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haha caught you Vyxal-handed
worth a try
adds roughly 5 bytes to the byte count
although really P flag + replace commas with pipes
which can be used in any language really
also, version 3 list printing solves it without modification :p
I kinda knew Vyxal would crush this, given the fact that two bytes literally does steps 1–2.5
wait, v3 doesn't do angle brackets?
bruhhh old versions are annoying
it does squares :p
gotta love not having auto-clipboard copy
I was using a python repl on replit
and got angle brackets
angle brackets are version 2
version 2 being the parent major version
it's impossible to use v3 in a python repl
alright, so it's a beta version ig
because v3 isn't in python
it's in scala :p
YAY i can delete this lousy garbage python repl!
NOOO idk scala!
there's a online site to try it on :P
i forgor the interpreters existed .-.
@Someone also, any language that uses square brackets for lists can just replace commas with pipes
well, I can double-nuke it then
@lyxal fair point
but the main challenge is the multi-factor
non-golfing languages are going to have a bad time. UNDERTALE MUSIC
since when is 7 a factor of 12?
@Someone golf or be golfed :p
how do you pronounce vyxal?
aaaa typo thanks
@Someone and lyxal as licksal
mfer spreading misinformation :p
@Someone hey, whaddya have against that REPL?
it's a python problem
and a boilerplate problem
that's my baby you're insulting there :p
(unless you're using the built-in one ig)
why do you dislike Python so much?
@lyxal spell it in the ipa
@Ginger it just looks wrong
is that a trumpet or trombone?
is that a trumpet or is that a trombone?
53 secs ago, by Ginger
logical warfare it is
aaaand I give up
is it a troumpetone?
@Someone > 84 -> [[[]]|[]||[]] (if you fail this I will be very confused and somewhat sad :<)
> Recursively calculate the exponents in Barbrack, remembering that 0 is the empty string and 1 is []. So [2|1|0|1] => [[1]|[]||[]] => [[[]]|[]|[]].
You yourself have failed it
@Ginger because people use significant whitespace and dynamic typing to build giant codebases
i have done it
i have deleted ze typo
see, this is what I meant about being dunked on and deserving it
@lyxal well, it's time to be confused and sad to myself (me when english essay:)
@Ginger why specifically the built-in one?
@Seggan I do agree with that last one
anything big should be statically typed
fucking mobile
here's how I saw it: you sent the first one, then the second one was normal, then the second one became a duplicate, then it was deleted, then another duplicate appeared, and finally it was edited back to normal.
c h a o s
@Ginger why do I always read that word as statistically?
statistic typing is when the compiler uses a Markov chain to perform typechecks
@Ginger that exists!?
hopefully not
theres an 85% chance the Ginger node leads to the Furry node
@Seggan I'm slightly worried about the 15%
the other 15% leads to a chain of infinite recursion
which leads where?
and where does the Someone node go?
and where does that go?
Somebody (once told me)
that's the All_Star node. wrong way?
@Someone eh…I'd say if the Rydwolf node were currently active, the Someone node would lead to the Noob node
and the Noob node leads to Horrors beyond Skilled Coders' Comprehensions
this is markov models tho were talking
are they always probability-based?
if the probability is 100% everywhere, then its just a graph
@Someone wait you don't need to know python or scala to use the v2 or v3 repls
You just need to have python (or java) installed
6 hours later…
Seems innocent enough, something could probably stop water like that
I'm on the wish.com side of the internet again :p
Me on my way to snatch red packets quicker
Programming wireless earbuds?!?! For a reasonable price?!?!!
> the ... compass function surpasses your imagination
Why 🤣
Can't afford the ball
This is so sad
there's an among us impostor edition for the ps4?
and I'm learning about this from wish.com?!+!?!??!?!
What has society come to
Ain't no way
gogy shirt
I'm done
I can't wish.com anymore
It's just too much
3 hours later…
@lyxal I NEED THIS
I rolled a barcode again. Gosh dangit
sooo ai-generated rydwolf images, or what?
@Seggan does statistical typing have to be a Markov, or can it just be a directed graph with oddly specific conditions?
1 hour later…
@Someone that's kinda what a Markov model is
a graph but where the edges are probabilistic
@lyxal There is an Age of Empires II player named lyx. I dunno how he pronounces it, but the commentators say "licks," not "likes."
@lyxal Petition: edit this to use Radvylf face
@DLosc "lyxal" the user is pronounced "likesall", but "LYCSAL" the compiler is pronounced "licksull"
I definitely didn't get those backwards, whoops
@Seggan but I'm talking about a graph that accounts for other nodes being active.
If there is a node called "Rydwolf" currently active, the "Someone" node goes to the "Noob" node. That's not probabilistic.
@Someone ah
@Someone The canonical answer to the question of "what's tinylisp" is "awesome" ;)
But seriously: it's a toy language I created for an implement-this-language challenge. I think it's fun to golf in, and several other people agree. I've also made an updated, more powerful version called tinylisp 2.
@DLosc i read it as "Icks"
@RydwolfPrograms That is very nice. (Speaking from experience.)
1 hour later…
That reminds me I should really get back to my tinylisp self-interpreter
@emanresuA is there no exec command?
Ish but it doesn't conform to the rules
Also the code still needs to be parsed (although I did that already)
Tail call recursion is the hard part
1 hour later…
Call the mod
good point
No that was another anarchychess reference
But I guess at least one mod (@lyxal) would be pleased to see this
@mathscat *puts nerd glasses on* I feel like proof by infinite descent is more of an axiom that's separate from reductio ad absurdum (I'm assuming reductio ad absurdum is the same thing as proof by contradiction but that might be wrong)
I guess infinite descent does involve saying "it would be absurd for this to go on forever" but that's basically how every axiom works
huh didn't notice that
@Ginger if I wanted to install sechat v2, how should I do that? Is it on pip?
also, I don't even remember installing Python but I already have two versions
$ ls /usr/bin/python*
/usr/bin/python3  /usr/bin/python3.10  /usr/bin/python3.11
$ python3 --version
Python 3.10.12
$ python3.10 --version
Python 3.10.12
$ python3.11 --version
Python 3.11.0rc1
(I suppose 3.10 is a dependency on Swift, but)
I think I'll remove 3.11 since it's an RC
@Bbrk24 use a package manager which can support installing from GitHub, like Poetry
why do you ask?
I want to try something
also I should probably make a second account for this right
@Ginger I have never seen a website hide the "how to install" so well :P
(I got it)
@emanresuA is tail call optimization a necessary part of the language spec
like obviously the interpreter is going to suck without it, but a self-interpreter is more a curiosity than anything anyways :P
How the heck did Poetry know my legal name
I think Git stores that
What would be surprising is if Poetry also knew your illegal name
oh right
Ah yep, git config --global --get user.name is right there
@Bbrk24 Huh, you weren't kidding
It's under "introduction"
Most tools have a tab for Installation at the top
Yeah I found it
I already have Poetry installed but I do not remember the installation instructions being hidden in the documentation section
@Bbrk24 Poetry knows all
yep, don't edit, just send it again
mober phone be like
@Someone The old demo? Yes
I'm tired of people seeing it and thinking it's RTO
This literally reads like satire
i especially love how it's bolded
Exactly it reads like you're supposed to put emphasis on those words but the second you do it just sounds mocking
@Seggan Not really
All markov chains are graphs
One where every node has 100% probability would be more like a set of trees you traverse from leaf to root
@Ginger pylance can't find my venv
@Bbrk24 Okay yeah am I missing something or do you have to find that tiny little link at the bottom under "other projects"
it's under "introduction"
Okay I figured it out\
@RydwolfPrograms I'd bet money that the programmers were too tired to put effort into that page so they made up some marketing copy and called it a day
"The behavior is configurable." might be one of the funniest sentences i've ever read
The behavior is configurable.
It's like someone already bothered to run the detect bullshit bookmarklet
But like the evil dark side detect bs script that just emphasizes it
"an bullshit" is the biggest flaw of that script :/
> always be isolated from your bullshit.
windows users be like
@RydwolfPrograms Reveal Bullshit makes detecting bullshit simple. The results can be ungrammatical, but that's your problem.
I guess it needs its behavior to be configurable
But who was phone?
Poetry, apparently
Anything that starts with a P in programming is guaranteed to be cursed
PLDI, Philosophy, PHP, Picrosoft Pindows
@Ginger How do I actually use sechat? Like how would I add an onmessage event listener?
def onMessage(event):
might be EventType.MESSAGE
oh got it, thanks
sechat doesn't export a lowercase room
> export
one sec, lemme write an MVE
@Ginger just got back from working on something in JS
from sechat import Bot, Room
from asyncio import run

async def main():
    bot = Bot()
    bot.authenticate("username", "password", "https://codegolf.stackexchange.com")
    room = bot.joinRoom(136286)

    async def onMessage(event):
        await room.send("sus")

    while True:

hopefully I didn't make any mistakes with that :p
Oh! I see
I thought this was a method on a subclass of Bot
don't you have to await bot.authenticate?
same with joinRoom
Can I replace the while True: pass with another library's event loop, if that event loop internally calls asyncio.run? Or is that going to not work?
...is that somehow not a busy loop? or does sechat busy loop
Maybe if I drop my __init__.py it'll be clearer what my goal is
import asyncio

import discord
import sechat

# idk how to do this properly so I just put secrets.py in the gitignore
from .secrets import *

sechat_client = sechat.Bot()
room = None

class DiscordClient(discord.Client):
    async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
        print(f'Discord message from {message.author}: {message.content}')

async def main():
    global room
    await sechat_client.authenticate(email, password, 'https://codegolf.stackexchange.com')
    room = await sechat_client.joinRoom(1)
discord_client.run(token) is basically asyncio.run(discord_client.start(token))
I am trying to make a bridge
Right now I'm starting with seeing if it's even possible to connect to both simultaneously
@Bbrk24 does start run forever?
discord_client.run is documented as not returning, only throwing errors
start is short for login + connect, and connect says:
> This is a loop that runs the entire event system and miscellaneous aspects of the library. Control is not resumed until the WebSocket connection is terminated.
okay, you can just do await discord_client.start()
got it
I'm getting an error importing .secrets for some reason
Cool, figured that out, and now authenticate is giving me a RuntimeError
  File "/home/bbrk24/workspace/sechat-bridge/sechat_bridge/__main__.py", line 19, in main
    await sechat_client.authenticate(email, password, 'https://codegolf.stackexchange.com')
  File "/home/bbrk24/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/sechat-bridge-TGZlyHC--py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sechat/bot.py", line 177, in authenticate
    fkey = await self.scrapeFkey()
  File "/home/bbrk24/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/sechat-bridge-TGZlyHC--py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sechat/bot.py", line 99, in scrapeFkey
what does that even mean
ah, I know this one
it happens if the Bot() isn't constructed inside of an async method
It's because I constructed the bot at the top level instead of inside main? seriously?
yup :b
this is one of many reasons why I haven't released v2 yet
Task for room 1 exited abnormally. Restarting it.
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/bbrk24/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/sechat-bridge-TGZlyHC--py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sechat/room.py", line 109, in loop
    await self.process(data)

  File "/home/bbrk24/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/sechat-bridge-TGZlyHC--py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sechat/room.py", line 122, in process
    await self.handle(EventType(event["event_type"]), event)

  File "/home/bbrk24/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/sechat-bridge-TGZlyHC--py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sechat/room.py"
oh it takes room, message not just the message
Cool, it's successfully receiving messages from both platforms
Are you making a discord to SE chat bridge?
Tiny suggestion: group discord messages into 10 second chunks to avoid rate limiting
That's what vyxal bot v1 did when the chat to discord bridge still worked
May do that. I am a good ways off from even trying to implement that
I do want to translate replies properly but that and batching are mutually exclusive
@Bbrk24 iirc when we tried having live replies, the bot ended up getting rate limited
And this was on a relatively quiet discord server too
Go check out Sandbox and guess what check I forgot
in Vyxal, Apr 27, 2022 at 5:30, by Vyxal Bot
[Discord Relay]
HyperNeutrino#1759: ok i think relay from here to se should work now
HyperNeutrino#1759: sends up to once every 10 seconds
HyperNeutrino#1759: to avoid the ratelimit
Turns out we never had live replies
Maybe you could be fine without batching
@Ginger when a message has the "see more" button I get a <div class="partial">. How do I get the actual message text?
"what is show_parent?" show_parent: Any = None # idfk what this is "lol okay"
@Ginger show_parent relates to when you hover a message and another is highlighted (e.g., for replies)
@UnrelatedString Yes
You can't do much without it
Problem with translating replies: you can retroactively change the reply for a SE message, but not a Discord message. I could just translate the links and pings
I just thought of the best language name ever
I'm gonna keep it a secret since I decided instantly what to use it on and I don't want to spoil it
@emanresuA figures
@RydwolfPrograms RSNBATWPL2?
It's named RySN
So it won't be the recipient of my name idea
Tho it definitely would fit
@RydwolfPrograms finally, an answer
@RydwolfPrograms breaking bad reference?!?!?
[Ry]dwolf [S]hould [N]ot (be allowed to write programming languages)
Ricin ( RY-sin) is a lectin (a carbohydrate-binding protein) and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant, Ricinus communis. The median lethal dose (LD50) of ricin for mice is around 22 micrograms per kilogram of body weight via intraperitoneal injection. Oral exposure to ricin is far less toxic. An estimated lethal oral dose in humans is approximately 1 milligram per kilogram of body weight.Ricin is a toxalbumin and was first described by Peter Hermann Stillmark, the founder of lectinology. == Biochemistry == Ricin is classified as a type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein...
Oh I pronounce it "ryzen"
Also do we live in a world where "ricin" is a breaking bad reference >:|
That's roughly the same way ricin is pronounced
@RydwolfPrograms if you'd watch the show you'd know it was a recurring key plot point
I've seen the show
But did you really hear about ricin from the show?
Like it's not like some obscure thing breaking bad came up with
No, but it's the first thing I think of
Because I've browsed r/okbuddychicanery that much :p
Bravo Vince
I'm watching Breaking Bad right now and I can confirm that it was the first thing I thought of when I saw "ricin" just now
Even though I've heard it plenty of times before, like in my grandma's recipes
smh y'all probably barely even have a functioning relationship with the KGB huh
RIP grandma
She died inexplicably a couple days after her birthday, when I cooked some food for her
In retrospect, maybe she meant "Throw some rice in there"
Did you try making rice and beans for her?
Well see I thought it was ricin beans at the time
Thought it was weird that she'd want that for her birthday, but it was her birthday so I didn't question it

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