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3. That's actually all I need
And please hurry with #1 so I can make sure SSH works before I need to go to dinner
Okay I can SSH!
I think SSH to root is disallowed tho
Gotta go for now but Ginger, provide those things (oh an also your account name) and I'll have it set up tonight
Ginger you had 34 minutes and you failed me
sorry sorry
I also have a life, crazy as it may seem d:
I'll take care of it in a few minutes
and by "a few minutes" I mean "less than half an hour" q:
Well I'll go play some Krunker then
Be here by 20:00 my timezone or I'm auctioning off the VM to Russian crypto miners
@RydwolfPrograms surprise! I'm back
alright, so from what device do you want the config
That's what an arrow head with 6 arrow heads overlayed looks like
that sure is a thing
Why are they all overlayed, you ask? Because visio for some strange reason doesn't render it all as one arrow head
despite the fact they all point at the same thing
frick off Grammarly correcting visio to vision
@RydwolfPrograms haha now you're the late one
also, here's my pubkey:
in The Nineteenth Byte, Nov 17, 2022 at 21:22, by Ginger
ok, here it is:
ssh-rsa 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 ginger@gingerbox
truly good software
why do you put up with visio lol
@Ginger university
and by the sounds of things, this is the sort of stuff I'll be doing as a job apparently
Software Engineering amiright?
@Ginger The server
I assume it's fine to post publicly?
It'll be long so a gist works
wrong file lol
Yeah I thought so lol
#	$OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.103 2018/04/09 20:41:22 tj Exp $

# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file.  See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.

# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented.  Uncommented options override the
# default value.

Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf

Protocol 2
that oughta do it
Also recommendation: if you ever generate a new SSH key, make it an ed25519 with a password on the private key. Shorter key, more secure, and even if your privkey is leaked it's no big deal
RSA's kinda 2000 yknow
I am having lots of fun with visio
yes good fu
@RydwolfPrograms got it
It's crazy to me how short EC keys are
Like look at my pubkey
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICaJvH7E2xu/RUfQ3DDqtb6SwyJRhPDp9EfzHCsYsXvk radvylf@penguin
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICEahEKwi9kepcdfB7lR2/J2WF5yQZyU/KfZd4eoBOnE rydwolf@dark-wolf
that sure is short
> dark-wolf
is that where you write your goth Joe Biden fanfic
I knew it
Okay now I just have three things left to do
1. Resize the VM to 100 GB
2. Remember how to increase the resource limits
3. Start it in the background somehow
ah yes, Hitchhiker's Counting
Not sure if I should run this in a screen session (would give me access to the recovery console but potentially be unreliable) or a systemd thing
The best option would ofc be to write a custom Rust program to manage it but I don't have that yet
systemd all the way
Yeah but systemd means no console
And it also is overkill here
hopefully I won't fuck it up that badly :p
I may need it for other reasons
I'll go with screen for now
It should be temporary
@RydwolfPrograms g2g, I've given you everything you asked for so I expect results tomorrow :b
bye now
Everyone always thinks of Java when they think of OO
they never think of all the other non-programming OO stuff :p
and just how painful it is
Alright it's up
CC @Ginger once they're back tomorrow
When Snowpaw back
Whenever ginger gets everything moved over ig
Snowpaw's absence has made me very sad
Now I have no one to take my anger out on
I should get a puppy so I can kick it whenever I'm angry/bored/whatever
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
you know maybe when my first laptop that i mostly used as a desktop got a hideously bloated battery, maybe i should have not done that with my next laptop
Okay so here's a question I've been thinking about: whether to tell my coworkers about my pronouns, and if so, how
Depends on the culture at your company/city ig
@UnrelatedString Can't you just replace it?
@user Well neopronouns makes it inherently harder
You can't change people, I guess, I'd just go with whatever you want (xe?) unless the people at the company are very likely to frown upon neopronouns
(I've never had a job and I barely ever interact with people so please take that with a kg of salt)
They accepted my name without questioning it despite it being pretty unrelated to my legal name
but they still assumed I use he/him
@Bbrk24 If they don't like you using neopronouns, you might want to ask yourself if you can survive staying there for a long time
@Bbrk24 I mean that doesn't mean they won't respect your pronouns if you tell them
Then the next question is, how do I tell them?
I'm sure Workplace.SE has a similar question
how attached are you to specifically the neopronouns
because if you're at least more comfortable with they/them than with he/him then that might be a "safer" option
yeah that was brought up when I mentioned this elsewhere let me copy/paste my response
> no, I know from experience that depending on the day it can still feel wrong
I will reïterate that he/him, she/her and they/them are not necessarily wrong for me, but my preference varies day to day. xe/xem is always okay, but the others aren’t.
Wait so they/them doesn't work for everyone?
I thought they/them was safe to use for whoever
yeah i'd think it would be intrinsically neutral
> nah, unfortunately not for me. It often feels impersonal for that exact reason: you’re just using it as the default; it feels like you don’t actually know my pronouns.
So they/them is safe to use for people whose pronouns you don't know
Gonna be honest, sometimes I use he or she for people without having confirmation because they get confused when I say they and odds are I guessed correctly
This will definitely never cause any issues
@Bbrk24 why the hell did you use ï for reiterate?
Goofy two dot i
Huh how'd you notice that
So tiny
@user I was thinking "is that a smudge on my phone screen?"
And then scrolled the page and the dots moved
Oh I guess it's easier to see on a phone
in my current roulette font it looks like an i with a macron
Akaya Kanadaka
@UnrelatedString looks like a goofy ahh t
Wait I think I didn't notice simply because my eyes have gotten worse
Nope, can't see it easily with my glasses either
Or maybe I just need new glasses lol
@lyxal because it’s a separate syllable from the preceding vowel. Same thing with coöperate and less commonly reëlect (though I might just hyphenate that one instead)
Anyone here wear contacts? How painful is it?
@Bbrk24 Isn't re-elect the British English version?
i hear it's just uncomfortable to think about the first few times
@user I tried and couldn’t, but it depends from person to person
Cool cool
might be painful if there's some salinity issue though
@user sometimes the american spelling is blatantly wrong (e.g. “judgment”)
I'm mostly just scared whenever I see someone stretching open their eyelid to put a thing right on their eye
@Bbrk24 :(
I miss Indian English
Relatedly, I am due for new glasses this month
i've been due for new glasses for like three years
(or not nice, if your eyesight's deteriorated)
Mine are due in -2 months
no they're pretty normal sized
You’re supposed to get an eye exam annually if you wear glasses and once every five years if you don’t
imma get ginormous round glasses to look as nerdy as possible
Crap I've been driving without glasses all this time
They did check my eyesight a couple years ago but it's definitely gotten worse since then
I literally cannot focus a foot away from my face without glasses
I hope I didn't accidentally kill too many people
if I hold my hand 11 inches from my good eye, I can focus on the middle of it but not the fingertips
if i squint really hard i can read chat from a foot away without glasses
@Bbrk24 Why do you need glasses to focus your feet? You should be able to move your feet with your eyes closed
(yes I got a ruler and measured)
@UnrelatedString I can only read chat within 9”
@Bbrk24 Is it worth it getting laser surgery at that point?
not sure I can afford it + I’m fine with wearing glasses
Surgery does seem very scary too
glasses look cool and don't come with a small chance of lifelong uncurable agony
Even if there's only a very tiny chance of you losing your remaining vision
the only surgery I’ve ever had was to get my wisdom teeth out
@UnrelatedString Not all glasses look cool
i don't think i've ever had surgery period
Me too
@UnrelatedString same
i've been putting off this minor surgery to have this cyst taken out of my arm longer than i've been putting off new glasses :P
One of my worst nightmares is getting surgery, having the paralyzing thing kick in but not the pain-removing or going-to-sleep thing so you're screaming internally but can't tell the doctor
@UnrelatedString my prescription is pretty close to normal vision (with prisms), so mine are mostly for aesthetics
In marching band I once passed out from heat stroke. When they put me to sleep for the surgery it felt exactly the same
@Bbrk24 Heh, the "I don't need glasses anymore" could also be interpreted another way
with prisms?
@UnrelatedString prisms. They make the light go bendy bendy away from one part of the eye to another
@lyxal Do your glasses have cat ears on them?
@user yeah that could have also been the review in the next cell to the right :P
@lyxal Do you have astigmatism?
@user hell no.
@lyxal ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@UnrelatedString the distance vision is the same but there’s some distortion
how is that a not glasses thing
@user no
I know someone irl who has the same strength prescription as me but different prism
oh so prisms are just a weird part of your otherwise tame prescription
I wanna make a stig ma joke but can't think of a good way to present it
so it’s very disorienting to wear their glasses
"What's astigmatism?" "Stig ma tism in your mouth" perhaps?
@UnrelatedString I think it's (+0.something or 1.something, 0)
because most people I know with glasses don’t have nearly as strong prescription
I’m somewhere in the ballpark of -5 or -6
my previous ones were (+0.5, -3.5) iirc
I forgor
@user they don't sell replacements automatically and it's a pain in the ass to get the right screwdrivers so whether or not it turns out i bought the extended care thing i'll probably have to phyisically send the whole laptop in for repairs
I think I have -1.0, -1.25 or something
how do you even find these numbers
Well first you need to put on glasses, then you read them :P
The glasses person
i know i got a prescription sheet from my eye exam like a month ago but
you go to the glasses person, say "1" or "2" a few times and then walk out with 2 numbers
It should say Cylinder and Axis or something, there'll be some numbers there
@lyxal I hate choosing
The optometrist last time made me choose between 3 and I just could not decide
2 is bad enough
ikr they should just give you one choice automatically gotten from ChatGPT and send you on your way
my sheet has four numbers on it
or six?
@user the difficulty spike is already bad enough after the first few rounds
no need to make it harder
od -4.00 -0.25x090, os -3.75 -0.50x180
@user yikes
I guess the -4, -3.75 is what you have
makes sense
@user yikes
are the d and s for right and left then through some romance language
okay yeah it's latin
direction="left" and side="right"
that's what the d and s stand for
@UnrelatedString If I had to guess, the other numbers might relate to prism? like -0.25 prism at an angle of 90°
that would make sense
mfer really has 180 rotated prisms
also I just got a song stuck in my head from a show I watched like 16 years ago
youtu.be/meh2An-QEzE it’s from a kids show and is annoyingly repetitive, don’t say I didn’t warn you
:o the wiggles!
has been a hot minute since I watched them
yeah i vaguely remember having probably heard it well enough to not want to start the video lmao
not unironically since i was younger
not at all since i was younger
@Bbrk24 australian music be like that
frick you rocko
I’ve seen that one
@user Surprisingly not that I could find: workplace.stackexchange.com/search?q=neopronouns
wats neopronouns
@Joe...didn't see that coming. — moscafj 11 hours ago
@Bbrk24 weird
@AidenChow take a guess
yep it’s literally “new pronouns” for a reason
modern inventions like xe/xem and ze/zir
I might post a question tomorrow but I’m going to bed now
@Bbrk24 neo is new?? i thought neo was like bright colors or smth like that
you're thinking neon
which is the same root because it was a newly discovered gas or whatever at the time
@Bbrk24 tf is this?????
those r not pronouns right, no way those are real...
@UnrelatedString oh ye obviously lol
ok seriously da hell wants to be called xe or xem like tf that even mean thats woke as shit
like how r u gonna even pronounce that
xe??? xem??? ze???? zir??????? im straight up gonna say xylophone zebra like bro thats some straight up nonsense right there
you aren’t serious I hope
@Bbrk24 wat part im not serious about??????
(I am autistic and tired so if you’re being facetious you need to say that) (If you are being serious I may have to get mods involved)
@AidenChow yes it is, en.pronouns.page/xe , this is the pronoun set I use
@Bbrk24 wat why mods need to be involved ???
Again I may be misreading the tone so I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here but this comes across incredibly disrespectful
it would be in pretty bad taste even if it was a joke
okay so I’m not crazy
joke ??? errr wat now
did i say smth wrong??????
@AidenChow neopronouns aren't made up, but having said that, it may seem so to someone who hasn't seen them before
you know how sometimes you're, like, extremely out of the loop
this is one of those times
@lyxal bro idk whose idea it was to put an x and z in the pronouns but its certainly quite confusing....
@UnrelatedString yea i dont really watch the news all too often... so its like a recent trend??
not particularly
@AidenChow think algebra
And substitute preference for x
@lyxal ok how is pronouns related in any way to algebra now, algebra is math?
@AidenChow no no I mean like how x is a variable in math
x can be any value
Applying that to pronouns you have xe = any value of x + the letter e
what, thats how they make these pronouns? they be like, damn not enough pronouns lets make more cuz why not, in fact everyone can interpret the pronoun any which way they want to, its exactly like algebraic substitution x y z, yay for everyone
lyxal is trolling
Please look this up and read an actual article instead of listening to lyxal so you don't embarrass yourself saying neopronouns are algebra
I apologize on lyxal's behalf
in The Nineteenth Byte, Jul 29, 2021 at 20:46, by user
I wish pronouns didn't carry gender and there was a single person pronoun less ambiguous than "they"
ASL seems to have the same action for his/her/theirs and its
Even Esperanto has pronouns because it's somewhat old
doesn't basically every non-ie language have non-gendered pronouns
except ie-based ials yeah
Ninja'd :|
fuck gendered third-person pronouns, it's time for gendered first-person pronouns
@UnrelatedString TIL, this is nice
Third person gendered pronouns and verbs that agree with gender are bad enough
oh fun fact, written chinese can opt in to gendered third person pronouns because for some reason somone thought stealing that from english or portuguese was a good idea
@user it really is a japanese moment
So it's a "new" feature?
@UnrelatedString Oh Japanese does that?
@UnrelatedString like 他 and 她? was that not always a thing in chinese?
it's not like, strongly gendered
but gender at least affects the circumstances under which you use which first person pronoun
@AidenChow afaik it wasn't no
yep supposedly it's this guy's fault
Liu Bannong (traditional Chinese: 劉半農; simplified Chinese: 刘半农; May 29, 1891 – July 14, 1934) or Liu Fu (劉復; 刘复) was a Chinese poet and linguist. He was a leader in the May Fourth Movement. He made great contributions to modern Chinese literature, phonology and photography. == Life == A son of the educator Liu Baoshan, Liu Bannong was born in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China. In 1912, he moved to Shanghai and in 1916, his work debuted in New Youth, the most influential journal of the May Fourth New Culture Movement. His essay “My Views on the Change of Written Chinese,” published in the May 1917...
@UnrelatedString so it was just 他 then? that would make sense, it has non gender 单人旁
@user like what article??
@UnrelatedString lol the guys entire literary achievements is coining 她
like pretty much nothing else
and damn, 1917, thats hella recent too, in the context of entire chinese history
i was thinking it would be like 1800s at the latest
@AidenChow Literally anything except lyxal
(no offense lyxal)
Y'all I need some help
@user so i just search up what is neopronoun and click the first article i see?
I was mildly delirious a few hours ago and managed to type up what is not entirely unlike a sci-fi story. Problem is, it's part of a serious assignment, and the "story" is a single sentence that takes up an entire page. Should I leave it at is or should i remove it?
@AidenChow Yeah (unless it's an ad ig)
My brain says I should remove it but my heart says no
yo copy paste it over here lets see it :P
pastebin.com/WdyVGnyQ (does that link work?)
@user lemme see what chatgpt says first, as everyone knows chatgpt is a 100% reliable source with no flaws whatsoever
is there a paragraph before or does it start like that?
Yeah there's some stuff before but it's specific to the assignment and not relevant to this
It's funny only because it's an absurd heap of words I vomited out of my brain, not because it's witty
But sometimes you get attached to your vomit
@user ok idk if i have ever gotten attached to anyones vomit ngl
Good point
@user it's beautiful
ok what did i just read
I'm assuming only the TA will read it and the rest of the assignment does satisfy all the criteria, but part of the rubric is "Writing and grammar"
@UnrelatedString :)
I feel valid
writing is great
i like cheese too
Grammar not so much. I almost certainly have messed up the commas
Cheese is one of the few things keeping me from going vegan
grammar probably not so much cuz its run on, maybe u can argue its actually a stream of consciousness or smth like that and pass it by as legit lmfao
bruh the whole thing is two sentences i just realized
Ooh (to the stream of consciousness)

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