgot about this room
@Lord_Gareth "Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle"
So, the thing is, Myx seems to feel he's perfectly allowed to take juvenile pot shots at whoever in all nine flaming hells he likes
@Lord_Gareth it's not particularly private (as I posted a draft of the letter in this room). I've already contacted SE.
@waxeagle Reeeeaaaally now
I'd really like to see a couple of other people who also feel strongly (and can write without going on a complete tirate) do so
I can write such a letter, I'm just not sure what I'd do to substantiate it. If I had the time to archive-stalk him through the space-time continuum I woulda done it ages ago
@Lord_Gareth just a couple of examples would be helpful. That meta post is a good one I think.
I'd also like to be able to provide examples of Myx giving out and then defending poor information, answers, & data, but that would require explaining RPGs to the SE people in general
Which I don't think is going to be a thing
@Lord_Gareth yeah, I don't think you'll be able to get any traction there. Moreso if you can point to places where he's been completely juvinile when confronted about it
Can I get the 15 second elevator pitch of the issue?
@MadMAxJr Myself and several others feel that Myx has consistently demonstrated unprofessional and immature behavior unworthy of a moderator, including but not limited to distributing bad information, making personal attacks, abusing his power to defend his arguments and insulting, belittling, & attacking people in chat.
@MadMAxJr mxyzplk has a very narrow-minded view of what RPG-playing should be, and is acerbic and insulting to those who disagree. In addition, he is a vocal fanboy of one particular system, and has been quite unprofessional about trying to sweep deficiencies of it under the rug and attacking those who criticize it.
We take the further stance that he cannot and should not try to separate his 'mod hat' from his 'poster hat' and that in any event his behavior as a poster is so far beneath the level of acceptable as to be almost comedic
To wit, @KRyan gets the hammer for cussing once or twice, but Myx spent more than an hour cussing the both of us out over our attitudes about gaming and walked off scot free
This has been the TL;DR
Just be careful in the tone you take or you could be called out on personal attacks yourself. I heard the call to notify SE. Has anyone managed to speak to our community manager, Grace Note?
Wax is spearheading that. KRyan and I have held back out of fear that our concerns will be dismissed because we're involved.
You'll need a list of offenses and cite the specific rules broken, probably. As free of personal bias/aggression as possible, if you wish for administrative help.
@waxeagle Could I get a link to aforementioned draft?
I haven't personally investigated this issue, but I've been here long enough to have a vested interest in keeping the place relatively safe and sane.
@Lord_Gareth docs.google.com/document/d/… I think that's still public
Has myx ever given a defense for these accusations in chat?
@waxeagle You moderate gardening, huh? I need to tell my wife that there's a stack for that
@Lord_Gareth lump me in that bandwagon too!
@Lord_Gareth my fiancee and I have a question to ask there about a mystery plant we have
been meaning to do that for a while
Fairly well written letter, barely avoids the words impeachment. Probably the best approach.
@MadMAxJr I try to make sure I keep a level head with these kinds of things. I'm a moderator myself, it's a tough job
@MadMAxJr He has, at times. He's also boasted that he "flames optimizers in chat", said with no small amount of pride.
He's made it quite plain that he considers certain playstyles toxis
and even that was heavily edited for tone before it was sent.
@waxeagle The effort is much appreciated. You want to fight the issue, not the person.
@Lord_Gareth you know you can briefly edit chat messages right?
@KRyan That's what the Man wants me to do
@Lord_Gareth @KRyan @waxeagle Not sure if you guys want or need it but I took this screen cap. drive.google.com/file/d/0B43BdC4yZScZRGNDSFZMZm5FcUE/…
@Aaron What's that from, sorry?
The two weapon fighting question on the front page.
I'm not sure where I fall on this particular issue, but I would point out that I have downvoted inflammatory answers and flagged an inflammatory comment by Myx. Said comment was deleted, but it isn't showing up in my flag logs.
Ah, comments don't show up in the logs, it appears.
3 hours later…
@Lord_Gareth [rummages through activity pages] So, after having done nothing on the site for ten days, in the space of two hours you made three comments on Mxy's posts, two of which called him names, and then came onto chat to rant about his immaturity. [face/palm]
I suggest that if someone is acting immaturely, it's better to let the maturity of your response stand in stark contrast.
I do agree that some of his behaviour should be examined closely, I know you know that, but interjecting junk like that makes it hard to substantiate.

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