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@south both args get the same input
in this case, each number is added to itself
basically, the same argument is reused if there isn't enough arguments
think of it like implicit input, but instead of input, it's the argument
except it is implicit input :P
I know, but I mean input from the argument source instead of STDIN/argv
what i was trying to do was smthn like Fx'lcO to "filter items that are located in the string of vowels" but it didnt ever seem to pan out
in your case l has an input satisfied already so itd only take 1 implicit input
@south Fx'IxcO
the arguments need to be in the other order
and l returns -1 if something isn't in a string
which is probably being picked up as truthy
yeah that was an issue, but i had intentions of just throwing a } in there
17 hours later…
@south just remembered, you may be looking for z
its basically a dyadic zip
2 hours later…
i saw z, but i figured a zip wasnt gonna help. I is what i was looking for initially since it returns 0 when nothing is found.
F (any, any) is the tool for the job here tho, and what i ended up using
Fig LYAL today
not to mention i dont know how to run a lyal
I recommend starting off with an explanation of how the byte scoring works
I know there's a transcript link somewhere, but just something explicit to start the event
Then, introduce the syntax, the operator list, functions, and context stuff
After that, it's just CMCs that showcase individual stuff + helping people learn Fig
ill take a look at previous lyals
Look at the vyxal lyal
It's one of the best run lyals yet
Purely because of the organisational stuff that went into it
I say best run in that it had the most activity
@Seggan write up the explanation of scoring and we should be able to handle the rest
lol the entire lyal is just prewritten quotes :P
I'll post it when LYAL starts
@Seggan hey, I had 40-something pre generated cmcs for vyal
So it wouldn't be a new thing :p
Hello people in the future, I see LYAL has started. As I am probably not here, I'll quickly explain scoring to you. You see, Fig only uses the 96 printable ASCII characters (not including tab). How is it that it is so golfy, you ask? Well, on the basis that you can theoretically make a computer architecture using any log_256(n) bytes, Fig is actually scored in irrational bytes. A Fig "byte" is just big enough to contain the 96 characters. Therefore, any Fig score is nlog_256(96).
you can quote that ^
oh and i should probably explain string compression too
a nice fcmc is this
String compression works very differently from Vyxal. As you (probably) saw, compressed strings start with D and end with ". First, the string is treated as a base-94 integer (the codepage minus quote and newline). Then it is modded with 8, to get a number 0-7. If the 1st bit is set, the next thing is obtained from the dictionary. Otherwise, the next thing is a char.
If the second bit is set, a space is added before the just-obtained string. If the 3rd bit is set, capitalise the first character of the obtained string. Finally, append the string to the result. If you are brave enough to read me terrible atom-based-while-looping decompression algo, it is here
@lyxal ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^
I'll copy paste those for you when it starts
ty gtg dont have fun
also i just noticed a bug that if you leave the input box empty, it thinks there's one empty input
that's a bug on my side though

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