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Ever since I saw this, I've been using the 7 key on my microwave out of spite
Something needs to go in for 2:30? It goes in for 2:37 now
Get ninja'd
That's the 9 key
I'm talking about the 7 key
7 and 9 deserve to be neglected
As does 1
I exclusively use 2 and 6
imagine not just pressing START over and over to repeatedly add 30 seconds to the cook time :p
Imagine not pressing the 9 button a bunch of times and then coming back and canceling when you're done
2 hours later…
i do sometimes use 99 for a minute and a half when i really don't trust 90 to be enough :P
also regarding today's xkcd
i feel like that's actually not that weird
like even if you're committing the same amount of time you're not committing the same kind of time
even though you can pause a movie partway through a movie is generally not designed to be watched in tv-episode-sized chunks
and the original release schedule is usually more spaced out, so the individual installments have to have more stuff to stand relatively alone as separate experiences, etc.
I honestly don't understand how people have time to watch TV or movies
they make time :P
I watch TV while eating
Ooh TIL you can defeat HSTS using NTP
Since HSTS has a max-age, you can send a victim fake NTP information (IIRC most NTP is still plaintext? def don't quote me on that tho), and then HTTP downgrade attacks will work
Don't know if browsers' HSTS preload lists have max ages
Presumably HSTS preloaded TLDs like .site and .dev wouldn't be affected
LMAO I was looking for info about a rare MCR song and stumbled cross sovereign citizen nonsense in the wild:
(Zero Percent is such a good song, altho like...oddly violent for the band)
I think most fans agree it could replace any other song on the album and they'd be happy
what qualifies as oddly violent
Taking off your skin
> Don't need the system
We can leave it if we try
Shoot up everything we see
And we'll find it on the wall
I hope you die
That :p
so not particularly graphic, but still explicit
And the "KILL EVERYBODY!" at the end which is the best part of the song
Yeah. not really like, blood/graphically violent, but very clear about the extent of the violence I guess
Not very romantic to kill everyone
depends on who you ask :P
Yeah I still don't get why they chose that of all names
A lot of bands seem to have pretty odd names
@RydwolfPrograms It makes perfect sense in the context of the comic book/album storyline but I guess it would probably kinda worry parents and stuff :p
now i'm wondering, is the average band name or song name weirder
Band names are probably weirder, just since they need to be unique, and also way shorter than a song name
yeah that's what i'm guessing too
Song names are often kinda generic
You can get away with songs named "Sleep" or "Cancer" or "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison" but not really for band names
I guess one counterexample to band names being short and relatively meaningless would be The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
you do after all not want to be basically impossible to look up :P
Starting a new band called Spotify, anyone wanna join?
Our debut single's gonna be called "Discover Weekly"
name your band after a common noun, see how many shopping search results you have to scroll through
Even better, a common noun often used with "band" in other contexts
"Wedding", "Wrist", etc.
Ngl "wrist" would be an alright band name
@UnrelatedString Programming languages do :|
Introducing my new post-hardcore band "From Discord"
Reflecting on how order has arisen from chaos and discord and totally not so that searching "band From Discord" gives you results on spammy VPNs and Discord TOS pages :p
Actually I really like that name
(for context the japanese word for zip ties literally translates to "unity band")
Feel like there's some sort of BDSM joke in there
Everyone always compares the strength of the stock market by the dow Jones. You never hear them comparing it on the down Joe's. I think that should change
6 hours later…
@UnrelatedString the Create Mod has this issue
that is... much higher than I was expecting
2 hours later…
Ugh someone dragged the price of one of those RAM kits up to $110
There's 2 hours left so hopefully I'll either get outbid on one of them or I'll just win both at their current prices
@RydwolfPrograms ?????
Does anyone know of a grammar rule saying using "this" at the start of a sentence is bad?
As in, "this study is about the blah blah effect. this effect is ..."
'cause removing it has resulted in what is possibly my longest sentence
I don't think so?
It is 88 words and contains 7 commas, including one in parentheses
@Ginger The diagram is that of a sheep's stomach(s). Sheep are ruminants, which means they have four of them, one of which is called the Abomasum (supposed to be ab-omasum presumably). But it looks like Obamasum.
...you say as if pasting Obama's face on a sheep's stomach now makes perfect sense and you don't see why we haven't done it sooner :p
yeah, exactly
3 hours later…
Well I got one of the RAM kits, someone tried to outbid me in the last 20s and ended up just making me pay $20 more >:|
Okay I'm filling in a template for an AP Research study planning thingy (which we'll be giving to an IRB) and this is one of the pre-filled-in things from the student it was copied from:
I am intrigued to know what they were studying...
Wait what
Why do you need anonymity and fears of "political incorrectness" when you're talking about...nuclear power?
Like I don't think you're gonna trigger the liberal snowflakes by asking about Fukushima
And I don't think you need extreme anonymity when confiding in someone that you think nuclear disasters are bad :p
What do you think of the reactions of the USA and European cities to the Russian war?
What do you think they should have done / do better regarding sending weapons to ukraine?
@mathcat Does this have to do with the AP Research thing I'm talking about, or is this a CMQ to us
CMQ lol
@Ginger well recently people were criticising that the EU should've sent more weapons to ukraine
@mathcat Good at first, but since it's become less shocking and news-worthy or whatever, it's died down in the US to a really disappointing degree
@mathcat More weapons, more money
These weapons were designed for basically one thing and that's blowing up Russians. Just let them blow up Russians.
I seriously doubt we'll need the weaponry any more than Ukraine does now before it's outdated
And absolutely curbstomping Russia in Ukraine would send a pretty clear message that invading democracies because you feel like it isn't tolerated
ig people are talking about this again because of the Doomsday Clock.
The Doomsday Clock is pretty stupid IMO
And Russia would never attempt a nuclear first strike. No way the majority of their nukes are in anywhere near usable shape
2017: It is two and a half minutes to midnight,
2018: It is two minutes to midnight.
2020: It is 100 seconds to midnight.
2023: It is 90 seconds to midnight.
2026: It's midnight just die already okay
And it's not like a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia would even be world-endingly bad. Sure tens of millions would die, and it'd be the biggest tragedy in history, but China, India, Brazil, etc. would just be vibing
and canada :b
Nah, most of their population centers are close enough to the US's that they'd be heavily impacted
I get the point is to bring attention to how stupid it is to continue to have nukes and stuff, but creating more fear and stress is hardly the way to deescalate tensions
Oh, so you think that every country should have a limited amount of nukes?
No, I think they should all be destroyed right now and we're all completely insane for having them
But getting a bunch of nerds stressed about them is not how that happens
the countries or the nukes? :p
The nukes :p
Any of y'all ever watched Threads?
It's free on Tubi IIRC if you have a few hours and haven't eaten recently
@RydwolfPrograms hmm I might have
Is it the one with the little girl in a nuclear war zone?
Doesn't sound like it
It's set in cold-war Britain, a couple gets separated when a nuclear exchange occurs. entire city's rubble, people die in various ways for the next hour
oh, nvm then.
hey @RydwolfPrograms wouldja be willing to host a very storage-intensive project for me?
Intensive in what way and to what degree
one seccy
roughly 512GB
Oh that's not bad
@RydwolfPrograms that is... not the reaction I expected :p
How much reading and writing?
but I keep forgetting, you're the Giant Numbers Guy
@RydwolfPrograms well that depends
@Ginger Yeah I'm getting ready to put 16 TB of storage in the RTO server :p
holy shit
24 if I use RAID 5 which is a distinct possibility
so basically what this is is an index of packages on PyPI, with all of their dependencies
How often will it need to update?
one sec, I'm typing q:
that's a lotta seconds, I'm getting worried :p
yeah I'm doing a bit of math too
It'll probably be stored as around 2k 0.5mb JSON files, which will be automatically updated maybe once per day. However, an "update" will probably never require updating more than 200 files at once. I can make that number lower in exchange for more files.
Number of files doesn't matter one bit
so you'd be fine with me storing 800k files instead? :P
100 MB/day is nothing even then, esp. for HDDs. Are you sure you need to store this tho?
It sounds like you can generate it dynamically
you have a good point, but generation isn't fast so it'd be better to save them and update them on-demand
that way it can take like 10m to generate a new dependency tree but it only has to be done once
@Ginger Ext4 can handle 4 billion files and xfs is unlimited :p
actually, I wonder how CPU-intensive the generation process is? one sec
so, reviewing the code that I'm probably going to base this off of it looks like it usually takes around 3hrs to do a full update
@Ginger Does PyPi itself not store that?
@user nope! it can't
I'm not really sure I can host something like that, unfortuantely
I can find my rants on why if you want :p
@RydwolfPrograms I'm still checking some things, just a sec
The storage would not be an issue if I hosted it at home, and the CPU usage would not be an issue if I hosted it on DO, but both at once makes things kinda tough
@Ginger I'm a bit scared, but also curious as to why it can't
so basically the update process probably involves downloading and building something like 100 python packages, although that number depends on how many new files were uploaded since the last update
Oh interesting, it involves installing the packages themselves
@user so basically it's not possible because Python dependencies aren't (usually) deterministic, see this, this, and this for more info
Not deterministic?!
This could maybe be run in a split setup. The droplet would do all the computing and store a cache of a gigabyte or so of files, then the RTO server would store it
@user ikr
I hate it too
it's become better with tools like Poetry, but those aren't perfect
the main reason for this was so that installs could be hyper-customized for the platform they're being made on, but I feel like the PSF massively overcompensated for that
they've kinda fixed the issue using matches and stuff, but that's a (relatively) new thing so older packages don't use it
in short, a complete dependency resolver for Python packages would also need to solve the halting problem :p
@user wait, you actually participated in the second of those convos! d:
I didn't pay enough attention
Why can't it just run setup.py when you publish to get the dependencies?
This is so stupid
The dependencies can depend on the current system
they can even do some shit like this if they want
I'm reading that article right now :P
@user ffs I just got this pun
Wait, what did you think I meant before?
I didn't know lol
(also, I don't think it's a pun, more of a dad joke)
@user anyway, what the code @RydwolfPrograms would run would do is basically download all the wheels for a package from pypi and attempt to extract dependencies from them (because wheel dependencies are deterministic AFAIK)
this wouldn't work for packages that only have source distributions, so in that case it would have to build the package first
Aren't those wheel dependencies available on PyPI though?
not to my knowledge
if they are that'd be cool tho!
I just tried to say "See you later" and "Bye" at the same time and just said "SEE YOU" to my AP Research teacher why am I me
I hope that's like, a common saying somewhere
Speaking of weird shortened phrases
"see ya" is a common expression where I come from, I thought it was that way everywhere
Have y'all ever heard someone say "thank you much"?
I never have. Until I started working at a grocery store.
Like, "thank you" and "thank you very much" both sound normal (the latter more used for sarcasm I guess)
But "thank you much"? Is that some sort of hyper-regional thing?
@Ginger Yeah "see ya" is, but with a hard "you"?
yeah, that'd be weird
πŸ‘πŸΊπŸ‘ πŸͺŸ πŸ§‘β€πŸ«
you're trapped outside your classroom???
No, I just SEE THEM
holy hell that is cursed
that's the face you make when [Hyperlink Blocked]
oh no
good lord
you spin me right round baby
👁 👁
Oh cool I'm America
Hi Europe, I'm Ginger!
@RydwolfPrograms Doctor strange reference? :P
I'm assuming everyone here has seen reddit.com/r/masterhacker, but if not go take a look at it, it might actually be one of my favorite subreddits
link ded
typo, fixed it :/
4 hours later…
Not bad for an HDD
Okay listening to this thing spin up is so much fun

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