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Q: "tem-me pagado" or "me tem pagado" or ...?

KumMy question is only about Portuguese of Portugal. I've done a search but barely found anything. What's the more correct, or more common, form among these: ele me tem pagado ele tem-me pagado ele tem pagado-me The question isn't about "pagou"-form, but "pagado".

In Brazil, it is acceptable for the pronoun to be with the participle, as in ele tem me pagado and ele tem pagado-me. But both in Brazil and in Portugal, it is informal or poetic or etc. Source: What I do not know is if it is acceptable in Portugal under some contextl, like in Brazil.
@Schilive I'm asking about PORTUGAL!!!!!!!! You've gien me a link to a brazilian website
Kum, the grammar that is considered correct does not differ that much between Portugal and Brazil. But you can this Portuguese website.
In pt-BR (not the subject of the question - this is just a comment) more than acceptable, "ele tem me pagado" is essentially the only form you ever see used in day to day.
@stafusa how does your comment add any value to finding answer to my question?
@Schilive then give a proper answer, if you think so. Why are simply posting comments?
@Kum, because I do not know wether ele tem pagado-me has use somewhere in Portugal, as it does in Brazil. Also, comments need not be useful, so they need not add value.
@Schilive then why have you commented?
@Kum, because I said it is considered wrong, so it partially answers your question, that is, that it is not used in formal writings, like in law. But wrong things can still be used, which happens in English and both variations of Portuguese.
@Schilive I tell you - it doesn't answer my question.
@Kum My previous comment adds related information. While you're interested exclusively on pt-PT, later readers might have a different focus and benefit from it. At any rate, if comments become too distracting, they can always be deleted and/or moved to chat.
@stafusa it adds related information for whom? For me - not. This question is mine. What I care about is what I ask about. If you care about future readers, go create a question or article about pt-BR and inlighten your future readers all you wish.
@Kum, the main idea of Stack Exchange is having a place for questions where anyone with the same doubt can see the answer and have their question answered. So, even though you made the question, we see the question more independently of you, but still trying to help you have your doubt answered. This means comments are welcomed; otherwise, why have comments? instead of, for example, just a forum, like Arduino Forum or a one-question-one-answer-system, like CiberDúvidas. Also, we recommend everyone to be nice.
Hey @Kum, the question is not (only) yours. We thank you for your contribution, and posters of course get the due recognition and rep points, have the right to edit or delete their questions/answers, etc. but, as the tour clearly explains in its first paragraph, "we're working together to build a library": That's our top priority, not helping individuals. Also please notice that, while there's nothing offensive in your comments, some might come across as unfriendly, and that's not acceptable here.
@stafusa I don't understand. What do you want? Your comments aren't usefull at all. Point.
@Schilive in that case why don't you keep creating tons of content in your spare AND working time, for free, all the time? You should do it 3 times per day, every single day. Articles and videos. Or are you that egoistic? Other people need YOUR content. But Instead what are you doing? Right... you're arguing here with me. You're robbing other people of your knowledge. And for THIS - you have time.
@Kum What I meant with my first comment I have already explained; what I want, now, is to remind you to be friendly. If you fail to abide by our Code of Conduct, you will face repercussions, and our code is very explicit about: "subtle put-downs or unfriendly language" being innacceptable.
This is your warning.
6 hours later…
While Kum was unfriendly, I get the feeling that you just further provoked them. After their first comment with the tone "come on people, don't discuss tangential and unrelated things" we think that we should have just not commented more outside of the pt-PT scope.
Doesn't matter too much though. We'll find them an answer, and they'll be happy; and they will only be upset in their own question and not outside so the general tone will not be this and we'll also be happy.
Everyone is happy, all is good :)

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