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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

you also have to consider where the global statistics are coming from :P
@JackBosma what do you mean?
@UnrelatedString Wikipedia, of course q:
like in terms of the statistics being collected
how and by whom
how do surveyed people perceive the question
what kinds of cultural factors are present
I have no clue man I'm just repeating what The Wiki told me
sure, go ahead!
that's regulated by their rules, not ours
@Ginger This isn't too surprising. You're American, where people are more likely to realize they're bi/pan and be open about it because there's less fear of persecution. You're also young and know young people, who are more likely to realize they're bi/pan than old people who haven't considered it for most of their lives and are unlikely to come out of the closet now
that's at least two bold assumptions you've made there
Also, if you only have like 5 friends, then it's not a very big sample so you can't really analyze it
like our social circles probably do have higher than average rates of actual bisexuality but probably not that dramatically because the statistics are going to be based on what all kinds of people both think about themselves and are willing to admit to people
@Ginger Aren't they true?
I will not confirm that
but your second point is probably the reason, yeah
this also means we should see the percentage of people who identify as bi in those surveys to slowly tick upwards over time
Yeah, but only up to a certain limit
haven't we?
as more old people are phased out are sunsetted die exit society and more young people start answering those surveys
Unless all of humanity becomes bi, but idt that'd happen?
I think there's a sci-fi novel where that happens
it was referenced in an explainxkcd entry for some comic
dammiy noinja;d, as Rydwolf would say
The military makes gay bombs but they turn out to be pan bombs
@Ginger ?
@Ginger I have a wife I hate
in Complement, Feb 24 at 0:30, by Rydwolf Programs
dammiy noinja;d
@user what
Do you have wifi?
I have a wife I hate
I couldn't tell if you were /srs or /j
I'm user
I assume /j until confirmed /srs, so if you're not /j please clarify that now
Ginger, do you really think I have a wife?
@Ginger bruh why does this sound so aggressive
@user oh right, I forgot where I am
how silly of me
I mean, many CGCCers have spouses and kids and all that, but this one doesn't have any rizz or any motivation to get into a relationship
Also I'm 18, which is kinda young to marry
look, I just wanna be sure
you never know on the Internet
There are a few legitimate reasons you'd be married at 18, such as college financial aid
Being married automatically makes you an independent for financial aid purposes, so if you have rich parents who refuse to pay for your college it can be a way to get around that
Not sure if anyone's actually done it but it can't be too difficult
Just find another person in a similar situation, sign some papers, boom
On that note would anyone like to get married
We can get a divorce later I promise
We don't need to meet in person
@user Nah even stats among young Americans are way lower than 50%
The highest ones tend to be for young women but even then I think the highest I've ever seen in a study is 17%
I didn't see that Ginger said half their friends were bi
freak statistical anomaly I guess
hol'on lemme do some counting so I can give you factual numbers
I'm assuming Ginger only has like 15 friends, max, so it's not a big enough sample
@user I thought Ginger was a 70 year old Romanian woman didn't you?
Maybe if Ginger made a few hundred more friends it'd be closer to the world average
goddammit that was supposed to be our secret rydwolf
I could believe 7 year old
also do yall count as "friends" for the purposes of this calculation
I'm going to go with yes
dammit, now my sample size is even smaller
I don't think 50% of us are bi anyway
Worth noting the current understanding is that sexual orientation is a spectrum not a dichotomy/trichotomy/n-chotomy, so I think the same person could be bi by one standard and straight/gay by another
fair, but I'm talking about people who have specifically told me they're bi or pan
What do you mean by standard?
E.g., if you 85% like men and 15% like women, are you bi?
I'd say if you're at all willing to get into a relationship with both men and women, you're bi
Even if you have an extremely strong preference for one or the other
@RydwolfPrograms (Well, that's a massively reductionist view of how it works I think, but still)
Like I wouldn't call a man who mainly dates women but slept with a man once straight
well, among the 5 people I'm close friends with I know for a fact that 4 are bi or pan
Turns out Ginger joined the cooking club :P
I say close friends because I have other friends that I'm not really close enough to to know their orientations as a fact
@user There's different contexts for "willing" too. You could willingly date someone of your same sex then realize you don't actually like it and are straight. Or you could date and marry your partner in crime so he doesn't have to testify about the murder
and if I count myself that goes up to 5 of 6
@RydwolfPrograms marry both your partner and the concept of crime itself
@RydwolfPrograms Why was that second scenario one that you thought of so quickly
suspiciously specific
But okay, I get your point
rydwolf are you committing crimes with Joe Biden
@Ginger Well since it's Rydwolf it's likely starbait rather than something they did irl
It's a pretty well known trope isn't it
idk, I've never heard of it
Married couples can't be compelled to testify against each other (in hollywood at least, idk about real life)
Pretty common to hear about
@Ginger You could always make an anonymous strawpoll here
@RydwolfPrograms But my main point with this is that someone could be perfectly sure they're straight for their whole lives ("minus that one exception but that's normal right?") whereas around the right people they'd realize the bi label actually fits them better
didn't strawpoll shut down? or am I thinking of something else
No it's up
Making a poll now
aight cool
Survey for Ginger: Are you bi/pan?
c h e e s e
It seems 100% of TNBers are bi (n=1)
Well of course, it's a survey for Ginger isn't it, and there's only 1 Ginger :p
According to public data 100% of Gingers are bi/pan
@Ginger Okay I got rid of it
Oppression of cheesegendered people is not cool, user
Hey, I got nothing against them, I just wish they'd do their cheese stuff at home, you know?
(did you get the cheese option from Jill Bearup by any chance?)
No it was just a thing a math teacher would do during virtual school
What's Jill Bearup?
@RydwolfPrograms I'm non-fungible :b
@user YTer who reviews medieval armor and stuff
Collab'd with Tom Scott once
@user what? I thought it was funny d:
and recently made a video about why she always includes "cheese" as an option in polls
What was the reason? (too lazy to look it up and watch)
Pretty sure it was basically just a fancy version of "just want to see the results"
> 100% (2 votes)
I do not think this is working
Maybe there's a source of bi-as
it's not quite pan-ning out as intended
Dang, you found a pun before I did :p
I even had my dictionary filtered
get nae-nae'd
"aromantic" is such an easy word to misread as "aromatic". Too bad everyone who smells good is out of the dating pool.
And I'll leave it broken
I'm waiting for Radvylf to delete it
I have the power in this situation
Time to mod flag
And I will use it to mildly annoy people and nobody can stop me!
@lyxal move those non-deleted messages out of here
for the lulz
I'll just move them back >:|
From the Trash? No you won't
Why no...oh yeah
Forgot how wack it is you can move to a room without RO perms in said room
DBA sure hasn't tho
the misclick that never dies
more people need to vote on that poll
Who is the intended audience? Just anyone in TNB/TST?
(we need a shorter name...the TNB extended universe? TNBU?)
All of Ginger's "friends," I guess
@RydwolfPrograms it's a subscription service
(don't tell them we're all sockpuppets controlled by the government to manipulate Ginger)
Ah for a second I thought you were saying your friendship and/or bisexuality was a subscription service and I was like...sure hope my check cleared
I would hate to have an unfortunate encounter with the down with cis bus
@user into doing... what? my head is full of marbles and they rattle around like a maraca
Nothing, absolutely nothing. Everything is fine, Ginger
cool and good
anyway back to whatever we were discussing
TNB subscriptions?
What were we discussing
@RydwolfPrograms with the what now
w h a t
can't tell if /srs or /j, poe's law strikes again
It's definitely not /srs
You've never witnessed your friends and family being brutalized by the down with cis bus?
I don't have any friends and my only family in the area is my parents
(It's a famous Tumblr fake story, once again I refer y'all to Strange Æons)
I read that as "okay with cis people"
like a bus full of people who drive around and... do nothing, I guess?
They get off, ask you if you're cis, then give you a thumbs up and go on their way
Presumably the down with cis bus still gives special immunity to bi people since I've never had my eyes clawed out by angry downwithcisbussers
I'm cishet and I've never been attacked by a down with cis bus mob either
I'm starting to think these guys aren't doing their job right
Professionals have standards
There are disappointingly few artists' depictions of the down with cis bus. Be the change you wish to see in the world, I guess
Perhaps they need better funding?
And nutrition
In that screenshot above, one single guy managed to fend off several down with cis people
Perhaps they need to start eating better and exercising
theory: the down with cis bus ran out of fuel in Wyoming and that's why we haven't heard from it
Or they could put one of those claw arms garbage trucks use on the side of the bus
finally, a use for your turn-humans-into-fuel system!
the cis people get turned into fuel for the down with cis bus
anyway time for me to leave, we can resume this intellectually stimulating conversation later I guess
I bet the DWCB has tracked down Ginger and they're now on the run
If so, stay safe and remember to coat your skin with ampicillin prior to any encounters
but I'm not cis??? are they down with everyone now???
has there been a communication failure what is going on here
They want you to join them then
but I don't want to!
It's a dangerous job manning the down with cis bus. You think they induct members voluntarily?
It's a draft
well shit
@Ginger Down with Cis doesn't mean they're not also down with everyone else
1 hour later…
> During this time, he dictated Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”), from which he eventually made a good deal of money. In this book, not taken seriously enough at the time,
Pearson...you might want to clarify what you meant by that lol
Why is A010861
One might say that it is what it is
kinda goated
It is what it is
(or as I prefer to say, it's what it's)
> he was born in her mother's home city in Canada, United States
HELP I cannot stop laughing
I just went to the gym for the first time today
It wasn't even as awkward as I thought it'd be
yeah it's pretty serious and friction-free when you don't have people scrolling instagram on the fly machine for 5 minutes
But when I came back my roommate had friends over so I had to like step across them and grab my clothes and go shower and then come back and stuff my old clothes into my laundry bag and run out of there even though I'd meant to do the laundry because my bag of old clothes is starting to smell and I forgot to take my water bottle and mask but at least there's no one here to see my face get viruses from/pass viruses to and there's water fountains so I guess I'm good
Say some gangstah is dissing your fly machine. Just give him one of these.
TIL banging your head against the wall is strangely cathartic
@UnrelatedString Pun intended? :P
what would that be a pun on
Never mind
My brain isn't working right now
oh like that
yeah i have seen the word used like that maybe twice total
so no not intended :P
Imagine going to the gym
imagine not being so overweight that all of your shirts are either too tight or too long
@lyxal tbf I only went because my parents have been bugging me for weeks and I figured since I'm ugly, flabby, and somewhat rude, I might as well fix one of those things :P
All I did was walk on the treadmill since the weight room was full of buff people so I'm not leaving y'all losers anytime soon :P
Good. Because we ain't letting you go any time soon either :p
You're trapped here whether you like it or not
Well we're approaching one year of The Sand Trap's existence, and I think it's been a successful experiment
It averages 112 messages per day, and pretty consistently has around 5-7 users in it, which nowadays isn't too far behind TNB itself
TNB's definitely been more on-topic, and TST has neither devolved into absolute chaos. Moving between the rooms is rarely necessary.
And of course because I cannot shut my mouth I have more messages here than anyone else, 37% more than second place (Ginger) and close to 25% of the room's total messages
lmao nice
what's the full ranking
Me, Ginger, Lyxal, user, you, mathcat
Everyone else has <1k messages
Also I've now surpassed both HN and caird in TNB, with over 60k messages, which might be enough to put me in #1 for TNB
Yeah I uh...I might talk a lot
Lemme pull the script from my old SSD real quick
It's in a 39 GB tar.gz file that I just double clicked before checking the size
This may take a little while
Yeah I'll do this tomorrow I think :p
Okay so I am currently in second actually
Behind a spaghetto
Who has around 62k messages
So I'll take the #1 spot probably within a few months
oh boy 30 chat flags
i wonder which site this could be
All of them, actually
32 now'
all of them
I should probably make my chat flag hiding userscript work on everything, not just tnb
4 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms it never fails to amaze me that you have almost three thousand more messages than I do, although frankly I was also amazed when I learned I was in second place :p
the quantity isn't really what's surprising as much as the gap between our respective message counts
1 hour later…
new Warren feature: OpenSSH-style key verification using the Drunken Bishop algorithm
@RydwolfPrograms the shrunken droplet's painfully laggy now when working with kotlin
I'm at 98% RAM pretty much all of the time
code completions take around half a minute to load; waiting for typechecking to finish takes even longer
@Ginger Would you guess that it's RAM or CPU that's the issue?
Migrating to rustwolf or rtowolf is still on the table
And it would save me some money
You'd just be downgrading CPU-wise (in terms of quality, not quantity. more cores but worse cores.)
I can give you, idk, we can start with 32 GB of RAM if you go with rtowolf
I'd rather not boot rustwolf back up given how noisy and power hungry it is
@RydwolfPrograms I just need more RAM, really
I think
KLS sucks up lots of CPU too, but mostly during startup I think
Unfortunately the max RAM with one vCPU is 2 GB
Unfortunate that the last time we tried migrating you to another server it went to catastrophically
So your choices are basically:
1. Stick with the current setup, 1 vCPU and 2 GB of RAM
2. Move to a VM on rtowolf, 2-4 slower vCPUs and 32 GB of slower RAM
2 would be much much better stats wise but the reliability wouldn't be as good
And it would require moving everything over which might be difficult to do properly
Your choice
@Ginger ^
@RydwolfPrograms I don't recall any catastrophies :b
Well I do, I tried moving all the folders over manually to rustwolf and it did not like it :p
One thing I'm a little worried about is all the DO-specific stuff in their Debian install
Like, I could easily see everything breaking in subtle and really bad ways when it's run somewhere other than DO
As much of a pain as it'd be, is manually reinstalling everything on the VM a valid option?
I could just make a basic Debian 11 VM, set up networking (pain), and add your SSH key and a port forward
I guess?
I can probably copy everything over
Okay. I'll go ahead and try to set that up.
in other news, I think this could let me write the Warren servers in Kotlin
and IIRC Java (and therefore Kotlin) has a pretty robust low-level networking API
Trying to decide if I should use kvm or firecracker for this
also, I think the reliability is a feature: if the server restarts periodically it'll also restart Vyxal Bot if it's frozen q:
That deserves a foka
You have been foka'd
How big of a disk do you think you need?
25 GB is what DO gives you. Will that suffice?
Oh no I forgot how much I hate installing Debian
Getting this installed on a VM is going to suck
I'm just gonna do a somewhat hacky workaround
And copy over the contents of a Debian 11 Docker container and install everything missing
@Ginger I kind of need to know the disk size
@RydwolfPrograms yes, probably
sorry lol, I was afk
ninja'd lol
I was like "wow that was a fast response to my second ping"
yeah 25 GB should be good for now, if I start hosting a Minecraft server or something I'll let you know
If you host a Minecraft server I'll let you do it on the host machine
That's a trusted workload
right d:
Ooh...debootstrap might be exactly what I need
whar ?
It installs a base rootfs in a folder on your machine
So I can just mount your disk, debootstrap it, and it should work
Minus networking which, as I have established, is pain
In fact, all pain derives from networking
Networks of neurons, that is :p
Hmm, it seems to have frozen up
It's been retrieving liblzma for ages
lzma balls
You have achieved humor™
me after getting the whole squad laughing (they are not actually laughing)
> But yeah it's pretty legit, no cap on god fr fr.
dammit I accidentally upvoted a builtin answer
And it was long enough ago that I can't un-upvote it
Aaagh two of them
I need to pay more attention to my voting
> repo.scanPath: where all your git repos live (or die).
it's a repo-eat-repo world
okay ginger are you ready for the excite
uh, I don't know? hopefully
oh also did you ever finish that mystery thing we were not ready for
Not yet it'll be a long project
alright then
my eyes, they bleed
lol instantly errored
lemme sudo that
Nuclear Annihilation complete!
I'm in
There is no root password so I actually am not in
Okay let's try this again
Okay now I'm in
Okay I hate VM networking
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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