@RydwolfPrograms which ap tests? i just got finished with ap stats yesterday lol
my parents paid $399 for an online course from uc scout (basically a university that has college credit online courses) in janaury..... and i speedran what was supposed to be a semester long course in within a week. i procrastinated hella on it and then realized last friday that oh shit, the test is next week and idk anything.... so yea
it was actually the 2nd semester of the ap stats course they offer, they split the semesters into two different courses weirdly enough. i actually took the 1st semester course during last summer
then i didnt feel like doing it during the fall, and now i procrastinated so long that i speedran through it within a week lol
and i somehow have a 90.5% grade in the course despite me putting the videos on 2x speed the entire time
and literally i didnt open up any practice frqs until 30 minutes before the test, during school
but like i actually felt pretty confident the entire way through the test, maybe im too overconfident and im just failing the test lol