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02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Mfw someone injected SQL into my food six months ago and deleted the database entry that made me straight
aaron has had a bad influence on me :p
Ooooh I just realized something cool
I can track when I've gotten haircuts based on the text messages I get 15m out
Yeahhhh apparently the reason my hair got so long over the summer is I didn't get it cut once between June 1st and September 11th 💀
I find it really cool how much really dense biology research I can read and at least somewhat get the gist of after having taken AP Bio
Like that class probably did more for my scientific literacy than any other I've takeb
> takeb
clearly not enough for your english literacy
I've been really diving deep on prions, it honestly feels like a pretty massively unexplored tooic
Like even some pretty basic questions we don't have the answers to
And theoretically prions diseases should be easy to cure since there's literally just one protein you need to detect and kill
yeah it is pretty crazy the basic mechanism is still not fully understood
@RydwolfPrograms I know nothing about this
@UnrelatedString Yeah like they don't even know for sure what the shape of the prion form of the protein is
@lyxal how on earth did you run it on your phone
Like it seems like the sort of thing you'd want to find out
@Ginger kiwi browser
oh wow
what the fuck
(Specifically, whether or it it has alpha helices, or if it's all beta sheets)
I thought you were from Australia, not New Zealand
i guess that's a bit less worrying
@Ginger I borrowed it from emanresu
I keep forgetting emanresu lives in NZ
Yeah but when the thing that causes the normal variant to turn into the prion one is a change from alpha helixes to beta sheets, it seems like we should know to what extent that takes place lol
what a nice uplifting song
I hope there's no tv shows out there that play this song over a montage of prisoners being stabbed :p
@RydwolfPrograms Why are there math problems here lol
If I get it wrong will I be classified a woman
Also, what does the book color question tell you?
Oh wait are these just fun questions that have nothing to do with anything?
I love "Choose the answer choice least similar to the answer choice you chose to choose"
@lyxal Ha, I did better than you, I got a subscores of 10 for both nonbinary and bisexual
screenshot or it didn't happen
I think I picked normal choices for nearly half of them and kinda just went with whatever felt funniest for the rest
you're even more nonbinary than I am :b
I mean, this test is even less scientific than online IQ tests
don't do Rydwolf dirty like that!
Sorry sorry
I meant that online IQ tests are very scientific, and this test is pretty close to that
I know they're very scientific because I once got an IQ of 192 from one of them
02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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