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@RydwolfPrograms status update request
Thanks visio
> retrun message
should be "return"
1 hour later…
Okay work today was something else
Since it's the day before mothers' day, everyone was buying flowers, and a ton of them were in little glass vases
Guess how clear glass vases full of water interact with conveyor belts that use lasers to stop moving
y e a h
A lot of paper towels were consumed today
@user Looking briefly at some sources it seems like the overdiagnosis is more in specific situations
And that it might actually be underdiagnosed and undertreated overall
@Ginger I'll be busy tomorrow but I might try
House of Wolves - Version 1 Live Demo is such a good song. It's an entirely different song from the final product, which is really neat
@RydwolfPrograms It depends on the population: underdiagnosis is far more prevalent outside of cis white men (no points for guessing why)
@RydwolfPrograms Huh, interesting
I was actually checked out by a psychiatrist when I was a kid. I don't remember exactly why, but I think it was to make sure I wasn't really really dumb/cognitively impaired?
The fact that the psychiatrist (psychologist?) declared me okay then is evidence against me having ADHD or anything else (and I'm a man, so less likely to be misdiagnosed)
i feel like it's the kind of thing that may either not have developed or just be hard to diagnose in small children :P
I'm gonna wait for someone else here to get diagnosed for ADHD and write about how it went for them
I want anecdotal evidence even if it's probably useless :P
@UnrelatedString True, all small children have the attention span of a goldfish
And are super hyperactive
i know i've had an asd diagnosis basically my whole life and that's actually gotten in the way of pursuing an adhd diagnosis because it's easy to just sweep complete executive dysfunction under the autism rug
exactly :P
TIL it's possible to have both autism and ADHD
advancement unlocked: how did we get here
I thought they just overlapped but apparently like 14% of people with ASD have ADHD? (according to the CDC)
@lyxal Hey, it's better than the time everyone was making code-golf-related sexual euphemisms
@user Hi nice to meet you I’m both
Hi both, I'm dad
@Bbrk24 you're not both, you're bbrk24
double name joked
Never say "I'm <x>" unless x is your username in TST
or tnb or any room really
you're not dad, you're user
Oh no, I made a fatal mistake myself
uno reverse card moment

what the actual hell

Aug 3, 2021 at 23:25, 9 minutes total – 42 messages, 7 users, 12 stars

Bookmarked Aug 3, 2021 at 23:35 by lyxal

Anytime we go off-topic here or in TNB, this bookmark exists to trump it
6 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms noice
today in I did not expect to see that
6 hours later…
Okay someone remind me to open a self-storage company
$100/unit/month is insane
Like they don't even have to do anything
I've been thinking about what I'm gonna do with my servers and stuff in college
I was considering just rolling my server rack and a few other bulky things into a lil' storage unit but if I'm gonna be spending several thousands of dollars just to store some stuff while in college I'd be better off just buying new servers once I'm out of a smol dorm room
5 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms just got ChatBridge to load without crashing for the first time :D
still trying to get it to connect properly to my test server tho
I have a suspicion it's the firewall causing problems
oh also you're gonna hate me when I tell you what protocol it's using
One feature of YT music that I really miss on Spotify is the "play next" option
It just prepends the song to the queue
Quite often I'll think of a song I want to listen to that'd make more sense after the one I'm listening to instead of all the way at the end of a long queue
And although you can just add it then drag it into place, I listen to a lot of music at work where the more time I have my phone out the more time there is for someone to notice and complain or whatever
Another feature I wish existed: a way to add a slice of an album to the queue
E.g., I'll often listen to the first half of an album, come back later and listen to a few songs, then want to add the rest of the album to the queue

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