???, 46 bytes
print(8 - (2 * 5 - 3) + (1/2) * 10)#+++++P
The previous answer was in Headass.
For the sake of everyone else doing this:
Try it online in Ruby!
Try it online in Jelly!
Try it Online in Vyxal!
Try It Online in rSNBATWPL!
Try It Online in Headass!
To whoever's creating the next answer, simply inserting your code on a single-line #comment between the existing two lines should work as long as it doesn't have a P
Vyxal, Python and Ruby will treat it as a comment, Jelly won't even evaluate it, Headass will work fine as long as there's no P and rSNBATWPL won't do anything
For the rule "Cracking a submission consists of finding any programming language that prints the correct result, not just the intended one. If a submission is run in any language that was not declared or found to work, there are no requirements to do anything, and future answers must be valid in that language.": let's say I intended language X, but someone cracks it in language Y, should all the next answers run in language X or Y? The wording in your rule isn't exactly clear to me as is tbh.
Wow that's some clever/cursed operator precedence. I suspect we're looking for a lang with 32-bit ints and print, and numbers with underscores obviously. Of course, it could just be a red herring... — emanresu A11 mins ago
why do you think "numbers with underscores" is relevant?
Except... the value is 9 + 4 * something, which can't be 10
Unless the (1/2) * 10 has a meaning
Then the value is 14 - 4 * something
And 2147483647 * 2 = -2, so the language must have:
- a python style modulo - 32-bit ints - Division of integers creates floats - Numbers can contain underscores. - # comments - a `print` function - Must be a scripting language
xonsh produces 4 6.0 0 53
I'm trying to use goruby but can't figure out how to install it