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10:32 AM
Can we have this post removed without the review queue? In the review queue, it'll probably not be deleted because factual inaccuracies cannot be decided in that manner. But my interpretation of the author's comments is that he's pretty much saying that most people have been brainwashed into believing something else. Moderators, is this possible? What do we usually do with such cases?
I imagine reviewers may not read the comments he wrote which indicate that even he believes it's non-mainstream.
3:17 PM
Looks like the author decided to delete that answer eventually. But here's another one:
Again, the comments acknowledge that it's a non-mainstream theory. The author isn't claiming otherwise, but the answer does not make any indications that this is the case.
I considered editing in something about that, but I thought it would be mean since that's clearly too drastic and may be against the intentions of the author. I also toyed with the idea of telling the author to include a notice that the answer is not standard physics, but I figured that considering their tone in the comments, they wouldn't welcome such a suggestion.

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