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02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

How much is nested d-notation cursed? Like, "d(d20)" being understood as "Roll a d20, and roll a die with (that number) faces"?
3 hours later…
"Current balance: NaN" is such a confidence-inspiring thing to be told by your credit card
@DannyuNDos Not all that cursed but potentially confusing with that syntax
While there're other ways to generate it, that does give you a different distribution from uniform which could be useful
7 hours later…
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 27 mins ago, by FOX 9000
@ShadowWizardIsSadAndAngry @Mith is very intimidating and always watching!
me when I convince mods to do a little trolling
hey @lyxal
I have an important question
Um hi yes I'm here
is there a mod tool which, as part of its UI, opens a dynamically-loaded popup (like the ones you get from clicking on a user PFP) that includes the date of the last time that user was seen?
I'm trying to avoid doing a bunch of HTML parsing to get the last seen date
Why would there be anyway?
Because it's already right there on the user page
it's chat, no design decision is too implausible
I doubt they'd make something a pop up for something that's already immediately available :p
oh wait, the normal user popup includes the data I want
"last_seen": 1697722224,
"last_post": 1697722223,
how convenient
Anyhow I'll be going now
Bed is calling
And sleeping sounds like fun ngl
alright, time to write the user archiver
hmm, I wonder how many messages chat gets per second
because the number of extra requests my archiver will send to chat is at least 2(<messages per check interval>)+2
and the check interval is probably going to be 5 seconds
> In polar regions, the sun may not rise or set every day. The scheduler is able to handle these cases (i.e., a sunrise event won’t run on a day when the sun doesn’t rise). The one exception is solar_noon, which is formally defined as the moment the sun transits the celestial meridian, and will occur every day even if the sun is below the horizon.
@lyxal do the mod tools let you figure out how many users chat has?
there's no listing of users by creation date, annoyingly
I think all I can usefully do is archive users who have actually sent messages in chat
which is disappointing, but somewhat expected
now, what's the best way to do that...
Duuuuuude apparently I'd be eligible for like $300/month in ACA subsidies
That means I could get a silver plan for like $20/month or a gold one for like a hundred
I do plan on getting some minor surgeries and stuff so I'd have to do the math on which would be smarter
I believe we'd also be eligible for SNAP
And that shit's insane it's like $300/month for food
Like we'd be eating like kings even with one SNAP card
If all three of us were eligible we could literally eat steak every night
Not that we would lol
I think all three of us aim on eating pretty healthy
@RydwolfPrograms whos "all three"
I'm going to have two roommates if all goes to plan
It's super exciting
@RydwolfPrograms wow
thats what we spend on a family of 6 per month
Right?! Like it's so much
I was allocating myself $200/month for groceries as an upper bound
I've been reading a bunch about BSE/vCJD/mad cow recently
Prion diseases are so fascinating
Also terrifying
Like the idea that you could have a prion disease from something you ate four years ago and suddenly you're just incurably sick and going to die in 13 months
Plus the whole cows-being-fed-MBM thing
Okay Bring Me The Horizon's recent singles have been SO GOOD
LosT and DArkSide are so good
LosT came on the radio last night and it was so funny how much they had to censor
Like why even bother at that point if half the chorus is silent lol
And they muted things like "ketamine" and "suicidal" which was kinda funny
Like did not expect that
requests for user profile info are... worryingly slow
like, extremely slow
for older user IDs it can take over 5 seconds
and now it's running faster? weird
@DLosc I need grammar help
This sentence:
> One struggle I've faced, and seen others face, in my community is the impacts a lack of transportation have on students.
Google Docs suggests I change "have" to "has"
And when I think about it, that makes since
It's one thing, "a lack of transportation", which "has" multiple impacts
But "has" feels wrong there to me
even with a multithreaded downloader, this is still going to take like a day
> [root] INFO: User 641: LittleBobbyTables
hmm, apparently messages sent by deleted users have their user_id field as 0
In other news the house of representatives remains chaos
I'm glad the weird unity between conservatives and the far/alt-right might be starting to break apart
Trump did a lot of damage but he also really threw a wrench into right-wing unity
blaugh, all the search options for mongodb require a replica set
and seeing as I only have the one server I can't really do that
replica sets are meant to involve multiple servers
I could do it, but that would slow everything down because I would then have two copies of the database on the same machine
Why exactly does the searching require a replica? Could you do a sort of...symlink? I'd assume the searching is read-only
which would double the storage requirements, among other things
@RydwolfPrograms keeping the search mechanism's internal index synchronized with the database involves hijacking Mongo's oplog, which is meant to facilitate replica sets and is only enabled if replica sets are enabled
I'm trying to find an alternate solution
Couldn't you enable replica sets without having a second replica set?
no clue
I would assume that's the case
I think so???
lemme test it
ok, I think I did it
hey @RydwolfPrograms
the chat search project involves running a bunch of processes (search engine, archivers, message broker, etc.) together as a compartmentalized unit
and it occurs to me that this seems like something Docker would be good at
unfortunately, I do not know how to Docker
(9609 network-wide rep, nice)
so is this a thing that Docker is ideal for, and if so how do I Docker
You'll need to write a dockerfile that installs all the stuff you're running, then sets up whatever networking you need to interface with the database
what I really want is a way to manage the various processes involved here neatly
ideally in a way that doesn't make development a pain in the ass
Not sure if Docker would be the right solution
Systemd might even be an option?
the search engine's docs talk about Docker Compose
@RydwolfPrograms systemd is meant to manage a system, hence the name
No clue how that works, sorry
I do have a tool that I use for Vyxal Bot and such (supervisord), but it works best on single processes
@RydwolfPrograms it's a way to link multiple Docker containers together
yeah, probably not the right thing
I can probably just stuff everything into a single directory and figure out a way to jimmy supervisord to manage it all together
@RydwolfPrograms they are
like a protein that self replicates? thats cool
@RydwolfPrograms (the impacts [object]) (a lack [subject] (of tables [prepositional adjective])) (have [verb] (on students [prepositional adverb]))
reduced it would be "a lack has|have impacts"
choose the verb for yourself
I just thought of a really interesting ethics question
Don't say it!
The world has enough philosophical dilemmas as is, we don't need another thing to worry about
Say you have a genetic disease. This disease means that you and all of your children will inevitably get strange symptoms and die at around the age of 40. It's incurable. Would it be ethical to have children knowing this would happen to them?
Is there another part or is that it?
Because that seems like a no-brainer :P
Well like, say your child would have been a doctor or a biochemist or a public defender
Even if they would die early, they could still live a happy and successful life up until then
How likely is it that they'll become someone who saves lives, though?
(The disease is symptomless until a year or so before it's fatal)
Most likely, they'll just work in an office without having a big impact on the world (maybe they'll make climate change slightly worse, maybe they'll bring a bit of joy to other people's lives, but still a tiny impact)
Also, when they die, their friends and family are going to be pretty sad
But they'd have died anyway, just later
I'm assuming this disease makes them suffer a lot more though
I'm not actually sure
If they just drop dead one day it might actually be more ethical to have a child with the disease than someone who'll die normally, since they'll actually suffer less
The one I'm thinking of is Fatal Familial Insomnia
From a quick skim it doesn't look fun
It's a prion disease, a lot like CJD
To be honest, you could argue it's not ethical to have children at all unless you're at least like 60% sure you'll be a good parent and they'll live good lives
Which can apparently also be familial
I've heard CJD isn't fun at all, so I'm assuming this FFI thing isn't either?
@user Since giving birth to someone is basically dooming them to go through all the difficulties of life, age, and eventually die
But people can't just stop having kids or civilization would collapse and that would unleash a whole lot more misery
I can't wait for us to become a post-scarcity society
Won't happen in any of our lifetimes :(
@user Sure but you're also allowing them to go through all the fun and happy parts of life
Maybe I'm just lucky or optimistic but I'd assume for most people the good outweighs the bad
Whoa ticket prices are tanking for that concert
Plaza tickets have gone from $144 to $108, and a premium pavilion ticket just sold for $198 when they've been going for $3-400
Still plenty of tickets up for sale too so I'm not worried about not being able to get one
Whoaaaa TIL about Viroids
Basically quines in the language "RNA Polymerase II"
@user definitely didn't interpret that as "foreign function interface"
ugh, this user download is going to run for even longer than the messages did
my estimates say it'll take something like a week
a week!
okay, so I don't know much about server/domain stuff, so I might be wrong here, but
I have a raspberry pi
If I buy a domain from google or smth, do I need to pay extra to use my pi as a server?
or what can I do if I just buy the domain and nothing else?
if you have a domain and control over your router you can host a website
that second bit is important! you'll have to configure your router to let traffic in
@mathscat once you have the domain, you don't need to pay anything extra
all you need is the domain and a server to host it on
hmm okay
does that mean I can even host a domain on my laptop? :P
yup lol
@RydwolfPrograms I think you should restructure the sentence so the grammar question isn't even pertinent. :P It's a pretty convoluted sentence even apart from "has" vs "have."
But yes, it should be "has": "a lack of transportation (sg.) has (sg.) impacts on students."
@DLosc If that's a "convoluted syntax" remind me not to show you any essays I've written :p
You can show them to me if you want critique ;)
@DLosc The reason "have" feels right-ish is because of the other plural nouns around it--particularly "impacts," which comes at the beginning of the bigger clause and therefore seems like it should be the subject. Except that it's actually the object of the nested relative clause "[that] a lack of transportation has on students."
(Apropos of nothing: TIL you can still use Shift+Ins on Windows to paste from clipboard)
@RydwolfPrograms IDK, I remember the Tea Party et al being a major pain in the tuckus for Republican speakers even before 2015.
> tuckus
it's been years since I've heard that word, wow
well, read if you want to be pedantic
I mainly got it from a Bloom County strip from the 1980s, so that tracks :P
> Originally, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California had intended to run for Speaker and was seen as the prohibitive favorite. On October 8, 2015, McCarthy abruptly rescinded his candidacy, citing that he felt he could not effectively lead a fractured Republican Conference.
yknow, it occurs to me that for a sizable portion of messages my archiver processed over the past three days, I will be the last person to ever interact with them
in fact, I probably now hold the record of "most messages interacted with", even if only in the loosest sense of "interacted"
it's sort of poetic, really
Hey Ginger, the gender quiz is done
Lemme isolate it out into its own thing
I have something for you too, actually!
specifically: the answer to how many rooms are discussions or rooms for two people
...hold on
hooold on
oh nvm it was nothing
*drumroll* 99.8% of rooms are either imported from comments or discussions between two people
in fact, there are only 149 rooms that are not either of those
wait, there's no way that's right
I think I got my regex wrong, one sec
Copy-paste this into the console on a blank page
If the fonts don't load lemme know
Since that'll break it
works fine
help, I'm stuck on question 7
nvm recursion depth exceeded
@RydwolfPrograms the Results:
which don't really tell me much I don't already know, but at the same time are startlingly accurate
> indictators
Better than showing nonbinary-like dictators I guess
@Ginger This is totally due to my extremely accurate test design capabilities and not just the central limit theorem :p
I've always wanted to be maximally average :p
those questions were certainly... interesting
I would be curious to see how you answered some lol
I kinda remember my answers, gimme a question and I'll tell you what I chose
What is the sum of a polygon and a polynomial?
a polygonomial, of course
See, I disagree with you
there was no polygonpolynomial option, unfortunately
I think it'd be a pypolygonomial
a polyno(mial+g)
What was your answer to Q16?
J is, IMO, the funniest thing I've come up with for that site
there was a bit of a... how do I put this
a lot of the questions had an answer that seemed like one you thought I'd choose and one that you thought lyxal'd choose
that's probably the point
I'm annoyed that for the pencil lead one I forgot to put a "4/" in front of 2H
hold on i'm going to take this now lmao
But I can't be bothered to fix and recompress it
speaking of which, this compression mechanism is unholy
Actually it kinda isn't, I invented it from scratch years ago but since then I've learned it's just DEFLATE with some special sauce
it's definitely not pleasant to look at, although that may be more to do with your code style than anything else
did you minify it? please tell me you minified it
Yes, ofc :p
And also even before the minimzation this isn't my best work
My philosophy for this project is "just write it, no matter how bad it is, if it works it works, and make it a little bad on purpose for the lols"
Here's the un-minified decompress function:
const b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";

function decompress(data, bits) {
    var d_bits = "";
    var string = "";

    for (var b, k, i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        b = b64.indexOf(data[i]);

        for (k = 0; k < (i < data.length - 1 ? 6 : b.toString(2).lastIndexOf("1")); k++) {
            d_bits += (b & (32 >> k)) ? 1 : 0;

            if (bits.has(d_bits)) {
                string += bits.get(d_bits);
                d_bits = "";
@UnrelatedString one of us!
FWIW I get nonbinary too, what happens is the scoring weights end up basically being the sum of random noise, so central limit theorem takes over and it's basically a very low stddev normal distribution :p
i kind of assumed it was literally impossible for the quiz to not give nb
nonbinary for all
Nah in theory the range is -840 to 800, but you'd have to be trying really hard to guess what the weights are to get anything close to that
so if it usually gives enby/bi, what's the point?
fun? surely not
I ran it with random answer choices three or four times and got:
So there's proof it doesn't always choose enby :p
I would be kind of curious to see if any of these questions actually do correlate with gender/romantic preference lol
i wouldn't be surprised
it's possible that we have a tendency to choose the more whimsical answers, which are somewhat associated with enbyness
what the quiz really gives you is Rydwolf's perception of your gender, since Rydwolf wrote the questions
Yeah roughly the more whimsical the more gay/enby, and the more boring and straightforward the more cishet (and typically masculine)
there's a joke in here somewhere
are the feminine answers the ones in between
or possibly deep social commentary; the line is often blurry
@UnrelatedString There actually aren't all that many that are biased feminine, 'cause I didn't really feel comfortable stereotyping things as feminine lol (unlike masculine and gay/enby)
I am curious: what was "hydraulic press" associated with?
Lemme check
Or reverse engineer it yourself, if you want. Promise I won't sue you for decoding my top-secret industry scoring factors :p
very generous of you
you should crowdsource questions and answers and make a v2 :b
Okay for the cutting instrument question it seems hydraulic press is only weighted "mild attraction toward women"
and for the socks question it's +0.8 nonbinary and +0.2 gay
I thought women used machetes (to cut through red tape)
(Should I spoil how the scoring works?)
sure, why not
So there are four components it keeps track of:
- Masculine vs. feminine
- Attraction to masculine vs. feminine
- Nonbinaryness
- Gayness
The first subscore is masc v. fem multiplied by two to the power of negative nonbinaryness
So the higher your nonbinary score, the closer your first subscore gets dragged to zero
the Power of Negative Nonbinaryness would be quite the DND spell
Then the second subscore is the signed product of the second and fourth
So if you have a strong negative (=attracted to women) second component and strong positive fourth component, you get a strongly negative second subscore
There is one (unintentional) piece of hidden content if anyone wants to do some reverse engineering
Not a particularly interesting one, but still, easter egg ig :p
Which given this quiz is an easter egg in a site that will itself be an easter egg, it's quite the russian nesting doll of an easter egg :p
I'm gonna figure it out
one question: is it in the weights/encoded data?
okay what
ah, I think I found it
it's just true
yup, this has to be it
@RydwolfPrograms question 6 isn't really question 6, is it?
fun fact: answering "Binary" on the "what is this?" question subtracts 2 from your nonbinaryness score, because what else would it do
@mathscat that's definitely well-balanced lol
apparently coffee tasting like urine is more nonbinary than coffee tasting like chocolate?
of course
@Ginger Nope. I wrote 41 questions by accident, and I wanted the A/B/C/D question to line up with A/B/C/D instead of F/G/H/J, so I just deleted one from before it in post processing (since I couldn't be bothered to recompress it)
So there's a hidden question :p
and that question is:
    "q": "Who is your favorite member of My Chemical Romance?",
    "as": [["Gerard Way", [1 / 2, -1 / 8, 1, 1 / 4]], ["Mikey Way", [8 / 10, -8 / 10, -1, -6 / 10]], ["Frank Iero", [1, -1 / 2, -8 / 10, -6 / 10]], ["Ray Toro", [1, -1, -1, -8 / 10]]]
which is only surprising in the sense that it was the one that got dropped q:
this also explains the weird check in the decompresser
I figured most people wouldn't know how to answer it :p
As opposed to every other question on the test which is ofc straightforward and easily answerable
apparently Gerard Way is the most nonbinary option?
Nobody who stands on stage in a cheerleader costume with a flamethrower is fully binary
...I kinda want to do that
the absence of a footnote for the superscript [1] in the intro text bothers me
which message is that a reply to
It has an onclick
I just haven't implemented it yet
ah, but of course
I see you also added keyboard support for some reason
the problem with the result being a single number and not two scalar values is that there's no way to represent agenderness, but that's probably acceptable for the purposes of the quiz
Part of it is intended to be a criticism of how standardized tests compress multidimensional and unique people into inaccurate and single-dimensional scores :p
ah, so it's avant-garde
silly me, assuming you did something for fun and not to make a point
NPSP? obviously commentary on technological progress and automation
A criticism of society's need for instant access to information and a constant live stream of events from around the world without context or care for what they may be interrupting
truly a masterpiece of art
my favorite question is the nuclear power one
I figured that was one you'd like :p
from top to bottom: Rydwolf, user, lyxal, me
1 hour later…
@Ginger Is that related to the Headband of +5 Straightness?
maybe? who knows
I'm almost disappointed there was no Lyxal-detection Easter egg
Smh not accounting for the fact that some of us are software engineers :p
I would have said a polygomial
But unfortunately that option wasn't there
everyone's enby apparently
I feel like that's part of the critique on standardised testing
smh no accounting for people who don't bagels
depends on how i'm feeling
either F or G
probably even both tbh
Because I get to open it when it shouldn't be opened using a student card as a lock pick :p
because it was most recently mentioned in the NYT :p
also, looking at the result code, smh no accounting for ACE people :p
oh, so you want to patch aces in now?
I never said the opposite :p
(the way you capitalized it made me think arbitrary code execution instead of asexual for a second)
02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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