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Q: The name "Alicia Han" appears to be calling!

Henning KlevjerI think there's a bug in Android where some Alicia Han appears to be calling. This happens some times if you hang up on someone calling you, or you have a missed call. The name appears in the instant before the correct name of the caller appears on the phone. To be specific: In the interim betwee...

No, it's transient. I think it might be that the standard Label text for a Person entry (such as the ones in the Persons list) is 'Alicia Han', and the label text is replaced when the Person information is fully loaded.
Ha, interesting. What happens when you try to create a contact, does it show that name as filler text?
No, It's very random and happens only in critical moments, i.e. someone's calling, new text message. These are the only scenarios I've encountered. I guess the phone is unprepared for the call and just guesses ...Alicia Han! Weird.
I can see the developers chuckling to themselves inserting a co-worker's name into the Android build. :) But I haven't experienced it for myself though.
What version of Android are you on?
@Siebe Android version 4.0.3, Software number 3.33.401.153 (build: CL391535), Kernel version 3.0.16
Well, I found nothing about an Alicia in the official Android Contacts or ContactsProvider source code. Maybe it's in the HTC Sense code.
@Siebe Hmm. I've got Sense v. 3.6 if that may help.
The tweeter in your question confirmed that it was on Sense. Found 2 other persons on Sense too with this problem. I contacted the htc dev team. I'm awaiting an answer now.
@HenningKlevjer Got some response from htcdev, they are completely avoiding my question and offer a free 'repair' of my phone.
@Siebe Hah, that's great ;).
That issue is not new, see this XDA post from a year ago.
@Izzy that must be the wrong post?
Argh, the page got lost in the link: It's on page 68 of that thread, first post on that page. Sorry for that.
@Izzy No problem. That's a confirmation of the bug. All: Try reproducing the bug following the latest Edit in the OP.
Did you google her name?
I sent a message asking about this to an HTC representative on Reddit who's been pretty active and seems like a nice guy, perhaps he can help out with it.
han (汉 or 漢) is chineese... htc made in china? ;)

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