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We have this set of fondue stick thingies
They're color coded so you know whose is whose
They're color coded so you know whose is whose
oh no it's u t c m i d n i g h t
They're color coded so you know whose is whose
They really are color coded tho
So you know whose is whose
But yeah, there's this purple one
whee utc hiccups
And I know it's purple because it looks purple, and the ones before it are the rainbow
But my family insists it's brown
Maybe it's brownish purple
And I have a theory this weird similarity between purple and brown explain why brown M&Ms exist
show us an image
@user Doesn't exist
Put it on r/Askreddit and see what the top minds of Reddit think
Brown is dark orange, and orange and purple are roughly complementary. They'd turn into gray
@Ginger I'll try to capture one, but digital representation of color doesn't tend to do well with purple, and I'm afraid this may be violet
Don't get me started on purple(s) guys
color profiles go brr
Anyway I gtg
@Ginger Exactly. I'm worried the color profile of the camera I use will bias the results
@user I hate that color. My parents' bedroom walls used to be that color.
your parents' taste in color is appalling
I'd just call that desaturated magenta
I mean it looks like brown mixed with purple but every color looks like a color mixed with another color, in infinitely many ways
And mixing complementary colors would indeed just desaturate one of them
Anyway o/
1 hour later…
it's not like an intrinsically bad color but holy hell yeah what why would that be used for INTERIOR WALLS
Wish I knew
They also paired it with similarly desaturated greens and off-whites/yellows
Which it looked slightly better with ig
@RydwolfPrograms laughs in purple
Well is it magenta or violet? Our eyes see them similarly for complex reasons but they're actually entirely different
[continues to talk for 15 minutes]
I do a little trolling
Why is that a gif?
That's the sort of image that gifs would compress well
Oglaf uses gifs too
@lyxal just realised this makes me the dragon behind the slaughter
I really wish SMBC had better SEO so that I could've just searched for that when we had that conversation about turning off disgust
With xkcd, you can just Google some keywords and you find the comic
Same with oglaf. I was working on transcripts for oglaf until Google banned the gmail account I'd bought the domain with (likely due to suspicion of phishing)
Tbf xkcd doesn't do anything different SEO wise, it's just explainxkcd and xkcd being quoted all over the place that allows google to "read" xkcds
@RydwolfPrograms fuck I think I'm just bi
in The Nineteenth Byte, Mar 27, 2022 at 3:29, by Radvylf Programs
The two lock eyes, knowing they only have seconds to be with each other. It's love at first sight. Biden tries to wrap his arms around the mysterious stranger, to be taken back to the helicopter, but before he can manage this the stored mechanical energy in the bungee cord tears the two away from each other. Biden sits down on a bench nearby, knowing they'd never see each other again.
Dangit, ninja'd
(to be clear Joe Biden is not included in the people I may or may not be attracted to regardless of his gender, sorry sleepy joe)
That would be pretty funny tho wouldn't it
Okay but what if you were locked for a year in a room with only pictures of Joe Biden eating a sandwich? Would your opinions change then?
I would probably want a sandwich before I would want Joe Biden
Anyway, 'night o/
CMQ: Favourite XKCD character?
I mean, they're not consistent
I'd go with Cueball. Amazing actor, great range
LMAO bisexual visibility day is my birthday...the signs have been all around me
@RydwolfPrograms yeah well my birthday is on international mud day, and you don't see me being made of mud do you :p
(for legal reasons that's a joke and not meant to undermine anyone's identity)
(just in case anyone takes that the wrong way)
@RydwolfPrograms Wait how do you go that long without knowing?
No offence intended but you're not some homophobe who'd deny to themselves that they're bi
Doesn't everyone consider their sexual orientation at some point in their teens?
not sure i really conceptualized myself as actually bi until last year, i.e. when i was 20 :P
then again my parents are lowkey homophobic so
it's not like it's a meaningful part of my identity one way or another at this point in my life
like there is zero chance i'd be dating men or women until i have a job
I mean I just never really thought of guys as like...an option?
So when you include what's probably a nice dose of internalized heteronormativity and probably closer to a 75/25 attraction to females/males than 50/50, I can see why it took me so long to realize
And plus most guys are either ugly/dumb or definitely straight
@user 17 ends in teen doesn't it :p
@lyxal dw, your secret is safe with us lyxal
It would be pretty interesting if who you were was a result of the day you were born on. Unless you were born on World Tuberculosis Day, that is.
Even worse, it's the same day as International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
As I sat having a haircut and a beard shave, I realised 3 things: 1) it's much easier to imagine conversations between store employees than it is random passer-bys 2) it is impossible to blow air up over your nose to remove irritating hairs and 3) thank frick people eventually stop being pubescent teenagers
are you actually growing and styling a beard or do you just not own a razor
It's easier than doing it myself
also i would assume way more expensive?
especially if you're doing it every day or two
Every 3 months
so you basically grow your beard out for three months and then shave
yours must grow in way nicer than mine lmao
It stays reasonable in that time
It doesn't get real thick at all
Just intolerably long after a while
@UnrelatedString also every day or two?
Ain't no way mine grows that fast
i have reasonable-looking stubble for like three days after a shave, four max
so i just shave whenever i shower
even after three some patches can be too long to get with just the normal head on the razor lmao
@UnrelatedString oh so you try and keep it as stubble?
i mean yeah
it looks like shit if it grows out further :P
Mine looks best after a month or so :p
Even two months lol
and if i were to try that again i would definitely not want to be seen with it in an intermediate growing-out state
yeah mine is insanely curly and way thicker on the neck than on the face
So it's not a matter of it growing slower, it's a matter of being fine with a longer beard :p
i'd probably have to shave half of it for the remaining half to look alright anyhow :P
@UnrelatedString I think that's typical of most people with facial hair
Also, "We found love" by Rihanna started playing while I was there and I couldn't help but think of Tom Scott and Matt Grey singing "we flew a kite in a public place"
Oh yeah that's hilarious
3 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms one of us! one of us!
*adds another nickel to a small pile in the corner*
It’s that time of year again, where it’s 50° in the morning but 80° in the afternoon. What do I even wear
do what I do and don't go outside at all
If I do end up wearing shorts today — which if not today, I will soon — it’ll be the first time I’ve done so since I started shaving my legs
thanks VSCode, very cool
The steering wheel of my dad's truck/my truck makes me hands stink
I don't understand
Like, I can fully clean and sanitize both my hands and the steering wheel, then I drive to school and my hands smell bad
Must be some sort of like...chemical reaction
Sounds like it's your chemical reaction
I've decided that driving with paper towels wrapped around my hands is too dangerous and wasteful for that to be a long term solution
So I'm not sure what to do
It's occured to me from a google that it might be the steering wheel itself disintegrating into smelly subcomponents given that it's a solid black object in a ten year old vehicle in Texas
@UnrelatedString idk if this'll change as I get older but I can go like two weeks between shaving since my face hair is super thin and light colored
1 hour later…
I hate how vague the SOCKS5 standard is
Different implementations do much different things in different edge cases
I guess that gives me some freedom to kinda do whatever, but still annoying
@lyxal I never imagined you as having facial hair lol
Altho tbf in my imagination you look more like a light gray stick figure holding a short sword and/or a long knife
@RydwolfPrograms Same
That or a pair of legs on a playground slide
Although I mainly imagined lyxal as a cartoon flower
Not a lenny face?
@UnrelatedString I initially interpreted this as you only showering+shaving every 3 days lol
@RydwolfPrograms lol
When I first saw lyxal, his pfp was a white cartoon flower on a black background, so that's what he looks like in my mind
I'm thinking of growing a beard myself
You gotta do the emo haircut too
My razor is getting blunt enough that I have stubble even after I shave
It'll cover the acne on my face (and also hide the ugliness a little)
I'm still wearing a mask but I'll just grow a beard before I stop wearing one so people will still have some protection from my mug
I can't keep drawing beards on Nitro characters tho!
You'd get too hard to distinguish
Only problem is facial hair is scratchy and you need to groom it like top hair :(
You can do different styles of beards
Which is totally not an issue that my current drawing style has
Nope, nosiree
Give me a scruffy, unkempt, Stallman-like beard
Give lyxal a distinguished goatee
I don't typically put the words "distinguished" and "goatee" together lol
That was the joke :P
ah lol
You should grow a hitler moustache just to confuse people
Good idea!
I was thinking a nice big handlebar mustache to twirl but one of those would make me irresistibly attractive
Yeah but if you're irresistably attractive the endless mobs of hot people chasing you 24/7 provide free transit; you can just crowdsurf anywhere you need to go
Good point
The privacy and national security concerns around being irresistably attractive just aren't enough to offset the convenience
Unfortunately your lifespan is dramatically reduced if you're irresistably attractive, as stray bullets, low-flying planes, and katabatic winds also find you irresistably alluring
I've got an idea for a way to do text generation way better than markov chains but without neural networks
well, running the finished version of my tessellator program crashed the VSCode tunnel :/
hopefully it was a fluke
nice, it worked that time!
okay, who wants a copy of it
totally not asking because I want an excuse to use Magic Wormhole
I wonder if a Docker container would be a good way to distribute something like Telepathic Wormhole
Actually it probably wouldn't
A statically compiled Rust program would probably be best
Since no need for Python or a JVM
I think I just deleted the main file
uh oh I just realized I never actually shrank your droplet...
Can I shut it down for a sec?
okay phew I got it back from VSCode's history
@RydwolfPrograms gimme a sec
okay, go ahead
wdym "shrank" tho?
You're still on 2 vCPUs and 4 GiB of RAM, which is expensive and our research indicated you don't actually need it
oh right, the memory logs
I actually have a concern there
when things like the kotlin language server start, they suck up max CPU... for like a minute
and then they go back to normal
and I don't think those spikes would be recorded in the memory logs
because those only sampled once every half hour
so I may actually need those resources anyway
but we'll see
Out of curiosity...are you using this like a remote desktop?
With the VS Code tunnel and stuff?
I don't quite understand what you mean by "remote desktop"
Like it's not just for hosting purposes?
okay so basically
due to reasons I can't explain here, I cannot do any useful development directly on my laptop, and I don't have access to my Pi for most of the day, so if I want to write code when I don't have access to the Pi I use the droplet
Interesting. Your computing setup continues to perplex me :p
I'm a mystery :b
regardless, it works alright for me
(but not my dad's credit card :p)
Am I good to shut down and shrink the droplet?
Hang on can you run curl -sSL https://repos.insights.digitalocean.com/install.sh | sudo bash first? That installs an (official) improved metrics thing
It'll allow me to see a memory graph
okey dokey
Got the metrics
Lemme do the shrinking now
imagine this misclick
Your droplet is taking a loooong time to shut down
I'm sure it's fineâ„¢
Okay it is whoomfing now
whoomf being the canonical sound of a server deflating
Huh, it's still only a few dollars an hour for one of those crazy powerful droplets
Okay you're powered on again
so do you want the tessellator or
Nah I'm good
...how do I have two absences in a virtual class
That first one is a virtual class
Also there's a spot where teachers can include comments (according to a small list of options), and in the class where I'm the only student my teacher put "participates well in class" xd
Which TNBer would teach each of these courses:
I think caird, the math major, would do multivariable calculus
DLosc seems like an AP Euro teacher
Or maybe English
hyper would be CS3 ofc
@user I'm really impressed with GoComics in this regard--they've got googleable transcripts for a lot of their comics, including for Peanuts (which ran for 50 years--someone did a lot of typing).
I think I would teach APUSH
Since that's my favorite class
Ginger would be...idk, maybe Bio or Art History?
@Bbrk24 Layers
I was gonna suggest that but it doesn't really work for pants
Unless you're a 50 year old rural guy with camo pants where the lower half of the legs zips off
"sorry it's really hot in here lemme just take my pants off"
Alternative solution is to not go outside
That's my favorite
@RydwolfPrograms [Tony Stark disliked this]
Lyxal == Tony Stark confirmed
@RydwolfPrograms Hmm, maybe. TBH I probably know more about U.S. History. Normally I'd say I'm more likely to be teaching CompSci or Math out of that list, but I am on a history kick lately, so it's plausible.
But I don't think your high school probably has a course on the early Iron Age Mediterranean
@RydwolfPrograms Well, that's because our society had decided for some odd reason that clothes that are practical can't be considered respectable... but yes, I do bow to convention and wear long pants to work during the summer, even when it's super hot.
I'd guess that the reason is the same as many other things, that being if you're rich you don't need practicality
Yes I do :P
TIL you're rich :p
DLosc == Tony Stark? New hivemind? Lyxaloscstark?
Really, if you think about it, I am pretty rich. I have all my needs met with money to spare and I work less than 40 hours a week in an air-conditioned office.
And I still wish that people would design fashionable shirts that don't ride up and expose your belly if you lift your arms above your shoulders. :P
I happen to have one, by accident
I have the worst idea
Y'all are not prepared
This is gonna take a while. Please don't prepare during that time.
oh no
rydwolf why is there a ballistic missile alert
me when the tesselator freezes the droplet
the thing eats RAM like it's popcorn
@RydwolfPrograms wow, you weren't kidding
might rename Telepathic Wormhole to Wormhole Warren
because it's a network
2 hours later…
I've decided to drop the "Wormhole", since there's no way this is going to be inherently backwards-compatible
the project will just be called "Warren" henceforth
@Ginger Named after the 29th president of the United States, I assume? :P
yes of course
I'll do what Sinatra did and make Harding the mascot :b
@RydwolfPrograms every minute I wait makes me more concerned
I am very concerned
it's this all over again
@Ginger I haven't actually been working on it, I'm in a meeting :p
can you at least tell us what it is?
Here's a skean pkee tho
pretty please?
ooh yey
rydwolf gets sent to the phantom zone
That will be a pfp
so when can we expect more info
Be watching the list
And read up on your timesharing
that makes no sense, but okay
It's critical that you have functioning fingers and an eagerness to not only do, but be
are you on drugs or just intentionally trying to be cryptic
It's all reasonable statements just vague enough to be meaningless
ah, a politician
well I guess we'll all see once it's ready, whatever it is
I'd ask if we're in mortal peril but I don't think I'd like the answer
oh god I have an extremely profuse nosebleed
@RydwolfPrograms This is the 21st century, the new buzzword is cloud
nuh uh
this project will be firmly underground very quickly, not in the sky
@Ginger Ooh I like that word
Also I recently learned the absolute worst place to get a nosebleed
Working a checkstand at a grocery store
Your options:
1. Let blood drip down your face
2. Pull a wad of blood-soaked tissues out of your pocket in front of the customers, then try to use the other hand to touch their groceries
3. Wipe it on your (thankfully red) shirt until it's soaked
4. Lean over and accidentally drip blood all over the groceries anyway
Can't you excuse yourself and call over a coworker to help?
5. Abandon the checkstand to hunt down tissues, making management very mad at you, and probably committing theft
Or do you have an evil manager who forces you to stay there?
I didn't do #5 and just waiting half an hour for my break which didn't really fix anything
I was also sick at the time so it was 50/50 blood and mucus
(and they had the audacity to scold me for not exchanging pleasantries with the customers while the sole object of my focus was minimizing how many people I spread what could easily have been covid to)
@user Well, I can't get another coworker to do the scanning (they track our stats and there's legal stuff surrounding the sale of alcohol and all that)
I wish receipt paper was more absorbent
I've had to resort to receipt paper for makeshift tissues or band-aids a few times and it just doesn't really work due to the wax coating
And they've started printing advertisements and coupons on the back, so there's a risk of getting ink on your nose or in your cut if you try that anymore
... What level of health problem would you have to have before you're allowed to leave your post?
Idk, the rules are kind of vague
But if customers are calling in to complain when all I do is forget to say "have a nice day" they'd probably do much worse if I wandered off for 5m
OH MY GOD i forgot how much my physics teacher looks like megamind
@RydwolfPrograms I'd be more inclined to complain if there was blood on my produce =P
Seems like you have some really awful management lol
Well not lol, it sucks
@RydwolfPrograms yeah while my scalp hair is dark brown my facial hair is insanely thick and pitch black
okay so I just realized something: I know wayyyy more bi/pan people, both IRL and online, than the percentage of people worldwide who are bi/pan would suggest is common
like half of my friends are bi/pan whereas the average is around 8%
and I guess part of it has to do with my taste in friends but still the disparity is startlingly large

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